Wednesday, July 6, 2022



I'm ready!! I will not be here Tomorrow or Friday-- I think I told you!! So this is my last hurrah for a bit. 

Britt can't believe Kevin didn't see her internet video. Then an orderly comes in and tells her a patient left a giant belt behind (with a western buckle) and she's the contact number!! AHAHAA. 

Cody goes to the Q stables and introduces himself to Michael and Willow. He's living above the horse HAHAHAA. Millow leaves. Then Cody talks to the horse. LOL Britt brings back his belt buckle. They banter. 

Drew tells Carly about his Nina plan. Carly's not happy. She doesn't NEED TO BE SAVED! 

Nina tells Sonny that Carly lost 1/2 the hotel. She says Drew offered her to buy Crimson and she said no because it would be dumb to buy a magazine now. Sonny leaves. 

Sonny and Carly talk by the pool, he wants to help her out. Carly says NO WAY. He tells her when she has to pay to sit by the pool, remember he offered!! SNAP! OMG!! 

TV show. Sasha gets the baby sling on...and OMG but the woman also has a FAKE BABY BOY TO PUT IN IT!! OOOOOOOOOOOO!! So, Sasha walks around with the fake baby on her and IT TURNS REAL BECAUSE SASHA IS ALL MESSED UP!! hahahahaa!! OMG!! She talks to it. Nina watches on TV. Brando runs up and Sasha realizes it's just a doll and loses her mind. !!! Oooooooo Sofia is so good in this scene.  Then Morgan gets all angry with Lucy saying that she thought Sasha was camera ready and over drugs and mental issues. She says she's going to SUE Deception. THEN SELINA WU WALKS OUT "I'D THINK TWICE ABOUT THAT"!!!! Selina says they will sue Home and Heart for emotionally manipulating a grieving mother !! Morgan backs off. Then Lucy says thank you. Wu says You'd better deliver and watch your talent, COE!! 

Sasha arrives at GH ... Kevin meets them. HE asks some medical questions. Brando says that his mom was concerned that sasha was using again. Maxie gives Kevin her purse. Brando gives permission for Kevin to look. HE FINDS THE PILLS!!!!!! 


Sasha is placed on a 72 hour hold !!!!!! Brando had to authorize it!! Sasha screams NO!! 


  1. ---I think Morgan Fairchild knew about Sasha and did the whole thing for ratings---don't care except Mrs. Wu was there!!
    ---Sorry, Nina lovers, but I am sick and tired of crocodile tears over NELLE!!! hate her and Sonny
    ----don't like Drew and Carly either
    ----still think Willow is going to have another medical problem --- boring Millow.....
    ----Cody and Britt I like! I am thinking Faison killed someone he was close to? since he said 'if I ever love again'....

    1. "Mufasa says, I am thinking Faison killed someone he was close to? since he said 'if I ever love again'...."

      Could be!!! I've been thinking that Faison is his father!

    2. I was thinking the same father thing but Cody wouldn't be hitting on Brit...unless he doesn't really know.

    3. "Zazu says, I was thinking the same father thing but Cody wouldn't be hitting on Brit...unless he doesn't really know."

      Yeah maybe he doesn't know. Hmmmmm.

  2. Wubsy hope u have something fun planned!

  3. I can take Nina and sonny over Carly. She is a shrew can't STAND CODY

    1. Yes about Carly. Cody I am staying open to. He's better than Michael's whining

  4. The way things are shaping Sonny with Nina, Carly leaning on Drew, Selina Wu with her controling fingers in all the businesses; I'm starting to think that MB may be on the road to retirement soon. It could be an interesting road we're headed down.

  5. The horse stables:

    Mildew: Blah blah blah. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Parachute man and Mildew: What?! Their is a bedroom upstairs?!?!! Geez is there a whole apartment upstairs too?! Wouldn't he smell the stinkiness downstairs?

    Britch and Parachute man: Love their banter. :) He puts her name down as an emergency contact! HAHAHAHAHAHA! There are other names you can put down! Like Dante! :) The Tribbles. :)

    The Q nook:

    Mildew: Blah blah blah. Horse from her past, Blah blah blah Zzzzzzzzzz. Oh look they are eating a banana! It's not wax? WOW! :)

    Crimson office:

    Sona: Nina all in tears made me emotional! :(

    The Metrocourt pool:

    Carly and Sonny: Sonny! You two are divorced! She don't need your help! Go away and go be with Nina!

    Carly and Drew: Oh good. Yes drink a beer. Get drunk and have zex! ;)

    Home and heart show: A baby sling with a baby doll?! SERIOUSLY?!!?!! Come on now! Yeah Sophia did a fantastic job with this scene! BRAVO! :) Someone help Sasha! Get her off the stage!!! Man Morgan's character is an awful woman! MS. WU YAY! :) Ms. Wu wins the line of the day.

    Ms. Wu: Keep better control of your talent Ms. Coe, or there will be consequences.

    Ooooooo! HA! I wonder what those consequences would be! :)

    The hospital:

    Brasha, Maxie, and Doc: I think it's a great idea for Sasha to stay on a 72 hour hold! And I'm glad Doc found the pills!

    1. Hi Sonya! I am finally catching up. Dear hubby passed 6 weeks ago. Been a tough road but I need to escape to my GH recaps until Hulu tonight!

    2. Linda, I'm so very sorry for your loss. As much as some of us complain (me!), GH is still a great form of escape.
      Sonya, good recap today from you and Wubsy! I was not disappointed in Sasha. Like you said she was fantastic! Madame Wu showing up was a very pleasant surprise. :) I'm one of the Nina haters...she can take her fake tears and stick 'em where the sun don't shine. Blech!

    3. Oh Linda. My condolences. Sending virtual hugs your way. Wish they could be real.

    4. "Linda says, Hi Sonya! I am finally catching up. Dear hubby passed 6 weeks ago."

      WHAT?! Oh no! What happened? I'm so sorry! :( If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay. *BEARHUGS*

    5. "Julie H says, Sonya, good recap today from you and Wubsy!"

      Thanks! :)

      "I was not disappointed in Sasha. Like you said she was fantastic!"

      Yeah the actress should have won an emmy!!!

      "Madame Wu showing up was a very pleasant surprise. :)"

      Yes It sure was! I loved it! :)

      "I'm one of the Nina haters...she can take her fake tears and stick 'em where the sun don't shine. Blech!"

      ROFL! But this time she wasn't doing the fake tears. She was genuinely upset with what happened with Sasha.

    6. sorry for your loss.

    7. @ Sonya, Cancer sucks : (

    8. "Linda says, @ Sonya, Cancer sucks : ("

      Yes it does!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

  6. Sophia did a great job but I wonder why the writers want this character to constantly suffer. Alright already.

    1. I don't think they want anyone to suffer. They just need to finally resolve this storyline. She hasn't dealt with her grief and it needs to happen before she can move on. It seems like it's going o forever because they keep dropping storylines. Hopefully it will now finally be finished.

    2. "Di says, It seems like it's going o forever because they keep dropping storylines. Hopefully it will now finally be finished."

      Yeah! We still need to know who Pawtucket Holtster was talking to in the woods. We still have to find out why they had a heat wave in winter. We still have to find out what's wrong with Liz!

    3. Instead of giving Liz a great story, they wrote a crappy one to get rid of her for a bit. Not happy. Do not treat one of our Favs like this.. they have no respect for Becky.

    4. So agree with all of you. I want to see Liz! 20 bucks says the heat wave in February will never be mentioned again. :(

  7. Boy, what a treat for Morgan Fairchild to guest on the show to play such a despicable character...that wasn't despicable in a fun way...yeah, let's take advantage of a poor woman who lost a baby. Frank Valentini isn't doing her any favors. At least Susan Batten's character seemed somewhat sympathetic. Sophia Mattson did a great job, but the whole scene and setup was laughable and not well done.

    1. agree 100% - HOW does Frank write such garbage?


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...