Friday, July 15, 2022

Finally Friday

 Why do winter months just plod along and summer months go by at the speed of light? I can't believe it's the 15th already! 

Joss says Trina has new evidence to Portia. But Trina skips it and says it's all the same. Stella walks in! Stella is going to 'case out the jury" but Portia tells her she's staying HOME lol. Joss says she HAS to tell about the Spencer alibi. Trina says no. Joss says if she sees she's losing, she will spill. 

Ok, so Portia and Stella talk about Esme maybe targeting Trina because she's black. It's a GREAT CONVO and you should watch it. Justice system and such. Finally they address this point. 

Curtis and Marshall get Ava to go to Wyndemere to catch the bartender. They sit on the bench and talk about ol' BUD the Bartender from the ol' neighborhood. Dear lord. 

Bartender is at Wyndemere and wants money from Esme. They talk and Ava sneaks into the foyer but her damn phone rings!! It's AVERY! DAMN IT!! UGH!! AVA MISSES THE GUY. Esme is painting her toenails. UGH. Ava offers her money to confess and leave town. "Trina is greater than you in every way" ... Then Esme says she won't take anything to leave her "family" and Nikolas walks in. 

Laura is going to leave to see a "Fake" sick Leslie (Valentin did it to get her out of town and Genie is also going on vacation). OH NO! Leslie's house burned down!! Laura has to go to Italy to sort it out. She wants Kevin to stay behind to make sure things are ok. She says she doesn't want to go but she has to. 

Nina is trying to get the employees of the hotel to help her get familiar. Olivia offers her money plus 5% to buy back her half. She says no .Sonny is like: WHY NOT? Nina says she's not selling. Olivia is mad and says she's getting lawyers involved. Leaves. Sonny lectures Nina about keeping the hotel. 

Olivia takes Carly flowers and says she'll miss her. They hug. Drew carries some boxes for Carly. They run into Nina and Sonny in the lobby. Carly flashes back to knowing about Willow being Nina's daughter. She leaves. 

Nikolas is going to show Esme the proof about her "mother" to get her to confess

WATCH FOR THE STELLA/PORTIA stuff and the Esme/Ava convo!! 


  1. I disagree about Esme's motive - it was never racial - it is jealously---so even though I enjoyed Stella and Portia's convo, I am not happy they say Esme's reason was racially motivated.
    ------So we are supposed to believe that scumbag LEFT Wyndemere on the launch and Curtis and Marshall didn't see him? I want Taggart to come in and save the day.
    ----------wonder how much vacation the Mayor receives???? or being in witness protection wasn't vacation and we STILL haven't addressed her assistant working for VICTOR??
    ------Nina's look when Sonny asked Carly how she was doing said EVERYTHING----Nina and Sonny will not last (yeah) cause that look was 'Carly still comes first'.....
    (on Instagram Laura Wright posted she tested positive for COVID but they are in dark weeks....)

    1. I agree. Esme targeted her because Spencer likes her and she was interferring with Esme's little fairy tale that she's concocted for herself. I hate that they're turning it into a race problem. She's always been just one of the three teens and race has never been a factor. Enough already.

    2. It very easily could be both. Unless we're black, we don't know how that feels. Just my 2 cents

    3. Loved the Portia/Stella convo, too! Good stuff. And of course, I will miss Laura and Genie ;-)

    4. "Mufasa says, on Instagram Laura Wright posted she tested positive for COVID"

      Oh no!!! :(

      "but they are in dark weeks....)"

      Oh good! I hope Wes Ramsey is okay!

  2. I never felt that Esme's vindictiveness was racial. Still don't. It is a current problem but that doesn't meant that everything involving a person of color is about racism. They kind of threw that in. Sorry, but I find Portia a bit whiney lately.
    Someone remind me what Spencer thinks will happen when he tells Esme the fake 'who's you momma' info?
    Nina has become intolerable. She bought the hotel for..."Wiley, Wiley Wiley". Enough.
    Again all of you Carly haters. I felt bad for her today. Yes, Sonny still "wubs" her.

    1. Wish we had an edit option: "that doesn't mean that everything".

    2. "zazu says, Wish we had an edit option:"

      Yeah me too!

  3. Pier:

    Queen Ava, Mr. Hat man, and Curtis: Hey! Queen Ava has a new hairstyle. It looks adorable on her. I like it.

    Queen Ava: I gotta witch to throw under the house.

    ROFL! She would have won the line of the day, but Mr. Hat man wins it. And he wins it, NOW! :)

    Mr. Hat man and Curtis:

    Curtis: How are you so calm?

    Mr. Hat man: Anti psychotics?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And the look on Mr. Hat man's face when he said it. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Curtis: Pier or no pier. I appreciate you.

    Awwwwwwwwwwww. :) This was a great scene.

    The hospital:

    Nik, Laura, and Spencer: Laura is acting like her mother every day! :) So V.C. burned down Leslie and her husband's home. Nice touch V.C. :)

    Kevlar: Oh come on! Doc can go with you Laura!!! I don't see why not!


    Vampira and Linc's bartender brother: Looks like he is going to turn on you Vampira. :) How long can you keep this up?

    Queen Ava and Vampira:

    Queen Ava: Don't play a player.

    Yeah you tell her Queen!!!

    Vampira: I do appreciate what's yours. In fact I am so careful, when I use your things, you would never know.

    Queen Ava: What the hell does that supposed to mean?

    It means she slept with your man!!! Wake up Ava!!!!

    Purtis's home:

    Portia and Stella: GREAT SCENE!!!! :) Although Portia don't want Stella to be at the courthouse and we all know why. She don't want Stella to find out that Curtis is Trina's real daddy!

    Trina and Joss: Awwww Joss! You are not going to lose Trina as a bestie!!! :) You two are solid! :)

    Metrocourt lobby: Hey!!! They haven't shown the Metrocourt lobby in a long time that I thought they got rid of it.

    Olivia and Nina: Nina you want to learn the ins and outs of the Metrocourt? HUH?! But you said that you bought the half of the metrocourt for Carly!

    Sonny and Nina: Oh Nina your nose is growing Pinocchio! You didn't do this for Carly! You did this for revenge Just admit it! :)

    Carly's office:

    Carly and Drew: They are so adorable together. He makes her laugh. :) Love the hug.. I need them to finally kiss. I need a Crew kiss. :)

    Olivia and Carly: Awwwwwwwww! Olivia is loyal to Carly! :)

    Olivia: That honor goes to my ever loving husband.

    Oh shut up Olivia!!!!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to March 25th 1983* Scotty and Heather scheming together.

  4. I don’t think they meant the race issue in regard to Esme’s setup, but rather to the way Trina could be treated by the trial.

    1. I agree. Esme is evil Esme. But once Trina gets sucked into the criminal justice system being a person of color...

  5. Friday's show was actually pretty good, and Ava looked incredible.

  6. I liked Friday's episode. It was the first one in awhile that I watched live. I thought Trina was dressed perfectly for being an innocent defendant. Kudos costume department. Nice soapy touch: When Ava was clued in by Curtis and Marshall and then had her stealthy approach ruined by her cell phone. Agreed line of the day...Marshall: anti psychotics. Kudos writing team...for such a zippy come back. I still can't stand Nina's hair style that causes her to flick her head and touch her hair a bizillion times an episode. Too bad I have to work Monday.

    1. "lizwebberfan says, Agreed line of the day...Marshall: anti psychotics. Kudos writing team...for such a zippy come back."

      Hahahaha yeah. :) It was great!! :)

      "Too bad I have to work Monday."

      I have jury duty tomorrow. UGH! So I'm going to miss GH. I hope they don't pick me.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...