Monday, January 29, 2024



PARIS--- SUMMER? UM? OKAY? Anyway, Trina and Spencer are eating at a restaurant. They talk about not much. Some of missing Ace, yada yada. He wants to find out "his passion" while he's there to get a direction in life. 

GH: Laura sees Kevin, he opens his eyes. He knows what year it is, where he is and knows that Esme is the one that knocked him out. He wonders if she has another credit card and doesn't think she went to Toronto. He remembers seeing the newspaper's credit card there. 

Curtis is with PT guy...he feels a bit in his legs. Stella cautions him that it's too early to stand. She's being a busy-body. Now they talk about the past. Then he starts his PT. Then he tries to stand/walk. He stands but can't walk yet. Stella is giving him a pep talk. 

Trial: Alexis and Tracey get there to see how it's going--they say they are waiting for Sam. Tracey wants them to just get the widow up there and make her talk lol . Marty talks to Diane in private. Mrs. Muldoon marches over to Finn to tell him to plead guilty. He starts to ask her questions. Then Finn realizes if he proves the widow knew about the fraud she's going to jail. He can't do that to the kids. 

Toronto: Chase and Dante go into the Nanny's apartment.  Nanny hasn't seen Esme.. she thinks Esme faked the letter inviting her to Toronto because she never wrote one. Laura calls them and tells them there's another card she's using. 


Esme is following SPRINA 


  1. --- I really don't think the wife knew about her hubby but when she left the courtroom I thought she went to call him and THEN I realized TRACY is gonna save the day - and Diane drops the lawsuit..............SURELY Tracy doesn't give the wife money???
    ----Sexy Detective Barrett ON SCREEN!
    -----kinda boring but I am liking the lawsuit now that Muldoon did it on purpose...
    -----February sweeps-------------------------sigh BUT the preview of a gunman on the island makes me think an inside job i.e. I thought it was isolated...danger + Ava + Sonny = sex.

    1. "THEN I realized TRACY is gonna save the day - and Diane drops the lawsuit.............."

      Hmmm haven't thought of that!!! Good one.

      "SURELY Tracy doesn't give the wife money???"

      I wouldn't be surprised if Tracy does hahahaha!

      "danger + Ava + Sonny = sex."

      To quote the Kool-Aid man, OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  2. The hospital: When Doc came to I thought he would have amnesia. I'm glad he doesn't! Whew. :)

    Portia and Kevlar:

    Kevlar: 1912?

    ROFL! He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. I'm glad he still has his sense of humor. :) I'm glad he is awake and remembers some things.

    Portia, Kevlar, and Alexis: Oh oh! Paris!!!! When a mother is protecting her cub, she will do anything!! So she either hurts Trina to get revenge on Spencer for giving Ace to Nik, or she will get revenge on Spencer.

    PT class:

    PT teacher and Curtis: Hmmm this PT teacher could be Spencer's little brother! ROFL!

    PT teacher, Curtis, and Stella: Stella is not a busy body! :) She is just worried!

    Stella and Curtis: You see now? Curtis tries to walk and now that it didn't work he is having a pity party! Listen to Stella next time Curtis! And listen to me! Take off your shirt! :)

    Purtis: Portia you are done with Vampira? I thought you were already done with her! ROFL!


    Gregory, Tracy, Fiz, Alexis, and Tommy the tapeworm:

    Tommy the tapeworm: Mr. Maldoon was a son of a bitch!

    Marty and Diane: Ooooo Diane why haven't you heard about that doctor? This isn't like you! Hmmm Diane is going to lose isn't she? :)

    Mrs. Maldoon and Finchy: Oooooo Mrs. Maldoon doesn't know what her hubby was up to! Oh and Finchy, call her MRS. Maldoon not Ms Maldoon!

    Tracy and Gregory: Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: I only allow friends and family to manipulate me.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm glad Tracy and Gregory are friends. :)

    Mrs. Maldoon and Tracy: RA RO! Tracy is going to mess up everything isn't she? :)


    Dante and Maggie: Yeah Maggie you were set up. Poor Maggie. Dante give her Tribbles for an apology. :)

    Paris: Ooooo beautiful view! :)

    Sprina: Yeah!!!! Spencer could learn how to cook!! Great idea!

    *Around the corner is Vampira*

    RA RO! Is this how he will leave the show for awhile? Spencer in a coma?

    1. I think he falls over on the boat - presumed dead....

    2. "mufasa says, I think he falls over on the boat - presumed dead...."

      Ooooo! They are going on a boat?! :D

    3. Sonya, wardrobe should get rid of all of Curtis' shirts. 😊

    4. If Sonya had her way they'd get rid of all the men's

    5. "Gary says, Sonya, wardrobe should get rid of all of Curtis' shirts. 😊"

      Hahahaha. YES!!!! :D

      "Di says, If Sonya had her way they'd get rid of all the men's"

      ROFL! Sure! :D I'm sure you would like to see some men with no shirts on!!! Hahaha!

  3. Michael Easton doesn't deserve this. Don't his lips get tired pursing them all the time. This tapeworm trial was a loser from the start. I wish John McBain would wake up from his horrible nightmare of being a doctor.
    Trina made me cold just looking at her. But she did look "hot". How could Spencer be so thick to not think Esme would come after him. He gave her baby away.

    1. Good point. Everyone should know Esme would be going after Spencer for taking Ace from her.

    2. "Don't his lips get tired pursing them all the time." LOL, I have been thinking the same thing. I would prefer him back as John McBain but that would give us three detectives on the cast, and that may be too much. New police commissioner, maybe?

  4. by the way the Cafe is TOTALLY the dive bar where Joss and Trina went and then Carly and Olivia went!!!!!!!!


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...