Thursday, January 11, 2024

Bobbie: DAY TWO

 AMSTERDAM! Felicia and Carly staking out the cafe for the contact of Bobbie's. Lady comes in and talks about how Bobbie got involved. The Lady she  was helping is named Cornelia. Felicia calls Robert to help with paperwork. She's in a cabin in Canada. Carly remembers Luke's cabin there. 
OFF To Canada-- they are getting things DONE!! Carly and Felicia are in the car. Carly is wondering why she and Fe didn't spend more time together since Felicia was Bobbie's BF. Felicia is like: UM.. DUH.. (her face was priceless lol) THEN THEY DRIVE OFF THE ROAD !! They almost hit a moose. LOL They change a tire and talk about what Carly did to Bobbie and Tony when she first came to town. Felicia thinks she still resented Carly even though Bobbie forgave her. Then Carly says she was angry with Felicia for leaving Maxie for all those years. Anyway, they are going to forgive each other and Bobbie would like that. 

They get to the cabin and Cornelia comes out swinging a shovel. She kinda looks like Esme. They convince her she's Bobbie's daughter and then they FLY HOME and.. it was SO FUNNY but I'm not mad. 

Liz stiches up Carly's head and asks her to repaint the sign but she has an idea. 

KELLY'S DINER: (Watch these for sure! Flashback CITY) 

Kelly's with Angela doing a the article on Bobbie. Laura talks about her.  FLASHBACKS ABOUT Scott and then Nikolas. 

Lucas is next... Flashbacks of Bobbie telling Tracey she's going to bitch slap Tracey if she didn't leave Lucas alone. LOL GET RYAN C BACK ON THE SHOW. 

Michael, Willow and Joss talk to her next. Flashback of Jackie's last appearance on the show I think. Getting ready for Millow's wedding. No, people are saying the Nurses' Ball. Whoops. 

Lucy and Scotty have flashbacks too. Awww, Lynne Herring is getting so choaked up. 

Then Elizabeth--a rape aftermath flashback when Bobbie helped her. She says her boys don't know about the attack and she wants to keep it out of the story. "Just say Bobbie was kind". 

Next day: Carly, Lucas, Laura and Elizabeth look at the new sign Liz painted. 
No one can find "Angela'--


OMG Angela was BJ!!!!!!!! GAH!! She said goodbye to Lucas outside of Kelly's and called him "Champ"... and Felicia and Maxie realize it was her too because they can't find her and she's not with the AP and I'm a mess. 

Sign says: Bobbie's



  1. I had chills all over when they realized it was BJ. OMG!!! THE BEST!!!

    1. I had chills the whole episode but yes that was so well done. Gave me old GH vibes.

  2. B.J. back from the dead????? Give me a break.

    1. I haven't seen the episode yet, but from what I've read I think it was BJ's ghost not BJ back from the dead.

    2. Did you even watch the show, Kate?

  3. It was moving and poignant having Brighton Hertford reprise her role as an angel in the spirit of BJ. The actress played her from 4 months old to 7 years, so it had to be emotional and meaningful for the actress, too, to play a pivotal role in Bobbie's memorial. She did a masterful job. Well done!

    1. BJ's ghost. Soaps do that kind of thing. I think it was nice to have the OG BJ be on for Bobbie's funeral. That was a creative idea IMO

  4. FANTASTIC SHOW TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Spin-off of General hospital - Amsterdam adventure!

    Amsterdam Cafe: That is Brando's garage!!! ROFL! Oh look the Greenies are there on the table! :) That guy with the accent is very handsome. :) That lady that talked about Cornelia, I was very worried about Cornelia!

    The road:

    Carly and Felicia: Felicia wins the line of the day.

    Felicia: I used to be married to Frisco Jones.

    ROFL! Oh oh car accident!!! *Covers eyes* A moose! ROFL! Well that invisible Moose was so beautiful! :) Actually, the Carly and Felicia scenes while they were working on the tire, was so beautiful! It made me cry!

    Little cabin with the red door:

    Carly, Felicia, and Cornelia: OH! Right away I'm thinking, The girl is Russian! OH OH RUN LADIES RUN! ROFL! Don't worry Cornelia! You are safe now! Nobody will hurt you.. :) Hi nice to meet you Cornelia! :) Hmmm. I wonder who she could be with in Port Chuckles..... Hmmmm.

    Port Chuckles:

    The hospital/Dead wall:

    Anna and Robert: Awwwwwwwwwwww! :( :)

    Nurses station:

    Anna and Robert: I'm glad Robert has connections! Tristan Roger's voice sounds rough! Was he sick?


    Mildew, Maxie, and reporter: I want older flashbacks not newer ones!!! I'm greedy I know. :)

    Laura, Maxie, and reporter: FLASHBACKS!!!!! YAY! :D

    Lucas, Maxie, and reporter: Champ awwww! :(

    Liz, Maxie, and reporter: Liz! I thought you told your boys about what happened to you!!! WOW! Oh oh are they going to find out now?

    Scotty, Laura, Maxie, and reporter: FLASHBACKS!! :D I read Kin Shriner said that he didn't want to do the funeral scenes because it was hard. Yeah I didn't want it either, but it's good for closure. :(

    Maxie and reporter: Whoa! Reporter disappeared! I was thinking is this BJ's ghost?! OO

    Reporter and Lucas:

    Reporter: Anytime...... Champ.

    CHAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :'(

    Maxie's home: Maxie can't find the reporter's business card?!!!? OO

    Felicia outside: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I KNEW IT! BJ'S GHOST!!! *Cry cry cry*

    Maxie and Felicia: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Made me cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kelly's: Bobby's sign! I'll get used to it. It's okay!

    The end of the show: MORE FLASHBACKS YAY!!!!

    Throwback Thursday: *In honor of BJ, jumped into my time machine to go to 1994* Miguel saw BJ in the bus after the bus crash and got her out of there!

    1. I laughed when Carly said she thought it was a deer. But it was a moose and they got a flat tire. PMSL. Trust me you'd know the distance instantly. ( One of my sons hit a moose this week on a snowy back road.)

    2. "Di says, I laughed when Carly said she thought it was a deer. But it was a moose and they got a flat tire. PMSL. Trust me you'd know the distance instantly."

      Oh yeah? ROFL!

      "( One of my sons hit a moose this week on a snowy back road.)"

      Oh yikes! Is he okay? Was he able to take the dead moose home and eat it? :)

  5. Today's episode was a fitting tribute and so well done. And having BJ's spirit secretly come back to offer Bobbie's friends and family some comfort worked for me. Great show!

    1. Also, I love that they renamed the diner to "Bobbie's." The actual Kelly family wasn't even on the show that long.

    2. Right after Carly did a restock of new "Kelly's" mugs and menus, she has to order the whole lot again for "Bobby's"! And I bet they're in place for today's show. Ya gotta laugh. (And while I'm doing my grouch act, shouldn't the sign be painted on both sides?)

  6. Great flashbacks and just plain great! Still not one flashback with her big brother. I guess they need all their money to pay for Stevie B now.

  7. When she called Lucas champ…. Man this hit me…a grown man…in the military…serving his country… definitely shed some tears nonetheless.

    1. I think there were very few dry eyes in the house at that moment.

    2. bigdoodah, this retiree is going to bawl her eyes out.

  8. I thought the Carly-Felicia pairing was inspired. I had really never thought about why those two characters never really intertwined, considering how close Felicia and Bobbie were. But the story today made 100 percent sense. Kristina Wagner doesn't get enough credit. I'm glad the show brought her back on contract after many years off the canvas.

    1. Completely agree. Tony Jones was Felicia's brother-in-law and once upon a time the foursome of Bobbie, Tony, Frisco and Felicia were really close.

      Kristina always does a great job and she brings an energy to the show that was sorely lacking. Seeing her always puts me in a good mood.

    2. Me too Kevin. I was a huge Frisco & Felicia fan back in the day. I know some fans find her voice irritating but for me, she is one of our favorite vets.

  9. Wow. I have to give the writers their due. Amazing!!! ::: tears :::

  10. I cannot say enough good things about this episode. I just love Kristina Wagner so much and she brought everything the last few days as did the others. Loved her and Carly together, loved the interviews at "Bobbie's" and the wonderful flashbacks (could have watched those all day)! And Brighton Hertford? Cannot gush enough about this actress and the character she played. My eyes are still puffy since she called Lucas "Champ". Thank you GH, so very well done!

  11. I was initially annoyed that Lucas’s grief seemed overshadowed by Carly’s. But then I realized a few things: Carly’s personality takes a lot of place; she does come from a line of folks who wear their heart on their sleeve when it comes to family. Luca’s grief runs deep but for different reasons. He has now lost the last part of the family he grew up in. Being in port Charles brings him additional painful memories of a lousy ex-husband, a poor excuse for a biological father, and a child that turned out being a great-nephew instead of a son. If you recall how Tony shut down after BJ’s death, this is exactly how Lucas is processing his mom’s passing. And this to me makes Lucas’s path even more heartbreaking.

    1. It would have been a nice touch to have Lucas visit Wiley

    2. "Linda says, It would have been a nice touch to have Lucas visit Wiley"

      I don't know if that would be very appropriate, and that would be very painful for Lucas. :(

    3. I hadn't thought about it like that but it makes sense. Carly has always been an extravert, sometimes a tad too much, while Lucas is the complete opposite. What you said about how they are processing their grief makes perfect sense and fits their characters.

  12. The actress playing BJ gave me Disney princess vibes with per huge eyes. Lovely gal.

  13. I am still crying. Yes, it was magical!
    Time meant nothing but this time it worked. This was a fantastic episode and tribute to JZ. It was worth the wait.
    The BJ story was wonderful.
    The flashbacks!!

  14. This episode was just magic. From the stories told to Angela about Bobbie to Felicia and Carly finding Cornelia everything was excellent. The end made me reach for a tissue. Having BJ call Lucas "champ" to Felicia and Maxie both realizing that Angela was BJ. Just outstanding.

  15. Forgot to add. I was against changing the name from Kelly's to Bobbie's but after this episode the name change was perfect.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...