Thursday, July 21, 2022


 Esme goes to see Oz the bartender. She says she has no boyfriend and no money. He says he should just tell on her and ask for immunity. She also finds out Curtis and Marshall are on her trail. 

Curtis, Portia and Marshall talk about the trial so far. Curtis is going to go to Oz' room and look for clues. He payed the motel guy.  He gets a call from WU!! She's at his house. He sits in her car. 

Bald guy tells Austin his "time is up"...He has to go back to "Pawtuckit" or whatever. Or the BOSS will be pisse. 

Linc is interested in Chases' singing. Brook says she's in charge. 

Spinelli and Maxie talk about...Austin. Snooze. He tells her he's behind the Society Dating thing. 

And.. Cody's still badgering Britt about everything. Very dull. He calls her a nag, she dumps wine on his head and leaves. 

After: Britt sees Austin and Baldie. The Bald guy says that  "SHE" (the boss) says he has to be back. 


WELP. AND ABC ANNOUNCED it's showing the WHOLE SHOW OVER AGAIN TOMORROW --so.. no new show on Friday!! 


  1. I'm just happy we didn't miss a courtroom day. The press secretary is terrible at her job.

    1. "DeeDee says, The press secretary is terrible at her job."

      I miss Jen Psaki!!! :(

  2. Got a rerun here - this is beyond ridiculous

    1. If they showed a repeat it means they could have shown it in the other time zones and they just decided not too.

  3. Here in NYC, it went on@3:05pm and it's a repeat!

  4. I saw it all here but if they're repeating it there tomorrow we will have a repeat too. grrrr

    Interesting but maddening development at the end.

    I think this show makes me too mad most of the time and I should take a break. My spirit will thank me.

  5. OMG is right. Fifty minutes about Pres. Biden's covid. Hope he feels better soon but lots of people are testing positive. That's what can happen when you let your guard down. He did that on his trip abroad.
    ABC will probably show today's show tomorrow, Sigh.

  6. I was cleaning a closet so I didn't have the remote - it was horrible!!! Do they NOT realize how STUPID the questions are and the same question and the Press Secretary kept saying ah ah ah ah---------just read a memo and move on- Covid is here to stay in some form and we have vaccinations and we don't need on and on and on and on and on....

    1. "Mufasa says Covid is here to stay in some form"

      We also have monkeypox and Polio is back now!!! UGH!

  7. Di said "If they showed a repeat it means they could have shown it in the other time zones and they just decided not too." Just decided not to . . . a portion of people viewed some of the new episode while others got a rerun. Just seems it could've been better handled. As soon as Biden announced covid and set a 2:00 presser, ABC should have cancelled - no 2:00 presser starts at 2, and the endless analysis after it ends should have tipped ABC off to what was going to happen. Just seems stupid. On the other hand, when they announced he had covid, they cut into my regular morning programs and then they got cut off for an emergency alert test - so that was cathartic lol -sorry to vent

    1. I'm assuming that the ones who got the rerun didn't miss the press conference since it was nation wide. If it was shown before or after that repeat they could have shown the scheduled show and let one time zone get it online tonight.

      Like you say, badly handled. And it's the endless analysis after it ends that drives me crazy. Either they assume that many people can't follow the broadcast because it was only said once..duh....or ABC announcers love to hear themselves talk because the news will be repeating it many times after for someone who needed it broken down sentence by sentence.

      And it's the

    2. "Di says or ABC announcers love to hear themselves talk"

      Well, they ARE the talking heads! ROFL!

  8. Great show today! I had to watch half of it online because of the breaking news with Biden and his covid. I'm glad it's mild. My aunt Freddie lives in Italy and she has covid. She will be okay. It's mild.

    Horse/Parachute guy's home:

    Parachute guy and Britch: Oh come on you two!! You are giving Mr. Ed a headache!!! Britch if he offends you so much, just stop talking to him and walk away!!! Parachute guy wins the line of the day.

    Parachute guy: It's funny you don't like horses, considering you are such a nag.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Okay that's it. Just walk about Britch! He isn't interested in dating you. He wants something from you. Maybe your father. He knows Faison! Is Faison your father Parachute guy? Hmmmm? Oh look he calls her later to apologize. He SO wants something.

    Purtis's home:

    Purtis and Marshall: Portia is so worried about Trina! :(

    Curtis: I will always protect her. As if she was my own.

    Oh man the look on Portia's face when he said that!!!

    Portia and Mr. Hat man: Mr. Hat man wears reading glasses! :) SO REAL! :) Portia is fishing again about mental health and Mr. Hat man has no clue.

    Ms. Wu's car:

    Curtis and Ms. Wu: Ooooo! Ms Wu wants him to call her Selina!!! She likes him. :) I love that she wants to help him! OH! SHE OWNS THE HIGH SIDER BAR!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! LOVE IT! :) Ooooo she can give Curtis the address of the bartender tonight!!! GAH I LOVE HER! :)

    Haunted star:

    Pawtucket Holtster and Tree: OH! So Tree isn't the head tree. There is a head tree and it's a woman?!!?! Pawtucket Holtster's gambit is over because he failed and now he needs to go back to Pawtucket? Okay I'm interested and intrigued. Who is the boss tree? IS SHE MS. WU? OH PLEASE LET IT BE MS WU!!!! PLEASE! I BEG OF YOU! :) Oh hi Britch!

    Britch and Pawtucket Holtster: She is whining about Parachute guy. Okay now I want Britch and Pawtucket Holtster to be a couple. :) Great scene.

    Maxie and Spinny: Okay there has to be something more than Spinny owning the dating service. I just get that feeling. It feels like he did something illegal.

    Maxie, Spinny, Britch and Pawtuket Holtster: Britch wants to sue the dating service, and Maxie is protecting Spinny! Oh man! Now I want Maxie and Spinny to be together, and Britch and Pawtucket to be together! :)

    Chase and Linc with a smidge of Brooky: Linc wants Chase badly. Yeah I know the feeling. ROFL! Brase's plan worked! :)

    Brase: KISS ALREADY!

    Oz's home:

    Oz and Vampira: It really sounds like people are saying Boz.. Ah well. I'm thinking is she going to try to seduce him? OH SHE IS! :) She looks at his drink and smiles. Is she going to drug him? Oh oh he isn't feeling well. SHE DID DRUG HIM! *Evil grin* He is out! OH OH CURTIS IS OUTSIDE THE DOOR HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Vampira is panicking!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1999* The nurses ball with Victor, Mary, Serena, and Neil.

  9. Been there done that with britt and anyone she has had chemistry with. I don't mind this guy but get on with a story already. Same with Drew. what a waste

    Joss is on my nerves lately. I wish they would show her being a teenager in the summer instead of this. I know she is supporting her bff, but show other scenes please.

  10. Here's some good news about a GH alum.

  11. It was actually an episode that was keeping my attention and then -- BAM, interrupted. Maddening.

    I wonder if Austin is somehow being blackmailed by Ms. Wu? Also, I am beyond over with Cody. Both the character and the actor are annoying. Pair Britt with Austin.

  12. another synopsis said it was a MAN who told Austin he hadn't completed his job and his boss wanted him back-----which does make me think ----------again they are changing the ORIGINAL purpose of Austin------making him bad now???? IS his dad alive? I would LOVE it to be Mrs. WU, though



  I was SO EXCITED that I forgot to publish the fact that the "Golden Bachelorette" RUNNER-UP Guy Gansert is guesting on GH this w...