Saturday, June 3, 2023

Dante Has Shorts on


Pool: Dante and Sam. Then Sonny tells Dante Nina and he are engaged. Then NED walks in. Sonny yaps at him for turning Carly in. Olivia comes over, Dante and Sam come over.  Ned swears to god he didn't turn Carly and Drew in. Olivia backs him up. Sonny says ok but he's still not 100 on this. 

Joss and Dex at his apartment. He says he doesn't have the video anymore. Joss is PISSED. He explains he has a job to do and gave it to Michael, his boss.  They talk blah blah blah

Michael goes to Carly, flashes back to Joss telling him to tell her about the video. He says he has something Sonny can't get out of if she wants to use it. She says she won't turn on Sonny. Michael asks what if he did it. Shows her the flashdrive that has the evidence on there that Sonny violated the national security act. He tells her he commissioned it. She freaks out that he'd do that. 

Jordan goes to Curtis' house. She's mad he moved back in after kissing her and telling her to wait. He says he's in the guest room anyway. And their kiss was 'spontaneous".  Jordan is like whatever. Curtis asks her to 'wait a bit longer'. 

Ava and Austin. She's upset Laura is going to Chechnya to look for Nikolas (who they think is dead) and Austin is saying she has to let her go. Ava is scared because it's dangerous there and she doesn't want blood on her hands. Austin says it's really hard to get into that country so it will buy them time to figure out something. MASON comes in.  He says they owe him for taking care of "their problem" They think he got rid of the body. 

Sprina in the bank to open the box. They open it. "what fresh  hell" ?? says Spencer. It's an iPad but they need power. Trina has a charger. There's also a Rx for the drug that killed that bartender. Esme's name on it--and Trina says she tried to poison me. Spencer apologizes for not telling her he found a pill. He had no proof she used it on Trina. Then they find a letter Esme wrote Maggie her maid basically confessing to drugging the Bartender guy. They fire up the iPad. It's Esme paying off bartender for the phone. It's a still from the security camera. 


Jordan leaves Curtis for good (I guess)

Olivia apologizes to Ned for doubting him


  1. Jordan I don't think can act BUT I am looking forward to her new romance with Portia's hunky brother!
    ----HOW is Spencer not mad at Victor for holding on to evidence????? He won't use it - and with Laura gone no telling what he and Esme would do....
    -----Mason is not a great bad guy---plus he is too cryptic
    -----Carly rightfully so is gonna be so mad at Joss and Michael and Dex when she finds out the truth..
    ---Glad Olivia knows Ned is telling the truth-----I thought Sonny was gonna figure it out...
    ----to repeat WHY ISN'T DEX AT WORK - he hasn't seen Sonny since Joss talked with him...
    -----just my quirk = WHY is Sam wearing black at the pool - not a bikini but black clothes?
    I'm bored....

    1. I thought Jordan did a great job of putting Curtis in his place today. She left that conversation with her dignity in tact and him in her wake eating crow. Out the door with her head held high.

      Lots of loose ends getting tied up and people heading off in new directions.

  2. As I said on Twitter, I'm not convinced the Esmidence in the safe deposit box is real (although it may be real enough for the PCPD). Victor wasn't all that fond of Spencer when they left for Greenland - did he have time to change his will to leave Spencer a trap like he did for (at least) Anna? Or did Victor just fabricate what he needed for himself to get Ace by law instead of kidnapping and ended up with Plan B by necessity?

    1. Good question, Judith. I'm also wondering how that will get Esme arrested as they already dropped the case because she still has no memory of her crimes.

  3. Friday's episode was the first in weeks to hold my attention. It wasn't great but at least things moved along.

    I am liking where the SEC/video against Sonny storyline is going, finally. I can see Joss trying to turn the video evidence over to the feds and being stopped by Carly. I would like to see Carly mad at Joss and Sonny mad at Michael. Let the Corinthos family turn on each other for a while.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...