Friday, July 29, 2022

Friday FUN!

 WELP! Here's hoping today was as awesome as yesterday!! It was so good. It moved so fast--they really could have spread a bit out over the week. LOL 

Michael pretends to yell at Dex so Brando isn't suspicious.  He's not and Dex leaves. 

Sasha thanks Willow for being such a good friend. Willow goes with TJ to give blood. Michael comes in after, all happy. They talk about life and how 'good it is". 

Sasha and Brando argue over her not going to therapy. He gets really mad and tells her she has to go..she says he's controlling her. She leaves--I NEED SPACE. She gets a text from "Sienna" and it says "wanna party"?? I think that's the girl in Kelly's that Sasha met to buy drugs from. 

Brick and Sonny the gym. They talk about the West Coast Mob. Sonny says Dex could be another Jason. Dex comes in. Talks about the photographer and telling him not to talk to the police. Sonny and Brick are like THE POLICE WHAT? Dex says he didn't let them see him. Then Sonny tells Brick how Dex talked Joss out of turning in the video. Dex leaves. Brick thinks he's too cocky. They show Dex looking at WILEY on the phone?? OMG is he his REAL FATHER MAYBE?? I mean, why would he be looking at that kid? Why would he look at WILEY? Oh I HOPE he's the real dad!! LOL it would be amazing. NOW people are saying it was MICHAEL looking at that photo. I watched it twice and I swear it was Dex LOL 

Esme and Ava--GLORIOUS. Ava says it's a new low for her to sleep with her boyfriend's father. Esme says How did MORGAN feel when you slept with his father? How long before Avery finds out she was a product of Hate SEX!! AAAAAAAH! Ava grabs her arm to stop her leaving.  Esme tells Ava it was her own fault Nikolas slept with her. She was cold and Esme was there to pick him up when he fell. Ava starts to realize Esme knows too much about her past..and it "feels personal"... WHY? Then Esme glances to the envelope in her bag. Ava's still trying to figure out what Esme's game is. Things go on and Ava grabs the letter but Esme gets it back. Ava says she doesn't even care and wants Esme to MARCH DOWN to the courthouse and get Trina off. Then she basically says if she doesn't, she will end her. 

Spencer is on the stand. Nikolas walks in. Spencer tells everyone that Trina couldn't have distributed that email because she was with him at the time. Diane asks how if he was locked up. He says he arranged for a unauthorized Day Pass and escaped. He talks about why he went to visit his mother's grave to leave flowers. Diane says you could go to prison if you admit this. He says it's time to do the right thing, not the easy thing. Diane asks about other things but finally Spencer says that Esme Price did it. (in his opinion) Then the ADA proves and email can be scheduled to be sent anytime. She proves it by sending one to everyone in the courtroom at the same time.  Spencer leaves the stand. Tells Trina he's sorry it didn't work. Joss tells Spencer she's glad he finally did the right thing. Nikolas tells Spencer he wants to talk to him! 


  1. It was Dex looking at that photo of Wiley and I was wondering what the heck was going on too.

  2. ----I swear WHY are Sasha and Brando EVEN ON THIS SHOW?????BORING.....
    ----I want Ava and Kevin to get together and think: Ryan + Esme = knows too first I thought the writers were changing history when Ava say 'this is personal' but then I realized Ryan had told Esme everything to do!
    ----Ya'll I'm telling you - Esme is gonna do something to hurt herself and Ava will be arrested-------that makes another long storyline--------the letter from Maggie must mean something........
    -----I knew Spencer's confession wouldn't work cause everyone knows email can be timed BUT NC is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!!!! I am still Team Rory.....
    ------isn't it odd that Michael isn't worried about Dex's background? Did I MISS when they first met and he hired Dex? Too many spoilers say Sonny finds out and turns Dex on his side.....
    great show -------except Sasha/waste of time

  3. I too get bored with Sasha and Brando but I give the actress kudos as she has acted this story out perfectly.

    Oh our marvelous Maura! I don't think I could watch daily without this amazing human being.

  4. Wyndemere:

    Ava and Vampira: Great scene!!!! HA! Vampira knows all! Love Ava grabbing her! On Twitter I heard there was going to be a fight! Vampira wins the line of the day.

    Vampira: How old do you think Avery should be when you decide to inform her that she is a product of hate sex?

    ROFLMAOPMP! Hmmm 12/13. :D

    Queen Ava: If you don't admit that you framed Trina, I will make sure that nobody finds you. At least while you are still breathing.

    Aaaaaaaaand that's why she is queen! :)

    The gym:

    Brick, Sonny, and Dex: Brick do you trust Dex? :) Let's see what you do with him.

    Brick and Sonny: What will Brick find out when he does a full background check on Dexxy? Hmmm?

    The hospital:

    Sasha and Willow: Big long talk! Besties! After Willow leaves, Sasha better not cancel her therapy appointment!

    Brasha: SHE DOES! OY! And of course she turns it around on Brando. I guess that party is cancelled huh? "You don't trust me" *Facepalm* Come on Sasha!! You know better than this!

    Mildew: Zzzzzzzzzzz. Oh and Karen, I looked at it again. Michael is the one who looked at Wiley's picture on his phone.. As I said on twitter, I love your storyline though! :)


    Michael, Dex, and Brando: Come on Brarndo. Grab your brother's ear and lead him out! :)

    Brando and Michael: Oh don't worry Brando! Michael is a big boy! He can handle Dexxy!

    Sasha: Oh oh! Drug party time eh Sasha? So there IS a party afterall... :)


    Michael and Dexxy: I don't know where they are! Hey that is where they should have been talking all along! :)

    The courthouse: Wow this ADA lady is very good. I mean about the email and you can send it at a certain time. I hope Spencer doesn't get in trouble! Spencer talking about his mother made me cry! :'( My eyes were blurry! :( Nik why do you need to talk to Spencer? To tell him you slept with Vampira? Spencer is not going to care!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to April 2nd 2013* Liz, Audrey, Patrick, and Piffy. This is the last time Audrey is on the show. :(

  5. Just a detail but how did the prosecutor send a pre time email when she didn't know Spencer was even testifying and what he would say. While she was sitting there? In a split second?
    If only Sasha and Brando had a story line that didn't play the same over and over and over again.
    NC...a pure joy to watch.
    No way Esme is going to that courthouse.

    1. "zazu says, Just a detail but how did the prosecutor send a pre time email when she didn't know Spencer was even testifying and what he would say. While she was sitting there? In a split second?"

      Yeah! That is my question while I was watching this play out!! How did she know?!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Either the editing is wonky or they really want us wondering who was looking at that picture. Dex wasn't near Michael and Willow when he looked at his phone, but they cut to the pic of Wiley on a phone and no way to tell who was holding it. As he looked at the phone , we could hear Michael talking to Willow and then they talked about Wiley having a new sibling. bad editing? or are they going to pull a fast one later?

  7. "You either tell the truth or it's the end of the line". Hope Ava means that

  8. I have to give kudos to the writers. I'm not 100 percent certain...but I think Spencer's last words on the stand..."At a certain point you have to stop doing the easy thing and you have to start doing the right thing." Wasn't that the line that Sydney Mikala's Trina said to Spencer during one of their encounters at the gallery when she tore into him? If so, that was poignant and delivered masterfully. It's too bad the original actress wasn't still in the part, no disrespect to the current actress who's doing a fine job.

    1. That sounds right about that line Diana.

    2. The actor playing Spencer has gotten so good. Yes the new Trina is doing g a good job as well. I am picky when it comes to recast. Took me awhile to like NuSpencer.

    3. "lindie says, Took me awhile to like NuSpencer."

      Yeah took me awhile to like NuSpencer too! I started to like him when he was at spring ridge and he was talking to his dad. NuSpencer started to laugh high! Hahahaha.

    4. YES word for word what Trina said - and THAT was said on purpose - kuddos to writers!

    5. Kudos to the writers/ staff for doing some homework!!

  9. Maura West has pretty much wrapped up her Best Actress nom for next year's Emmys. Avery Pohl should be a shoe-in for younger actor or strong contender in the best supporting category after the scenes this wee. With Kristina Wagner's understandable absence, I can't help but wonder if we're going to get a re-write with Esme connected to Ava vs. Felicia. Of course, the writers can explain Esme's knowledge of Ava because of Ryan and his obsession. Hoping that Felicia ends up being her mom to give her something meaty to play.

    1. My heart goes out to Kristina. Would be a meaty storyline although I don't want Felicia to be her mother

    2. It would be interesting to see how Maxie would react to having Esme as her half-sister. I can imagine a slew of conflicting emotions.

  10. The glaring absences of Liz and Cam are the only bad parts. NC has been a pleasure to watch. Maura finally gets to show her stuff with the betrayal of Ava. This Nik is such a miscast. I actually couldn’t wait to see yesterday’s show.

  11. TPTB must really not like Rebecca Herbst. It's a disgrace

  12. Yeah, if she just decided to take off for the summer like Genie they could have announced that.

  13. Becky has addressed it and basically said it's none of anyone's business.

    Well, hello there…just thought I’d shut down some rumors that have been circulating: I haven’t been fired. I’m not on vacation. I don’t have covid. My kids don’t keep me from working. Nor do I have cramps (the best one yet 😂). I hope you all have a great weekend! XOXO..♥️ #GH

    1. I actually don't take RH's comment that it's none of the fans' biz I take her tone as 'TPTB are under utilizing me and I thank the fans for their support.'

  14. So I have a (not so) small issue with the whole Spencer alibi. When Courtney died, she wasn't buried; she was cremated and Nikolas poured her ashes over the ocean. It's a small detail, but significant enough to annoy me greatly.

  15. Kudos to you for remembering what most of us forgot.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...