Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Air Quality

 Poor Canada! Burning all over! Our air is so smoky and hazy it's unreal. Red Sun all day. Plus, nothing is moving and we've had no rain for 17 days here (a record for June). SO!! I hope your air is good breathing where you are!! 

I'm out today because I have a meeting right at GH Time. I know, I know... but THEY do not care that I have another job!! 

The show is so lack-luster lately I could scream. Yeah, Zeke is in town but other than that? Meh. Even the big "what's in the box" reveal was just nothing burgers. Is Greg still dying? He seemed pretty peppy with Esme. Walt Wiley is coming; probably for the WSB thing? I don't know. Maybe a financial specialist? Anyway, maybe when I watch today's show on Hulu I'll feel better. Those commercial blocks are long and tedious for sure!! 

Have a good one! 


  1. Thanks kd. It was indeed burning all over. I'm in Nova Scotia and we've finally had a few days of rain. Over 18000 evacuated and many with no homes to go back to. Largest wildfire in province's history. It finally feels like I'm breathing air today but the horizon is still ringed with haze. I hope you get rain soon too, hopefully with a little less ferocity than the one we had yesterday. But the fires are out or under control at last.

    1. Thanks. We're safe in this area now but it was a scary week.

  2. Walt is coming as Jackson Montgomery. I'm assuming he'll be representing Carly.

    1. Diane represents Carly - I think he is representing the SEC????

  3. also on the previews when Ned says "It was you", I don't think it's Nina or Tracy - I think it throws us off -----it's Ned saying to Tracy those words about Chase..

  4. --SOOO many things wrong with today's show........Portia manipulating Esme to leave town and WHY is Esme even there?
    -----I thought Valetin was going with Laura---------------and HOW can Jordan be Commissioner AND DEPUTY MAYOR
    -----the nurse I think was paid by Nina - new nurse/telling Willow to forgive her biological mom and even saying she LOVES Nina Reeves......it was creepy.......Willow hadn't seen her before and STILL didn't think it ODD??????
    ------Maxie buying a house must relate to whatever Tracy is gonna do to destroy Deception but WHY is Tracy wanting to destroy it?
    -----Jordan blabbing to Portia's brother was stupid but soapy so I liked it!!
    ----odd show today....

  5. I just want to know who the heck is Nurse MyLastNerve? Gah!!

  6. maybe Willow's convo was just filler.........since it was pointless.....but I still think Nina hired her...


  7. They are really trying to s-t-r-e-t-c-h out the show. I can't watch Willow any more.
    Laura and Val's big converse about going to find Nik? WTH Really bad.
    The air in CT is smoky too. Can't see the orange globe but it 'shines' through the smoke and reflects on surfaces like a spotlight. So strange. Glad NS is getting some rain.

    1. Do you mean Kevin? That conversation was definitely strange.

    2. We have had a haze for days here in NE Pennsylvania. Only two days of rain the whole month of May and non predicted so far

    3. No, I meant the conversation between Laura and Val from early last week or the week before. It was settled that they were going to Russia.

  8. I saw Nancy Lee Grahn on an old Perry Mason, 1991, the other night. She played a real bitch who was killed in the first 15 minutes.

    1. Wow she is 67. She looks great.

    2. And Gregory Harrison is 73! He looks pretty good too.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. at least we found out Zeke is Drew's lawyer

    1. He is?! Did Drew talk about it? Or Zeke?

    2. Earlier you said you thought he was representing the SEC. have you found an article since the show ended?

    3. No I was speculating since he is coming in July???? and a lawyer????
      Sonya - didn't the phone say incoming Drew Cain on Zeke's phone??????

    4. "Mufasa says, Sonya - didn't the phone say incoming Drew Cain on Zeke's phone??????"

      Beats me! I don't remember! :0

  11. So much talking today! Not enough action.

    The hospital:

    Portia and Vampira: Portia is on a fishing expedition and is manipulating Vampira. Portia is all you should go out of town. Oh sure. Vampira and Ace can go leave town, and then Spencer can follow! Because he said wherever she goes he will follow her. Great plan Portia. NOT!

    Kevlar: Awwww Doc is going with her to Chechy. :) They need a Russian translater. Oh Yuri can help! Oh wait I thought V.C. was going too? I'm so confused.

    Willow and nurse: Uh who the hell is this nurse? Or maybe I should say "nurse" She has Felicia's eyes and her voice sounds familiar. Is this a dream Willow is having? Cus tomorrow's episode she looks like death has come again.

    Maxie's office:

    Maxie and Lucy: Time to find Maxie a HUUUUUGE house! Yeah I think that is a great idea! Maxie's face looks so washed out. Maybe because of the color of her hair? Anyway, I want to see this new house!!!

    Purtis's home:

    Curtis and Drew: Curtis admits he is confused. Well good. They both talked so much today. Just take your shirts off please!

    Metrocourt pool:

    Brooky and Tracy: Same ol conversation. Nothing to sneeze about. Unless you are allergic to their conversation.

    Brase: They both hate Pâté! ROFL!

    Jordan and Zeke: They meet!!!! :)

    Metrocout hotel:

    Jordan and Zeke: They have sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D The beginning of Zordan! People on twitter are calling them Zordan! :) Jordan just needs to relax her mouth, but other than that.. FIRE! :)

    1. SO Brooklyn would help destroy Maxie's compnay and ruin her and the other board members rather than tell Chase that Tracy helped her get him free. How stupid is that storyline.

      And I knew you'd be dancing for joy when they said Yuri was going. hehe

    2. "Di says, SO Brooklyn would help destroy Maxie's compnay and ruin her and the other board members rather than tell Chase that Tracy helped her get him free. How stupid is that storyline."

      Yeah it's very stupid!!!

      "And I knew you'd be dancing for joy when they said Yuri was going. hehe"

      ROFL! We haven't seen Yuri in awhile. I hope we see him in a scene with Terry to say goodbye. :)

  12. Man this fire!!! The sky looks strange and yesterday I saw a red sun!!!

    1. Just took my dog out and wow...it's really smoky outside. Very short walk.

    2. "zazu says, Just took my dog out and wow...it's really smoky outside. Very short walk."

      I saw a blood sun for the second time!!!! Yikes!!!

  13. I know who the nurse is!!! Someone on soap central website said who she is. She looked really familiar and I had her face in my head the whole time. It's Susan Diol!!! :)

    1. Yes. She's the one who played Alexis before. https://soaps.sheknows.com/general-hospital/comings-and-goings/673994/who-plays-nurse-clara/

    2. She also was on OLTL for a short time.

    3. Yes. That was in the article.

    4. Oh I forgot that she was playing Alexis. She was also on the OG night court as Dan's little sister. :) Also the OG Quantum leap as Al's wife. :)

  14. okay social media blogs are speculating that Willow was dreaming.......THAT I can accept....

  15. When is the last time that we saw Elizabeth?

  16. Not only wondering where Liz is but why isn't she taking care of Willow instead of them hiring a new nurse?

    1. Obviously they're filming in blocks these days. She'll probably be on again within a week. And she's the head charge nurse. She wouldn't be checking patients vitals on the wards.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...