Thursday, July 7, 2022

The Coffees of Corinthos for Summer!!



**Enjoy Yourselves while Wubsy is Away**

                          The Millow: Just enough coffee so you can't taste it

Esme Expresso:  It's a mean little drink 

                               Kevlar Double Dip: For the lovers in the group

YEE HA! It's the Honky Tonk Nixon Falls Special

with collectible Mason jar! 

The Violet-- Her request and we made it happen! 

                            Olivia and Dante inspired Cups  available for purchase 

                                   Designs for you--Badger Bob is also in the line up 

                     The Carly Cup: because no one can do all she does without caffeine

                          Matcha Green --because Selena Wu doesn't DO COFFEE 


  1. lol Love it. very inspired, and inspiring. Going for another cup now. 😃

  2. "The Millow: Just enough coffee so you can't taste it"

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *DEAD* Today's show has some funny one liners.

    Metrcourt lounge:

    Anna, Alexis, and Laura: It's great seeing all three of them in a scene together! :)

    Anna and Laura:

    Laura: Love can be intoxicating. Don't let it rob you of your better sense. Trust, but verify.

    Great advice Laura! Great advice!

    Metrocourt pool: I'm thinking who is that person swimming? OH IT'S CHASE! YUM! :)

    Young lady and Chase: Ooooo that girl wants him. :) I don't blame her. :) Ooooo Chase isn't interested in her! I already have a towel on my chair hahahaha.

    Chase, Gregory, and Finchy: Chase woke up on the wrong side of the bed.. He is all pissy about the whole Brooky wants him to be a rock star. ROFL!

    Chase and Finchy: Chase gives him advice about Liz.

    Gregory and Alexis: Gregory wins the line of the day.

    Gregory: I'm guessing you were the star of your high school debate team?

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! She probably was! :) Since she wouldn't let Gregory tell her anything about his op ed! :)

    Brase: That lady is staring at Chase again. He smiles at her, but all he is thinking about is Brooky! He calls her and she just walks in awwwwwwwww! :)

    The REAL park:

    V.C. and Victor: Oh V.C. why did you tell Victor that Laura wants him deported?!?!! Ooooooo Victor has Charlie hostage and she doesn't know it! V.C. can talk to his daughter at boarding school, but he can't physically be there!!! Victor has all the cards!!

    The psychiatric ward: I don't want to watch Liz play a puzzle!!! COME ON!

    Liz and Jake: Jake wants Liz to come home! She doesn't think it's a good idea right now. Poor Jake. :(

    Liz and Doc: Both Jake and Doc talk about Liz's parents, and it's like she turns into someone else! Beth? :) She got angry and pushed away the puzzle and it's all over the floor!

    Puzzle: Ow! Bitch!

    Finchy and Doc: Oh come on! Now Liz isn't there? She is gone!!! Where the hell is she? Did she go home?!?!!

    Q breakfast nook:

    Ned and Brooky: Ned has learned his lesson with Olivia and gave that lesson to Brooky for Chase. Ned learned not to keep Olivia in the dark about ELQ and to not be selfish and only think about yourself. HUH?! But Olivia doesn't even work at ELQ! Why does she need to know what's going on there?! UGH!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to September 15th 2006* Nik finds Maxie and Lucky in bed.

  3. Just like how Taub had blackmailed Paul Hornsby for a year with his daughter. Paul even had to marry Tracy Quartermaine. Remember that?

  4. Finally got confirmation about Victor moving Charlotte-----I think the rumor of Ava marrying Victor is gonna be true and then he stays in PC
    Becky Hurst was awesome today-------however I have a problem with YEARS after she suddenly has a breakdown about her parents leaving her....
    WHAT was Brook Lynn first wearing?

    1. "Mufasa says, WHAT was Brook Lynn first wearing?"

      She was jogging.. :) She was wearing jogging clothes.

    2. thanks Sonya - I missed that----her hair and make-up was perfect - LOL

    3. "mufasa says, thanks Sonya - I missed that----"

      You're welcome! :D

      "her hair and make-up was perfect - LOL"


    4. I am just watching yesterday's show. Why is BLQ always dressed like it's cold out? So weird.

  5. Those drinks are making me thirsty. Especially the "Violet". Want it now.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...