Wednesday, January 24, 2024

But Where's Taggert?


Esme is trying to use the Invader's credit card and Kevin walks in on her. HE wonders why she didn't tell the police that Nikolas had taken Ace. He also calls her niece! Geesh! Esme feeds him a line about not telling anyone, yada yada. Kevin tells her that she has to trust him and Laura and they'll help find Ace. She says she's done too many bad things (or so she's told) and no one will give her a chance. Then she says: Ok, she needs help. Starts pacing around the office. (SEE BELOW!) 

Laura goes to see Heather. Heather tells her that Esme came to visit. Laura is like: Um, she likes me better than you now, she's afraid of you. Heather says: NOT ANYMORE SINCE SHE REMEMBERS!!!!!! HAHAHAHA She tells Laura she remembered on Christmas Eve. Heather thinks Laura should arrest Esme for the sex tape so she can be IN JAIL WITH HER MOTHER! Priceless. Heather also tells Laura that Esme is out for revenge on Sprina. Heather is afraid she's like her father, Ryan and needs to protect her. 

Sprina's going away party at The Savoy: Portia/Curtis/Stella/Marshall/Ava/Joss-- and Spencer/Trina. Oh, Spencer is living in a flat and Trina in the dorms. Interesting. Stella is happy about that. 

Spencer tells Joss and Tri about giving Nikolas to Spencer and that Esme remembers. Joss says she'll try to prove Esme's got her memory back and they should go to Paris. If she goes to trial they can fly home. Trina says thank you. 

Trina thanks Ava for the internship. Ava tells her to have fun in Paris. Portia tells Spencer that "trouble follows him" and she doesn't want trouble to follow Trina to Paris. 

Fun fact: Trina's going to Paris for 4 months 

Maxie's house. Spinelli says to Felicia that he thinks his money is helping out. Cody walks in. He bought James new boots because his old ones were too tight. Spinelli thinks he should have asked first.  They have words. :Eyeroll: Cody says not to be jealous of him, he thinks of Maxie "Like Family" Cough, cough. 

Molly buys Krissy groceries. She asks if she's pregnant already> HUH? I guess she got inseminated last week. I missed that day!! LOL  Molly brought over the pregnancy test. Krissy says it's too early to tell. Molly says no do it. If it's negative they can try again in a few days. They decide to do it. Krissy IS pregnant. 



ESME KNOCKS KEVIN OUT!! Beans him on the head with a vase!! ahahahahaa. 


  1. ----great show cause of Heather and Laura convo----------now all you Esme fans, since her memory is back and everyone knows it and she hit Kevin on the head, her character can't stay around for months, right? She has no one on her side.....
    ----that picture on Instagram that Dom posted - looking like a funeral - makes me think it IS Spence funeral (but he's not dead) and that Esme is responsible........cause she is going to Paris but not sure why cause Nik isn't there....
    -----I just don't care about Molly/Kristina but in the previews doesn't Kristina say let's try again?
    -----I know it's logistical, but I kept wondering "are these people gonna eat?" cause did ya'll see that china place settings????
    ---Yes Spinelli and Maxie coming back but still wish Austin's will left Maxie money.
    ----by the week Heather made TOTAL sense in a wacko way!!

    1. And this is why I read this blog. Instagram pic? Thanks for the tip. I'm not on Instagram/Twitter/X so I miss a lot!
      Totally agree about Heather and Laura. Eye opening conversation!

  2. Oh...That was a vase. It looked like a small toilet seat. I was picturing her thinking. "Take that, Kevin. You shit head." lol

  3. Some funny one liners today. And good question! Where IS Taggert?

    Airplane waiting area:

    Laura and Heather: Laura is just waiting for Heather to give ALL the info!!! Hahahahaha! What is Laura going to do with all this info that fell in her lap?

    Alexis's office:

    Doc and Vampira: I like that Doc said that she is his niece. About time he said it. WHOA! SMACK ON THE HEAD! :O She don't trust him!!!! You should Vampira! He is a good guy! Ignore who he looks like!!! ROFL!

    Maxie's home:

    Cowboy Cody and Spinny: Spinny wins the line of the day.

    Spinny: Sorry we don't need any cookies.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't wait until Spinny finds out that Cowboy Cody is Mac's son! :)

    Maxie, James, Grandma Felicia, Cowboy Cody and Spinny: Awwww Cowboy Cody that is so sweet that you bought James cowboy boots! Even though it don't fit him! ROFL!

    Maxie, James, and Grandma Felicia: Awww that's sweet that James wants to give his mama money. Maxie you are bringing him up right! :)


    Cowboy Cody and Spinny: Spinny he got your number!!!! Just tell Maxie how you feel!!!! I want my Spixy back together!!!

    Krissy's home: Boy they are showing Krissy's house a lot. :)

    Krissy and Molly: Oh good healthy food for Krissy and the almost baybay! And remember no scary movies for 9 months!!! Geez Molly calm down! Cut back on the coffee!! Why is Krissy lying about who texted her? Krissy told Blaze she didn't want to hide. I'm confused.

    *Pregnancy test*: Hi.. :) I'm positive!

    Oh oh. Krissy got the preggers!!! Now 9 months of Krissy talking to the baybay and bonding. Yikes.

    The Savoy:

    Curtis and Mr. Hat man: WOW! Curtis talking about how he couldn't sleep at the hospital was so realistic! :) Now Curtis take your shirt off. :)

    Ava and Trina: Awwwww. Sweet scene. :)

    Trina, Joss, and Spencer: Wow I thought Trina would be furious about Spencer giving Ace to Nik. Geez.

    Curtis and Trina: Awwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Spencer and Portia: What trouble would Spencer find in Paris? Will the men in black show up and make Spencer and Trina forget everything? Will Trina have problems having a bowel movement?

  4. Please, new head co-writers, nip the surrogacy story in the bud asap. No one wants to listen to the constipated baby chatter between these two for the next forever. Please.
    Is that a smaller toilet seat sculpture in Alexis' office? Bigger one behind her desk. Handy.
    I really thought Esme would try to be good but what fun is that.

    1. Going to be lots of fun. lol
      And I FF'd through all the surrogacy SL. Don't care.

    2. "Zazu says, Please, new head co-writers, nip the surrogacy story in the bud asap. No one wants to listen to the constipated baby chatter between these two for the next forever. Please."

      Yeah I don't want to watch Krissy talking/bonding with the baybay for the whole 9 months!!

      "I really thought Esme would try to be good but what fun is that."

      Hahaha. Yeah it's more fun this way. She can be a gray character! :)

    3. OMG, "constipated baby chatter"! So on the money, and too funny!

  5. So, are we ever going to learn who killed Austin? And where are Selina and Brad?

    Here's a fun article on the eight things the new head writers need to fix. (I basically agree with all of them.)

    1. Oh thank you!!!! Yeah I agree a lot of what the article says. Mildew need to divorce ASAP! Finchy and Liz need to break up! Liz who is in her 40's and Finchy in his 70's *Giggle* are so boring!!!!!

    2. Yes. Poor Elizabeth. Give her some alone time and show her at work or with her sons till a nice guy gets introduced. She may as well be living at the old age home now.

    3. Michael Easton is only 56, not 70s.

    4. "Matthew says, Michael Easton is only 56, not 70s."

      Hahahaha. I know, but I was talking about the character of Finn. :) It's a joke. That Liz and Reiko's confrontation was 20 years ago. When Liz was a teen and Finchy and Reiko were adults. It's just so funny. ROFL!


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...