Sunday, July 17, 2022

Sunday Surgery: The Talk


Well, this week moved pretty slow in the timeline phase but Friday packed a powerful punch that I didn't think was going to be addressed. Brook Kerr and Vernee Watson-Johnson were superb and the dialog spot on.  GH can tackle some important subjects with grace and right now, we need all of that we can muster. 

Let's grab some snacks and dive right in! Because we are STILL on July 4th-5th, we may as well have hotdogs and some ice cream cake... 

***Please note: I was gone last Thurs/Friday and didn't write a Sunday Surgery. ERGO, I'm including some things that happened July 7th and 8th. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: May as well start right off on this because it's been one of the most poignant and important dialogs of GH in quite some time.  As a white person, listening to Porita voice her fears for her daughter facing a jury was something I needed to hear. Carly wouldn't think twice about how Josslyn was seen by a jury or could think the justice system could slight her for just being who she is. The Esme factor comes up because she made Trina the villain in the story; would people believe her over Trina? She sure thought so.  Portia also admits that Trina has been insulated from much of the racial tensions because of their status and life they've lived in suburbia or upper middle class America. Stella comes out as the voice of calm and reason telling her that Trina is a strong woman that knows her path and is a fighter. Just a wonderful juxtaposition and one that really hit me. Bravo to the dialog writers for all of this. (Charlotte Gibson and Shannon Peace) 

JULY 4TH OF THE WEEK: This summer is so messing with GH. It's only the week of the 4th and it feels so off. I wanted to mention that we see AUSTIN!! And he gets a mysterious phone call possibly from the guy he saw ages ago camping. Is it Jimmy Lee? Is it ..Victor? Is it.. oh who am I kidding, I really don't  care who it is. Either put Austin on with a compelling story or let him move to Seattle. 

UNEXPLICABLE OF THE WEEK:  HEY! Frank! You had a great thing going with Britt and Austin. They really sparked and complemented each other. Having a little thing going between her and Maxie over him might have been a fun summer story. BUT YOU BRING ON A NEW CHARACTER? Because??? And please stop trying SO damn hard to make these two be all 'banter'. They aren't Maddie and David--not by a long shot. 

LAURA FACTOR OF THE WEEK: And did she have a week!! From her lunch with Anna and Alexis (loved) to her being pushed by Valentin so she didn't get sniper-shot it was wild!!  We now know that Victor tried to have Laura killed; first by Valentin which he thwarted and then by a sniper. (I love soapy sniper action!) He failed and the Val decided to get her out of town by burning down Leslie's Italian villa. I really thought it was a great way to get her to go. Laura talked to Spencer and Nikolas and told them to behave. She had a nice scene with Trina and gave her a character letter. Genie has a planned vacation yearly so this isn't a surprise. 

NAIL POLISH OF THE WEEK: Oh ESME!! You're such a bad girl I love to hate!! JUST when I think Ava's going to save the day, you're just calmly painting your nails on the couch and Boz the Bartender was no where to be seen!! She's learning and I'm here for it. Ava and she get into it and I loved when Es said "I borrow YOUR THINGS all the time and you never know it"!! hahaha. Ava also gets in great lines telling Esme she's so beneath Trina it's pathetic. I LOVE their interactions. Old School Soapy 101.  I guess I knew that Esme wouldn't be caught yet because the trial is coming. Ava did offer her money to get outta town and sign a confession. Esme is having none of it because "she's found a family". Spencer will try next by offering her the "bio mama" information. Hmmm...will she bite? 

CARLY'S NOSE OF THE WEEK: I said she cut her nose off to spite her face. First by not accepting any money help from Olivia, Sonny or Drew. Then, when Nina bought the 1/2 and told her it was a 'peace offering" she blew up.  See her accountant there on the chair? I'm sure he's like: DANG IT, JUST TAKE THE MONEY!! LOL. Instead, she packs up her office. Drew comes in with sympathy and a shoulder to cry on and off she goes. I hope this is a new chapter for Carly. Maybe one on some distant island running The Lotus Club. :giggle: 

WONDERMENT OF THE WEEK: ELIZABETH!! Oh my, I am so loving this new Liz. Becky is a great actress and for YEARS has just been this nice mom, nurse-lady that barely registers on the soapy radar. I saw a change this week that brings me such hope!! From her scenes with Kevin (Throwing a puzzle!!) to her snotty exchange with Britt, it was glorious. We know there's a factor with Jeff and her mother. I can't WAIT for this. 

SAVING THE DOLPHINS OF THE WEEK: So, not sure why but Kin Shriner must not be available to do his trial duty for "Trina" so Diane steps in. The explanation is awesome: Serena was arrested trying to save the dolphins off the Faroe Islands. I thought it was inventive and cool. Now, get Serena on the show. 


While I love Brook and Chase, I'm so tired of them talking to everyone about why they like but don't really like-like each other and.. UGH.. it's been forever with these two. The pop star idea could be hilarious so speed it up !

Drew is just a creepy, too nice weird-o that stands around looking for things to do. EEK


Elizabeth is strong and pissed off. Finn is insufferable and just a pain in the ass. She could easily murder him in this altered state and make it look like an accident. Lure him to the Peter-Stairs and push hard. Leave him at the bottom. Done. Bye. 

On a side note, I think F*CK FINN tshirts would sell nicely in the ABC/GH Store

Just have Spinelli spill already. Have he and Maxie do some things with tweener Georgie. Thanks. 

GET SELINA WU on more!! 


WEEK IN A WUBSHELL:  (again, this might be July 7th on ... so sorry!) 

Kevin brings Jake to see Elizabeth; she gets angry about her parents and checks herself out early

Britt is jealous of Austin and Maxie's closeness on the 4th; she gets a dating match and it's Cody

Drew helps everyone by being a friendly neighborhood pest 

Brook Lynn tries to talk Chase into the whole "pop star to get Linc' deal 

Carly doesn't take any money and ends up leaving the Metro Court

Nina is the new co-owner and Olivia's pissed

Willow and Michael tell Carly about the baby but not Sonny 

Spencer sees Trina kissing Rory

The women of PC gather to support Trina; Diane takes over for Scotty as her lawyer

Spencer gets the fake DNA test back from GH To show Esme

The Bartender goes to Wyndemere to blackmail Esme but escapes before being seen by Ava

Ava offers Esme money to confess and leave

Laura needs to go to Italy to be with Leslie after Valentin sets fire to her house

Sasha won't go to, no no.

NEWS AND NOTES OF THE WEEK:  Laura Wright posted in IG that she caught COVID after being on vacation. Not sure if it affects her work schedule. 

Looks like NLG hit the "NO" button on her contract. Her last scenes were this week...and I'm not sure the status. Some are saying she's going to 'recurring'...some say she'll still in talks. I don't want her to leave and I really like her with Gregory. 

Maurice's State of Mind show today features Kin Shriner and Jackie Zeman talking about their years on GH! It HAS to be fabulous!!  Click the link to get to You Tube.

SPOILERS FOR NEXT WEEK:   I think Trina's trial finally starts Jan 25th--? Austin  meets with they mystery man, Willow will have complications with her pregnancy and Sasha causes worry. 

That's a wrap!! While many stories are testing my patience, it's nice to have some things to relish. Mainly The Cassadines, The Trial/Esme and Elizabeth. It's too bad that when Charles S returns, Genie goes on vacation! How do they keep it all straight!? Valentin and Anna will be a good watch too. 
The next Jan 6th hearing may be scheduled for prime time; keep those fingers crossed. Maybe we will make a whole week? I'm sure someone knows, so if you do, drop it in the comments. 

SCREEN CAPPIES THX TO: @NivFansGH @Flutterby @soapsspoilers


  1. Thanks fo a great Sunday Surgery.

    They need to let Charlotte and Shannon write for more of the female actors. That dialogue was great.

    "Maybe one on some distant island running The Lotus Club. :giggle: " lol Too funny

    kd said: " Lure him to the Peter-Stairs and push hard. Leave him at the bottom. Done. Bye.

    On a side note, I think F*CK FINN tshirts would sell nicely in the ABC/GH Store"

    ***OMG! I nearly chocked on my coffee! I so want this!!

    Austin has become almost a non character lately. He looked so bored in his scene with maxie that I'm wondering if the actore wants to be gone. I'd buy a t-shirt for him too. *snicker"

    Scenes with Ava and Esme were hilarious. Kudos to both actors.

    I'm looking forward to the trial too. Love that Diane will be there. Her snark will be more effective than Scotty's tactics this time. We need to win and not drag it out too long.

    Once again, thanks.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Maybe the mysterious person on the other end of the line with Austin is Cody? There seems to be an emphasis on the rural backgrounds of both characters... just a thought :)

  4. Thanks for another great SS!
    What does Spence expect from Esme when he presents her with the fake DNA tests? Please remind me someone. His big what end?
    I did read that LW tested positive but she said they were dark now. Doesn't that mean that GH was on break?
    I love Michael Easton and RoHo. It is so disappointing what they have not done with these two fine actors.
    Portia's fears are real but let's hope the jury sees Trina as the honest upstanding young lady that she is.

  5. Esme setting up Trina was not racially motivated, but a few people have commented it might make a difference to the jury, so I can live with that scenario....still a great talk between Portia and Stella.
    Spence thinks Esme doesn't KNOW where her parents are, so I think that is his stupid plan. What shoulda happened was MAGGIE comes back (Victor pays her) and she makes up a story about her parents and then Esme would think Ryan has lied....I know in my heart GH won't wrap this up in July, but I SO hope Esme is caught/finds out Felicia and Mac are her parents (whatever) but drop this ridiculous Trina story.
    ----BEYOND stupid Curtis the PI never saw scumbag leave the ISLAND..
    ----I am in the minority but I don't care if NLG is gone-----she has morphed into a angry woman-----no romance like with Julian - she is not fun anymore - she is not much of a mother, etc.----give Diane more to do.....
    ----I'll take wasted characters for 400.00: Who are Austin and Finn?
    ----I'll take characters who can leave for 600.00: Who are Sasha, Brando, Michael, Sasha, Willow, and Dex

  6. FYI: Parry Chen is in the new "Kung Fu Panda" movie on Netflix. He voices the Dragon Knight opposite Jack Black.

  7. Oh man. LWs glasses. Yikes. Big 90s glasses are back. Yuck

    1. I have to say that when I see her in photos with WR, he still turns my stomach from his Peter days. Combo of his being forced on us from LW and hating his character.

    2. I agree. They will probably recast him eventually. Totally from my imagination but can you imagine him as Jax?

    3. I don't want WR back. Probably will happen but don't want him

  8. from

    UPDATED with confirmation of next hearing: The Congressional Committee Investigating the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol will next convene on Thursday, July 21, according to two of its memebers.

    The hearing will be held in primetime, which will make it only the second of the group’s eight public gatherings to be scheduled in the evening hours.

  9. Speners plan won't work since Esme knows who her Dady is and sort of her mother.



  I was SO EXCITED that I forgot to publish the fact that the "Golden Bachelorette" RUNNER-UP Guy Gansert is guesting on GH this w...