Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Bizarro-World


"Bizarro-World"... 'Opposite Day"... take the Superman/Seinfeld reference you want because this week's GH was just high on something! WHOO WEE! You know I love chaos on soaps and things that just come at you at warp speed. I also missed 2 days live so that also helped my attitude!! 

I'm traveling this weekend so I'm keeping things VERY brief. Promise. 

pic credit: BamseyTre

This week is what soaps should be made of: Shock, anger and awe. Twitter was alive with fighting about who's in the right and you gotta think: JUST LIKE THE OLD DAYS! YES! We are waking up again!! But that's me--always did like the weird and just unexplained turns on TV shows. How about you? 

BIZARRO SPENCER:  Um.. WHAT!!????? You give your toddler brother who has only known his mother, you and Gram and Papa since birth and pass him to your father that you've hated for years? DID I LOVE THIS? Damn straight I did!! It was so unexpected I about fell off my chair! Nikolas comes and cries a bit (GREAT performance by Adam Huss) and Spencer is like: HERE! Take a bag and the kid! See ya!  First of all---TOTAL Cassadine move right there and second of all,  the look on Ol'Esme's face was so worth it. Heh. Laura had a fit (and she should because that kid is just out there in the ether now) but she also has blinders on when it comes to Esme. EVEN CYRUS KNOWS a snake when he sees one!! The bringing of Cyrus into this is perplexing but hell, I'll take it. 

BIZARRO LAURA: Ok, hear me out on this. Did I expect her to react in horror to Spencer taking Ace from Esme and handing him over to Nikolas? Um, yah. That's her grandson, he's out there on some Cassadine yacht just eating feta pudding and reading  Greek classics. What I don't get is her blind devotion to Esme. The trial, the complete lack of Laura Webber RADAR on this girl is maddening. Plus I hated that blazer/blouse combo so much I think I was raging at her for no reason. LOL. 

BIZARRO CARLY: Now this one is a bit more complex and maddening. Carly has been on a "I want to be more like my mother" tour for the past week. She forgave Michael for not telling her about the SEC/Nina secret. She tells everyone how much she wants to be "better". Sam has a whole conversation with her about Drew and Carly tells her to show him some grace. She even admits it's HER fault he went into jail. 

WAIT ABOUT 2 SECONDS DURING A COMMERCIAL BREAK and HERE COMES THE PLEATHER and SMIRK!!  Um.. Carly. Did you listen to yourself? I wonder if the editors did things that way on purpose. It was so jolting that I first thought it was a dream sequence. NOPE! Carly's taking over Crimson!!! HERE I COME WORLD!  I'm not going to even argue about how dumb it is for her to be running Crimson or about Drew being a complete ass. I AM going to say that moment that she walked in was soapy gold. 

BIZARRO DREW:  Ugh, I guess I have to talk about him because they are obviously setting him up for a fall because Jason is returning. Drew is ANGRY! He's UNHINGED! He's making RASH DECISIONS!! We get it. I just wish that the portrayal was a bit more on point. IYKYK. 


BLAZE WAS ON: Don't care.  Yes, I want Krissy in a relationship. I just think this one is boring. Yawn. 

THE ADAM FACTOR:  I know, I know, you all hate this story and think it's a waste. I like that Joss has something else to focus on besides Sex with Dex (we've been spared that since Eden's been gone thank goodness). I think the kid that plays Adam is good, even if he's MB's son. BUT the story wasn't told well enough to really make an impact. We needed more than him sitting in Joss' dorm room moaning about tests. Zoom calls with his prick of a dad would have been a start. Him bussin' in the park and trying to score drugs could have been another. ANYWAY, su*cide is a big thing on campus' all over the nation and it was a story that was worth telling. 

So that's that. I was surprised and entertained this week and that's all I ask for. I did like Nina fighting back with Drew because making her weepy like she was when taking to Willow is just sad. Are the Granny-Wars tiring? YEP. Do I wish Nina had given her 1/2 of The Metro to Cyrus? Oh yes. You can't always get what you want though. 

Next week Sprina goes to Paris complete with a send off party from Curtis. Will he be walking? Or?? Trying to walk??? I'm also wondering if Sonny will find out about Spencer's deed. He HATES Nikolas. LOL. OH! and I believe Valentin may help Nina out a bit--will he give her some ELQ shares? I'm here for it! 


GO Bills. 


  1. I loved this week also. I think part of the reason Laura has a blindspot with Esme is that she reminds Laura of herself as a very young woman. Laura was a troubled teen (remember when Lesley tried to take the fall for Laura accidentally killing David Hamilton?). Laura also wasn't raised by her biological parents and didn't meet Lesley until much later. I think Laura feels protective of Esme and has a bit of a "savior complex" where she is concerned.

    I am warming up to the idea of Carly running Crimson. It certainly should produce some good scenes, if done right. It reminds me of the late '90s, when Laura helped run Deception for a split-second. Laura and Lucy clashed over who should be the "face of Deception" (Liz vs. Brenda).

    I wonder how they will fit Drew into the show once St. Jaysus returns? Really, Drew's whole character has been a place-filler.

    1. That could be it about Laura and Esme. Wait until she finds out it is the EVIL Esme dun dun dun

      Not looking forward to St Jaysus return. Will mean the Carly/Sonny/Jason show again. Not good

    2. lindie, I think Laura will still try to help Esme even after she finds out the evil Esme is back. I think Laura will believe she can reach the Esme who lost her memory and was a decent person.

  2. Definitely weird stuff happening. They have Laura being "dumb" now. Guess it's her turn. She was the only one they hadn't dumbed down. I don't like how soaps do that to women; sorry.

    I think the suicide storyline is an important one to tell; very important, but they could have done it SO much better. Give Adam a back story or friends or whatever besides Joss and THEN tell the story.

    Carly is always a schemer, that is not going to change. Maybe when she gets older like Bobbie IDK.

    Please dont' put Valentin back with Nina, and don't put Anna with Drew.

    Guess the only way for NC to get off campus was for them to send Ace with Nicholas..........

    Thank you Karen. 14 degrees here. COLD weekend. Walked the dogs yesterday and thought I might get frostbit.

  3. This Friday Valentin is supposed make a proposition to Nina. I hope that he sells her his ELQ shares and she becomes the new CEO.

  4. Time for me to take another break from GH. I refuse to tolerate the Carly worship writing as well as mob Sonny. The constant dumbing down of characters is another reason. There is nothing on this show that brings me joy. You know I'm all for soapy goodness and all that but when certain pets are treated as hero/heroines it becomes very one sided and takes away from that. Ciao!!

  5. Carly running Crimson makes NO sense. She was, and to me always will be, trailer trash. I know they redid her backstory a few years back, and she was living in a house with her adoptive Mother, but that was not the original story. Carly came to PC to wreak havoc, and ended up marrying into money, but she is not an educated woman, how can she run a magazine?

    1. I initially felt the same way but I remembered Carly is basically a social climber. Any money or business she has comes from others -- the Q's, Sonny and Jax.

      I do find it irritating when they write her so virtuous and have everyone treat her as a heroine. She should always be something of an outsider fighting for acceptance, based on her past and how she arrived in Port Charles.

  6. Nothing Nina did can compare with what she did to Bobbie when she came to town
    I called her trailer trash on X last week and Ginny I said on Friday with Crimson fiasco I took am out
    Watching since high school in the 70s

  7. Carly and Drew are just so hateful - I can’t watch them. She gets away with everything. Esme may be a psycho but maybe the bout with amnesia has changed that somehow and she has been a great mom to Ace. Laura was separated from Nik for so long so maybe she relates to that.

  8. Thanks for another great SS! And what a week it was.
    You all are so hard on Carly. Everyone deserves a second chance or in soap world a gazillion chances. She knew zilch about running a hotel and did a fine job. The magazine will be no different, if it happens and it is the perfect punch in Nina's gut. Yes, all the talk about Carly converting to niceness was BS but hat else would we expect. I don't even mind that a few scenes before her entrance to Nina's office she looked and sounded totally different.
    Spencer's actions were weird but we are moving along. I just do not like AH. At all. I can't even imagine Esme ever "doing it" with him playing Nikolas. Yuck.

    1. Agree with everything you said

    2. You need to be literate to run a magazine. Alexis is fine on the Invader because she is a lawyer. I doubt Carly even made it through high school.

    3. Fairly sure you'd have to be pretty literate to run a hotel as well

    4. Not in the same way. Carly is a hard worker, she could run the hotel, and she is good at Kelly's (now Bobbie's). Working in publishing requires a different skill set.////////

    5. And at what fine institution did Nina acquire this skill set ? Just curious

    6. I don't know. but i don't know who her kindergarten teacher was either. Both are irrelevant.

    7. AntJoan commented on Carly's education and I wondered if she knew of nina's. If I brought it up out of the blue, then, yes, irrelevant. Simply responding to another's comment.

    8. Well, we know Nina grew up rich in Manhattan. Thus, it's a safe bet she went to elite private schools. By comparison, Carly grew up in a trailer in Florida. Not saying she couldn't get a good education also, but she doesn't strike me as a person who was into her studies. (She never even completed the nursing program that she began once she got to Port Charles.)

    9. Nina met Silas when they were going to Columbia and they got married after they graduated. I'm not sure what Ninas degree was in.

  9. I thought it was a great week of soapy - I liked Drew and Nina yelling---and I loved Carly's smirk at the end - VERY DYNASTYlike Joan Collins----------but somehow I don't kknow if she will run Crimson
    ------I don't think Valentin gives Nina ELQ though.......still don't understand if Valentin DOES still have major stock in Deception?
    -----I don't mind Nina and Val back together since Anna's character has been destroyed....iI don't like Nina with Sonny
    .we never saw the end of Jordan's escapade but I htink it was WSB BUT if the spoilers are true and Jordan goes to Sonny to ask for Brick's help - I am in!
    -----somehow in all this we still don't know who shot Austin - or was it Forsythe? Don't care except I REALLY wanted Austin to leave Maxie sign of Spinelli since Christmas.
    ------Agree about Laura - she is projecting when she was like Esme.....and agree Adam's story and Blaze/Kristina/Molly mean nothing to me either...
    -----Feb sweeps being January 29 - ----- maybe something huge happens with this ridiculous malpractice suit...
    ---bet Sonny never finds out that Ava has known all this time

    1. I wanted Austin to leave Maxie money too. pretty much agree with everything else you said. And I hope they finish the Jordan attack today and not leave us in limbo too long.



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...