Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Half Show

 I have a meeting at 2:45 so I'm only watching 30 minutes today. Forgive me! 

It's open Mic night tonight at the Haunted Star. Chase is going to sing. He's nervous and at the boxing gym with Finn. 

Haunted Star: Mac is MC. Maxie is there with Austin--(sigh) and Spinelli crashes their table. Spin talks to Maxie about Austin and says he's not her 'match'. Yada yada..Epiphany is the first to sing. 

Marshall and Epiphany arrive. He says: One drink and "a song" 

Oh Old Michael is on today. Jeepers, I can't keep track. Willow and He tell Brook Lyn the baby news. She's over the moon. Asks them to come to the Haunted Star. 

Sasha is leaving the hospital. She wants to go home. Dr says to go to Shadybrook. Brando talks to Sonny about her drug use. Nina talks to Sasha about Shadybrook. Sasha says she's getting out patient surgery and to leave her alone. 

Britt and Cody at Cody's horse=house. HE ordered dinner for them. She's pissed he ordered for her. Britt meets Comet but isn't happy about it. 



  1. Well you didn't miss much because with 15 minutes to go they cut in with breaking news. Pres. Biden speaking on climate change on the campaign trail in Mass. I saw the last 15 mins on my other channel and there was definite movement. ...WATCH IT if you can.

    And once again they stopped mid sentence when Ellen came on. Literally. He said, " but it's very important that"....STOPPED....Cut to the next show. The important show.

    How dumb was that that they didn't even let uus hear it all but they just have to try to destroy GH and lose more fans.

    When I went online after Biden's speech was already on Youtube and in the news so they didn't need to give anyone a nibble in the middle of the show. grrr

    1. "Di says, Well you didn't miss much because with 15 minutes to go they cut in with breaking news. Pres. Biden speaking on climate change on the campaign trail in Mass"

      Really?! It didn't get interrupted here! Strange.

  2. The important show that is now reruns because it's no longer being made. Annoying

    1. Exactly. Shows you how they rate GH.

      The best scenes were at the end too so if you missed it try to find them online. We get to meet the tree, Sonya. lol

    2. What state are u in here in PA GH is on at 2 no interruptions today

    3. I'm in Canada. I watch on ABC channel 5 in Boston. When I get interruptions I switch to City tv in Toronto. I record both automatically. Prefer ABC because they give previews for the next show.

    4. "Di says, We get to meet the tree, Sonya. lol"

      Hahahaha. We sure do!!! So happy about that! :)

      "Prefer ABC because they give previews for the next show."

      City tv doesn't show previews? I wonder why they don't.

    5. They probably have to pay extra for that when ABC sells them the rights to show it. Not too many American shows here let us see the previews.

    6. "Di says, They probably have to pay extra for that when ABC sells them the rights to show it. Not too many American shows here let us see the previews."

      Yeah probably. Didn't think of that!

  3. Gym:

    Chase and Finchy: Oh yes Chase. Take that shirt off!! :) Chase is all sweaty! :) Awww Chase you should go to sing at the haunted star! :(

    Q breakfast nook:

    Mildew and Brooky: Oh Chad Duell is back! What's tomorrow? Will Robert Adamson show up again? I'm so confused. Mildew back to boring zzzzzzzzzz. Oh come on! Now you are telling Brooky you got the preggers? Geez they are telling everyone! Then what? They lose the baby because she has cancer? Then they will have to tell everyone about what happened?!

    Horse/Parachute boy's home:

    Parachute boy on the phone with Spinny: Spinny wins the line of the day!

    Spinny: Lose this number!!


    Britch and Parachute boy: Oh they have a date. She gives attitude the whole time. Then as soon as he brings up he wants kids, DATE IS OVER! Come on writers! Let us know that Britch doesn't have huntington's disease! PLEASE! Good to see the beautiful horse Mr. Ed again! :) Come on Britch! Mr. Ed won't hurt you! :)

    The haunted star: IT'S OPEN MIC NIGHT! :) Is that where the singing is going to be from now on? At the haunted star:

    Maxie and Spinny: Spinny is so over protective of Maxie! Awwwwwww. :)

    Pawtucket Holtster, Maxie, and Spinny: Hey Maxie come on! Spinny is trying here with Pawtucket Holtster. Give him credit! Oh my Pawtucket's tree friend texted him! Tree is here!!!

    Pawtucket Holtster and his friend Tree: Oh look!!! It's tree in human form! :)

    Piffy singing: YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :)

    Chase singing: YEAHHHHHHHHHH BABY! :) Chase was stiff a little in the beginning. Chase even noticed. It's okay Chase you were nervous! :) Linc is interested in you. :)

    Chase and Willow: Chillow magic!!!! :)

    Piffy and Mr. Hat man: Oh kiss already! They are so adorable. :)

    The hospital:

    Nina and Sasha: Great scene! I'm glad Nina is there for Sasha. :)

    Brasha: I'm glad Sasha isn't mad at Brando.

    Sonny, Dex, and Brando: Brando giving Dex the cold shoulder/stare. Come on Brando! Dex is your brother! Fix it between you too! Be the bigger person!

    Sonny and Brando: Yeah I think it's a good idea to have Sasha in Shadybrook for right now. And not at home.

    1. Sonya said: "Pawtucket Holtster and his friend Tree: Oh look!!! It's tree in human form! :) "

      *** "Must be fall in the forest. The tree seems to have lost its foliage." PMSL

    2. "Di says, Must be fall in the forest."

      Must be! ROFL!

      "The tree seems to have lost its foliage." PMSL"

      Hahahahahaha. Yes it looks like it. :)

    3. Wubsy was right, total filler today. Not liking Brit and Parachute man. Do the writers think this is sexy banter? Brit is just being a "britch" and I really don't enjoy watching it. I could care less about the "tree" and Mr. Pawtucket. I did enjoy Piph and Chase singing though! :)

      Bring back temp Michael!

    4. "Julie H says, Brit is just being a "britch""

      She is acting this way because she thinks she has Huntington's disease. I really hope she doesn't!!!

      "I could care less about the "tree"

      Awwwww. You are going to hurt Tree's feelings!! :( ROFL!

      "I did enjoy Piph and Chase singing though! :)"

      Yeah they were great! I hope it's not over and there is more singing.

      "Bring back temp Michael!"


  4. No interruption on the 2:00 time slot but no matter...nothing happened.
    We do see the "tree in human form". Whoever the heck he is.

    1. "Zazu says, We do see the "tree in human form"."


      Whoever the heck he is.


  5. Cody is yucky. He needs to go. Not working out.

  6. Cody is a real poor choice for Britt. And since when does Spinelli drink beer? He always drank orange soda.



  I was SO EXCITED that I forgot to publish the fact that the "Golden Bachelorette" RUNNER-UP Guy Gansert is guesting on GH this w...