Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Double Stuffed Filler

 Oh boy...today had SO much filler!! GEESH

The REAL Taggert is on today (REAL ...GET IT? ) he and Rory try to reassure Trina about the trial. They talk in the hall. Then the ADA says she has to talk to Rory.  ADA says that he shouldn't be there. Yada yada... Taggert tells him he's not his friend. Ava wonders if Trina likes Rory. She says wait until after the trial. 

At GH, Portia and Curtis talk about Oz and Jordan walks up. They talk trial. They are happy and grateful on how Jordan testified. Jordan wants to know why Curtis brought Oz in and what he knows about the phone. More jabbering about the trial 

Spencer is dressed for the trial, tells Esme that time is up. She says she can't do it because she'll end up in jail. He says too bad, figure it out. 

Ava and Nikolas; the divorcee papers arrive. She wants to sign, he doesn't. He thinks they shouldn't now. OMG This is DRIVING ME INSANE! 

Nina tells a guy at the pool to go bartend because they are short staffed. He mouths off to her and tells her he's only listening to Olivia. Sonny walks in and tells the kid to watch his mouth. It's a weird scene. He's nice one minute, bully the next. Nina and Sonny then have their first stupid fight.. and Nina still wants to take it "Slow"...cripes. How slow you going to GO!? She also wants Sonny to tell her his loyalty is to her not Carly. 

Joss and Carly talk about her encounter with Sonny last night. She wonders why he can get away with the things he does. She's not going to 'look the other way'.  Sonny isn't even a good father she says. Calls everyone an idiot for letting Sonny get away with things for so long. 

Donna got hurt on the playground... Carly has to leave

Portia can't come because a patient needs surgery

Jordan goes to question Nikolas 

Spencer comes into the courtroom. 


  1. Wonder WHY Portia isn't there - obviously the writers have something in mind...
    am I the only one that thinks Sonny's behavior is CLEARLY for Nina's benefit to show her that he is NOT Mike ----------she could NEVER handle Mob stuff......just like BOOM let's make Sonny mean...........I dunno - and yes for sure we ALL see Joss with Dex (trying to recreate Jason and Carly maybe?) and then Carly will be all "STAY OUT OF THE MOB JOSS"-------------at least she will be interesting......I STILL think Dex is gonna turn on Michael.......
    BEYOND ridiculous Curtis did NOT SEARCH THE APARTMENT!
    no Liz again today-----------------------------

    1. But why cast Dex as such a clean-cut guy? I swear they all look alike LOL he needs to be a sexy bad-boy type. This guy gives off eagle scout with a jock's temper vibe. O COURSE no Elizabeth LOL .. It's crazy

    2. Cause I think the writers are stupid LOL and don't think ahead - they hired Dex and then thought 'maybe put him with Joss"----maybe he wasn't here for the long haul?? I really think they don't look ahead and they change history and CURRENT stories - like NO ONE said, 'hmmmmm Cody and Dex look alike, folks"............

  2. Many funny one liners today. Oh and good morning Port Chuckians! Yes filler day today. All talk and no action today.

    Metrocourt pool:

    Young man worker and Nina: Wow! I love this young man! Is he here to stay? Can we keep him? :)

    Aaron: You were like here what a whole day? Is Mrs. Quartermaine around?

    HAHAHAHHAHAHA! He would have won the one of the day, but someone else wins it. He was great!!! At first I'm thinking who is Mrs Quartermaine? OH! He is talking about Olivia! :)

    Young man worker, Nina, and Sonny: Sonny! Now is not the time! Let Nina handle this! She is the co-boss! That poor young man is afraid of Sonny! ROFL! Be strong young man! Be strong! Where is Olivia?

    Sona: Sonny you and Carly did worse things to each other? Yeah and one of them is when you accidentally shot Carly in the head when she was in labor! Then waited hours to take her to the hospital! In real life she would have been dead! And Nina is right about the abuse. She don't want abuse in their relationship. I'm glad! :)


    Nava: No divorce?! WHAT THE HELL NIK?!!?! What is going on with you? Oh and your hair is a mess. Go comb it.

    Vampira and Spence: I like her shirt. Will Vampira help Trina or not? I don't know. She is keeping this close to the vest.

    Nik, Vampira, and Spence: Oh there ya go! Thanks to Nik she is getting what she wants. Vampira was subtle with her blackmailing Nik that he doesn't know it was blackmail. She is good!!!! And now she gonna go see her daddy!

    Nik and Spence: Nik go comb your hair!!!

    The hospital:

    Purtis and Jordan: Geez it feels like Jordan is interrogating Curtis!

    Portia on the phone with Taggart: She can't go to the trial?!?! Why? Is it because Trina is going to be found guilty? Then Trina will have a nervous schizophrenia melt down right there in the courthouse?

    Carly's home:

    Carly and Joss: Joss you are not going to look the other way?! What are you going to do? You just deleted that video! Shut up Joss! That outfit on Joss looks way too mature for her. It would look better on Carly. And shouldn't the zipper be in the back? That looks strange in the front. Anyway, Joss wins the line of the day.

    Joss: Maybe you were an idiot.

    BAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes Joss.. Jason and Carly were both idiots. You are right. Thank you writers. :)

    The courthouse:

    Ava and Carly: Geez. Ava was nice to Carly, but Carly was so rude to Ava!!!! Carly listen to Joss. You are an idiot! :)

    Rory and ADA: RA RO!

    Rory and Trina: Awwwwwwww. :) Rory is staying!!!! :) Trina is so worried about him. :) Awwwwwww!

    Ava and Trina: Ava sees that Trina likes Rory. She does very much Ava. :)

    Rory and Taggart:

    Taggart: We are not friends.


    Taggart and Trina: Awwwwwwwww! :)

    Carly and Joss: Donna is hurt?! Oh no! :( Sure she will be okay, but still she got hurt! :( Now why can't Carly be there for the verdict?

    1. So many truths from the youngsters today. Bartender pool boy, Joss, Rory.....I was cheering them all on! Did you notice the little swag of white in Aaron's hair? Very cute! :)

      Line of the day was perfect! Thanks for that!

      Sonny's behavior is making me dizzy and I have no idea where that is going, and I truly don't care. And seriously, what was up with Nik's hair? HAHAHAHAH!

  3. I also loved Nina's line about the verbal abuse in Carly and Sonny's relationship. Glad it was mentioned.

    I loved Taggart's "We are not friends." line and Rory's little side grin after he said it. He recognized that he's making progress with him.

    Portia had an emergency surgery.
    I think it's obvious that they're limiting numbers in the scenes now since so many are still getting COVID. I think that's why Carly had to have an excuse to not be in court too.

    1. "Di says, I also loved Nina's line about the verbal abuse in Carly and Sonny's relationship. Glad it was mentioned."

      Yeah I'm glad it was mentioned too.

      "I loved Taggart's "We are not friends." line and Rory's little side grin after he said it. He recognized that he's making progress with him."

      It was great haha. :)

      "Portia had an emergency surgery.
      I think it's obvious that they're limiting numbers in the scenes now since so many are still getting COVID. I think that's why Carly had to have an excuse to not be in court too."

      Ohhhh! I wasn't even thinking that. Yeah Covid is on the rise again.. Especially at the airport! Time to have a mask mandate again!!!

  4. I was assuming Portia, Carly, Curtis and whoever else were gonna end up at GH while something happened there (Esme takes hostages or kills Oz type of thing). I didnt think of covid and think it's too soon for a verdict. We'll wait & see 👍

    1. me too - I don't think it's COVID at all - this was filmed like 8 weeks ago - they came back this week after 3 weeks off----I think something happens and that is why Portia especially is not in court

    2. Taggart is in court...sitting with one person and distanced. If we want that character there they can't fill the room. Actors and staff are booking off sick and people have to think of their own health and their families. I personally would rather have taggart in a near empty court room than have Portia there...but that's just me. JMHO

  5. This whole story line with Victor is a complete DUD. CS is a great actor. This ice princess thing or heat the world thing is a complete non starter. How long ago did he kill Luke and then nothing. So much lost potential. But NO they have to favor big mouth shrew Carly and boring Sonny.



  I was SO EXCITED that I forgot to publish the fact that the "Golden Bachelorette" RUNNER-UP Guy Gansert is guesting on GH this w...