Tuesday, July 19, 2022

 Dante, Michael and Cody.. OMG three BORING BORES BOXING. Michael tells Cody Willow is pregnant. Cody is only interested when he says that Britt is her OBGYN. 
Cody and Dante end up in the steam room LOL 

Willow and TJ. He thinks it's more than her pregnancy. High white blood count. Everyone on twitter says cancer. Michael meets her at GH 

Brad and Britt were supposed to go to the Haunted Star tonight but she has a date. She tells him it's Cody. He's like: REALLY? Then he says he's happy for her and to go have fun. 

ESME is like WHY WOULD I help TRINA? Spencer says because you're the only one that knows the truth. "We both know you taped that".  YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT because I can't type it all up!! He lays out the reasons he knew she was lying and that she's cruel and everyone was right about her.  Esme says he was a pathetic little boy when she found him and he lost his virginity to her and "This is how you repay me"?? And she couldn't have filmed them!! She left with him in the car. Anyway, Spencer lays out how he thinks she set it all up including the PILLS HE FOUND that she drugged Trina with!! OOO!!

Esme still doesn't believe him. She says he's faking everything. He says do you want to know your mama or not? 

Trial: Joss admits she has no proof Trina was always in her room because there's no security cameras there. Go on and on and Joss basically gives her OPINION about what happened (Esme) and what a great friend Trina is and yada yada. This judge is allowing a LOTTA SHEESE!! Then Joss tells everyone about Ava's car and Esme did it and blah blah. Judge finally says to reign it in. She loves Trina she tells the jury and knows she couldn't have done it. Jordan gets on the stand about the 2 phones and the credit card info encrypted on the revenge porn phone. Then Rory is called by the DA and he tells about the bar and the fake IDs and the DA lady points out that Joss and Trina were in a bar where black market burner phones were known to have been sold. 

YOU HAVE TO WATCH TODAY because I could NOT type it all up!! 


  1. The conversation between Spencer and Esme was sooo well done. The rest was basically filler for me.

    1. Those two were outstanding! Carly Jr. had way too much time on the stand. Can’t stand Cody. Sub- Michael doing a good job. Yeah, all of a sudden Willow has come to life.

    2. "LindaV says Sub- Michael doing a good job. Yeah, all of a sudden Willow has come to life."

      YEAH! :) WOOT WOOT! :)

    3. Spencer/Esme rocked! Loved their scenes. And YES, Willow all of a sudden was animated and it was good, lol! I enjoyed the courtroom scenes, too. :) All around a good day!

  2. Wyndemere:

    Vampira and Spence: GET HER SPENCER! GET HER!!! *Evil smile* Great scene!!! He was all yelly! YAY! :) Is he taping her?

    Vampira: Awww poor wittle Vampira. The look on her face when she is all alone. Skeered eh Vampira? :) You gonna go see your daddy? :)

    The hospital:

    TJ and Willow: RA RO!

    Millow: Robert Adamson! YAY! They are not boring and have chemistry!! :)

    Millow and Britch: Wait Willow doesn't even have an appointment, and Britch wants to check her out huh?! Don't you need an appointment? Weird scene although awww the heartbeat. :)

    Britch and Brad: Brad wins the line of the day.

    Brad: Since you are practically on the verge of spinsterhood.



    Recast Michael, Dante and parachute guy: Geez Michael why are you telling everyone that Willow got the preggers? I thought you weren't going to tell anybody because it's too early!

    The steam room:

    Dante and parachute guy: Wait wait wait. There is a steam room at the gym?!!? I'm so confused. Awwww they are bonding. :) Hey look the door can open from the inside! It's not sticking!!! WOW!

    The courtroom: i was thinking where is Rory. Oh wait he just walked in YAY! :) We need a shocking thing to happen!!!

    Outside courtroom:

    Joss: I just hate the way the ADA twisted my words.

    It's her job you idiot! *Facepalm*

    Sidenote: Where is Pawtucket Holtster? Still talking to his new BFF tree?

    1. I thought yesterday was just great! Spencer blew me away and I loved how Esme acted after she left Spence and was outside the door trying to catch her breath. Like you always say...."evil smile"!

      Seriously, Brad gets the best lines. Parachute Guy, lol!
      I enjoyed all of the courtroom scenes, including Joss. I was actually applauding how she brought up all of Esme's past evil history. I didn't care if it was relevant or not, lol! Felt bad for Rory, and seriously not liking new Jordan at all. Pffft!

      Comment from yesterday......when you have to take a day off, I'll watch new Michael for you. I'm growing VERY fond of him. :)

  3. I haven't watched yet. Joss is off the stand? Did Diane cross examine her to mitigate the damage like she said would / could?

  4. I smell someone needed a bone marrow transplant for Willow. Momma Nina good enough Michael? Carly?

    1. Yep. I hope they hurry up and get to it. I want to see a contrite Willow and a pissed off Michael.

  5. I thought Willow had an appointment. Britch said she was late for one before walking over.

    1. Oh okay! Cus Willow had a strange look on her face, so I was confused. :)

    2. lol That's cause when she's not smiling she's a one look pony.

    3. "Di says, lol That's cause when she's not smiling she's a one look pony."

      ROFL! No no! :) To be fair she did just get bad news from TJ. :)

    4. One look pony...hahahahaha! That is perfect!

  6. Good scenes with Spence and Esme.
    Joss just talked and talked on the stand. So realistic. lol
    Couldn't Spence just stand up and save the day by admitting he was with Trina in the cemetery when he illegally was out of jail? Too easy I guess.

    1. "Joss just talked and talked on the stand. So realistic. lol"

      Hahahahahahaha! I know! What the hell? ROFL!

    2. It could have been set to go out at a certain time. I do think they could check the phones it came in on. They might not be able to tell who owned it but they could check its location at the time the first videos came through. If it was at the college, which it was, that would be evidence that it couldn't have been Trina, since she was at the park.

  7. Nicholas Chavez was stellar today. He has improved so dramatically over the past year and really grown into the role. And Avery Kristen Pohl is just as talented. I definitely don't fast forward scenes when she's on. The character is like a car wreck you just can't take your eyes off of. More please! And for all the people wetting their pants over her dirty deeds and in the same breath lavishing praise over Maura West's Ava Jerome...cough cough...Connie Falconeri in cold blood anyone? I like the dynamic between Ava and Trina, but this new Trina looks at Ava too dopey-eyed without any acknowledgement that her pal is a murderer in her own right.

    1. The actors who play Spencer and Esme do a good job, and I hope both stay aroound for a long time to come.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...