Thursday, January 25, 2024

A Libra


Dante and Chase in the PCPD. Laura comes in to tell them Esme is a danger. She wants her arrested. Laura went to a judge. They are going to go try to find her. IF THEY CAN.

Robert planned an intimate dinner with Diane at The Savoy and N'neka was setting up roses and special things and Diane shows up with Sonny and Alexis. She just ran into them outside. Robert wants to dance to Diane's fave song. She says no, she wants an apology. Something about Sonny  and --sparring and Diane says he crossed a line. Diane says that Robert has it out for Sonny. He says he finally has evidence against him and he's going to use it. Diane says that Sonny Corinthos is one of her best friends. 

Sonny and Alexis missed Spencer's party and now they are having a glass of water together at the bar. They both get calls from Krissy and Molly. 

TJ finds out that Krissy is pregnant. The baby will be a Libra she says. They are so excited but TJ is scared it won't work out again. Kristina says they are a team now and will work it out. 

Sonny and Alexis and Jordan come to Krissy's. "We're pregnant" !! Alexis is still concerned. ALexis gets a call about Kevin being in her office and she has to leave. Sonny makes a toast. Also says not to tell anyone that's not in that room. Geesh, poor Sam. 

Jordan is in her apartment with Brick who she wants help from with the investigation. He's trying to flirt? OMG he's such a jerk. uck. Not suave at all. Creepy. 

Liz/Finn talking about the trial. Marty walks in. They say they might have some new information he can use. Marty says it might be an avenue they can take. Something about an OBGYN yada yada. Marty also says that Diane might bring up his drug use. 


Esme went to Toronto to visit her old Nanny (they think) 

Diane and Robert make a truce. They won't talk about Sonny 

Laura calls Spencer about Esme


  1. I thought Marty said they were looking for an oncologist that the man may have been referred to.

    The 30 and 40 sec. scenes were very frustrating . Too short to FF. It's like they were just punching us in the face with scenes we didn't want to see.

  2. Jordan's home: Hey!!! We haven't seen Jordan's home in a long time!!!

    Jordan and Brick: I didn't think Brick was creepy. I liked their scene and hope they become a couple. :) Brick has got Jordan's phone number now hahaha!

    Police station:

    Dante, Chase, and Laura: Wow! Laura turned on Vampira really fast. ROFL! So glad seeing Chase at work!!! :D Now take your shirt off Chase. :)

    The Savoy:

    Riane: So they just argued about Sonny the whole damn hour! Come on!!!!

    Sexis: Sexis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: And you just want me to shut up and be a grandma.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! And uh Alexis you ARE neurotic!! You have always been neurotic! :) Remember how you used to breath into a paper bag? ROFL!

    Krissy's home:

    Tolly and Krissy: Awwww poor TJ! I just want to hug him!!!! :(

    Jordan, Tolly, Alexis, Sonny, and Krissy: Awwww! #Family :) When Alexis had to leave, and told Krissy and Molly she loved them, the look on Sonny's face! ROFL! I thought he was going to say, what about me? You don't love me too? ROFL!

    Alexis's office:

    Dante, Chase, Laura, and Doc: DOC!!!!! :( Wake up Doc!!!! :(

    Alexis and Chase: Love that Chase is working. :) Take your shirt off Chase. :) Huh? A new letter from Maggie? I thought at first it was an old letter.

    The hospital:

    Laura and Doc: Dammit! Laura made me cry!! :( Wake up Doc! Please!!!! :(

    Laura and Dante: Awwww I just want to hug Laura!! :(

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1994* Lulu's birth!!!! :) 3 parts to it.

    1. Oops forgot,

      The hospital:

      Marty and Fiz: Thank you Marty for disrupting them. :) Tommy the Tapeworm thanks you too.

      Fiz: Yes Liz you gotta make him relax, because Finchy is 70 years old and you don't want him to have a heart attack with all the stress he has on him.

  3. This malpractice suit I STILL kept thinking 'it's gonna mean somethin/there will be a pay-off'....i.e. we will know the oncologist or the widow OR Finn loses his job ------SURELY this whole malpractice can't be just filler for Finn and Liz? cause with this new evidence I think he will win....
    --------sorry Karen but I liked Brick and Jordan (WHO KNEW?)
    --------any thoughts about Spencer and Trina actually getting on the plane to Paris? will Spence 'die'........will Alexis realize her CREDIT CARD had a charge of a plane ticket.....
    -----at least Laura knows the truth about Esme...
    ----ooo I didn't like Diane today---------I think Robert is just jealous of Anna and Sonny's friendship.

  4. "sorry Karen but I liked Brick and Jordan"

    I'm sorry too Karen!!!

    "(WHO KNEW?)"

    ROFL! They never had a scene together, or have they? Hmmm. Well, I'm calling them Jorick! :)

    "will Alexis realize her CREDIT CARD had a charge of a plane ticket....."

    ROFL! You think Spencer stole her credit card? But he has his own credit card doesn't he?

    1. Remember Esme stole it outta the drawer..

    2. "mufasa says, Remember Esme stole it outta the drawer.."

      OOPS! Sorry! I thought you were talking about Spencer!!

  5. Robert and Diane should have had that conversation before they even started a relationship.
    Still hate the baby story. Finally we have a Molly and a Kristina that work and they have to have this story. Molly at court last week was delightful. And Kristina should be involved with her teen project. Not a baybay.
    Wonder if Avery Pohl is leaving. Her reverting back to her old ways can't be a permanent thing, can it? It's good because we have no idea what 's ahead for her.
    Going back a day or two....yes, where the heck is Taggert? No mention. Sad.

  6. I liked the conversation between Robert and Diane. It dealt with some serious issues and both sides made some good points. I especially like that Robert called Sonny a "murdering bastard."

    Also like how Laura has wised up over the past two episodes about Esme.


Friday Finale

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