Friday, July 22, 2022

Unsung Heroes While You Get A Repeat

Yes, It's Friday but... I'm out celebrating

32 years with the Wub Hub! 

Today's show is also a repeat of yesterday-- well, 1/2 of yesterday

So let me know about the last 30 min!! 

The Daytime EMMYS were held recently and GH did fairly well in the acting categories. This made me think about some other acting performances in history that were worthy of an EMMY but were overlooked. Karen and I are going to each pick one scene/story and dissect it and nominate our unsung hero.

I want to eliminate the "big ones" (Stone's death, BJ's death). I think we all know they are in an acting class by themselves. Here is mine:


Sonny shooting Dante was filmed in the genre of The Godfather. While Dante was being shot, Joss was being baptized and they interspersed the scenes. Olivia came in an uttered a memorable line "You just shot your own son". And for several scenes, she was a frantic mother watching her son bleed to death to a mother feeling guilty for not telling her son the truth. Her range here was immaculate. She could have wavered between over the top and under the top but she just nailed everything. I remember her on the show Loving. I loved her there and love her here. It makes me wonder why they don't use her more often. She has the talent and she clearly can own a scene. And was nominated for an Emmy once. Right now, she is filler. They are wasting her, in my opinion. While watching the videos in this storyline, I have to acknowledge Lulu (Julie Berman) as well. She was really good and I do miss her.


Why Connie Towers never won an Emmy for her turn as Helena Cassadine, I will never understand. She was superb in every scene. This is my personal favorite. She poisons Stefan with a paralitic drug and then taunts him while he lays there. Delivery: So on point. Evilness? Amazing. Five stars. She even tells him he was bad at breast feeding!! 

What are some of YOUR favorite scenes/characters
that you thought deserved an Emmy Nod? 

PS: Side note from Dave. Is anyone shocked that Karen picked Helena? Anyone?


  1. Happy 32 years!
    No Emmy for GH editing: Britt on her 'date' wearing a red dress. Appears at Haunted Star in a black dress. No time or mention about changing. Really bad.
    Not much happened and then...Special Report: Gannon is guilty. Who cares.
    We did get the previews. Esme is in a pickle.

    1. "Zazu says, Britt on her 'date' wearing a red dress. Appears at Haunted Star in a black dress"

      Oh you're right!!! I didn't even notice. Hahahahaha!

    2. Also, it was daytime for Curtis and Selena, and nighttime at the Haunted Star

    3. i said "Gannon"...must have been thinking about Nora. lol

    4. Gaffes like these make me think that either "GH" is purposely disrespecting fans or just don't care. Either option makes me angry.

  2. I already told you this on twitter Karen, but HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU AND YOUR HUBBY! :) Okay so since I already watched GH online yesterday, and shared my comments already, I'll copy and paste my comments from July 21st 2017. Then I'll copy and paste, then do the flashback Friday. Oh and there was breaking news close to the end of the episode today. STEVE BANNON TRIAL! HE WAS FOUND GUILTY! :)

    Paint and Wall's home:

    Paint and Wall: They are whisper talking.. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..

    Paint and Sonny:

    Sonny: Hi Sam.

    *Sam gives laser eyes to Sonny*

    Sonny: How are you?

    *More laser eyes*

    Carly's home:

    Carly and Bobbie: Great scene!!! It's hard being a mom to a teenager? It's extremely hard being a teenager!!!! I remember!!! UGH! Never want to go back to that.

    Carly and Joss: Uh Joss you better call Oscar so that he could meet your mother!!! :)

    Ava's home: Oh Ava you don't have to throw out all your makeup!!! You will just have to go shopping for more in a few months. :)

    "Karen says She has to sign for it-- and the guy sees her face. She says BOO!"

    Ohhh is THAT what she said to him? ROFL!

    Ava and Sam: Strange scene! ROFL!

    Sonny's home:

    Laura and Sonny: Yeah Laura take care of yourself!!!!!

    The police station:

    Valenina: Nina payed V.C.'s bail?!?!?!! WOW!!! She still wuvs him and he knows it!!! :)

    Nathan and Nina: Nathan just give it up! Nina and V.C. belong together and they still are in wuv!!!

    V.C. and Laura: Wow! Calm down Laura damn! Don't get your panties all in a bunch! Genie Francis is still a fantastic actress! :)


    V.C. and Laura: Great scene!!!!! Laura you shouldn't hit him like that!!!! You are going to feel real dumb when you find out he didn't kidnap Spencer!

    Jason and V.C.: JASON!!! GAH! Don't hurt my V.C.!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    Jason and Laura: V.C. deserves a HUGE apology from Jason and Laura when they find out he didn't kidnap Spencer!!!!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to April 14th 2010* Helena with Alexis.

    Helena: Still going through Menopause, I'm sorry. I'll tread lightly.


  3. Yesterday we saw a repeat episode here in NYC, so of course looking forward to see a new one today.Woyld you believe that 15 minutes before the end, the show was interrupted again with an update of Biden's condition?

    1. No, this interruption was about Bannon being guilty. It's always something.

    2. In NYC, it was a press conference re Biden that interrupted @3:45pm.

    3. "Shelley D. says, In NYC, it was a press conference re Biden that interrupted @3:45pm."

      How weird!!! Everywhere else it was Bannon, and in NYC it was Biden.

    4. Just as long as they interrupted the show with something!!

  4. At 2:45 central time in Chicago it was Biden update also.


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