Wednesday, July 27, 2022


Just a cute photo I found on Pintrest!! They were so cute. Many people pointed out that Finola actually wore another dress in the shoot. 


Spencer in the courtroom. Trina asks why he's there. He says "for you". The ADA asks him where Esme is. He texts her. Then he's on the stand. He does say that Emse did leave the room to go get her stuff before they left.

Cody is paying off the kid at the metro to call him when Britt is at the pool. Stalking. "You ignored my texts, calls....but let me make it up to you" JFC? REALLY? This is beyond bad. Maxie's like: Giggle, buy us a drink. Then she leaves and lets Cody harass Britt alone. Dumb. Then Britt leaves and he talks to Maxie. Dumb. 

Jordan wants to question Nik about Oz being at his house. He knows nothing about anything. She tells him about the phone. Then It seems like Nikolas is figuring out the whole Esme thing but NO!! He's just worried shes' going to tell Ava about their sex. Nik tells Victor about it. Victor's like "you're an idiot" . Nik did figure out that Esme did the sex tape and she's lied the whole time. Victor says it's time to evict her .. for good. 

Esme goes to see Ryan. He yells at her basically. She tells him about Spencer and her birth mother's identity. Then Spencer texts and Ryan snatches her phone. She asks why he won't tell her about her mother. Ryan says he couldnt' find her, how did Spencer? She says Victor. He says he doesn't even know her mothers' name. "She was mysterious" .. and yada yada. Then, Esme threatens Ryan and he stands up. Holds her close and says that her mother meant eveyrthing to him and so does she. 

I think Ryan isn't her Dad and he's just using her--- 


Britt remembers that Spencer asked about the DRUG THAT'S IN OZ' system!! 

Esme pledges her loyalty to Ryan ...and he promises to find her mother with her when he gets out. She says "no promises and leaves"..he gets a weird grin on and sits.

Ava tells Spencer she's on to what he's doing. 

WATCH TODAY if only for the Nik/Victor scenes and Ryan/Esme. I couldn't write them up well enough! 


  1. If we're going to believe what Ryan said today it sounds like Felicia is thankfully not Esmes mother.

  2. Who knows who is Esme mother? Didn't sound like Felicia. I don't think Ryan is her father either. Boy Jon Lindstrom sure is a good actor. He is so creepy playing Ryan. Hope this gets good and gets over. I don't like this Cody or the actor. Sorry it is just so bad. I think Ava is on to Spencer big time. Britt needs to say what Spencer was asking about the drug.

    I LOVED Robert and Anna in the day. So playful. Great pic

  3. Me too Lindie. Finola is a gem for sure, and Tristan too. The other day her hair looked so pretty and she is so fit.

  4. I may be the only one that wants Esme to be Felicia's or Ava's some how.

    1. I don't want her to be Felicia daughter with Ryan. That would be a complete and horrific rewrite of history like the Faison and Anna rewrite

  5. A lot of funny one liners today!

    Mental facility:

    Vampira and daddy:

    Vampira: Oh daddy. You say the sweetest things!

    ROFL! She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. Damn when he grabbed her phone, it was like he is a vampire! One minute he is in his wheelchair, and the next he is right beside her! :) Late when he got close to her, I thought he was going to kiss her, and then when he hugged her, I thought he was going to kill her. Great scene, but it was creepy! :) I think he is lying about who her mother is!!

    "Karen says I think Ryan isn't her Dad and he's just using her"

    Hmmm. Maybe her mom and dad are Felicia and Mac. :) With all that talk with Felicia to Mac about babies and how they missed their chance.. Hmmm.


    Jordan and Nik: What a waste of scene. Nik needs to comb his hair.

    Victor and Nik: Victor wins the lines of the days!

    Victor: Oh no Nikolas! Tell me you didn't?!?! Not to mention your bed.

    BAHAHAHAHAHHAA! Victor made me laugh today! Now Nik's light bulb in his head turned on and he is smart!!! Where the hell was that smartness before Nik?!!?! Your light bulb was dim!!!

    Metrocourt pool:

    Parachute guy and Britch: Oh please stop! Enough! This isn't banter! This is rudeness and harassment! No means no Parachute guy! She isn't the one who is a nag! YOU ARE!

    Parachute guy and Maxie: Oh Maxie stop it! Parachute guy needs to go away, and Britch and Pawtucket Holtster and Britch need to be together and you and Spinny need to be together! And that passport thing isn't cute with him. It would be with someone else.. Parachute guy seems desperate.

    The hospital:

    Britch and Jordan: What a waste of scene. Britch can't tell Jordan anything because of Hippa! So why bother with the scene?

    The courthouse: I thought the court was over and the verdict would be in. I'm confused. I love how Rory was there for Trina when she was angry at Spencer. And Ava is just observing everything hahaha. I love how Ava knows that Spencer isn't an idiot.. Nope that is reserved for Carly and Nik!

    1. Sonya said " Britch and Jordan: What a waste of scene. Britch can't tell Jordan anything because of Hippa! So why bother with the scene? " - I thought the same initially, but after Britch's flashbacks, I think the scene was intended for Britch to gain info - not Jordan. Just my thoughts - maybe it comes into play down the line

    2. "Johnny 265120 says, I thought the same initially, but after Britch's flashbacks, I think the scene was intended for Britch to gain info - not Jordan. Just my thoughts - maybe it comes into play down the line"

      Oh I hope that it comes to play down the line!!!

  6. great day today - I still think Felicia is Esme's daughter BUT maybe Ryan is NOT her father?? THAT would give another way for Esme to stay in PC and yet not be controlled by Ryan. Their scenes were soooo good - she didn't even blink when he got in her face and he didn't even blink when she said Spence had found her mother.....are there NOT cameras in these rooms??? Ryan just walks around???
    Britt figuring it out was good-----Maxie (KS) looked different today-----anyone think that?
    I kinda thought again that Esme is not gonna die but someone is going to try and kill her? Victor or Ava or Nic or Spence---------
    can't stand Nic now ------- but at least he figured it out too late Esme did it......

    1. "Mufasa said Maxie (KS) looked different today-----anyone think that?"

      Hmmm. Well when Parachute guy wanted Maxie to give the passport to Britch, and she said no, it looked like Maxie was pregnant, but it was just her purse she was touching.. What did you see different?

    2. Exactly. She looks preganant in the face and her side view!

    3. "mufasa says, Exactly. She looks preganant in the face and her side view!"

      I am so confused. :)

  7. Thank heavens the Felicia rumour has been nixed. Some people just want to see everyone in Port Charles related. It's ridiculous. I also hope it turns out that Ryan is not her father. he was sooo evil today I found myself actually feeling sorry for Esme.

    The only part of the show that bugged me was the flashbacks to the last week or so. How short an attention span do they think we have? Want filler....catch Epiphany singing to a dying patient or the horse getting loose in the house or something. That would at least be entertaining..

    Loved Victor's quote about the ship leaving Southhampton and heading for the iceberg. lol

    1. I don't think Felicia rumor was nixed ---- he talked about how he loved her mother and Felicia was the woman he loved before Ava.

    2. The thing is that Ryan is a liar and delusional. Who knows about Esme's mother.

  8. I am fine with Esme being related to someone on the show, but keep her don't kill her off. We need a resident bad girl. i am over Snarly, bring in the young ones and keep it interesting by having her have a good girl mama.

  9. Wednesday was the first day in a long time that I thought an episode was compelling. Sure, Cody was there to spoil it a bit, but 95% of it was good. (And for the record, I also did a double-take at Maxie.)

  10. Loved the Nik/Victor scenes and Esme and Ryan scenes were really well acted. Creepy the way she got down on her knees to talk to "Dad". No Cam in court again? Maxie did look like the purse was hiding something.



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