Monday, January 8, 2024

10 Minutes


Last 10 min because I was out to lunch with my Dad. I'm seeing Cafe Cherie around. And I'm glad Tracey is in the KNOW and BROOK agrees with her. Great allies. I'm also thinking the days to watch are Wed/Thursday. 

OMG so Sasha TRADED HER HAIR FOR CODY'S? Damn I hope it's a match LOL 

That's all I saw! other than Sonny/Carly at the end. 

Ok, see you tomorrow.

Maybe :) 


  1. ---again MB is killing these scenes with subtle facial expressions, even swallowing, etc. I cannot wait to see MB and LW together about Bobbie.
    ------SHOCKED and disappointed that Sasha changed the hair that Felicia took - I wanted Felicia to know the truth - and WHY would Felicia tell Cody what she did?
    -----needed more flashbacks of Bobbie with Liz after she was raped.....but Becky H was perfection today - she and LW were perfection.
    -----the back and forth Maxies is making me dizzy LOL
    -----still to come is Michael telling Joss his deal with Nina AND he apparently didn't tell his mom overnight that he knew about Nina.
    ------was glad Lucy mentioned Bobbie wasn't always nice.....loved Lucy and Scottie.....
    -----another fantastic day of actors/actresses bringing their game ------ wow....

    1. Yeah, I was surprised there wasn't a flashback to Liz's rape. I think Bobbie was the one who consoled her in the hospital and gave her the rape kit tests, if my memory serves me correctly.

    2. She was!! It was one of the most moving scenes ever- just music behind the process.

  2. We are GO for Sady! Sasha switching her hair for Cody's means we do not have a twin problem, so somebody get these two a room. Or at least a hug.

  3. Deception office: WE GOT KIRSTEN STORMS BACK YAY!

    Felicia, Cowboy Cody, Maxie, and Sasha: Sasha pretending she don't know what is going on! Bad acting Sasha! ROFL!

    Cowboy Cody: Deception runs in the family.

    Oh shut up Cowboy Cody! You are acting like a hypocrite! Don't talk to Felicia that way! Oh okay so let's see, The DNA test came back negative. So Sasha must have changed the DNA test. So yeah Mac and Felicia won't find out the truth until John J York comes back in the summer. I guess I can wait.

    Sasha and Cowboy Cody: OH! Sasha used HER hair for the DNA test! So no twinsies. :( How so disappointing. :(

    Sasha: I saw her taking hair out of the hairbrush.

    No you didn't!!! You couldn't have! You told Maxie that you lost track of Felicia just as Felicia was taking hair off of the brush! Come on writers do you not talk to each other about what you wrote? ROFL! Sasha wins the line of the day.

    Sasha: Or I would have gotten the biggest surprise of my life.

    ROFL! So disappointing. :(

    Cafe Cherie:

    Lucy and Scotty: Great scene!!!! Lucy was very raw! Love it! Love that they talked about the past! Lucy you weren't all at fault with the Damian fiasco! Bobbie had choices of her own and chose to sleep with Damian. She didn't have to. Oh and forget your plan for Tracy. You both are busted! ROFL!

    Police station:

    Sonny and Dante: Oh good I'm glad Dante told Sonny that Bobbie died!

    Sonny and Diane: Huh!? I didn't know Diane is back to being Sonny's lawyer! Since when?

    Sonny, Diane, and Dante: Sonny is freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Thank you Diane! :)

    Diane and Dante: Awwww! Yes Dante should look after his dad. Thank you Diane! :)


    Carly and Liz: Oh great scene!!! Love all the Bobbie talk! Love that Liz fixed the pipes! Love the whole scene. Love the flashbacks.

    Carly alone: Carly you are not alone!!!! You have your family! You have Drew! You have the Tribbles! You have the green beans! You have Badger Bob!!!

    Carly and Sonny: Oh yes and you have Sonny too. Hello Sonny!

    Carly's kitchen:

    Mildew and Recast Joss: People are hugging, but nobody is hugging the Tribbles!!!! Come on! They are devastated too!

    Mildew: You don't have to rehash! Just get divorced! And did you notice that Willow said HIS family, and not OUR family? Can either of you hug the Tribbles?! They are crying!!!

    Recast Joss and Michael: Yeah you are right Joss. It's not the time to argue. It's time to mourn. :(

    BJ grave:

    Felicia and Maxie: Awwwwwwwwww! :(

    Port Chuckles Grille:

    Tracy and Marty: Tracy harassing Marty about Lucy! *Giggle* Yeah you better listen to her Marty!

    Tracy and Brooky: I'm glad Tracy told Brooky about what Lucy and Scotty are up to! :)

  4. The fact that Sonny will probably get away with the beating because Cyrus is officially a "bad" guy is ridiculous. I love Sonny but seeing him do that was something else.
    Don't really want Carly and Sonny back together but I kind of do. They just fit.
    Twinsees would have been so old time soapy. Oh well. Maybe the partners in crime could go around stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Robin Hood mystery.

  5. What if Felicia is the Queen of Deception and the DNA test was positive and she is lying?
    Then Cody and Sasha are sibs.

    After the door opening in the night time special, I had anticipation when Carly opened the door at Kelly's and it was Liz, and again when it was Sonny. Will they string us along some more? One more time Carly opens to the surprise of Jason?

    1. Well Steve B hasn't even started filming yet so it'll be weeks

    2. "lizwebberfan says, What if Felicia is the Queen of Deception and the DNA test was positive and she is lying? Then Cody and Sasha are sibs."

      Hmmm interesting, but why would Felicia lie? I'm not even sure why she had to tell him in the first place that it was negative.

    3. I totally thought she lied, too, until Sasha said she changed the hairs BUT BUT I am not 100% convinced at all

  6. I loved the scene between Lucy and Scott, and Lucy bringing up her bet with Damian Smith.

  7. I loved the Liz and Carly scenes and the Lucy and Scotty scenes. They were amazing.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...