Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Break Day


Today I'm out working and then lunch with an old friend --you know that's needed every now and again! 

I'm dying to know about the Nikolas/Spencer situation. I don't think he leaves with him but? Maybe they'll get Adam Huss back after his performance yesterday because it was just awesome. 

BILLS WON. I screamed so hard when Josh ran that ball in! Usually I don't watch because every time I did, they'd lose lol. BUT-- I was in and out of the room and caught that so I stayed for the rest. Kinda nervous about KC. I'm always nervous. We lost 4 SBs in a row. That DOES SOMETHING to a PERSON! 

Have a great day. Keep warm if you need to. 

This will be Adam's dad this week on GH : Steve MIZE 


  1. snow in Alabama and high of like 18 today''''

    just cause HE isn't related to someone we know doesn't mean his wife won't be OR a connection somehow.....not interested at all and especially if his parents aren't intertwined

    1. mufasa, you are in Alabama? Which part? I was born and raised in Sylacauga, home of Jim Nabors, aka Gomer Pyle. For the younger viewers, Gomer Pyle started on the Andy Griffith show back in the 1960s who got his own show when Gomer joined the Marines. My mother was telling me how cold it was there. But, back to GH.

    2. Tuscaloosa - ROLL TIDE Baby!!! Sylacauga gots lotsa snow - we only got a dusting that turned into ice on the roads

    3. ROLL TIDE! Be safe. The ice is worse than the snow. I know my mother is worried about the ice breaking the powerlines and them losing power.

  2. Looks like more of the Adam story if they're introducing his dad. I won't be tuning in. I'll check on the blog tomorrow to see what happens to the other characters.

  3. Spencer was at such severe odds with Nikolas. His turn around attitude is weird. But he does it well.
    The show is very much improved just not thrilled with many of the story lines right now.

  4. Esme is going to be angry and scared when she finds out Nik has taken Ace. As a mother I would be too. Hurricane Esme is about to unleash on Spencer.

  5. Courthouse:

    Trina and Vampira: Vampira is all me me me when talking to Trina about going to Paris with Spencer! Of course she brings up Ace, but really she just wants Spencer to stay for her! :) What are you going to do Vampira? Stalk Sprina in Paris? :)

    Kevlar home:

    Spencer, Nik, and Ace: Great scene!! Little boy looking so sleepy. So tired he fell asleep on Nicholas Alexander Chavez's arms! Awwwwwwww. :) So sweet! So adorable!!! Nik is leaving with Ace and Spencer did not want to go with him!

    Spencer and Vampira: One toy Nik forgot!!! Spencer had to rush to give it to him. He opens the door and oh hello Vampira!!!

    The hospital:

    Willow and Joss: Oh! That's what Adam's last name is.. Wright! Or it's spelled Right? Adam Wright! Adam is not wright hahaha. :)

    Willow and Carly: Willow had to call Carly for Joss because Joss is so worried about Adam!!!!! I'm worried about Adam too!

    Joss and Carly: Awwww lovely hug. :)

    Fiz and Adam: Geez! Just pump his stomach already!!!! Finchy opening Adam's eye was creepy!

    Adam's eye: BOO!

    Joss and Adam: Awwww she is so sweet to him. I'm glad she is there for him. She thinks he tried to commit suicide.

    Joss and Trina: Joss texted a message to Trina! Did Joss get Dex's message?

    Dex and Cyrus: Oh the needle!!!!


    Oh hi Sonny! Execution terminated.

    Needle: Oh crap.

    Sonny and Cyrus: Sonny doesn't believe anything Cyrus says. Oh come on you two! Kiss and make up. :)

    Dex and Nina: Oh yes Nina wants to see Sonny so badly, but Dex stops her! :) Now kiss her Dex! *Giggle*

    Sonny and Dex: Sonny is impressed with Dex. Of course he is!! He almost assassinated Cyrus. Oh yes look! It's Nina on the phone! Who is she talking to? The Tribbles?

    Nison: He wants to know what she promised Cyrus. Do you think she told him? Nooooooo of course not. He wants her to stay way from his business and from him! Ooooo very sinister look! :)

    Nina and Cyrus: She says Cyrus has his time slot. Huh?! Well, Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: Sure. Whatever you say.


    Fiz: OH! The doctor from Beachers Corners who's patient was Mr. Maldoony is coming! Great!!! :) I'm interested in that. What will the doctor say? That she dated Tommy the Tapeworm?

    1. Sounded like she got Cyrus some air time. Maybe he's going to have his own online show like Maurice does. lol Maybe it will be called State of Grace.

    2. I agreed with the needle, "oh crap!" Pretty sure old Cyrus is going to have a preacher show online/TV/radio who knows. Another "oh crap". (and I like State of Grace, hahahahah!)
      I loved all the Nik/Spence/Ace scenes. Those toddlers need a raise. OMG, they were adorable. Spencer sure did change his opinion of Nik pretty fast but I like it. And I SO agree with Gary. Hurricane Esme is in the forecast.
      Trina and Esme had me cracking up. Trina goading Esme, Esme trying not to lose it, I loved it!
      I don't really care about Adam or his troubles or his dad. I should as it's a relevant topic, but it's just another rando story not connected to anyone. Should have been one of our current teens. Speaking of which, what's Charlotte up to?

    3. "Di says, Sounded like she got Cyrus some air time. Maybe he's going to have his own online show like Maurice does. lol Maybe it will be called State of Grace."

      State of Grace!!! ROFL!

      "Jule H says, I agreed with the needle, "oh crap!"

      ROFL! That was so close! :)

  6. "BILLS WON."


    "I screamed so hard when Josh ran that ball in!

    That was fantastic!!!! :) I was screaming too! I screamed and yelled a lot during the game! :)

    "Usually I don't watch because every time I did, they'd lose lol. BUT-- I was in and out of the room and caught that so I stayed for the rest. Kinda nervous about KC"

    Yeah it's hard to watch when the Bills are losing. I just usually stop watching the game.. Oh and just in case you think you are a jinx, you are not! :)

    "I'm always nervous. We lost 4 SBs in a row. That DOES SOMETHING to a PERSON!"

    Yeah I know it's awful. :(

    1. "This will be Adam's dad this week on GH : Steve Mize"

      WOW! Thank you! Cool! :)

    2. Congrats on your Bills but I'm a Michigan girl. Go Blue and Go Lions!! :)

    3. "Julie H says, Congrats on your Bills but I'm a Michigan girl. Go Blue and Go Lions!! :)"

      ROFL! Thank you and good luck to you! :)

  7. I think Spencer will go looking for Ace and that's what will take him off the canvas. In the meantime, Esme is going to go nuclear and I suspect she'll run to Heather...who'll somehow breakout of prison and turn her fury on Laura and Ava, whom she'll hold responsible for Esme's woes.

  8. I was wondering if the doctor from Beacher's Corners would turn out to be Adam's father since both charactors are expected soon. But I think I remember them saying the doctor was a woman. Guess we'll see.

  9. I hate storylines where babies are taken away from the parent they have been living with since they were born. Esme is a good mom and even through Ace took a liking to his dad it wouldn't be the same. And Adam is ffwd. material for me. Really a waste of time.

  10. I don't have any idea how Spencer is going to not be considered an accomplice in Ace's disappearance!


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...