Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Catching UP!! Here's some thoughts! July 7,8 and 11


Love the mysterious, wonky Liz right now. Obvious it has to do with her parents! Love her being mouthy to Kevin. So glad Becky has some meaty dialog. OMG and her with Britt! WOW... And Terry was all: yeah, Biz, you're outta line!! 

PS. Finn going to visit LIZ again when she told him not to? Even tho she wasn't there-- I would have punched his face if I was Kevin. 

Loved Anna, Alexis and Laura. I wish Nancy wasn't off the show for a bit (or recurring?? not sure what's happening there) because I like Greg and Alexis together. 

Chase --Brook Lyn.. I mean I like them but.. zzzzzzzz. Brook and Ned however? GOLD 

Valentin is just acting like Helena !! YEAH! NOW we know that Victor made Char go to boarding school to get him to do his bidding. 

Dante and Sam.. good they are on canvas. Wish they had more to do-- like some hot cases to solve!! 

Oooooooooooo VAL drugged Laura!! Lordy 

Temp-Michael ?? GEESH, if you were someone that watched this show and didn't know what was going on with him you'd be all confused!! 

BROWNIES!! I was hoping they were pot ...of course...  Rory and Trina.. cute but I'm holding out for Sprina FOR SURE.

Austin finally follows up on that camping mystery. GEESH... TAKE LONG ENOUGH? 

1 comment:

  1. All the "couplings" on GH right now are SO boring. Excluding Trina/Rory...give them time. That's the way I see Alexis/Gregory going. From banter to boredom. If she was staying around.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...