Wednesday, January 31, 2024


 Nina and Reporter talk about Crimson and she wants a piece about Carly/Nina fight. Nina doesn't bite but says Drew isn't a good business man. 

Carly meets with Sasha, Maxie and Brook about renewing the contract with Crimson.  Carly tells them she used to be part of Deception in the 90's and will do a good job. Tracey storms in and is like : HOLD UP@@ She wonders who will teach Carly about fashion and she says "I'll look online" --WTF. Tracey agrees with no contract until she can prove her merit until September. 

Lois and Olivia arguing at the Metro. Olivia wants an apology. It's a dumb fight. They go into Olivia's office and Nina finds out about Lois/Sonny and now Nina and Lois are arguing. Then Olivia sticks up for Lois against Nina. *sigh*

Ava and Sonny under fire; under the table. Dex calls for backup. Ava has blood on her and she's worried about Avery. Avery is with the bodyguards. It's just a cut. Ava leaves to go see Avery. Sonny wants Dex to find the shooter. Ava comes back, says Avery's fine but wants to know who did the shooting. The shooter knows their system inside and out. 

Trina is confronted by Esme. Then Spencer runs in and Esme won't tell him where Trina is and she smashed he satellite. OMG she tells him to turn around and she puts handcuffs on him. Says she wants Ace back and Laura's going to do it. Spencer says NO... she won't. 

TRINA is in the pump room, why wouldn't he just go look for her?

Ok, so Trina gets free and comes in with a wrench. They fight..on the bed, on the floor...then Trina knocks Esme out with a wrench and cuts Spencer's ties. They leave Esme and run to find another boat to help them. OF COURSE ESME comes and stabs Spencer with the needle and he sinks to the deck. They fight. Spencer and Esme go overboard. Into the river. SO.. you'd think they'd ..oh never mind. 

Hated today .. sorry. 


  1. ---it's like middle schoolers wrote the Spence/Esme/Trina scene - it was BEYOND stupid on so many levels - you just have to watch or not watch - it's horribly written
    ----I don't want Nina to take Valentin's offer ----- but this reporter lying to both Nina and Carly about what she was writing seems realistic - and it occurred to me - so the public has no idea Nina turned in Carly and Drew?
    -----Sorry Karen I'll take propping up Carly over Jason being this shooter and he has lost his memory--------------PLEASE don't let it be lost many times can we have that storyline? I want it to be an old bodyguard like Tony or someone who used to work with Sonny................
    -----Olivia/Lois = meh..............
    -----previews look like Esme might be found? I dunno - we know Spence ain't gonna be found......maybe they both will be presumed dead.....I am weary of Esme.

    1. "Mufasa says, but this reporter lying to both Nina and Carly about what she was writing"

      She is?! How did you know that?

    2. I thought so - cause Nina told her stuff off the record and she knew Drew fired Nina for Carly and then with Carly she acted like Drew didn't fire Nina-----I'm thinking she is going to quote ON the record and twist the story - which I hate all of this stupid feud - enough is enough ----------which is why I hope Nina doesn't accept Valentin's offer

  2. Olivia and Lois triggered my PTS. What makes the writers think people want to see and hear screaming for that length of time. My FF button was well used once the banshees started. ( I was actually wishing their wailing was heralding a death of one of them.

    And I was wishing Trina had given Esme a middle sized dose of that needle or at least had the brains to tie her up before she woke up.

    1. "Di says, at least had the brains to tie her up before she woke up."

      Won't make a difference! Vampira could have untied herself, escaped, and found them! :)

  3. Really?! I loved the show today. It was great show I thought. So many funny one liners too! So much yelling and arguing!!! :D

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Olivia and Lois: Argument number 1!! :) No brawl though. :(

    Metrocourt office:

    Reporter and Nina: I love Nina's off the record. :)

    Olivia, Lois, and Nina: Argument number 2! So much yelly!! Love the scene!!! No brawl though, BUT Olivia wins the line of the day!

    Olivia: You want to know who else does illegal things? Oh let me see. Let me see who could that be. YOU'RE HUSBAND!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Olivia speaking truth!! YESSSSSSSSSSS! Olivia you tell her! :D And Nina thinks Olivia hates her! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's all you are getting from this Nina? You aren't going to tell her she is right?! Because she IS you know! :)

    Crimson office:

    Carly, Sasha, Maxie, and Brooky: Great scene!

    Maxie: Who are you in the room with?


    Carly, Sasha, Maxie, Brooky, and Tracy:

    Carly: I'll look online.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Tracy get her! :) Actually great scene. Great negotiating!

    Reporter and Carly: I love this reporter! :)

    Puerto Rico/Sonny's island:

    Sonny and Ava: The edit between Puerto Rico and the boat, was very strange. It had nothing to do with the other. Yeah come on Sonny! You really think that Ava watching Avery on video is going to satisfy her? She needs to see her for herself!

    Sonny, Ava, and Dex: OH! Ava's bleeding hand! Probably with a broken glass! I'm glad they weren't shot!

    Sonny and Dex: So how is Adam the bodyguard? Is he still out on the ground outside? Poor guy! He needs medical attention!!! Doesn't anybody care about him?!!?!!

    The nightmare on elm street boat:

    Spencer and Vampira: GREAT SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Spencer you didn't think ahead. Did you really think Vampira didn't care about her cub? She will do ANYTHING for him! Being so close to Vampira is not good for your health! She could bite you like she did with the captain! The captain will be a vampire now. :)

    Sprina and Vampira: WHOA!!!! A TRINA AND VAMPIRA BRAWL! I did not know I needed this!!! So we get a Trina and Vampira brawl and not a Carly and Nina one!!! Well this is a great scene!!!! YES! VAMPIRA IS KNOCKED OUT HA! :D Awww Spencer's hero. :) They didn't escape for long! Vampira bit Spencer! Er I mean needled him. :) OVERBOARD! OVERBOARD! OVERBOARD!!!! And now people are going to think Spencer died. Well, it's his turn. Everyone else did it. Now it's your turn Spencer! :) Will Vampira swim away? Will she pop up somewhere else? Like where Nik is? :)

    1. I really liked the Esme/Spence scenes when they were all up in each other's faces.
      Very nicely done. And yeah, I didn't know I needed that Esme/Trina brawl. That was pretty good especially when Trina clocked her with the wrench. Personally I would have tied Esme up and then left her to bleed. What was that kicking/stomping weird body motion that Trina did when Spence and Esme fell overboard? I thought she was having a spasm.
      I cracked up when Lois gave Nina that "I've got eyes on you" motion. It was such a Lois thing to do and Nina's face was hysterical!
      Jane Elliot is a GH treasure. She was wonderful. :)

    2. She reminded me of a toddler having a tantrum

    3. "Julie H says, I really liked the Esme/Spence scenes when they were all up in each other's faces".

      Yes!!! Loved that. Spencer you poke a bear and take away her cub, and there will be consequences!

      "Very nicely done. And yeah, I didn't know I needed that Esme/Trina brawl."

      We have been deprived from brawls!!!

      "Personally I would have tied Esme up and then left her to bleed."

      Yeah, but even if she was tied up, she could still untie herself. :)

      "What was that kicking/stomping weird body motion that Trina did when Spence and Esme fell overboard? I thought she was having a spasm."

      Spencer fell in the water! Trina was upset. She didn't expect him to fall in.

      "I cracked up when Lois gave Nina that "I've got eyes on you" motion. It was such a Lois thing to do and Nina's face was hysterical!"

      Yeah that cracked me up too!!!! Hahahahaha! Love it!

      "Jane Elliot is a GH treasure. She was wonderful. :)"

      YES!!!! :D

  4. What can I say? I enjoyed Nina finally making a move against Carly, and I enjoyed Esme roughing up Spencer. Not a great episode, but a decent one with a few good moments.

  5. Ugh. Nina is wearing that same dress. Carly is wearing a pillow case from the 80's. Thank God Tracy came in to at least push back against Snarly. Sasha & Maxie don't even have a little bit of snarkiness to give Carly as a close friend/family member to Nina. Another reminder this is the Laura Wright show.

    I liked the Ava/Sonny scenes only because its a change of pace.. but let's face it 150 lb Dex isn't going to body slam anyone. The average woman (myself included) have a larger frame.

    1. Nina's dress was soooooo summerish- I liked the color of Carly's blazer -----
      REALLY Ava and Sonny scenes and he is so good to her!!!
      I have seen several comments about Nina making a move on Carly - I must have missed that....was it something that she said to the reporter?????

    2. Following that logic, Linda, Bruce Lee would have been really useless. You don't have to have a large frame to be a good fighter, or to be able to defend yourself against bigger opponents.

    3. Di the only moves I have watched Dex have are rolling in bed with joss. No impressive Anna Devane moves. Very unrealistic.

    4. lol The actor has black belts in Hapkido, a Korean martial art, and Kobayashi Shorin-ryu, which is Japanese. Blame the writers for the scripts, not the actor.

  6. Every time Jane Elliot is in a scene...I picture myself on the sidelines waiting to hand her a damn Emmy for literally every single scene she is in. She portrays Tracy flawlessly, right down to her mannerisms how she walks, how she purses her lips. Nobody has a come back better than Tracy as delivered by Jane Elliot.
    The whole Spencer, Trina, Esme climax was a bit hackneyed. The characters deserved better. Still, LOVED the steely cold delivery of Esme as she walked into the room and then smirked/smiled as if to say 'surprise!' I hope the character isn't going anywhere. But really, how many times has she plunged over the side of something into the water? By now, she should be a champion swimmer.

    1. I'm surprised she hasn't adapted and grown gill by now. lol I would rather Trina had gone over with him. Esme on the prowl would be much more interesting

  7. I really hope the shooter is not a brainwashed Jason (again). If they go that route, I see them saying brainwashed Jason was behind Curtis's shooting.

    When are we going to stop having everyone yell at Nina? They're basically drawing a name out of hat, and having said character have a screaming match with Nina.

    Eden McCoy returns tomorrow. Unfortunately, this means the Adam storyline is back. The only way to salvage this, is to reveal that Adam is really Alec, Brenda's son. (His dad is really his Stepdad/adopted Father).

    I wish they wrote Nicolas Chavez out differently. Have him jet off to find Ace and his Dad. We don't need to see Trina mourning Spencer for several months. I will call it though, Trina is going to be pregnant with Spencer's baby.

    1. THANK YOU MATTHEW! Exactly - we didn't need this scenario.......for someone going to film a movie

  8. Hmmmm.. I guess Karen didn't watch today?

    The Q mansion:

    Brase, Lois, Gregory, and Tracy: Lois is taking over the Brase wedding, and Tracy remembers her conversation with Gregory, so Tracy agrees to the wedding! I love how Gregory was smiling to Tracy the whole time hahahaha. I like Lois's wedding idea! I don't like Lois's outfit. What is with that strange shirt? T

    Brase and Tracy: Brase was waiting for Tracy to object!! Hahaha. Brooky don't want to hurt her ma's feelings!!!

    Gregory and Tracy: Awwwwwwww. Gregory is impressed with her. Tracy don't want to go on the slingshot, but Gregory will get her on it hahahaha. Love their scene!

    Brase, Tracy, and Tracy: Tracy has an idea that Lois agrees with. Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: Well, nail polish remover is a silent killer


    The hospital:

    Adam's room:

    Adam, Joss, Carly, Adam's dad, and Felicia: Geez people just kept walking in! ROFL! I wondered where Adam's dad is. :) HA! There he is!! Sometimes when people are very worried about their loved ones they don't know how to communicate very well. I can see on his dad's face that he is worried. Felicia wants to be alone with Adam! She IS his advocate!

    Felicia and Adam: Great scene! Felicia will support him awwww. :)

    Nurses station:

    Adam and his dad: Oooooo Adam stuck up for himself and it was respectful! Good job Adam! You have to stick up for yourself!!! And look your dad is listening to you. :)

    Adam and Joss: Joss hugged him!!!!!!!!!!!! Is there something going to happen between them? :D

    Crimson office:

    Crew: Looked like he was going to touch her boobs.

    Michael and Drew: Michael all whiny and resigning! Drew wants to destroy Nina. He needs Michael's help. Michael says no! Oh look as it turns out it was a test! :) Drew ripped up the resignation papers and wants Michael to not quit.

    Nightmare on elm street boat:

    Trina, Jurtis, Laura, and Dante: I'm glad everyone is there for Trina: She knows Spencer is alive!

    Laura and Dante: Oh come on Laura stop crying! You have been through so many "deaths" by now you should be used to it by now! Then you find out your loved one is alive.

    Jurtis: Portia is just feeling so bad. She didn't want him to die! She is in tears.Time for you to walk Curtis, and take off your shirt. :)

    On the deck:

    Trina and Laura: Oh the captain is okay! Just a headache! :) Watch out though he is a vampire now!!

    Trina and Portia: Portia just skipped over to Trina! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! I'm glad Portia is there for Trina.

    Sprina flashbacks: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! :( And yes people have said that maybe Trina is pregnant. Well, I wouldn't be surprised! :) That baby would be all that's left of Sprina! :( Well for now until a few months later when he shows back up.

    The ground: Is that blood?!?!?! I spy with my little eye a tiny dove. :(

    *Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to June 16th 2010* Edward remembers the Wards.

    1. hmmm I didn't find Michael whiny.

      The little dove was in the shallow water next to the shore. It was telling me that it was dropped when someone came ashore, maybe. And it would have to be Spencer's. Trina still has hers.

    2. "Di says, hmmm I didn't find Michael whiny."

      He didn't have to resign! There is no reason to resign. :)

      "The little dove was in the shallow water next to the shore. It was telling me that it was dropped when someone came ashore, maybe. And it would have to be Spencer's. Trina still has hers."

      Yup! It's Spencer's!! Was that blood?

    3. adjective: whiney
      having a drawn-out, high-pitched, unpleasant sound.
      "he speaks in a whiny, childish voice"

      Drew wanted new rules in place and Michael agreed....calmly and cooperatively after their discussion. He wasn't whiney.

      I don't recall seeing blood, just the sand at the bottom of the water. Could be my bad We'll have to check tomorrow.

    4. Going with Di on this one. But I am the lone Michael liker on here, lol! I didn't find him whiny at all, just apologetic, and I thought he looked suitably appalled at what Drew was suggesting. And without calling Drew a nut job, he explained why he wasn't interested in going after Nina. If I was Mikey, I would get away from all things Aurora and beg Ned for a job back at ELQ. Get away from all the crazies, lol!

      I did see the dove and knew it symbolized Spencer. Didn't see the blood, but yup, I got bad eyeballs, too!

    5. "Julie H says, Going with Di on this one."

      Okay here is a better word... Complainer. :D

      "But I am the lone Michael liker on here, lol!"

      No no no! I like him! Just sometime he can be a jerk. Although a lot of characters on GH can be jerks. ROFL!

      "And without calling Drew a nut job,"

      ROFL! He should have! Hahahaha!

      "If I was Mikey, I would get away from all things Aurora and beg Ned for a job back at ELQ. Get away from all the crazies, lol!"

      Hahahaha me too! :)

      "I did see the dove and knew it symbolized Spencer."

      Yeah. :(

      "Didn't see the blood, but yup, I got bad eyeballs, too!"


  9. is Karen ok???
    ---okay I like Jason anyway so I absolutely would choose him over Drew
    ----WHERE is Adam's mom? A mom not checking on her kid? Will we know her? Will she be a drunk? Now we all know Adam will be obsessed with Josh. I was surprised no Sonny and Ava today.
    ----Repeating myself I know but I feel nothing for Spencer's death since I know it was created for NC to film a movie. Portia crying too little too late......Genie Francis however was perfection.
    -----the whole wedding stuff seemed outta place today ---- but I like Greg and Tracy..
    ----yes Di the ending was clearly that Spencer washed ashore........not sure HOW they can explain unless another lost memory.....I dunno.....and wouldn't Nik return for Spencer's service.-
    -----by the way people are SO clever - Dom posted a pic of Sam, Kristina and him in black at Wyndemere and people knew it was gonna be a funeral.
    -----did we talk about SB starts filming next week?

  10. I just read that yesterday was the last airdate for Avery Pohl (Esme) as well.

    1. I just read that. What a waste of a good actress and a good character. Esme is related to Kevin and Heather, though I don't know if I would want to claim to have Heather as my Mother 😁. She is also tied to both Laura and the Cassidines through Ace. I'm hoping they bring her back some day. I like Esme, she is one of those bad girls you love. Reminds me of Queen Ava in a way.

    2. Awful news. Avery Pohl is talented and "GH" needs more villains. I hope Esme returns one day.

  11. Just a big fat NO to Trina being knocked up with Spencer's baby. I wish you Wubbers would quit putting that out in the universe, lol! :) I cannot and will not watch Trina for the next 9 months pregnant. And I'm going to miss Esme. I agree with others, great actress and I'd really like her back.
    Laura and Tracy made the show for me yesterday. Genie's grief seemed like a living breathing thing, and Dom was wonderful with her. I could watch scenes with those 2 all day long. And Tracy? I said yesterday she's a treasure and she was at it again. Loved all of her scenes!

    1. "Just a big fat NO to Trina being knocked up with Spencer's baby. I wish you Wubbers would quit putting that out in the universe, lol! :)"

      ROFL! Sorry! *Snicker*

      "Genie's grief seemed like a living breathing thing,"

      Yeah she is fantastic!!! :D

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...