Tuesday, January 9, 2024



I'm so tired today but I'm going to try it. Liked yesterday's show with Liz/Carly. I know people were upset with lack of flashbacks but we DO have 2 days of memorial coming up so let's not get too pissy yet. Scotty and Lucy were great too. I also have to applaud Kristina Wagner--her year has been hell and she's SO on-point and with the show. NO Phoning in. LOVE her. 

Laura's acting like Esme's damn mother or auntie. UGH. They are at the PCPD to confess to Ava. Maura West looks stunning as per usual. Ava wants to hear Esme explain what she was doing in Wyndemere. She lies about not remembering. Ava gives her a skeptical look for sure.  Esme begs not to be separated from Ace. Laura pleads her case. Ava says "You drugged Trina Robinson and made that sex tape and didn't pay for it--this is a start" SHE'S PRESSING CHARGES PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! QUEEN AVA! ahahhahaha !!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSS! Laura can't talk Ava out of it. Esme is handcuffed and cries. 

Alexis and Greg talk in her office because it's the only set they can manage to be on I guess. I know they were at the 'airport' but they are ALWAYS IN THAT OFFICE! They talk about the kiss. Boring.Then he thinks she kissed him because he has ALS. She says she can't know if she would have or not. Anyway, Greg wants to be FRIENDS. Oh he FRIEND-ZONED her. 

Curtis is in the hosptial getting ready for his procedure. Portia is talking to the doctor with him. They've only done 3 of these before! Marshall, Stella, Trina and TJ wait in the lobby hall thing. Stella is afraid if it doesn't work, Curtis could be depressed again. Marshall yells at her for being too negative. Then he says he has doubts to TJ. Portia is second guessing things too. They talk about whether or not he should have the operation. Trina tells Stella about Paris. Stella is thrilled but doesn't seem happy about Spencer going. Stella tells Trina go get going to Paris. He thinks no, then Portia thinks YES. OMG What a WASTE OF A BUNCH OF SCENES.!!!!!

Stella and Marshall talk. He mentions Christmas Eve and maybe getting a spark. She plays dumb: HUH? What are you talking about? 

Cut to Curtis in the operating room. 

Sonny and Carly at Kelly's. Carly hugs Sonny hard. I'm ok with this. They were together forever and there's feels there. They talk about Bobbie, and how much she liked Sonny even though she didn't act like a lot of the time. :eyeroll: They talk and then Nina comes up. Carly is sad because she DOES want Sonny to be happy. 



  1. --- I straight up thought the surgery was in another town???? We all know a few days/weeks it ain't gonna work and then something will happen and he will stand or something (MAYBE a Selina interference)
    -----I really wanna care about Alexis and Gregory, but I don't.
    -----Maura West is just breath-takingly gorgeous. Truly thought she was gonna let Esme go - cause of Nik's plan to have Esme at that stupid party and 'fake forgiving her" WHY wouldn't she go that way--- just weird-----somehow all of this is gonna make Spence stay in town/Trina too and NC goes to film his movie?
    ----MB and LW are solid gold together (Sorry Karen)...the whole convo was great and little things like tone of voice/not touching each other/eyes locked together is great chemistry.....LW's real tears = I cried....
    NOW lemme say this - Carly saying Bobbie was the most understanding, fairest person she had ever met - well that ain't true. LOL

    1. "Mufasa says, NOW lemme say this - Carly saying Bobbie was the most understanding, fairest person she had ever met - well that ain't true. LOL"

      BAHAHAHAHA! No that ain't true at all! :D

  2. Thank God for Ava putting Esme in the clink. Queen Ava.

  3. LW and MB were so good. I'm sorry too...Carly and Sonny belong together.
    Ava did the right thing. Laura is too vulnerable lately when it comes to Esme.
    Didn't even pay attention to Ashford scenes.
    Hard to not have tears for the reality of "Bobbie's" death. Tomorrow would have been my dad's birthday so I am there.

  4. I FF'd through the Curtis replays ...beating a dead horse.

    I loved the look on Ava's face when she had Esme arrested. I'm hoping that causes Esme to lose it and the real her comes out again. Could make for some great action if she escapes from prison...hehe

    Sonny/Carly scenes were great.

  5. Some funny one liners today!

    Alexis's office:

    Alexis and Gregory: Oh Gregory! You don't need to apologize and I knew Alexis would make an excuse about adrenaline!! Of course Gregory don't want a relationship! He is going to die! So why put Alexis through that! But Gregory, that is Alexis's choice!!!! #team Alegory! :)


    Carly and Sonny: Carly thinks she is alone, but she isn't! Sonny is there for her!! :) I like the scene. Too bad there was no flashbacks.

    The hospital:

    Purtis and Doctor: We all know he is going to walk again, so all these warnings were a waste of time!

    Purtis: Oh come on!!!! Now they are changing their mind?! *Facepalm* Oh wait Portia wants the surgery okay good. :)

    Nurses station:

    Stella, Mr. Hat man, TJ, and Trina: Awwww family! :) Whoa whoa whoa Mr. Hat man! Is this really about what Stella said? Or about the almost kiss? I'm glad TJ is there, but where is Molly?

    Mr. Hat man and TJ: Oh okay then this is about what Stella said. Hmmm I think it's a little bit of both. :) Great scene! Yes a very difficult situation. :(

    Stella and Trina:

    Trina: He is coming with me.

    Stella: Oh.

    BAHAHAHA! And the look on Stella's face! She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Stella and Mr. Hat man: Awwww that was nice of him to apologize!!! Yes Mr. Hat man! There was a spark! I saw it!!!! :) Don't be playing dumb Stella!!! *Snicker*

    Elevator: Yeah I was cringing when they were going to the elevator, because I know the elevator floor is not smooth! And there ya go! The orderlies or whomever they are were walking slow, but the floor was not smooth!!! Yikes! Come on prop department! Fix it!!!

    Police station:

    Vampira and Laura: Laura is understanding because she has been through this before because of her past! That's why she wants to help! :)

    Vampira, Laura, Dante, and queen Ava: Queen Ava looks and acts like a queen, and QUEEN AVA HAS SPOKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA!!!! Great scene!!!!! Queen Ava wins the line of the day!

    Queen Ava: I bet Esme here can do that kind of time standing on her head.


    Laura and queen Ava: Yeah Laura, sorry, but the queen has spoken! :) Ace can be taken care of very easily by a lot of people!

    Dante, Vampira, and Laura: Oh look! Vampira with her fake crocodile tears all whiny! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    1. Oops forgot 1 thing.

      Curtis's surgery: AND HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hmmm so which ghosts will go to visit him? His mama? His brother? We never did meet his brother.

  6. Off topic - Did Willow stop having warning dreams of Harmony? ;-)

    1. Oh that is good! I know scab writers wrote that but they need to go and address that -----and let Willow realize Harmony was warning her about Michael....

    2. mufasa, you know they are going to make it out that Harmony was warning Willow about Nina. And I never really understood why Willow paid attention to Harmony. You pimp me out to a cult leader and you are dead to me. And Sonya, there would be barware flying while I was proclaiming her dead to me.

    3. "Gary says, and Sonya, there would be barware flying while I was proclaiming her dead to me."

      ROFL! Well, at least someone is throwing bareware!!! :)

  7. I am not a big fan of Sonny and Carly because 1) they dominate the show too much, and 2) the writers and actors often seem bored with the pairing and phone it in. That said, the Sonny/Carly scenes Tuesday were great. Both players did their scenes together so well. Also, Maurice Bernard has been bringing his "A" game with the Nina and Cyrus stuff.


Tuesday: The Docks

  Greetings from The Frozen Tundra!! 12 degrees and lake effect snow! Whoo Hoo!! That time of year but it sure is nasty when it's here. ...