Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Three Puffs Plus Day


Well, yesterday's show was amazing so let's see what today brings us!! 

Carly and Drew. Carly is flashing back to some Bobbie scenes. SO SAD. Drew called Lucas. They are going to fly her body back. Carly talks about who to call but needs to process things a bit. She cries and wonders if there was anything she could do to save her. 

Sonny is yelling at Nina "YOU DID THIS" YOU RATTED THEM OUT TO THE SEC? Nina doesn't deny it. Willow gets all pissed off. Sonny wants to know why. She says Carly didn't tell her about Willow and Willow was sick and she was angry. THEN Willow finds out that Michael knew and held it from her since OCTOBER. She gets mad and leaves. 

Sonny and Nina talk about things. Nina says that Carly and Drew weren't innocent-- and anyone could have turned them in. Sonny then says Drew almost got killed. He doesn't want to SEE her and she CAN'T TOUCH HIM lol He wants her to go to Carly's RIGHT NOW. She says he only says that because he wants to watch Carly tear into her. He leaves. She says that's not the last of them. "I won't let it be". 

Michael and Willow argue on the docks. He says he kept the secret from her like she kept her cancer diagnosis from him!! TO "protect' Her. She says she didn't need protection. 

Tracey and Brook. Tracey's hair is DOWN! what! Scotty keeps trying to text her. Brook looks at her phone and says he's flirting. 

Chase comes home. Brook tells him about the Lois mouth incident. Then they go into the living room and Tracey's texting Scotty. They say she should go out with someone, even him. Tracey says they are crazy. Brook says life is too short not to have the best time you can. They leave. Everyone says Happy New Year and hug. 

PC Grille: Laura, Marty and Kevin are at a table. Lucy goes to bug Scott about getting with Tracey at the bar. She says not to go to hard with the flirting yet or she'll get suspicious. Then get her to Vegas and marry her. Scott says "LUKE already did that"!!!!! Lucy says Tracey makes the same mistakes over and over. 

Laura gets a call from Lucas. OH NO.. oh no.. Lucy and Scott come over and she tells them Bobbie died. Oh so sad. They all talk. No one is going to say anything until she can get ahold of all the kids and especially Lucky. They have flashbacks of young Bobbie. Sniff. So young.  

Ava is in the Gallery and someone IS COMING! Someone covers her mouth. Nikolas. Adam Huss. They argue about who's entitled to be more angry at who. LOL Nikolas is sorry. He's not the one that killed Austin or sent the notes/gun. Ava believes him. They talk about Ryan and Esme and how they manipulated them. Ava says they were poison anyway. 


Nikolas tells Ava they should "get Esme" like she got them. 

Tracey sees Laura's selfie on IG and realizes Lucy and Scotty are plotting against her! YEAH!



  1. Willow's upset about Michael keeping the secret? Really? After keeping her cancer secret for months? Can't stand that character.

  2. The flashbacks of Bobbie are lovely and sad to see. Brought tears.
    I am disappointed over Carly. Her response on the phone yesterday was odd, followed by a tribute to all who work at GH with jolly Christmas music. Bad choices.
    Sonny should have gone wild. Lackluster after all these many months.
    I "hate" AH as Nikolas. He repulses me. Of course it's just my opinion.

    1. I feel the same way about AH - just something disagreeable about him.

  3. Great show today! Thanks, Karen. Happy New Year everyone.

  4. Some funny one liners today.

    The Savoy:

    Nison: Throw barware Sonny! Call her a faithless liar! :)

    Nina: This isn't the end of us.

    Oh yes it is Nina!!! If Sonny sleeps with Ava or anybody else, then will you give up?

    The pier:

    Mildew: Wow Michael wow!!! Throwing her lie about her cancer in her face!!! Time for Mildew to break up!!!

    Carly's home:

    Crew: Damn this made me cry! :'( Too bad we can't see flashbacks. :( The Tribbles are devastated too!

    Nina and Carly: Yeah not a good time Nina!!!!

    Ava's gallery storage room: Ava the queen!!!! :) Hmmm the storage room looks really good after the fire. :) Anybody remember the fire?

    Nik and Queen Ava: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!??! Nik?! I thought it was Cyrus that covered her mouth. Oh Nik come on! Nobody made you make a porno with Vampira! That was YOUR choice! Take responsibility! And no don't make plans to get Vampira! Leave her alone!

    Port Chuckles Grill:

    Kevlar and Marty: A SELFY YAY! :D Wait Marty is leaving, but isn't kissing Lucy goodbye?!!?! And Lucy gave a thumbs up and a wave?!?! And didn't blow him a kiss back?! HUH?! Yeahhhhhhhhh Lucy is just not that into Marty anymore.

    Scotty and Lucy: Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: I thought it was just a colorful emoji.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Scotty did you use the eggplant emoji? :)

    Scotty, Lucy, and Kevlar: GAH! So sad! :( Made me cry. Love the flashbacks!!!!!!!!!

    Q mansion:

    Brase: Awwww! Brooky feeling bad.. It's okay Brooky!!! :(

    Tracy and Brooky: Scotty blowing up Tracy's phone! BAHAHAHHAHAAHA! I love the way Tracy's hair is today!

    Tracy and Brase: Yes Scotty is flirting. With that eggplant emoji? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Tracy alone with her phone: Scotty you are BUSTED!!!! :D

    1. Happy New Year Sonya!
      I cackled like a witch when Tracy caught Lucy/Scott in the back of the photo. Excellent! And I totally loved how Chase was teasing Tracy about the "flirt" texts. It was natural and you can tell he is so not intimidated. Loved it! Tracy seemed to like it too.
      Ahhh, the faithless whore. I needed Sonny to toss some things around. Sheesh, he was in a bar for crying out loud! And I agree with some of the others about Michael bringing up Willow's cancer secret. Pot and kettle ARE much more interesting when they fight, lol!
      I'm going to be a hot mess when Bobbie's funeral airs. I was sniveling through all of the flashbacks. Sniff!
      Another great show!

    2. "Julie H says, Happy New Year Sonya!"

      Happy new year Julie!!! :)

      "I cackled like a witch when Tracy caught Lucy/Scott in the back of the photo. Excellent!"

      Hehehehe. *Evil smile* Yes it was awesome!

      "And I totally loved how Chase was teasing Tracy about the "flirt" texts. It was natural and you can tell he is so not intimidated. Loved it! Tracy seemed to like it too."

      Yeah I'm glad Chase isn't intimidated by Tracy!!! :)

      "Ahhh, the faithless whore."


      "I needed Sonny to toss some things around. Sheesh, he was in a bar for crying out loud!"

      I know!!!! Come on Sonny!!!!! :)

      "And I agree with some of the others about Michael bringing up Willow's cancer secret. Pot and kettle ARE much more interesting when they fight, lol!"

      Hahaha. GET HIM WILLOW! GET HIM! :D

      "I'm going to be a hot mess when Bobbie's funeral airs. I was sniveling through all of the flashbacks. Sniff!"

      Yeah it's gonna break my heart. :(

  5. Loved today's show. There's nothing hates more than a "snitch." Remember when Brenda wore the wire way back in the day? That was their first breakup, I think.

    I am glad that Michael reminded Willow that she lied and that Willow was offended. This couple is more interesting when they fight.

    All the flashbacks of Bobbie were great. So many memories.

    I think the women are being styled better lately, but I do wish Tracy would cut her hair. The style she had in the 1990s looked best on her.

    1. Oops, somehow the word "Sonny" was left out of my first paragraph. LOL Anyhow, that old mobster hates a rat.

    2. Kevin, I knew immediately who you meant. Because Brenda wearing that wire was epic Sonny.

    3. "Kevin says, but I do wish Tracy would cut her hair. The style she had in the 1990s looked best on her."

      That's funny! Because I like Tracy with her long hair and don't want her to cut her hair. :)

  6. I am VERY happy that Tracy caught on and that she will not be made a fool of!
    Yes, it is time that Nina gets hers. Of course it should have been for the Nixon Falls stuff.
    Beautiful scenes about Bobbie. Could have done without Drew!

  7. great show - I cried
    ----the timing of NYE night and next day really bothers me still though....Savoy completely empty and no Curtis?
    ----I may be naive, but I believe Nik --------- that he isn't behind this......I have thought of Austin still alive/Victor WHO would be the person blackmailing Ava but does anyone think he is lying?
    -----I kinda thought Sonny would yell more to be honest.........and Nina was too smug when I thought she would cry and whine more......but I am SOOOO happy it's all about to come out......everything everyone did.....course Carly won't be told for a while...

    1. How about Austin was a made up person and he is someone else who is really the head of WSB or an organization even more lethal. That would bring RoHo back. His "death" was rather fleeting.
      Why didn't Nikolas even mention his child? Esme is a mother now. They want revenge? Childish.

  8. The aftermath of Bobbies death is going to do a number on me. I may have been too young (or not even born) to watch her during her younger days. But Bobbie has been such long time fixture on the show, that I still feel the pain of the loss.

    I still can't believe GH is going to have Nina tell Carly about the SEC NOW. Never have I seen such awkward timing, than when Sonny learn Dante was his son AFTER he just shot him.

    Michael and Willow are done. I expect that Willow will tell Monica, and Monica will throw Michael out

    They really did Maurice Bernard dirty, by zooming in on his face during the preview. I couldn't help but laugh! LOL!

    1. oh I think Nina does NOT tell Carly when Drew says Bobbie died......

    2. I think you're right, mufasa. I can't can't see them interrupting some great grief scenes with an angry tirade.

    3. "Di says, I think you're right, mufasa. I can't can't see them interrupting some great grief scenes with an angry tirade."

      Yeah I don't see that either. It would just be bad timing.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...