Wednesday, July 13, 2022

It's WED July 13th and Fireworks


Um, Sasha and Brando ..forgot all about them. They could so leave this show. They tell her what she did and Brando thinks she should go to rehab. Brando wants to know if Sasha was using when they got married. She says yes but she loves him. He says she HAS to go to rehab. She still says no. A therapist yes, rehab no. 

Marshal, Portia and Curtis. Curtis is wondering what is so urgent on the phone (she was making a genetic appointment). She says it was a consult with a patient. Curtis says that they have something to help Trina. Something about the bartender. 

Trina and Rory... again, cute but... you know, Hallmark. They kiss and she says no more. He thinks it's because of Spencer. She says no. They don't have a future until after her trial tomorrow. 

Nina bought the hotel and is all NICE ABOUT IT? SCREW THAT!! Why do this and have her BE NICE?????? "I owe you, let me do this for you" she says. Barf. Smoosh Carly like a bug. Anyway, Carly cuts her nose off to spite her face and tells Nina the hotel is YOURS. 

Drew is SO NOT NEEDED. Period. He is mad at Ned. Olivia says Welcome to the family!! Carly comes down and tells Drew and Olivia that Nina bought the Metro. Olivia is like UGHHHHH

Dex talks to Brando about things...being in the War Zone. BUT.. Dex? So not needed. 

Sonny yells at Nina about buying the Metro Court. Thinks it was self-serving.  He's being a dick. They make up.. and then kiss. He says that he's all in with being with Nina. 


  1. LOVE your twitter------now tell me, are you happy about any storyline?? LOL

    1. YES!!! I am!! REALLY!! LOL. I love Valentin-- Laura/Kevin and LOVING LIZ! That's great. Esme? I'm here for it. It's the couples that are so boring to me. No spice!! I actually am enjoying the show. Am I THAT crabby???

    2. not at all----love it but I just wondered what makes you happy!!!!

  2. I wonder if Olivia will sell her half or try to work with Nina. If she sells it I wonder who she would sell to. Valentin would be my choice Sonny would hate them working together.

    1. Can Olivia sell it to Selina Wu and have her stick to Nina

  3. Carly's office:

    Carly and Nina: Carly turns into Cujo! Come onnnnn! Let's get some fighting!!! Why won't the writers let them fight?!?!!

    Metrorcourt pool:

    Drew and Olivia: They aren't going to have a fling are they? So basically,

    Drew: Ned is a jerk! I hate him! He did me dirty! Doesn't what Ned did bother you?

    Olivia: I stand by my husband.

    No you don't Olivia!!! Don't be pretending and lie!!

    Drew, Olivia, and Sonny:

    Drew: Carly Carly Carly.

    Olivia: Carly Carly Carly.

    Sonny: Carly Carly Carly.

    Dex shows up for Sonny and I thought it was Michael! ROFL!

    Drew, Olivia, and Carly: Olivia wins the line of the day.

    Olivia: Just the thought of running the place with her.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Nina doesn't want the Metrocourt! She wants Carly to have it. Nina has her own job.

    The hospital:

    Mr Hat man and Portia: Ooooo Portia is on a fishing expedition! :) She has got a pole and everything. Trying to catch a fish from Mr. Hat man. :)

    Mr. Hat man and Purtis: I hope they get all the evidence for Trina for the trial tomorrow! Although GH won't be on tomorrow right? Cus of the January 6th hearing.

    Sasha's room:

    Brasha and Gladys: Oh boy! Come on Sasha. You need help!! Stop blaming the stress Monster!!

    Brasha: Come on Sasha! It's time to tell the whole truth and be honest! The poor stress Monster is being blamed, but he is innocent!

    Gladys and Sasha: Gladys is so sweet to her!! Awwwww. :)

    Nurses station:

    Gladys and Sonny: Awwwwwww nice hug. :)

    Brando and Sonny: Awwww a hug. :) Sweet bromance bonding. :)

    Brando and Dex: BROTHERS! :) Ooooo Dex was in the military too. :)

    Sonny and Nina: Oh Sonny is just angry because he didn't buy the Metrocourt first! And he hasn't been sleeping well. Did you see the dark circles under his eyes? Oooo he wants to be with her.. Kissy kissy! :)


    Cabarina: Ooooo more kisses! :) Well she is right. How can they have any future if she is found GUILTY! I hope not! She isn't responsible for the Pam and Tommy zex tape dammit!!

    Sidenote: Where is Pawtucket Holtster? Still talking to his bestie the tree on the phone?

    1. I wonder if the dark circles are part of the bipolar thing. Don't say that to be disrectful. Just curious.

    2. I thought Dax was Michael, too!

    3. "lindie says, I wonder if the dark circles are part of the bipolar thing. Don't say that to be disrectful. Just curious."

      Well, now I'm curious if the dark circles under the eyes are a symptom. Hmmm.

      "Paul773 says, I thought Dax was Michael, too!"

      I was thinking, oh Chad is back! :)

    4. No hearing tomorrow. Postponed. It was scheduled for prime time anyway.

    5. When Dex first walked in I thought it was Michael too. When he said Dex I PUT MY GLASSES ON. LOL TOO MANY SWITCHEROOS HERE. I D0N'T KNOW WHICH OF THESE LOOK A LIKES IS WHICH. Whoops my caps locked in frustration. lol

      I thought it was ridiculous when Curtis asked what was so urgent on the phone. She's a doctor, in the hospital discussing something serious on the phone. Duhhhh. Who interuppts and asks her about it.

      And it sounded like Portia was a little suspicious about Marshall's early symptoms.

    6. "zazu says, No hearing tomorrow. Postponed. "

      Oh okay.. Why?

      "It was scheduled for prime time anyway."

      Oh that's good! They all should be scheduled for Prime time!!! :)


      Yeah it's so confusing!!!

      "Whoops my caps locked in frustration. lol"


      "I thought it was ridiculous when Curtis asked what was so urgent on the phone. She's a doctor, in the hospital discussing something serious on the phone. Duhhhh. Who interuppts and asks her about it."

      Yeah geez Curtis chill out! :)

      "And it sounded like Portia was a little suspicious about Marshall's early symptoms."

      No I think she is just nervous because of Trina.. Since you know, Curtis is her father, but we are not supposed to know about that yet. Shhhh! ROFL!

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. I was happy Olivia defended Ned. She may disagree with him in private but stuck by him in public. Drew & Mikey screwed up and should have included him in their little backfiring coup. Team Ned here! (though he could have told them he was voting with Val)

      Seriously, if Mikey (either one) had been sitting with Brando and Dex, it would have been triplet city. Sheesh!

      I'm liking Brando and especially Gladys, but seriously Sasha is on my last nerve. Go to rehab and hush your mouth.

      In the minority again but I'm so glad Carly ripped into Neener. I cannot STAND her! She is self serving, self absorbed, and a lying liar that lies. And those faces she was making at Sonny?! Arghhhh!

    9. "Julie H says, I was happy Olivia defended Ned.

      But she didn't. She is usually tough and will defend the people she loves with an argument. She was just lackluster. What is wrong with her? The only person she fights with, is with Ned where she is mean to him. She doesn't even argue with Parachute guy about how he was a bad influence on Dante her first born.

      "Seriously, if Mikey (either one) had been sitting with Brando and Dex, it would have been triplet city. Sheesh!"

      Triplet brothers!!! :)

      "In the minority again but I'm so glad Carly ripped into Neener. I cannot STAND her! She is self serving, self absorbed, and a lying liar that lies. And those faces she was making at Sonny?! Arghhhh!"

      Dammit Nina and Cujo should have a fight! ARGH!

  4. First time off since February and the show is SO SO SO boring. They really must want it to be canceled.

  5. I like the Sasha /Brando characters but their story just goes around and around with yawns in between. But...Gladys is a keeper. She would be a great fit in any story line.
    All Carly, all the time. Time to recast Jax?

    1. I can't stand Brando and Sasha, but I do like Gladys. (She kind of reminds me of a cross between Ruby and Lucy.)

    2. YES, totally Gladys should be a barkeep somewhere.

  6. I know I send like a broken record, but "GH" is in desperate need of a new writing team. The show is incredibly inconsistent and frequently boring. Please, ABC, give a f*** and make some changes.

    1. hmmm... disagree I want new management.

    2. New managment might be better than new writers. We don't know that they have taken better stories and they have been squashed. Doesn't help when he hires people after a text message. That was a character they didn't have anything foreo and you can tell.

  7. General Hospital needs a complete overhaul. New management , new writers etc. Get rid of some of the cast too. Get some exciting storyline again. It's freaking summer people.

    1. The cast is too blotted. We need to get rid of the following: Cody, Sasha, Brando, Dex, to name a few. I am sure there is more but I can't think. This is just my opinion.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...