Friday, January 12, 2024

Back to Regular Programming...

Not sure I've recovered from YESTERDAY's SHOW... wow. I was such a mess after all that. 

I guess the last 2 days were completely stand alone. 

Curtis is up. Stella and Portia are there. Trina comes later. She tells him about Paris and leaving in the spring. He's so happy. THEN she tells him Spencer is going LOL.  He says she should go alone to concentrate on HER. 

Joss tells Trina she told the RA about Adam's drinking. Then Adam comes in when Trina leaves. Joss and him talk about his drinking. Then the RH walks in and he calls Joss a snitch. The RH called Health Services and he freaks out that his parents will know. RH says the portal is confidential. Adam says his parents made him give them his password. Joss says not to worry, she wants to talk him there today. 

Nikolas asks Ava if she's doing the party to invite Esme. She tells him she has a hearing today and why she's pressing charges. He doesn't seem happy but has to leave when Nina comes in. Ava wants to hear about how Sonny found out about the SEC thing. AND she tells Nina about Sonny almost killing Cyrus. Nina's upset. Wants to go talk to Sonny. Nina's like: Um, don't do that! Nina doesn't care, she's going. Then Nik walks back out, he heard the whole thing. He asks again if Esme has the hearing today. Nikolas then says he has to leave PC because they are looking for him for kidnapping Esme. He's not ready to face his mother or Spencer. Ava says she's glad she didn't kill him. They say goodbye. 

Esme and Spencer at the PCPD. He's all concerned about her facing jail time. Barf. He brings her food and coffee. Double barf.  She talks about trying to be a GOOD person. She also wants Spencer to bring Ace to the courthouse. Then she says "I'm counting on you Spence"... and Spencer flashes back to the OLD Esme yelling at him and calling him "Spence" and he KNOWS she's remembered! 

Sonny sweeps his office for bugs. He says to Dex that he's going to ask him to do something and once he does, there's no going back. He wants Dex to kill Cyrus. DOH! Dex points out that doing that might up the charges to manslaughter because Sonny wants Cy to have a "heart attack" and they might say it came on as a result of the beating. Sonny doesn't care. Says Diane will get him off. Dex hesitates. Sonny tells him he's not loyal. ARE YOU LOYAL OR NOT?! Dex says he's helping him by pointing out the flaws in his thinking. Sonny says he gets it but he has to know if Dex is 'with him'. Dex finally says he'll do it. Sonny wants it done ASAP because Cyrus is vulnerable anyway. 

Robert and Diane are at dinner or lunch I don't know. He says he's working on something involving Sonny. They talk about the trial and DNA showing Sonny was there. Um, I don't think they should be talking about this but.. ? Robert thinks the jury will side with Cyrus, Diane thinks they'll side with Sonny. Her logic is wrong but..? Then Robert admits he wants to rid the town of Sonny. Diane is not happy. She leaves Robert sitting there with his eggs. LOL 


Portia and Curtis talk about Spencer going to Paris with Trina. Curtis thinks Esme will go to jail and Spencer will have to stay home to take care of Ace. 

Dex goes to kill Cyrus but Nina is looking to see him as well so he can't. 



  1. Definitely was two days that stood alone. It proves that the writers can be thoughtful and very creative. Hope they can apply these skills to other stories in the future.
    Do not like this obsession that Sonny has with killing Cyrus. It's stupid.
    Ashford's are still FF material.

    1. Portia really rubs me the wrong way. She had to tell Curtis that Trina had news. And I think she was even annoyed that Trina got to say what it was. Lordie girl, it's not all about you.

      I was really hoping Dex would tell Sonny he couldn't MURDER someone for him. *sigh*

      Maybe Nina will pull Cyrus' meds or rile him into a heart attack. I'm thinking she says he should drop the charges against Sonny or she'll tell the police about him pretending to be a priest and hearing her confession. That would have provoked Sonny and it will out Cyrus, the so-called do gooder.
      And the look on Spencer's face when he said "Spence" hehe She's outed for sure. Hope he goes to the court without Ace and goads her into a reveal.

      I wanted Adam to go off his head and attack Joss so that she'll finally cut that cord.

    2. I really liked Portia but now I cringe at most of her scenes.

  2. SO confusing - is Nik really leaving again? Spence thing was so good....and now he won't go with Trina so he can trap Esmes.....
    Di - agree Nina is gonna blackmail Cyrus.

    1. I'm all for Nik leaving again and will hope he returns looking totally different. A new recast would be fine.

  3. also when did Dex start wearing suits

  4. If Dex is lucky the kill on Cyrus will be delayed enough so St Jason will be back and can take care of it.

  5. Ava's art gallery:

    Ava and Nik: OH! It's Nik! I thought it was Mason Jar. Sounded like him. Nik you should be with your sons!!! Ava wins the lines of the day.

    Ava: Esme's partying days are over. At least for now. She's in jail. You're welcome. I wish I could bring popcorn.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The queen has spoken! :)

    Nina and Ava: I wondered if Nik left or is he staying and listening in. OH! Nina I thought you heard that Sonny beat the crap out of Cyrus! Yeah I don't think it's a good idea to talk to Sonny!

    Ava and Nik: OH! Nik didn't leave!!! Well since everyone knows now then Nik can hear the tea. Nik is leaving?! Where are you going Nik? Ava seems disappointed. Going to miss him Ava? What no kiss goodbye Nik? Oh I thought he was going to kiss her. Too bad.

    Sonny's office:

    Sonny and Dex: Yikes! Sonny was scary today!!!! Scared the hell out of Badger Bob! Yes Dex prove your loyalty and you wuv and kill Cyrus! Are you going to poison him? I'm surprised Sonny has the picture of Nina on his desk!!!

    Sonny and his bodyguard: Mail call!!! :)

    *Sonny grabs the Nina picture and takes it down*

    Ah okay there ya go. :)

    Joss and Trina's dorm room:

    Joss, Adam, and RA: When Joss got Adam help, I thought it was Doc! Adam!!! You need therapy!!!! I thought Adam was going to hit Joss since he is so upset! Adam where are you going?! :( Poor Adam. :(

    Police department:

    Vampira and Spencer: Why is Spencer talking so fast?

    "I'm counting on you Spence"

    Did she call him that?! Damn!! Slip of the tongue there Vampira!!!! You are busted! :)

    Cafe Sherie:

    Rian: Enough talk about Sonny and Cyrus! Time for some sex! :)

    The hospital:

    Dex on his phone: WOW! Dex leaving a message to Joss like that. He must be skeered! Think you are going to die eh Dex? Dex dies and Jason comes back?

    Nina and nurse: OH! I thought Nina was going to see Sonny!

    Purtis, Stella, and Trina: Glad Curtis is awake!!! When will he be able to walk? 1 day? :) Since Bob hearts Abashola has been cancelled then that means Stella will be on GH more!!! :D Sucks that it's cancelled though. :(

    Kevlar home:

    Spencer and Nik: FINALLY!!!!! Nik you better ask to see Ace!!!!

    Flashback Friday: *More honoring BJ, jumps into my time machine to go to May 17th 1994* Lucy was devastated!

    1. Oops forgot 1 thing.

      Trina and Curtis: Yeah Curtis has a good point. The trip to Paris should be about her. Well I doubt Spencer is going anyway, cus he has to take care of Ace now.

    2. Sonya, I'll have to watch just to see Queen Ava/Nik and Spencer realize Esme remembers. Karen and your recaps determine if I watch or not.

      Oh, your flashback today about BJ reminded me. I forgot to mention that I thought it was touching that one of the things BJ did during her visit was to help complete her mother's last task. She pointed Felicia and Carly in the right direction to get to Cornelia.

  6. hard to believe in 2 1/2 weeks begins February sweeps
    ----so when will Carly find out Michael knew, Ned and Olivia knew/Michael blackmailed Nina/Michael and Carly are paying Dex to spy on Sonny----
    -----and what about Charlotte and is someone still after Anna?
    -----I guess Jason will be the main sweeps?
    ----I think the surgery for Curtis doesn't work right away - maybe in February and Adam's parents maybe?
    -----to be honest, not a lot going on....

    1. forgot - Nik coming back.....

    2. mufasa, you know Carly will forgive Michael. Olivia on the other hand may be out in the cold.

  7. The break up of Nina and Sonny was underwhelming for me thus far. Now immediately he goes back to being killer Sonny. Yeah I know its his line of business and all, but it makes it that much more unbelievable to be close with Anna and Mayor Laura. That beating was brutal. This is the Sonny I don't wish to watch. I am hoping for Jason Q, not Jason M. Otherwise that is all we will have with Maurice are mob stories.

    1. I think Maurice has a lot of say about what goes on. I wonder if there's an agreement to have a new mental health storyline every year too, so that his blog can jump on it and keep that in the news. Also we have Adam on there now beating that topic and keeping Joss away from Dex. Those who want Dex gone should be happy...and bonus... no doubt you'll have the wonderful, marvelous Adam eating up the air time in his place.

    2. I don't mind Adam's story but have it go somewhere please. The temp Joss is really good and less snarky. I'm not saying she's better than Eden.

    3. Yeah, I am liking the temp recast, too. She reminds me a bit of the person who played Kiki.

  8. I liked the scene with Carly and Felicia changing the tire. Made Carly tolerable even. I usually don't like Carly because she's so annoying, but liked that scene. Don't want Jason back because she will be so annoying again.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...