Monday, July 18, 2022

Trial and Error



Carly shows up because of course she does. Diane and Joss are there too. Taggert (temp) is there with Portia and Trina. They are saying the jury will find her innocent. Taggert mentions new evidence but Curtis walks up looking sad. Everyone gets in the courtroom. Cam comes too. Liz is home with a sick Aiden. 
Cam testifies that Trina was the only one in the house when he and Joss had zex. 
Then Joss gets up and starts going off on her own theory and the DA asks to treat her like a hostile witness. 

Sonny/Dante boxing. Talking about the Carly-Hotel stuff. Then Temp-Michael walks in to tell them both something. He tells him about Willow being pregnant and to stay away. Then Dex comes in to fight Michael (EYEROLL) then Brando comes in to fight Dex. UGHHHHHH

Brando/Chase in the steam room. Brando is pissed Sasha lied to him for MONTHS! MONTHS I TELL YOU, HOW CAN he TRUST HER AGAIN? 

Nina is in the graveyard visiting Nathan. Olivia calls her about a last minute Metro Court meeting. Dr. O walks up and asks if she changed careers. Nina tells her about Carly and the hotel. They talk about choices and yada yada. Willow is in the graveyard too telling Jonah about the new baby. Nina and O overhear her. "You're pregnant"?? Willow says yes and has to leave. Nina is jealous of Carly. 

Spencer and Esme. He tells her about finding her mama. Portugal??!! Then Esme gets a weird look and says: Did he find my father? Why did you do this? Then they talk about it being real and if it's really her mother. He pulls out the DNA test. She asks where the name of the mom is. He said he has it. "I can't believe you did this for me" says Esme. Spencer "Oh, you're the LAST person I did this for"!! Oooooooooooooo@!!! There it IS!! He tells her he will tell her the name for Trina's FREEDOM!! 


Josslyn admits that Trina was alone in the cabin with her and Cameron.

Willow and TJ talk about her test results he ran over and above the pregnancy one


  1. ----so we are supposed to believe that Curtis and Marshall and Sam and Spinelli could NOT find scum bag who sold the phone?
    -----I missed this - was Trina allowed to finish this semester?? Did Joss and Cam EVER have finals and WHEN did they move back home?
    ------Dex and Brando and Michael all look alike to me......sigh.....boring
    -----Willow = blood disorder or cancer???
    -----again days have passed and we never saw Liz go home or what was decided about her job and WHERE are the boys and Liz living?
    ----In Spencer's defense, he doesn't know psycho Esme knows her father or thinks she does.......gonna backfire........I guess we will move in to the Nik is the fatha of the baby and she will be done with Spence and Trina.

    1. Trina was not.. she got some Section D or something ... Spinelli should have been given the phone to --OR forensics because.. come on. THEY ALL LOOK ALIKE, YES! Remember the Ford Brothers on OLTL ?? LOL FRANK-- why wouldn't they be living in Liz' house? Oh, I think the Spencer thing will too--damn it.

  2. So I was in Jury duty today. Was in the jury box. Never been in the jury box before! Anyway I wasn't picked! Whew :)

    Steam room:

    Brando and TJ: Oh Brando is whining. Well gee Brando, now you know how your mother felt. Geez he acts like he never done drugs before and doesn't have that life experience to understand.

    The graveyard:

    Dr. O and Nina: Come on Nina! You can give your half of the Metrocourt to Olivia. You don't need to whine that big bad Sonny isn't happy with you. I need a fight between Nina and Cujo, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!

    Willow and Jonah's graveyard: Hey Jonah! You are going to be a big brother in a few months. Too bad you can't meet the kid. Unless the kid dies.

    Nina, Dr. O, and Willow: Oopsy!!! Now they know Willow got the preggers.. Gonna give her a party?

    The gym:

    Brando, Sonny, Dante, Recast Michael and Dex: ROBERT ADAMSON YAY! :) Wait why are they going back and forth and back and forth with Michael? Very odd. Oh look! Dex and Recast Michael fake fight! ROFL! DEX! Listen to your brother Brando! You behave now or you won't get any cake!

    Michael and Dante: Michael wins the line of the day.

    Michael: There it is.

    ROFL! Can we keep him? I will take good care of him. I promise!!!!

    The hospital:

    TJ and Willow: RA RO! What do the tests say?


    Spencer and Vampira: Oh Spencer you are sneaky. :) GET HER GET HER! :)

    The courthouse: Since I was in Jury duty today, these courthouse scenes are very strange to me today! :) Wait Liz isn't there because Aidan is sick? Oh come on!!! *Facepalm* Oh hello recast Taggart. Hi Cam!! Where is Rory?

    1. Oh I want recast Michael to stay too. he looked much more intimidating in that kerfuffle than the other Michael. And we know you'd take great care of him, Sonya. hehe

    2. "Di says, Oh I want recast Michael to stay too. he looked much more intimidating in that kerfuffle than the other Michael."

      I agree!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

      "And we know you'd take great care of him, Sonya. hehe"

      ROFL! I really would! All of us girls would!!!! :) Well, maybe not you.. You might hide him in a box or something. ROFL!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Replies
    1. I really don't understand the actors coming and going and coming again, like Taggert and Michael.

    2. I think the shows are filmed all together and then on air randomly

    3. I know Real had cancer while back.. got better then I think he comes and goes? Maybe Frank is being generous to him...not sure. I'm just glad they had Taggert IN there. TEMP Michael is killing me. We never know when he'll pop up lol

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Read a spoiler that someone testifies for Trina that she doesn't expect. Thinking Spencer? and another spoiler is the showdown coming next week between Ava and Esme---before Esme tries to leave town - I am DOWN for that!


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