Friday, July 1, 2022

Spencer Pulls a Fast One

 Well, I went to the lake and had a lobster roll for lunch :) yippee! Wasn't sure I'd be here but I made it! 

Happy Friday everyone!! 

Ava and Nikolas meet Scotty and they divide the assets in half-- HAHAHAA. They are getting divorced just to 'get married again" (I hope not!!) They go to sign the papers and Esme comes in and says "Divorce!!? Mr. Cassadine you said you weren't going to tell her"!! OOOO OOH SNAP!  NO she just makes up and excuse and wants to talk to him privately. 
Esme wants Nikolas to get her back working at Springridge so she can see Ryan. BORING. He says he will. They hug. 

Deception TV show...Sasha is buying drugs. She asks what they are and he says "Prescription, they are good" LOL All he wants is backstage photos. She says ok. 

Olivia spills the beans to Joss about the Merger not happening. Carly wanted to keep it secret. LOL Joss and Trina talk about her seeing Rory yesterday at the pool with Esme. 

Olivia and Carly are sad the merger didn't go through. Olivia says she'll buy her half of the Metro.  Carly says no way because Ned would have to help. 

Greg, Chase and Finn all have a nosh and talk about Chase not being on the PCPD yet. They go over the whole bar fight thing...snooze. 

Brook talks to Sonny about "taking care of Linc".  She says he's a sleeze ball and Sonny says "I know that".  Brook wants him to pressure Linc into changing his story. He says he can't help Chase get his job back because they'll see Chase as a dirty cop. 

Spencer tells Cam his Uncle Victor found Esme's real mother. He's going to offer her the info for a taped confession. Then say she can leave town and take the tape to court as 'reasonable doubt". SO OFF CAMERA: Victor's people went to a nunnery and found the nun that took Esme in and she gave up the name of the mother (sounds like she was pressured ...cough) and Victor got DNA. The woman is in Portugal. Cameron thinks it's a great thing. Spencer says he's totally LYING!! LOL "Esme will totally buy it; you did" !!  OH GOOD ONE! 

Spencer says he can make it work if he can get a fake DNA test. "That's where you come in" he says to Cameron. He wants Cam to get DNA samples from both Carly and Joss to show a mother daughter match. 

Cameron and Spencer are at the pool to carry out the plan and Cam goes ahead but Esme stops Spencer. UT OH...

Olivia tells Carly to ask Sonny for the money

Sasha takes pills before going on camera. 



  1. Sasha's dealer only wants back stage pics for the first bunch. If they're more powerful pills he'll have her hooked for sure. Maybe even add a little blackmail to it. *spew* they actually moved backwards today in a few SLs and stood still in most.

  2. The REAL park:

    Brooky and Sonny: Awwww Sonny won't help with Linc? Too bad. Come on Sonny! Talk to Linc.. Threaten him a little bit.. *evil smile*


    Spencer and Cam: Well that was one hell of a story Spencer! I bought it! :) Although I was a little disappointed and confused about Portugal! Cam bought it too so this was a great story! :) Yes yes get fake DNA!!! :)

    Cam: What am I suppose to do? Hug Carly and snag a couple of hairs?

    ROFL! Cam would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Metrocourt lounge:

    Nava, Scotty, and Vampira: Oh Vampira you sneaky sneaky vampire you! :)

    Vampira and Nik: Wow! Nik fell into her trap again. :)

    Nava and Scotty: No divorce?! I'm confused Ava! What are you doing?! Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: You two are working my last nerve.


    Metrocourt pool:

    Carly, Joss, Trina, and Olivia: Come on Carly! Tell Joss what is going on!!!

    Joss and Trina: Trina has feelings for Mr. Invisible! HA! :)

    Gregory, Finchy, and Chase: Linc's last name doesn't fit with the first name.. Oh come on Chase! Admit to yourself and to your dad and brother, that you have feelings for Brooky! :) Oh there she is!

    Carly and Olivia: Olivia can't help Carly! ROFL! Sonny? No no no you two are divorced. I don't want him helping Carly!

    Central Perk:

    Sasha and Slimy Jim Carey: Are you really going to trust Jim Carey that the drugs are safe?!?!?! Sasha you are smarter than that. Look his hands are even shaking. I think he needs to take some of those pills!

    Deception offices:

    Maxie, Lucy, and Sasha: I love Lucy's dress, but not the sleeves. Looks like shoulder pads!! SASHA YELLED! *Runs far away and hides under a rock*

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to August 10th 2006* Liz catches Lucky and Maxie.

    1. They're writing Lucy and Maxie like absolute idiots. They can see how upset Sasha gets in front of the camera and they pass her a stack of cards and say... changed the script. Here memorize these fast.

      Sasha should just quit. She's supposed to be the face not the mouth. Lucy or Maxie have that covered. Sasha can just be the cover girl.

    2. "Di says, They're writing Lucy and Maxie like absolute idiots. They can see how upset Sasha gets in front of the camera and they pass her a stack of cards and say... changed the script. Here memorize these fast."

      Yeah they aren't being very observant. Maybe it's Lucy's shoulder pads that's distracting her, and Maxie's shirt that is distracting her.

      "Sasha should just quit."

      Yeah she should!!

      "She's supposed to be the face not the mouth. Lucy or Maxie have that covered. Sasha can just be the cover girl."

      Sasha should be just the cover girl I agree!

  3. Best thing today was Spencer's made up story. What could go wrong? lol
    Sometimes a day on GH is three weeks long. Sometimes a day is one episode. The Emmy goes to GH for inconsistency.
    Where have the real Ava and Nikolas gone?

    1. "zazu says, Best thing today was Spencer's made up story. What could go wrong? lol"

      Oh a lot could go wrong, but it was a great story!!! :)

  4. So here's what I want to say about couples. CAN'T STAND Carly/Drew and Sonny/Nina, I NEVER ff GH, but, when I see them, I am tempted . . . Don't like Maxie/Austin (no chem), or Dante/Sam (no chem). DON'T want to see Britch with parachute man, don't like him or think he is sexy, certainly not good enough for her. Don't really like Anna/Val either, too much history between them. Michael/Willow are boring. The couples that I LOVE together are not shown enough: Dr. O/Scotty; Laura/Kevin; Olivia/Ned, Felicia/Mac. I can get behind BrookLyn/Chase if they ever get together. I like Brandon/Sasha, Nik/Ava and Cam/Joss, don't love them. I also like Curtis/Portia, don't like Epiphany and Hat Man. Molly and TJ are OK, not on enough. Don't love Finn/Liz.

  5. Not a fan of parachute man either

    1. Oh, I forgot Lucy and Martin, love them together, she would have chemistry with a fish!

    2. "AntJoan Oh, I forgot Lucy and Martin, love them together,"

      Me too!!! :)

      "she would have chemistry with a fish!"

      She even had chemistry with a duck!!! Ahhh Sigmund.. *Love* :)

    3. Agree. Lucy had chemistry with a duck named Sigmund. Lynn Herring has chemistry with everyone. Just like Genie and Finola.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...