Sunday, July 24, 2022

Sunday Surgery : Interruptions


This week was interrupted AGAIN!!  I thought maybe we'd finally get a week that wasn't! Oh me of little faith LOL. There was a repeat Thursday then on Friday at the end of the 2:00pm/est show they cut in for the Bannon news!! *sigh*

I'll give it a go but not much lit my fire, that's for sure. 

Different format because I need to have a little variety. This is the Work/Not Work Week Review. What is working on GH?? What isn't?? See if you agree.


COMET: That horse must work cheap! He was the best part of the Cody/Britt date for sure. 

THE TRIAL: Although the Joss testimony was way over the top and would never be allowed in the real courtroom, it was soapy and good. Trina's single tear was even better. Having Temp-Taggert there instead of making an excuse was nice as well. 

SPENCER/ESME: Oh that Nicholas Chavez can ACT!! Avery can certainly hold her own with him as well. Their long awaited confrontation was epic.

EVIL ESME: I love a good soap vixen to hate and Esme is proving her worth. First, sleeping with Ryan and now drugging Ozzy.  It's making the summer fun. 

AVA/TRINA:  Just a pure, nice relationship. Love

MS WU: Having Curtis in the car and talking about Trina? Yes, please. 


DEX; Why ..just why. If he's working for Michael, show a plan. Show some intrigue. SHOW SOMETHING I'M INTERESTED IN because...he's a dud. I was so invested in Michael getting one over on Sonny and there is no THERE there. 

BRITT/CODY: Nope. You tried to literally throw them together and.. I'm hoping that Cody is trying to get information from her about Faison and they are really cousins or something.  The banter doesn't grab me. He's not a banter-type. Austin, yes. Cody the Cowboy No. He's on way too much. Points for giving poor Dante airtime but.. we did this with Drew. We are tired. 

AUSTIN: I'm not sure if Roger wanted an extended time off...or.. what the deal is but Austin is just a non-entity. Sure you can throw a mean bald man in there and a female "boss" type. (Which I'm hoping is Wu) but between his non-chem with Maxie and lack of any Q storyline for months, I'm not impressed. 

FINN: Just say no. 

LACK OF LIZ:  Oh boy.. so much to unpack here. Frank needs to realize that shoving Liz into a corner after setting up a great story is just unbearable to watch. Not only that, we get a great day with her going a bit bonkers and we don't see her for another week. WTF. Not even at the trial! We could have had some great reactions from her and given her current bitchy state, they could have been glorious!! 

MICHAEL NOT MICHAEL MICHAEL: Ok, this is a joke, right? Seriously-- every other week/day is one or the other. I can't imagine someone watching at home that has no idea what's happening. 


SASHA/BRANDO: Maybe I don't get their appeal. I think Sofia is a great actress but this story... we've seen it so many times. 

CHALLIN:  Meh.. I like Chase and Brook but it's just been ages now and nothing is progressing. 

LINC: I WANT to like him as a xexy bad boy scum... ala Marco Dane but I don't get that vibe. 


SAM: Didn't Carly hire her to get stuff on Trina and such? Didn't she and Dante have a fight about it? Didn't she talk to Spencer about HIS plan too? Sam's stuck making small talk with Cody and listening to tales of Summer Camp. 

THE BOYS:  They really should have been shown trying to do things on their own with Cam in charge. Could have been awesome. 

PHYLLIS:  ???????

KRISTINA/MOLLY: Why, yes I will keep asking until they show up. Molly especially since she was sitting 2nd chair on Trina's trial!!! 

LUCY/MARTIN: And..??? 


Britt and Austin hit it off on the HS bridge and we were left wondering why they aren't together

Spencer showed his hand to Esme; I'll tell you your bio mama's name, you prove Trina innocent

Esme found Oz and drugged him so he can't talk about the burner phone

Trina's trial went ahead and Joss and Cam both said she couldn't have taped them but the DA proved otherwise

Social Night at the Haunted Star showcased Chases' singing

Linc wants to rep Chase but Brook Lynn already is...

Sasha cried about not wanting to go to rehab

Sonny said he's going to GET THAT SCUM that gave Sasha the drugs

Spinelli admitted to Maxie he's behind the dating service. 

Britt and Cody tried to have a date but the horse was the best part 

Carly's sad she lost her 1/2 of the Metro

Olivia's mad Carly lost her 1/2 of the Metro

Nina's glad Carly lost her 1/2 of the Metro. 

And that's a wrap!! I'm pretty much coasting here. The show really needs so much more drive and consistency to the stories. Adding more cast, adding more stories isn't helping. Summers should be intense. (and not just from the heat!!) 

I personally think this summer should have been chocked full of The Evil Viktor Plan.. that's a great summer story.  It would involve so many people too. That, the Trina Trial  and Liz' Trauma Backstory..chef's kiss. The filler. And we are getting a LOTTA filler lately!! 

See you tomorrow. Here's hoping no breaking news gets in the way! 


  1. Yup, this show is a big thumbs down lately. Your blog is always a thumbs up though Karen. This new Cody needs to go. Carly, Sonny, Michael, Willow, need to go on a long vacation. Some characters just need to GO for good. They need to show Brooklyn and Chase more and NOT the Linc guy. VAnna and Victor adventure needs to be front and center and not back burner. Liz and company needs to be front and center. Have Liz be front and center. I agree with almost all of what you said. I'm not sure if I want a Britt and Austin pairing or not, but they are more interesting than him with Maxie.

    1. Also, give Dante a different direction. I'm glad we are getting to see him, but him with this Cody clown is not working.

    2. Like I said, instead of working on Trina's case or anything else, it's Summer Camp tales ..geesh

  2. PSS. Forgot to mention: Some really well acted scenes with Esme and Spencer. The show needs MORE of this. The 2 of them are great actors.

  3. PSSS. OK I have to add something else. Maybe I am crazy, but I think Curtis and Selina Wu could be hot together; soapy goodness for a one night hot romp. They seem to have chemistry. Thoughts? lol

    1. Yeah I thought of that too with Curtis and Ms. Wu.. :)

    2. If GH goes there and makes Curtis Trina's father, he should leave Portia for keeping the truth (like he did Jordan) and tie one on there is Selina and there you go. The soapy goodness starts when he's like it was a mistake and she won't let go, could be interesting.

    3. "JoyJ says If GH goes there and makes Curtis Trina's father, he should leave Portia for keeping the truth (like he did Jordan) and tie one on there is Selina and there you go. The soapy goodness starts when he's like it was a mistake and she won't let go, could be interesting."

      Oooooo! All sounds soapy fun! :) Are you new here? Welcome to the blog! :)


    YES I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we need to keep the horse!


    I AGREE! And with Finchy, I love him! He just needs a good storyline. Parachute boy and Britch, no thank you. This banter is pathetic. He is so mean to her! I want her with Pawtucket Holtster.. And Michael/not Michael, yeah it needs to STOP! Let's just keep Robert Adamson and call it a day.

    "Britt and Austin hit it off on the HS bridge and we were left wondering why they aren't together"

    YES! Why aren't they together? We need Brittstin!

    "Britt and Cody tried to have a date but the horse was the best part"

    Show that beautiful horse more!!!

    "Carly's sad she lost her 1/2 of the Metro

    Olivia's mad Carly lost her 1/2 of the Metro

    Nina's glad Carly lost her 1/2 of the Metro."

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! ROFLMAOPMP! Ms Wu needs to buy the Metrocourt!

    #MetroWu <----- Credit goes to Karen who made that up! :)

  5. Cody is fast becoming the new Peter -- a character and actor that's not working but they insist shoving down our throats. There are so many others who could use that screen time and do it better, starting with Molly and Kristina.

  6. Great SS! They need to put Maxie back with Spinelli and Austin with Britt, maybe. His character is so vague. Cody is a true mishap and poor idea. These last few weeks haven’t been great.

    1. Austin could go away for all I care. I just thought at least he and Britt were entertaining LOL

  7. Great SS! Thanks again.
    Agree with everything you said.
    Clearly these writers, or someone, has a problem with couples. None of them are working. It is so obvious. In one scene we see how Maxie and Austin have NO chemistry and seconds later sparks fly between Britt and Austin. Never mind that Britt's date dress turned from bright red to black in one scene. That really bothered me. Beyond sloppy.
    Spence and Esme were the best.
    It is brutal out there today where I am. Hope you all have a cool Sunday.

    1. YES! And I was like: DID she go home and change?? That's a HUGE continuity error. They've had a lot of those lately

  8. I DO think Mrs Wu must be behind Austin - I read maybe Helena BUT she wouldn't care about the Quartermaines----so we are smart - we can figure this out - WHAT woman would send Austin to PC? Of COURSE they COMPLETELY changed his character so we gotta think what would the writers wanna change now?
    ------this is so bad - but yesterday Maurice B was on Live Instagram - Dex was on there and I felt he was 'sucking up to Mo" (as he kept saying) 'love Mo', etc. and then Michael (Chad) was on there and HE seemed snobby-----anyone else see it and feel that way?
    anyway, I think Dex is gonna turn on Michael......he seems to be here to stay a while.

  9. The thug that Austin was talking to has been on GH before. Right? Looks very familiar.

  10. A big no to Spin and Maxie or Britt and Austin. Both KT and RH would just try to out clown each other. It'd be a mess like Franco and Ava/Denise. The show really needs to put Liz and Austin in scenes together to see if BH and RH still have chemistry. Both actors and their fans got badly scr*wed with Franco's death and it would be a way to make up for it.

  11. For me the major problem is pacing, GH starts a story then drops it comes back months later and who can care when they can't remember what the heck happened. Liz was great at Shadybrook, why Frank doesn't see that she can act is ridiculous. You go from that then she is missing once again. There is no way in hell she would miss Cam at court, I'm surprised they didn't say Audrey was watching him.

  12. I'm just here to say how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE the relation between Ava and Trina. I was iffy at first - like she was using her as a replacement daughter - and maybe she was. Now - Trina couldn't ask for a more true friend.

    1. Wish I knew how to edit my typos!! **relationship**

  13. The photo below says it all about Maxie and Austin.

  14. 5th UPDATE, Monday AM: President Joe Biden’s Covid symptoms have “now almost completely resolved,” his personal physician wrote in a memo on Monday.

    Hopefully they won't feel the need to break into the show today to tell us this.

    1. "Di says, Hopefully they won't feel the need to break into the show today to tell us this."

      ROFL! I hope not either! :)

  15. What a strange show today!!! Hmmm hey Karen did you forget to press the submit button? :)

    The stairwell: Is this at the hospital?

    Sonny, Dex, and slimy Jim Carrey: Gee Sonny! You had Dex do your dirty work? You don't want your delicate hands to be bruised? Jim Carrey is OUT!

    Sonny, Dex, Slimy Jim, Carrey, and Joss: Okay what the hell? What a strange scene!! I thought this was a dream at first, but it's not! Joss actually video taped them. She is so angry at Sonny! It just feels like this is out of left field! And the lighting is so bad! It's making them look yellow!!

    Dex and Joss: So yellow Dex and yellow Joss confrontation. Chem testing? Hmm? :) Well well well Dex. You are very convincing. :)

    Metrocourt pool:

    Vanna: Yeah Anna you just call out V.C.! :) V.C. is still lying, but I get why. He is protecting his daughter. I'll give him a pass. Oooooo Vanna kiss! They gonna have zex? :)

    Oz's apartment: OH! I finally hear it! Curtis saying Oz! I always kept hearing people say Boz. I wish his name was Boz.

    Oz and Vampira: Poor Oz all drugged up!

    Oz and Curtis: Oz says she! YESSSSSSSSSSS! :) You know who she is Curtis! Don't you? Please know!!

    The hospital:

    Tolly: Oh I guess Molly isn't working in the Trina case anymore? Hmm. Well Molly you have been very judgemental with this case. You need to stop. I hope other cases you aren't judgemental.

    Oz's room:

    Curtis, TJ, and Molly: Medically induced coma! Uh TJ, you shouldn't be talking to this with Curtis and Molly!!!! HIPPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad Curtis realized that Vampira drugged Oz. :)

    Nurses station:

    Nurse on the phone with Vampira: Vampira lying about papa Oz. :) Oh love that smile on Vampira's face when she hears that he is in a coma!!! Soapy smile! :)

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Nava and Spencer: Nik thinking about the porn he made with Vampira.. Well, at least they didn't show him holding that whip er belt. Ava filling Spencer in about the trial. Wasn't that trial fun Ava?! :) Vampira is desperate and just had to text Nik!

    Nik and Vampira: Oh she is a master manipulator! She is so good! She pretends to feel bad about the secret that they made the porn, and just HAS to tell Ava and wishes she got her job back! Nik you are falling right into her trap!!! Idiot! Hahahahaha!

    Carly's home:

    Carly, Drew, and Mildew: Chad Duell as Michael today! Oh great! So now they tell Drew that Willow got the preggers! When it's way to early! Too many people know = something bad is going to happen.

    Carly and Drew: They are so adorable together. :) She makes a joke about him throwing her out the window and he says he will do it hahahahaha. Kiss already!!!

    Sonny, Carly, and Drew: What a strange scene! Sonny don't interrupt with your nonsense! Joss is an adult not a 12 year old! If Carly threatens you, would go to Bobbie to tell her? GO AWAY SONNY! Carly wins the line of the day.

    Carly: You don't have to worry, they allow conjugal visits. You and Nina should be just fine.


    Parachute man's horse home:

    Mildew: WHAT?! They just walk in? THAT'S TRESPASSING!!!! What an odd scene! Where the hell is Parachute man? I want him to yell at them. I'm surprized Mildew didn't have zex upstairs. What a strange scene. They just keep talking! It is very nice seeing Mr. Ed, but that is the only good thing in the scene.

    1. I thought that weird scene was a dream too. Or a nightmare.
      Also wondered what Willow and Michael were doing in the Cody horse house.
      Nice to see Molly for a second. That's all folks.

    2. "zazu says, I thought that weird scene was a dream too. Or a nightmare."

      Oh good! You noticed how weird the scene was too!

      "Also wondered what Willow and Michael were doing in the Cody horse house."

      Yeah that was so confusing too!!!

      "Nice to see Molly for a second. That's all folks."

      Yeah it was great seeing her, but it was a confusing scene too.

    3. Molly's scene was definitely weird. Made no sense to me. She didn't like busy work but the DA was definitely doing a great job of prosecuting Trina. Yet Molly sounded like they needed her to do that. ...ego much!

    4. "Di says, Molly's scene was definitely weird. Made no sense to me. She didn't like busy work but the DA was definitely doing a great job of prosecuting Trina. Yet Molly sounded like they needed her to do that. ...ego much!"

      Yeah I don't get it. I was confused too. I hope today's show is better.

  16. I can see it on Anna's face; she knows VC is lying.

    1. Was Anna channeling "Elvira, Queen of the night" today?

    2. "zazu says, Was Anna channeling "Elvira, Queen of the night" today?"

      ROFL! Yeah you are right. She did. :) It must of turned V.C. on! :)

  17. did Karen forget to post? She tweeted today? Austin's mystery for some reason Spinelli knows - wonder if it is his co-hort with Society Set ups ----------- I think it's his mom BUT Spinelli knows for sure.....................
    waste waste waste------------so many characters

    1. "mufasa says, did Karen forget to post? She tweeted today?"

      She must have forgotten to press send. She did tweet about GH yesterday on twitter!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...