Sunday, June 25, 2023

Sunday Surgery: WU-HOO


If I were a religious person, I'd start this blog out by saying: Dearly Beloved ... let us pray. BUT! I'll just say this: what a sloggy week. Again. The scripts are thinned to a razor's edge and I'm thinking they didn't want any MAJOR things advancing because of the strike so... here we are. 

I'm Wu-Hooing because this was my saving joy of the week. 

I also need to talk to the editing department because it appears that they too may be on strike. It was night for court, night in the Savoy and yet daytime, bright sun at the Metro and pool. I hate that stuff lol. 

SMASH AND GRAB OF THE WEEK:  Wu finds Sam's microphone and does the following: Gets rid of it by throwing it in the pool, stops the stupid bracelet story by getting Gladys to drop the charges and looks fabulous doing it all. Alas, she was on for one day, in the last 20 minutes of the show and that's about how it's all going. 

MAN OF THE WEEK: Zeke, pot stirrer. 

In a week of dumb conversations, this was just RIGHT ON TOP! Portia (who lied about Trina's parentage for decades) is upset and leaving Curtis because he kissed Jordan and didn't TELL HER. Um.. girl, just a minute ago you felt guilty and were ready to step out in front of a bus to get your man back and now...THIS? We've been in this Jordan/Curtis/Portia dance for YEARS now.. they are all like 50 and acting like they are 10. So.. Don't care. 

AVA: gotta tell him, what happened!? 

Nina: Like you won't believe this but Ned Quartermaine thinks he's a singer from the 90s and I'm off the hook! Oh, I am also throwing my engagement ring down the drain to make Sonny think I lost it, so there's that. 

Ava: Latte? 

Nina: Of course. 

First Laura asks Jordan to be Deputy Mayor when she finally leaves for the Chechnya adventure (12 years in the making). Jordan is all "CAN I DO THIS THOUGH? I don't know"!! When we alllllllllllll saw that Laura asked her to be Deputy Mayor when she was in Greenland. This is one reason I think scripts were hurried and just slap-happy. It wasn't that long ago. Anyway, Taggert is getting the commish position and fk Mac I guess? While I'm happy for Taggert, I would have rather seen him just join the force. We'll probably see him as much as we do Mac so it's a moot point. 

NO OF THE WEEK: Austin talks Ava into getting Sonny's nanny fired so that they can plant someone in there to gather whatever the hell they are doing from him. DIDN'T MICHAEL JUST DO THIS WITH DEX? How did that turn out? Why the FK is Ava going along with this stupidity for 2 dolts she's known for a second? My God, she'd run to Sonny in a heartbeat. Period. I do not want this for her. Nope. 

DROOPY DREW OF THE WEEK:  Judge Kim threw the book at him and gave him 3 years at Pentonville. Ol' Drew was stunned. I mean WE HAD A DEAL!! Just when I thought they were going to haul his ass off to jail, Zeke got him 7 days to get his affairs in order. :eyeroll: How long is THIS going to last? Oh! And the kicker?? Drew is concerned about Carly's FINE so he OFFERS HER AURORA!! AHAHA. She even asks about Scout and he says "She's too young to CARE"!! My ONLY hope is that Sam kicks him into a pit like she did with Sonny. 

POTENTIAL OF THE WEEK?? We got a mind-numbing table-talk from Lucy, Maxie and Sasha about Cody crushing on Sasha and Deception tidbits. It lasted 2 long days but there was a light at the end of the tunnel: Lucy wants to marry Marty which might lead to some fun scenes and Marty gets a text from his ex-wife. He pays one wife $50K and then the other one texts. My HOPE is, they start to bring his ex-wives on and they are AMC actresses. Marcy Walker. (Liza), Cady McClain (Dixie). I predict that Jackson Montgomery might come to PC to rep one of his ex-wives who wants more money. Not sure. It's all just hopeful speculation. 

EGG UPDATE OF THE WEEK: Welp, Molly's eggs aren't viable ...ergo they can't be harvested. What WILL they do? (cough...Krissy...surrogacy...cough) 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: I KNEW when Tracy was all abrupt with Leo in the Horse House, we'd get a perfect moment between these two. Didn't disappoint. I also loved it when she asked what Leo knew about her. He said "You're mean". LOL. Spectrum has no filter! 

Last sighting: June 16th 

MILLOW MARROW UPDATE OF THE WEEK: Almost forgot!! Well, I guess Willow's still in recovery ...and like maybe 3 days have passed since the 3 weeks ago we saw the transfer? SLOWEST THING EVER. Also, Dr O is no where to be seen (KG tweeted she's back in her home state and not on the show lately). She gave her the MARROW FOR THIS and...??? 


Trina finds out that Curtis kissed Jordan ...and she's not happy

Portia confronts Jordan about the kiss

Laura asks Jordan to be Deputy Mayor; Jordan asks Taggert to take her job

Spin goes in the pool after his microphone

Selena Wu ends the feud between Gladys and Cody 

Krissy and Sam talk about Molly 

Molly's eggs are not viable 

Ned thinks he's Eddie Maine, escapes the hospital

Nina thinks she's off the hook with the truth 

Lucy says Deceptor is going really well; wants to marry Marty

Idiot Drew gets sentenced to 2 years at Pentonville

Carly cries

Austin tells Ava to get rid of Sonny's nanny and install her own 

Greg thinks Tracy is mean. 
So does Leo. 

WUBS TWO CENTS:  In a world where soaps were built on young lovers having angst and going on the run, the most popular soap couple is just languishing on this show. The whole "Victor Box" was such a let down I can't even tell you. Spencer is obsessed with his baby brother and it's just sad. Meanwhile, the other couple Jex basically has zex.I'n not a Dex fan but Jex does have a following and there's potential in that. Hell, he's IN THE MOB!  Don't even get me started on living arrangements. Spencer is so rich he could buy them all a house. Beach house on the lake. Let the raves begin. But nope. *sigh* ... just *sigh* 

As for the whole "Baddie on the horizon" with Mason/Austin?? We've been down this road 100x before with Sonny. I'm reminded of the Balkin with this one. Oy VEY. We also ALL KNOW SONNY NEVER GOES DOWN FOR ANYTHING!! Or if he does he's pardoned by the mayor so-- COME ON!! Do something DIFFERENT!! 

One more thing: Carly and this SEC sheeze? Seriously?? You seriously let her YELL AT THE JUDGE and not even get contempt of court. She even stomped her foot!! LOL.. And for those of you saying "YEAH! Drew is going away for 3 years"?? Um, listen to what Zeke said: They told him Drew could always get out "early" if he behaves. SO, there ya go. Once his Hallmark movie is over, he's back in the game. In the meantime, we'll plan for Nina's wedding at which time Eddie Maine will sing their first dance song--remember who he is and spill the beans. Everyone can hate on Nina and Carly and Sonny will probably have zex in the limo. (hey, it's been done before!!)

AND THAT'S THAT!! I liked Wu's part this week. Spin was half-way enjoyable and Tracy had some nice scenes. Thank you for putting TJ and Molly into a story. I've been crabbing about that for years and yes, I'm grateful.  See? I can be nice!! 


  1. Eddie Maine and Lois meet Part 1

    1. Not sure they can pull off this storyline without Rena Sofer

  2. Thanks for making me smile after 3 days of humid rain and 3 more coming. Enjoy your day!

    1. we have the humidity and NO RAIN!! UGH.. it's just "in the air" LOL

    2. We have humidity and 100 degree weather 😢 I want my 70s weather back....

  3. I looked it up; Lucy has been married 5 times; Marty is what 3? They are super cute together. It would be fun if his exes were ladies from AMC like you said Karen; not going to happen unfortunately. Would be funny if one was Erica Kane. lol

    Thank you Karen for this blog. You are much appreciated. Our show not so much on my part. Heartbreaking actually :(

    1. aww, thank you!! The show has it's moments but ....boy, it's tough to watch every day for an hour (WITH commercials!!)

    2. I finish caved and got Hulu live a couple months ago cause my antenna is unreliable in this apt and now I can ff and it's wonderful...

  4. Thanks for making lemonade out of lemons! We need more Wu! And a better makeup artist for Maxie - she looks frightening.

    1. I was going to comment on her brows but she took such a beating on Twitter and I really hate to comment about looks. I mean, wardrobe yes (I should have mentioned her mumu) but face? KS make-up is ALWAYS off on this show!! It's so weird

    2. I don't think maxies eyebrows are because of the makeup dept. looks like a bad microblading job or possibly it was just done and they are not healed yet

    3. Yes!! I noticed that too but I too hate commenting on the looks, I do however love her hair color

  5. It would be wonderful if ABC/Disney used the strike as an opportunity to regroup, think about what's not working on the show, and make adjustments for when things get back to normal. Alas, I don't hold out much hope for that.

  6. Again I say thanks for the great SS!
    The make-up: once upon a time I worked in the cosmetic industry and did makeovers. Noticeably this past week someone went hog wild. Maxie being the worst recipient. Very heavy on the eyes.
    Portia is a repeat offender. Her dialogue is the same almost always. With a whine to it.
    I saw this all over FB: when Martin comes out of the pool will he be Tad Martin? LOL
    Eddie Maine was not mean. Nor was he real. But at least it's a story for WK. Love him.
    MB has Bonnie Burroughs, Gladys, on his "State of Mind" podcast today.

    1. I would love for him to be Tad Martin but I do like him being Laura's brother. :) KS make-up is just shameful. LORDY

    2. I too love him as Laura's bro. And Cyrus too! Wish he'd be back on air again.

  7. I know this looks like normal print, but trust me, I am screaming these words: Let Ava tell Sonny the whole story and let them work together!! THAT would have been the best---so many possibilities like we said, including Nina being jealous....
    ------I didn't think the spoilers were right that Eddie would move in with Sonny, but the look on his face means he is gonna fall for Nina............we all see it...
    ------I didn't really get Kevin's point about Ned not wanting to be in the real world ------I thought he was happy, etc.......and WHEN are Laura and Kevin and Yuri LEAVING?
    -----all of you are right------it's the worst writing in my 55 years of watching and the editing is worse.....filler stuff......and things like Laura suddenly asking Jordan to be the DM when she had already asked it?????? That's what I call 'phoning it in'....
    ------Tad's exes could be so good.......
    -----I am thinking there is more to the judge than we thought - maybe someone paid him off to sentence Drew that long?
    -----and finally, there are so many storylines dropped or haven't mentioned in weeks----WEEKS!!! I don't even look for Phyllis anymore.

    1. mufasa you posted everything I was about to post, so I'll just say ditto and where is the paternity test on Ace?

    2. Some are saying that Ned is faking it (over on Facebook groups I'm on) but I don't see why?

  8. "I also need to talk to the editing department because it appears that they too may be on strike. It was night for court, night in the Savoy and yet daytime, bright sun at the Metro and pool. I hate that stuff lol."

    ROFL! Yeah me too. It makes no sense!!!

    "MAN OF THE WEEK: Zeke, pot stirrer."

    ROFL! We need one of those. :)

    "they are all like 50 and acting like they are 10. So.. Don't care."

    I wanted a brawl! We can never get one!!! The last brawl we had was with Sonny and I think V.C. At Charlie's pub and restaurant! I want more brawls dammit!

    "AVA: gotta tell him, what happened!?

    Nina: Like you won't believe this but Ned Quartermaine thinks he's a singer from the 90s and I'm off the hook! Oh, I am also throwing my engagement ring down the drain to make Sonny think I lost it, so there's that.

    Ava: Latte?

    Nina: Of course."

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I bow to queen Ava. :)

    "My HOPE is, they start to bring his ex-wives on and they are AMC actresses. Marcy Walker. (Liza), Cady McClain (Dixie). I predict that Jackson Montgomery might come to PC to rep one of his ex-wives who wants more money. Not sure. It's all just hopeful speculation."

    Ooooooo! Sounds good to me! :)

    "Idiot Drew gets sentenced to 2 years at Pentonville"

    Well, 3 years, but meh tomatoe tomato. :)

  9. Hey check this out. Anybody remember James Patrick Stuart on AMC? :) As Will Courtlandt! Man he was so young!!! :) He played creepy Will really well. I remember this scene back then. He was going to attack Hailey.


Sunday Surgery: Tie Me UP!

  GH was certainly back to Soap 101 certain times this week! This is when I seriously think at 30 min show would really work. Cut that fat r...