Sunday, July 10, 2022

It's a POOL PARTY (Sunday Surgery)

Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there is no Sunday Surgery today. Karen is still out of town until mid-week and I honestly have not had any chance to watch the show this week. It is 109 degrees every day, an the heat is brutal. By the time I get home about 7, I make dinner and drink a beer and then barely move. I have been keeping up through wubtub and I do watch shows once or twice a week. 


Today you get some screen caps from the pool scenes from the past week. Also, a place where YOU can talk about this week's show and discuss what has been going on. Please make this the best non-Sunday Surgery ever!


Wiley and Scout are ready!

Sonny lets loose on the pool deck


Liz, Sasha, Carly, Maxie and Brook Lynn

Lucy and Liesl

Mac and Felicia

Dante, Cody and Chase

Victor and Valentin (Spencer in back)



  1. Love the.picture of Spencer in the back. Lol

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. i thought about cropping it but.... i didnt think it was offensive because it was a picture from the 60s. Vintage, you know...

    3. Thanks for doing this Dave. I also love old hula hoop Sonny. Lol

  2. These pics are fun. Takes me back. I am vintage.
    The Vegas heat sounds unbearable. Here in the northeast it has been very un-July like. Temps in 70's/80's with no humidity. Breezy and beautiful.
    GH this week was pretty dull. Lots of banter.

  3. The weather here is a little hot but the highs are like 80. Right now 73 sunny and gorgeous. I lived in Texas for a long time and South Florida. I feel your pain with the heat.

  4. so am I the only one who thinks Liz is almost gonna kill a patient and then we MIGHT know what is bothering her - I HATE that the writers are gonna rewrite Jeff's history....stupid...

    1. They also rewrite the personalities of characters. This bothers me.

    2. Like they did with Rick Webber. Oy.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...