Tuesday, July 12, 2022

No New GH today...


Hearings start at 1pm so I'm 99% sure there will be no show today. The problem with all the interruptions is that we are on July 4th and it's what July 12? Well, I know the hearings are important so, what are you going to do, right? 

That's Carly up there trying to secure some loans for her Metro Court. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "That's Carly up there trying to secure some loans for her Metro Court."

    ROFL! Too funny. :) So since today there is no GH, I'll just copy and paste what I said July 1st 2015, send that link, and make new comments.

    "Oh it's Saturday the 4th of July in Port Chuckles!

    Sonny's home: Sonny wins the line of the day!

    Sonny: What do you think you were doing, nearly screwing my kid?

    BAHAHAHAHA! Go Sonny! And go Sonny for kicking Moochie out without seeing little AJ! :) Great scene.

    Q home: Michael and Jake Doe! Great scene I thought. Jake Doe wants revenge, but Michael does not. They talk about Jason. Michael calls Jason, Uncle Jason. Hmmm? Uncle Jason?!!?! Well okay then. Time to take off your shirts Jake Doe and Michael! :) No? Rats. :(

    McSilas's home: Kiwi is all looking sexy in a 4th of July bikini, and Morgan is not paying any attention. He is too busy thinking about Moochie, and looking at her online! He seems jealous that BobTodd and Moochie are a couple.

    Kiwi: I would be pissed if you cheated on me. Wouldn't you?

    Morgan: Why would I stray, when I have such a smart, hot super sexy girlfriend?

    SMART?!!?! You think Kiwi is smart?!!?! ROFL! Oh wait you are just trying to change the subject by having sex with her! I get it! Kiwi leaves after having sex with Morgan, and here comes Moochie!

    Dr O and BobTodd: Sweet sweet sweet! Love love love! :) Dr O and BobTodd scenes are GOLD! :) Scene of the day goes to BobTodd when he puts on hand sanitizer, and most of it drips! ROFL! And then when he grabs tissues, to clean up, he puts the tissues back in the box! BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! I feel bad for the person who grabs tissues from the box! :)

    Nik and Sam: Nik is on the phone and wants to go on GOOD MORNING AMERICA! BAHHAHAHAHHAA! Sam and Nik have the same damn conversation!

    Sam: I don't know who you are! Jason would have kicked your ass if he was alive!!!! How could you?

    Hmmmm we need a Sam doll too! Just pull the cord! And Nik has the gall to say that he is lucky that Jason isn't alive!!! WOW!

    Sam: I can't believe you just said that to me!

    Nik: But I wuv you!

    Sam: I wuv you too!

    Nik: We are family.

    Okay that dialog was strange.

    British Colombia: Oh no! I was hoping we wouldn't have scenes with them today after the crap we got yesterday! UGH! Hey not bad scenes today. They figured out the clues in the picture. Lulu pretends she is pregnant so that her parents can get into the warehouse! ROFL! Now THAT is Lulu being a Spencer!"


    New comments: That hand sanitizer scene with the tissue box, I'm just glad that there was no Covid then!

  3. Well the hearings ended mid sentence when the Ellen show started. They're still on the news channel for another hour or so, but they stopped on ABC for a REPEAT of Ellen...because that's an important show and GH is just something they're stuck with, I guess.

    1. "Di says, Well the hearings ended mid sentence when the Ellen show started."

      That's weird.

    2. It's not the first time it's happened either. I think we should be lobbying to have GH take that later timeslot when Ellen ends and whatever replaces her show can take the present GH slot. lat them get interrupted all the time.

    3. "Di says, It's not the first time it's happened either. I think we should be lobbying to have GH take that later timeslot when Ellen ends and whatever replaces her show can take the present GH slot. lat them get interrupted all the time."

      How ironic! Since GH used to be on at 3. :)

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. ABC really sucks. GH starts at 2 pm where I live, and the Kelly Clarkson show comes on at 3. I would really like GH to go back to the 3 pm slot. It was that way my whole life and I'm old, lol!

    6. We get that horrible Drew Barrymore show after GH. I wish GH was back at 3 like before.

  4. It is hard to feel sorry for Carly losing her money since Olivia, Drew and Sonny all offered to help her out. How many folks who make bad investments are given options like she is?

    1. I agree AntJoan. And Mikey offered, too. I should have such friends, lol!


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