Thursday, July 28, 2022


 WATCH THE SHOW TODAY...that's all! 

Sasha is going to go see a psychiatrist at GH . She's trying to get rid of Brando who wants to wait with her. Then Millow walks up and tells them about the baby. Sasha says she already knows. 

Willow tells TJ not to say anything to Michael until she knows what's she's dealing with. 

TJ checks out the guy Sonny and Dex beat up. He may need to talk to the police. Dante comes in way later. Felty won't tell but he's kinda hinting it's Sonny. 

Mac and Dante are at the hatchet throwing place. Mac thinks Dante could be a good chief of detectives (I think that's Mac's job now). Mac says when he retires in a bit, Dante should consider the job. Sam comes in and Felicia couldn't make it due to babysitting so Mac leaves. Dante wants to talk to Sam about their future. He gets down on one knee. OH! she dropped her phone LOL! She's like PHEW! He just wants to live together. She was surprised and hadn't thought of it. He realizes she needs more time to think. Sam doesn't look happy. 

Dex talks to Sonny at the boxing ring about the great time he had beating up Felty. He wants to do more. Sonny says when it's time. Brando then comes in and talks to Sonny about Sasha. He's worried.

Courtroom: Esme shows' up. Looks stunning. Ava says she has her number. Esme says she could destroy her life if she wants to. Ava: "I DARE YOU".. OMG Nikolas walks up!! Esme says: It's time..!! He says to be quiet. Ava asks what's happening. Esme says "talk to your wife".  On the stand, Diane gets her to look like she's jealous of Spencer's friends and set it all up. Esme leaves. Diane is going to call Trina after the break because the jury needs to see her. She thinks back to her alibi with Spencer. Says she's ready. 

Nikolas goes into an office and TELLS AVA!!!!!!!!!!! Ava's face is such a sneer!! WOOOOOWWW YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT! Nikolas snivels and says they were on a break. Ava is PISSED! "NEVER TOUCH ME AGAIN"!!! OMG. It's amazing. She finally tells him she's going to BURN HIM TO THE GROUND!! I think she gets everything because they aren't divorced right??? Their agreement? 

Dex and Michael meet in the stairway at GH. Dex says Sonny is right where "Michael wants him". He tells him about Joss filming and he stopped her from going to the police. Michael says to stay away from her. He thinks Dex should become "Jason" to Sonny to be most effective. 

A guy comes along at the hospital and puts a "DO NOT USE" sign on the elevator--both elevators. WEIRD, WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN???? 

Spencer tells Diane he can help Trina, will he tell about the alibi? 

Felty tells Smoozie (reporter) he has a great story: Sasha was high on drugs when she killed Harmony

OH!! Brando catches Dex and Michael in the stairwell, that's why that sign was up so he had to walk there. 

Spencer tells Diane to let him testify for Trina, he's going to say he was there with her when the video got uploaded!

Esme is packing and Ava comes in: You conniving little WHORE!! Squeee!



  1. SO what did Esme take from the book? What I DON'T want to happen is Esme jumping off the parapet and blaming Ava? PLEASE NO!!!!!! And please NO that she discovers she is pregnant while in the hospital? (My mind just goes there.)
    -----I SO want Michael destroyed.......
    -----We never hear the judge saying a word to the jury - IS there a jury????
    -----Ava will get everything------------Nik has nothing -------- WHAT will Victor do???? I am looking forward to Spence and Ava teaming up
    but PLEASE do not have Ava in jail------------

  2. Two great days in a row!! This hasn't happened in how long?! MW is the QUEEN of sneer. She was amazing.

    1. Long live the Queen. lol Can't wait till tomorrow to see her in action.

      And mufasa I think that was the letter from her nanny.

  3. If the post nup that Ava and Nikolas signed after they married Ava should get pretty much everything. There was a stipulation that if Nikolas cheated she gets 90 percent of everything.

  4. You're right, kd. They aren't divorced. Nik is going to regret not filing those papers, among other things. lol

    Maybe they just put the elevator out of commission so Brando would have to take the stairs and catch Michael and Dex together.

    I hope Smoozie goes to Nina with the story first and takes a payoff and smelty gets ratted out for blabbing that.


    1. "Di says, Maybe they just put the elevator out of commission so Brando would have to take the stairs and catch Michael and Dex together."

      Yeah.. *Sigh* BORING! That's it? Michael and Dex getting caught?!?! They could have talked on the street and get caught. Or maybe at the park!

    2. No, I think the "out of order" sign is going to fall off, then someone is going to press the button and fall to his/her death down the elevator shaft!

  5. LOL Line of the Day: Esme "Nikolas is full...of surprises" she says as much with her eyes as the tone of her voice. Brilliant.

  6. Will Hayden magically appear now because she was Nik's wife when she died? This would make the marriage null and void.

    1. That would be fun and a great twist. And I would love to see Ava vs. Hayden.

  7. A very good day indeed.
    Nicholas Chavez is a joy to watch, never mind how great he looks! He is the one cast member that I can see moving on to a huge acting career. Bravo!
    Esme must get what's coming to her but also must stay in PC for more.
    Michael is intolerable as are the two 'newspaper dudes'. All three can disappear.

    1. :Mufasa says, Esme must get what's coming to her"

      YES! :)

      "but also must stay in PC for more."

      YES! I want her to stay!

  8. A lot of funny one liners today.


    Vampira, ADA and Queen Ava:

    Queen Ava: Esme always makes sure her lies sound completely natural.


    Vampira and Queen Ava:

    Vampira: DON'T walk away from me.

    ROFL! Oh don't you even talk to the queen like that, or you WILL be burned. :)

    Private room:

    Nava: Queen Ava wins the lines of the day.

    Queen Ava: Seduced by a high school graduate! You're stupid!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! GET HIM QUEEN GET HIM! I'm glad characters are calling people idiot or stupid. :)

    Queen Ava: I'm going to burn you into the ground.

    YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH! TAKE EVERYTHING FROM HIM!!! :) Then get comforted by Victor! ;)


    Sonny and Dex: Dexxy is an eager beaver! :) He has got that itchy finger or should I say itchy hand. He wants to punch punch punch! :) Your brother Brando isn't going to like that. Oh speaking of the devil! HI BRANDO! :)

    Sonny and Brando: Oooo more bonding. :)

    Hatchet throwing club: YAY! About time they showed this set again! :)

    Dante and Mac: Mac daddy retire? Nahhhhhhhhhhhhh.. Come on Mac! :) You live for this work! Oh hi Sam! What? Felicia babysitting? COME ON! :(

    Sante: I thought Dante was going to propose!! Picking up the phone going down on one knee? Stupid. Can't bend both your legs Dante? Sam looked so disappointed.

    The hospital:

    Brasha and Mildew: Oh yes yes Willow got the preggers! Now they all should have a little party! And then invite the Tribbles!

    Sasha, Willow, and Poptart Smalls: HEY! POPTART SMALLS! Where the hell have you been? Hey if they have a party they should invite Poptart Small. :)

    Slimy Jim Carry's room:

    TJ and Slimey Jim Carry: Slimey Jim Carry is going to be okay! No concussions! Wonderful!

    Slimy Jim Carry and Poptart Smalls: BESTIES! :) Poptart Smalls you inviting Slimy Jim Carry to the Mildew and Brasha party?!

    Nurses station:

    Willow and TJ: Oh yes shhhhh keep it a secret about what's wrong with you.. Oh so TJ is going to the party too? Yes let's keep that a secret too.

    Elevator guy:

    Elevator stairwell: OH OH! What's going to go wrong with the elevator!!! Someone going to sneak into the elevator and get hurt?

    Michael and Dex: Private talk!! They are bonding. :) Oh hi Brando! Oh that's why the elevator sign.. BORING!


    Queen Ava and Vampira: Oh Vampira is getting the hell out of there!!!

    Queen Ava: You conniving little whore.

    GET HER QUEEN! DRAG HER!! BURN HER! *Evil smile*

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to December 16th 1966* Jessie, Phil, John and John's daughter Polly.

  9. Am I a horrible person if I want Ava to beat the living crap out of Esme?

    1. "lindie says, Am I a horrible person if I want Ava to beat the living crap out of Esme?"

      Hahaha. No! I want a brawl!!!! :) On twitter I heard they were going to fight. We have to wait and see. :)

    2. lol You and Sonya need help. 😄
      I'd like to see Ava stalking her and making her life miserable though. And don't forget she's got no money so she may be stuck in town trying to get a job or a place to stay.

    3. I wonder what Esme put in the brown envelope and packed in her suitcase. I wonder if Ava will see it. They made a point to show that.

    4. "Di says, lol You and Sonya need help. 😄"


      "I'd like to see Ava stalking her and making her life miserable though. "

      You need help too! ROFL!

      "And don't forget she's got no money so she may be stuck in town trying to get a job or a place to stay."

      HA! True! And her inheritance don't kick in until 21 right? 25?

    5. If she even has an inheritence.

    6. "Di says, If she even has an inheritence."

      Haha true.. Or if she is even a recent high school graduate. :) She could be older.. :D

  10. "Seduced by a high school graduate". Men.

  11. I wonder if maybe Sasha takes the wrong elevator or something after her fight with Brando and she crashes. Hmmmm

  12. I think Spencer confessing will get Trina's case thrown out of court and Esme won't get in any trouble. Boo. Want her to get what's coming to her.

  13. Ava and Victor. Just desserts to get bak at Nic. And Ava and Vic have hot chemistry already

  14. Ava's lines today were fantastic. This is the type of "GH" that I want to see more often.

  15. Maura is just so outstanding!

  16. I just feel that Esme is gonna get injured and Ava is gonna be arrested......

  17. MW was so good! Love to watch great acting! Ditto for NC!

  18. Loved the show but hated how Nic kept blaming Esme. I saw no gun to your head my friend,


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...