Thursday, June 22, 2023



Tracy and Alexis. Tracy is upset that Ned is Eddie Maine. She says it's worse than Luke dying because Ned doesn't know her or Leo. She thinks he might be trying to escape his life. She wants to 'shake it out of him". Alexis thinks they should go along with it and let him be Eddie. 

Drew is getting ready to plea. Carly hugs him. Michael shows up too. Then Zeke comes along. The feds are taking the deal; 6 months in Spa-Jail.. and fines and Carly stays out of prison. The judge has to sign off though. OH and the JUDGE is like: Um, this is not acceptable. He wants the MAX: 20 years LOL ! Zeke tries to make the case for Drew. 

Sasha, Lucy and Maxie talking about Drew. Sasha says he doesn't like her "that way". They talk about Cody's crush on Sasha. Lucy leaves the table and Maxie gets a call from Georgie. A guy walks into the bar --oh it's her psychiatrist. He says she's making progress. 

Spin and Cody still talking to Gladys about changing her story about the bracelet. She's like: Nice try. OMG thank GOD SELENA WU shows up!! She stands on a microphone that fell (it was Sam's). SO HAPPY WU IS HERE. She sits to talk to Gladys and Cody. Tells Spinelli to leave and throws his mic into the pool! LOL  Selena tells Gladys to drop the charges and say the clasp was broken. Selena will pay a waiter to say they found it on the floor and put it in Cody's pocket. Gladys agrees. 
Wu tells Cody to make up with Gladys or else. 

Then Wu gets Money from Gladys but get this-- Sasha's psychiatrist sees her and tells her he'll pay off her debt FOR A FAVOR!! He's such a creeper I swear. 

Krissy bugs Sam enough that Sam moves out of the pool area. Then they talk about Molly. Endometriosis. Spinelli comes over all wet. They are mad the microphone got wet. Spin and Sam are trying to figure out why Gladys and Cody are connected to Selena Wu. 

Finn wants to go to Disney with Greg and Chase. Greg says he's too busy. Yada yada, then they talk about Tracy. Finn likes her. Greg doesn't. Greg thinks he could get in good with Tracy if he tried. Finn does not. 

Tracy calls Alexis an idiot, Greg overhears it

Drew gets three years !


  1. In real jail or spa jail. Think the shrink wants to sleep with Sasha. Ewww. Stop with Carly already. Nina with Dex on the promos

  2. Some funny one liners today.

    The hospital:

    Gregory and Finchy: Yeah forget it Gregory. You don't need to apologize to Tracy. She will just eat you up and spit you out! :)

    Alexis and Tracy: Oh Tracy! Ned didn't do this on purpose! :)

    Tracy: You are an idiot.


    Metrocourt pool:

    Gladys, Spinny, and Cowboy Cody: This isn't working you guys! ABORT ABORT ABORT!

    Ms. Wu, Cowboy Cody, and Gladys: Oooooo. Ms. Wu!!!! I'm glad Ms. Wu got involved in this! Ms. Wu's plan to change the story, oh she is so very good! :) It's like Ms. Wu is their kids and they are at the dinner table, and Cowboy Cody tried to leave and Ms. Wu ain't having any of that! :) LOVE IT!

    Ms. Wu and Cowboy Cody: Mama Wu wants to talk to her son alone it felt like. :) He is still in trouble! :) You better listen to her Cowboy Cody!!!

    Metrocourt lounge:

    Sam and Krissy: All this talk about Krissy and her plumbing that works! She is DEFINITELY going to be Tolly's surrogate. :)

    Sam, Krissy, and Spinny: Spinny all wet! Hahahahahaha. Sam is like Krissy go get a panini hahahahaha!

    Sam and Spinny: The whole thing failed! Nice try you too.

    Sasha, Lucy, and Maxie: Lucy wins the line of the day.

    Lucy: Cody is a man.

    BAHAHAHHAHAAHAHA! And that long quiet pause! Hahahaha!

    Sasha and Monteque: I didn't recognize him at first. Man this guy is hot. :)

    Ms. Wu and Monteque: MONTEQUE KNOWS MS. WU!!!! HE KNOWS MS. WU!!! Very interesting twist! :) And she calls him Monty! :)

    Gladys and Monteque: Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :)

    Courtroom: 3 years!!! BAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go see little Krissy and Sonny together* Awwwwww. :)

    1. I'm hoping Montey doesn't turn out to be an evil guy with an agenda. I'm hoping the favor he wants from Gladys is for her to get behind Sasha in her bid to be free of a guardian and stop fighting her and spouting all the negativity.

    2. Shrink knows wu same way he knows Gladys. He's a gambler. We assume at wus games so cody shld know him too...

    3. Ms. Wu saved the entire debacle for me. Bless her, lol! Yup, the creepy shrink is a gambler. He did creepy pretty well! Laughed out loud when the judge was being "difficult". HA!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. another bad guy in the psychiatrist which I wouldn't mind IF he was on more and whatever he was gonna do, he did quickly/storyline moves quickly-------but that doesn't happen anymore with I can't invest but he IS creepy and I think he might want to have something to do with Sonny's business OR like some have said, this is going to be a storyline involving why Sophia goes on maternity leave...............but he didn't know Sasha until he met her, right?
    --------I dunno...................storylines we dropped was the Pikeman danger/after weeks of no Greg he pops up------------------and I will say again that Austin IS Franco now.

  5. Drew gets 3 years and Sonny has murdered people for decades. Having said that I don't mind if we don't have to see him for a while.

  6. I don't watch the actual show anymore. Come here to catch up. Did Alexis and Tracy talk about Alexis being "Eddie's Angel" or "Gatekeepers?"

    1. Zak, Tracy mentioned Eddie's Angel when she was snarking with Alexis, saying that Alexis shouldn't visit Ned and have him remember Eddie's Angel. Alexis nodded and also rolled her eyes. Very brief and no mention of the Gatekeepers. Ahhhhh, those were the days!

  7. anyone think Greg and Tracy are gonna get together?

    1. Or they already know one another the way he was hiding

    2. Oh yeah! I bet they are gonna get together. :)

  8. Wouldn't Eddie Maine be wondering where Lois is? Did he ask for Lois? I haven't been watching much.

    1. No ...but he's had like a total of 5 minutes of scenes since he woke up. He escaped GH and is in The Savoy now so maybe he will soon?

  9. The actress playing Sasha sure carries pregnancy well. She looks beautiful. Anyone else looking cross at Maxie's eyebrows or was it just me? KS is stunning but I can't help but think the make up team played a joke.

    1. Yeah I noticed Maxie's eyebrows. It was very distracting.

  10. Here we are with Nina using amnesia to her advantage again......

  11. Gregory and Tracy???? Odd couple.


Tanned and Teeth

 Well, I'll be out tomorrow subbing AGAIN for the UPK kids so enjoy me while you can!!  OMG the Bach guy is on today and he's CREEPY...