Monday, July 25, 2022

The Weirdest Episode Ever

 Sonny and Dex beat up Felty the Photog Boy who gave Sasha drugs. It's a bad beating. Kicking, he gets a belt out..then JOSS comes around the corner saying she FILMED IT ALL and is going to turn Sonny in?? WHAT?? This is so weird. They go back and forth. She says she's taking to the PCPD ..he pleads with her. She says it's all his fault for sleeping with Nina and blowing their family apart. Sonny says stuff, then leaves. Dex tells Joss it's not his fault and she says "state your case" and I have pepper spray.  
THIS is the strangest thing I've ever seen .. like in a LONG time. 
Dex explains to Joss

Nik and Ava have a drink in the Metro Court and Spencer comes to talk to them. He wants to know how the trial went. Then Esme shows up (coming from Oz') and texts Nik to come outside. She wants to tell Ava and Spencer that they slept together. He promises to get her internship back by tomorrow. She's happy. 

Millow tells Drew they are pregnant.--Aw, everyone is happy. Carly beams. yada yada. 

Molly goes to see TJ at GH with a smoothie and laments about how badly the legal system is broken -- IE: Trina's trial. The ADA moved her off the case. She's discouraged that she can't change the system from the inside out.  

Vanna have a date but Anna wants answers. She knows he left the clinic way before he told her he did. He makes up a huge story about having staff and transferring to another clinic and needed to get Charlotte away. IT's all bullshit. Anna seems to see through it. But...they end up kissing. 

Esme gives Oz drugs...then Curtis comes and breaks down the door. No Emse in sight tho. She's in the closet. Curtis asks Oz about what he took. Oz says "She gave me..." Then passes out again. Curtis calls 911

Curtis goes to GH with Oz...and TJ tries to save him. Molly asks about Oz and Curtis says he could help Trina's case. Oz codes. TJ had to put him in a coma. 

Sonny interrupts the Drew/Carly kiss and tells Carly to get her daughter "Under Control" ...he tells her about Joss taping the beating and wanting to go to the cops. She's like: So what? What do you want me to do? 


  1. That was weird! Was it supposed to be a dramatic 'Joss and Dex meet' thing? Have they met before? I CAN'T STAND DREW!

    1. I guess but eesh.. he's SO NOT SEXY BAD-BOY ...and Joss stands there alone.. talking to the guy that just beat the crap out of someone? WEIRD

    2. "..and Joss stands there alone.. talking to the guy that just beat the crap out of someone? WEIRD"

      Oh didn't think about that.. Yes another weird thing that happened that day!

  2. Best part of the episode is Esme's machinations. Reminiscent of the early Heather,

    1. Yes! That is what I was thinking, too. I love having Esme around as a villain.

  3. The Sonny and Joss scene was super-weird. Worse, Joss and Carly are hypocrites. They have certainly used Sonny's "influence" in the past, when it suited their purposes.

    Also, Drew as he is currently written is unbelievable and a waste of space.

    1. To think we get days of Drew--and no Elizabeth...or Robert.

    2. Yeah Karen where IS Robert?!?! :( We need him!!!

  4. Carly and joss have become unbearable.

  5. Drew is just an ornament everywhere - no depth, nothing. I've also grown to hate Carly's little laugh. Loved Vanna - my goodness!! Wish he wasn't still lying though. Joss is definitely Carly Jr.

    1. I love Laura Wright, but that laugh was on my ever-loving last nerve yesterday!

  6. Yeah what a strange show yesterday! So confusing and made no sense. I hope today is better!!

  7. Sonny is such a hypocrite, but at least this time he was defending a woman. I am so over Joss (mini Snarly)

  8. OH and the Vanna Kiss! swooning on the darling comment.


You Left Something...

  It's snowing again!! Weird weather here, 44 yesterday, 30 today...probably 12 tomorrow. HA. I guess I'm used to it though!!  Yeste...