Friday, October 29, 2021

Who will play Jeff? (speculation post)


The show had a Jeff Webber mention. You all know what that means, right? That he is destined to return to the show. They don't mention him for 30 years and when they do, speculation begins to run rampant. Who are we not to jump on that bandwagon? Karen and I are going to give our suggestions as to who we think might covet the role. This is speculation only, not rumors, inuendos or outuendos. It's all in good fun and we hope that in the comments you chime in and let us know who you think has a chance at this role. 

Fingers crossed that they bring Robin Mattson back for a guest spot and the characters interact. That would be epic. 

My first suggestion is Robert Newman. A soap vet from Santa Barbara and Guiding Light, he will be instantly recognizable among the viewers. He has acted as recently as 2021, so he is still in the game. He was a leading man throughout his soap career. He did guest on GH in 1985, but who remembers that, right? After all, Kevin Bernhardt guest starred on GH for a day as Frisco and went on to be Kevin O'Connor. 

My next suggestion is Grant Aleksander. He is another soap vet having been on Capitol, All My Children and Guiding Light. We know he has the acting chops. And knows how daytime soaps work. Plus I am sure he will have some familiarity with some of the cast. NOTE: This is hugely popular on Twitter!! 

Off-the-wall guess. How about Gregory Harrison? I know, I know, he recently played Gregory Chase. But that was for about 3 minutes. Why not bring him back in the role of Jeff? It wouldn't be the first time any soap did this. 

Wild Card. Here is an absolute Wild Card. Mark Harmon recently ended his decades long stint on NCIS. If he isn't looking to slow down or retire, he can come on the show for awhile. This can be a long-term role or a glorified guest spot. Oh, and please bring Pam along for a few episodes.  I can see her as a Hospital Administrator from a rival company trying to take over the place. Love her!

Why not bring back the original? Richard Dead Anderson? Tell him it is a 3-day gig and he can come on the show, spend time with Elizabeth, meet his grandchildren for the first time, and then have a little pow-wow with Heather. And vanish. Because this is probably what is going to happen anyway.

I agree with RDA reprising his role... :) KCM


James Depavia could also be a contender. He's 64, so could be SORA a bit! I know he was on GH briefly but who cares!? 

Robert S Woods from OLTL. I loved Bo..I'd be happy with him as Jeff! Who would be your pick? I don't think Jeff will come right away--maybe like Feb Sweeps or later?? I hope it's sooner 

Good Old Walt Wiley! Recently on Tainted Dreams, he might just fit the bill! Tall, handsome and the right age. 

SOME TWITTER PICKS: People have said: Brian Kerwin, James Kiberd, William Russ, Marc Singer  and Lane Davies to name just a few! 

PS. In case you were wondering, Danny Devito had prior commitments.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Eggs Florentine

 Nikolas isn't happy that Spencer is working at Kelly's...beneath him I guess. They argue about Ava and Nikolas staying with her. 

Esme asks Ava to talk outside. She asks for another chance. Ava says she can have ONE and ONLY one. 

Willow wants to marry Michael for love, not because they are having a disagreement. They talk a lot about getting married or not. So far, not. 

Cyrus wants Sonny to visit him in jail. Sonny's like: NOPE. Hangs up. 

Alexis tells Shawn Nikolas' plan to get her out of jail. He's like TAKE IT!! She says they'd have to give up the Hayden investigation. (Who cares? Just lie, Alexis!!) Alexis says she's staying in jail. 

Nikolas and Ava see Spencer working. Nikolas: YOU work...HERE??? Nikolas then talks to him about his life and how bad things are. Spencer blames it on Nikolas being 'dead". 

Nina and Carly argue about Nelle's death and Sonny..yada yada. Carly says that Nina kidnapped Sonny LOL  Nina says the Fraud charges sound fake and the DA might be making them up to please Michael. She also says Carly must hate not knowing what Sonny did for all that time without her. 

Portia and Curtis talking about Mysterious Guy ... she tells him about running into him at Kelly's. Then Sonny comes in to talk to Curtis. Portia tells Sonny about when Cyrus held she and Trina at gunpoint. 


I'm gone tomorrow!! SORRY!!! Also, Tomorrow, Charlotte is back!! 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Halloween Morning


HUMP DAY!! Here we GO GO. 

Mystery Guy runs into Portia outside of Kelly's. He has a map, says he's a throwback tourist. In town to see Family. Asks her about the music venue: The Savory. He asks too many questions about the owner. Portia gets suspicious and leaves. 

Nina is back from PA already. Bailed out and they took her passport. Ava tells her to hang in there. 

New KITCHEN SET for Millow!! Gate house!! WOW, they got some money at GH~~They are arguing about Michael not telling Willow he was having Nina arrested. He says he did it for his family. She says "I thought I was your family" . This is so boring. they are SO BORING

Alexis yells at Nikolas about Hayden..."Did you hire a hitman"? He says I can't believe you asked that. She says that's not an answer. He says leave it be...then says he secured her release! OH Alexis getting out?! HE saw the governor at some fund raiser and asked for a pardon because she exposed that racist judge. Alexis is like "Quid Pro Quo"?? If I drop the Hayden thing, I can get out! She's not having it. 

Molly and Shawn come in Kelly's and see Spencer working. Molly says she had to excuse herself from his case (she works at the DA Office). Molly and her father in law talk about law reform. Molly also goes through the Nikolas/Spencer stalking thing. 

Gym: Curtis and...TJ. Curtis says that they miss Jordan. Talk about Shawn a bit. Portia comes in. TJ mentions the guy that left the exam room. HE says he asked a lot about Curtis. Portia realizes it's the same guy she ran into. 

Sonny gives Avery pancakes. Carly is so happy for moments like these. They say it's Halloween. Avery says someone eats all the Kit Kats. Ava comes in to give Sonny the papers to sign for Charlie's. She drops that Nina bid too. "But I'm sure Carly knows that, you tell her everything" AHAHAHA. Surprisingly Carly doesn't say anything. She's probably saving it all to bitch at Nina. 

Jax and Joss talking at the Metro. Joss says it must be hard to watch Nina go through that. Then Jax calls Nina over and Joss yells at her. She leaves. Jax and Nina talk more. He gets on the elevator and Nina turns. Carly is behind her. 


Cyrus calls Sonny collect from jail

Michael proposes to Willow 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


 We see Finn's new apartment. Looks like Silas' old one to me!! Liz and Aiden and Violet are there. Aiden is huge, looks like a different kid. Aiden brought over old photos for Violet to see. She's like "They aren't on the phone"? Oh and old photo of Liz and her dad are in there. Violet wants to meet him. Aiden says they never see him either. Later, Chase comes over with a "Kiss the Cook" apron. Liz stares at the photo of she and her Dad after everyone goes into the kitchen. 

Gladys listens to her recording again and hears Maxie says Val isn't the daddy of Bailey. She starts shopping on the net for things and charging them to Brook Lynn. lol 

Willow sees Sasha at the PC Grille and wants to talk. She's upset at Michael. "He blindsided me"!  Why didn't he ask my opinion? Yada yada. Trying to stir up some trouble with those 2, I guess. 

Michael calls the DA in PA and Carly and Sonny listen. Carly's happy. Sonny is not. Sonny wants to forget about it. Michael finally tells him about 'contributing' to the DA's campaign. 

Austin and Ned in Austin's office. Ned wants help from Austin to talk to Olivia about Leo. Austin says he need a marriage counselor. LOL Austin says he'll NEVER forgive Brook Lynn. They go around and around. Austin says HIS father had integrity unlike the rest of the Qs. 

Brook meets Chase for a drink at the Metro to celebrate Austin dropping the lawsuit. Retelling the whole Austin story. He thinks she was wrong to do what she did. 

Later, Gladys comes in and Brook yells at her after getting a text alert from Wyndams about charges. Gladys is like TOO BAD!! Then she says she recorded her conversation. 

At Kelly's... Spencer and Esme talk about Spence's need for a job. He's going to call Britt...he goes outside and Cam comes over to Esme. Then Cam tells Spencer he's assistant manager now and he can use a server. Spencer passes. Esme isn't happy. 


Spencer takes the job at Kelly's

Brook listens to Glady's recording of her

Austin gives Ned the name of a specialist but Ned has to convince Olivia to go

Monday, October 25, 2021

Lunch Bunch

 Sonny tells Carly Ava was arrested, asks if she did it. She says no, someone in law enforcement must have seen how bad Nina is. Sonny's like "Why would they bother. We helped so many people in Nixon Falls" Carly: WE?????? Sonny dodges the question. 

Michael talks to Jax and tells him there are things he can to do help the family.  Then, Jax is interrupted by Scott telling him to get to the courthouse for Nina because she needs friends. Carly and Michael want to go too. Sonny is hesitant. 

Gladys gets the whole Deception team to the PC Grille for a "lunch meeting"..something she wants the company to pay for. The other women are @@. I guess this is comic relief? I think she's recording because Sasha takes Gladys away from the table. So Maxie and Brook can talk about Louise/Bailey. AH HA!! Yep, she says she dreads the day that she has to tell Valentin he's not Bailey's father. 

PCPD: Nina is yelling, Scotty comes in as her lawyer. "I didn't hire you" she says. "I DID" Says Ava. Scott says it's better she's extradited to PA because it would make her case easier. It would get her bail faster too for some reason. After Scott leaves, Ava talks to her about using the "Mike Love" for leverage. Nina isn't sure. Ava says DO IT! 

COURTHOUSE: Ava, Scott..Jax..Nina and then Carly, Sonny and Michael walk in. Carly looks so happy. Nina finds out that Michael had her arrested. 

Crete: Britt and Jason didn't find anything in the compound. Jason gets a call from Dante. Meanwhile, Britt is behind the bar looking for booze and the Aussie Guard that was shot comes out, bleeding to take Britt hostage. She wants to doctor him. He's like NO! Come with me. Jason saves her of course. The guy is wounded badly so Britt is going to try to patch him up. 

Anna comforts Valentin when he has a nightmare. She tells him to visualize killing Peter. They talk about, yada yada. He calls Brook to talk to Bailey and they are at the PC Grille. She says Bailey isn't there. When Gladys and Sasha go to the ladies room, they repeat that Val isn't Bailey's father. At the end of the lunch, Gladys picks up her phone that recorded the whole thing. 


Nina is taken to Pennsylvania. Sonny looks sad

Britt and Jason go off to Cassadine Island...bartender calls Nikolas 

Anna and Val go to Port Charles on a medical flight 

Gladys transcribes the meeting and HEARS THAT VAL ISN'T BAILEY'S FATHER!!? 

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Brain Games


Well, another week where I can say I was entertained and surprised!! Seems to be on a roll for me lately. When you like the stories and the dialog is flying, it's a good day. Production stepped it up as well. I think they must have had some money hidden somewhere for last quarter. 

Get a big breakfast or giant coffee ready. SO much happened, this will be another novel in the making. 

Friday, October 22, 2021

Kin For You


Kin was on Twitter showing off his Green Lantern socks!! I'm here to say that I will be OUT Today... last minute thing. So, please let me know if the show is worth watching and what you thought!! See you for Sunday Surgery!! 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

The PC Grille Breakfast

 Spencer's court appearance isn't going well. He has a public defender who's not doing a good job and even grabbed the wrong folder. Sonny comes in to "help". Esme leaves. Sonny tells Nikolas you don't use children in plans and NOT HIS CHILDREN ESPECIALLY. Yada yada.. he said Spencer messed up by getting caught LOL OKAY? He says he can't bail him out. Tells him Nik is addicted to Ava like his dad was to gambling. Hard to come second to that. Sonny leaves as Nik walks in. Spencer says he won't take the deal that if he accepts Ava and his father's marriage she won't testify against him. Esme is like: YOU crazy? JUST DO IT! 

Carly and Willow talking about Nina. Willow is afraid Michael is doing something stupid. Boring. Carly can yell about nina to Willow now. 

Austin is at GH checking on a patient and Monica tells him to get lost because he's on suspension. They talk in her office. He says Brook set him up and Monica is the only Sane Quartermain. She agrees. 

Maxie goes to the Qs to talk to Brook Lynn. Brook tells everyone her plan for Austin. People argue. Olivia overhears people talking about autism. She's mad, might want a divorce from Ned. Austin comes to the door. He says after his talk with Monica he's going to drop the whole thing and sign the papers to give up his portion. 

The PA DA guy comes to the Q door to talk to Michael and the donation he wants to make. 

Phyllis and Nina talking over breakfast. Phyllis doesn't want to rebuild the Tan-O without Lenny. Nina wants her to move to PC. 

Nikolas and Nina talking over breakfast. Same old Spencer BS. He leaves. Ava goes and sits with Nina and Phyllis. They talk about "Mike" a bit and Ava invites her to see Charlie's (oh I wonder why!!?) AND SONNY WALKS IN! 

Sonny and Ava talk about Avery. She wants partial custody, he says no. He says that Ava can see her more under HIS terms. Not the courts. 


Austin tells Brook that "this is not over"... 

The PA DA and Michael make a deal (off camera)

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Buckle up

 It's a day when 900 characters are on. 

Liz and Finn run into each other on the floor of #GH ..they are going to be a team for Trivia Night (remember that? LOL) .. OMG SEE BELOW FOR WHAT HAPPENS WITH LIZ 

TJ gets approached by that mystery man. He says he's sick and TJ takes him into an exam room. Guy asks a lot of questions about TJ's life. About Molly. When he graduated...and about his Uncle. TJ says there's nothing wrong. He's going to get another doc to make sure he didn't miss something but the guy disappears. 

Maxie and Austin talking outside somewhere. It looks new! Like a woody place but by a plaza?? Huh. Oh it's by the restaurant that Olivia and Ned are in: Port Charles Grille. 

Ned and Olivia out to dinner. He says it's been a YEAR since they were separated. WOW..a YEAR? She tells Ned Dr. Diamond also said that Leo needs to see a neurologist and she's pissed. Says not every kid comes out of the womb like Dante...or all social. Leo might be the creative type. Then Austin and Maxie walk in and Olivia goes off on him. Leaves. Ned says he's sorry. Austin tells him Brook Lynn has filed a complaint. Ned says that's not right and he doesn't agree. 

Carly and Sonny. Sonny tells her about the Elijah thing in Nixon Falls, how he helped the town. She wishes she knew "Mike". They kiss and Jason walks in. Jason says they have to talk about the 3 of them. Both he and Carly want to leave the 'past in the past' and Sonny FLASHES BACK TO NINA! Telling her HE LOVES HER!! SQUEE! Jason also says he's leaving for Greece. He tells them all about Dr. O and the whole thing. Sonny is like: Dr O and Scotty are an item? LOL Then BRITT walks in.. Carly @@ 

Britt tells Terry she's leaving. Terry is like WTF. Then Terry agrees to help and they make nice. 

Nina and Curtis are talking at The Savory. Just talking..yada yada. Talk about their "sins' Seems like Curtis thinks he left his behind. I think that mystery guy might take umbrage with that! 

Michael and Willow. Willow wonders if Michael can be Nina's boss still. (me : DERP, he's her boss? LOL). Michael thinks they should take Nina to court so she can't see Wiley. Willow thinks that's a bad move. Michael agrees because Nina will just hire a lawyer and fight them. Maybe she'll be too ashamed to see Wiley for awhile. 


Terry tells ELIZABETH HER FATHER CALLED ASKING ABOUT HER!! What!!!!!!!!!! He had called when Franco died and Liz never called back. He heard Terry was COS and wanted to find out how Liz was holding up. 

Michael makes a contribution to the PA District Attorney's office but wants to talk about a crime there...committed by Nina Reeves? Oh waaaaaaht? 

Guy sees TJ and Curtis go out to a midnight movie. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

A Night Out

 The whole bridge sequence is shown again. Drew over the bridge..Valentin crawls to Anna. Robert goes after Peter who runs. Robert comes back, no Peter damn it. Can't see Drew in the water. Val is bleeding. He's fading, tells Anna to tell his girls about him. He thinks he's going to die. 

Dante and Sam get Victor and want him to show them the way to Drew. He says someone else needs to be rescued. Dr O's cell is empty and a needle is on the floor. They say well, she has 10 lives lol. Sam goes off on her own to find Drew. She finds his cell and the word "Scout". Victor is telling them about Drew's conditioning and that Faison had a backdoor to it all. 

Portia and Curtis in the Savoy, toasting to the future, that guy is still staring at them. Dun Dun Dun.. Portia tells Curtis about Spencer's arrest and such. 

Ava goes and talks to Portia.. they talk about Trina and her liking college and also Spencer.  Portia isn't supportive of Spencer being arrested. 

Nik and Ava. She puts her rings back on. They toast their love. Britt and Jason comes in. Britt goes to Ava and Nik's table to talk about the Cassadine family.  She says her mother was taken to Crete. Nik says he knows nothing. She asks to talk to him alone. Britt thinks Spencer might listen to her because he still likes her as a mentor type person. Nik says go ahead and talk to him but he still doesn't think his family owns property in Crete, they sold it years ago. Britt still asks where it is and wants to go there. 

Curtis sits with Jason. They talk about the business. Curtis says you know how hard it is to leave but I'm trying. Cut to guy. I think that guy is someone from Curtis' undercover past. Curtis says he forgives Nina. Jason is like do what you want. Geesh, they are kinda snotty to each other. 

Mysterious guy asks the bartender about the live music and who books the acts. She points out Curtis. 

Anna and Robert go back to the tavern ... Sam and Dante show up with Victor. Victor tells them that Valentin is his son!! Anna's like: DOH!!  He explains the whole affair.  Robert "You'll have to excuse me while I throw up in my mouth over this" AHAHAHHAAHA


Anna calls Britt to give her an update on Liesl. She and Jason are going to Greece. 

NIKOLAS calls the BARTENDER in Crete! he's in on all this!! WOW!! 

OMG THE END!!!!!!!!!!! Dr. O is in the trunk of a car, drugged. Peter is driving and DREW IS WITH HIM!! He had on a Kevlar Vest and wow.. he's working with Peter!! WOWWWWWWWW didn't see that coming

Monday, October 18, 2021

Computer Virus

OMG today was such a FRIDAY SHOW!! wow!! 

 Britt tells Scotty that Jason is going to help them with Liesl. Jason tells Scotty he's not going to find Liesl, Scotty is. Oh Scotty was looking up Hungtinton's disease and Jason thinks that he got hacked and someone found out. Spinelli is coming to help. Scotty is like 'DON'T LOOK AT ALL MY STUFF" ahaahhahaa. Spinelli has to look at his browser. Again, Scott isn't happy. Oh Scott responded to a pop up ad about the private plane, that's how he got hacked LOL someone in Russia. Oh and he finds out it's came from Crete.

Curtis and Portia come to the Savoy from a date at the museum. Portia says she saw Aunt Stella. Oh no, Aunt Stella wrote her snail mail and she said she's sorry. Portia and Curtis talk about his family and parents. Curtis' father died suddenly and his mom couldn't get over it. That's when Aunt Stella came in and took care of them. Then, some guy shows up on the bar just looking at them. Must have to do with Stella since they were talking about her? 

Sante and RnA talk about saving Drew and arresting Peter, Victor et. al..not sure if they know Dr. O is there? Oh Anna won't let Sam and Dante go with them to the compound. She's afraid it will trigger Dante's PTSD and also Sam is a civilian. They leave. Sam and Dante try to get the WSB person to let them go. 

Drew and Dr O trying to figure out how to stop Peter from controlling him. She says to concentrate on something that's important to him to thwart the mind-game. He focus' on Scout. 

Victor is saying he's going to kill Peter. Peter pleads for his life. Victor tells the guards to kill him. DAMN IT... Peter has the guards on HIS SIDE!!  ALL the guards. Victor is hauled off to a cell. Oh no...just back to his room with Val. 

Valentin is in Victor's room, talking to a guard. Oh guard is Australian and his name is Russel. BUT Russel is also controlled by Peter. Peter tells Valentin and Victor he has a plan. Oh WSB STORMED THE GATES!! Peter goes to get Drew and 'activate him' but Drew is ready and says NOT TODAY!! 

EXCITING! Anna and Robert find Drew's cell and see "Scout" carved on the wall. Russel keeps Val and Victor hostage..then Drew (Dressed now) bursts in and shoots the guard in the leg!! He says Peter is running for his life. RUSSEL is down!! 
Then Sam and Dante find Victor (I guess the WSB agent let them go). Victor is like YOU NEED TO FIND PETER, HE'S THE DANGER HERE! 

RnA are on a foggy bridge looking for Peter. Anna says that she won't shoot to kill Peter but Robert says HE will. 

Then Drew and Valentin come over the bridge..Robert is like Oh it's just you.. then a shot rings out and Valentin is hit..then Drew gets sub-machine gunned and falls in the water. STUPID PETER DID IT!!!!


Sunday, October 17, 2021

Sunday Surgery: "Hat Trick"


Quite a week!! The dialog was pitch-perfect for the most part. It was hard keeping up with live Tweeting and the blog when it was all live. I guess I'll get a chance to digest it a bit more here.  Oh, and thank you to the GH People for having Sonny's office and my Badger Bob appear! 

Still in Greece, still filling up on Ouzo and lamb. 

Friday, October 15, 2021



Sonny and Carly. He asks her if she's the same as she was 9 months ago. Then he tells her he talked to Jason about the wedding night. She says yes, they would have slept together if he hadn't come home. "How can I be ok with that" asks Sonny. They talk about her missing him.. yada yada. Carly says they were going to let themselves fall in love. He's very quiet lol..For Sonny that is. He can't wrap his mind around it all; his best friend/brother and his wife. Carly tries to throw Nina under the bus for all this but he's not having it.

Jason goes to see Britt. He has all the personality of a brick wall. GEEBUS. She tells him about her mother. The whole story about going away with Scotty.

Spencer and Ava. She tells him if it was up to his father, the PCPD would throw away the key. She basically says she can help him with his father, get a lawyer and all that but with conditions. We don't hear the condition but Spencer says NO way. Ava says fine..stay here then. Tells him which cell is the best one LOL 

Nikolas tells Kevin that it was Spencer that was doing the stalking. Kevin says Laura will be so upset. Nik thinks Spencer is like Ryan and Kevin says no way. Nikolas tells him Spencer had help. Then Esme waltzes in and cries about Spencer being arrested. Kevin says that his behavior was criminal. Nik tells Esme she's lucky she's not locked up too. Esme says that Spencer loves his dad, and he should help him. Nikolas says no. She leaves. Kevin says she's full of it. Kevin says Esme is bad news. 

Greece: Dante, Sam..Alexis at the bar looking at the shooting scene. Drew wakes up with a wound. Peter brings Liesl to see him. Drew has a flesh wound from a bullet. He has no idea how he got it. Dr. O and he figure out he lost time before when Helena Cassadine was controlling him. Oh! BINGO! 

Robert is going to talk to the Greek musician. Anna, Dante and Sam talk about the whole Drew story. He found out where the compound is and it's owned by Victor Cassadine. 

Victor tells Peter he's in trouble. Peter "used" Drew without Victor knowing. Now one of Victor's men is in custody. He's not happy. 


Ava tells Nikolas that Spencer didn't accept their terms 

Victor has the goons go after Peter 

Carly and Sonny choose to build back their marriage

Britt and Jason are going to Greece together

Spencer is going to stay in jail overnight

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Thursday Good Day


Yesterday ended up being a pretty darn good show. I almost fell asleep getting there but... I perked up

Maxie and Brook taking Kick Boxing lessons they talk about Austin. Brook says that She has something else in store for Austin. BTW, Brook has on a hoodie and LOOKS GREAT!! wow.  OH Austin is coming to the gym after taking to Britt (see below!) 

Britt talking to Austin. He says he never told Ned was on the spectrum. Then it dawns on him it was Brook Lyn that said something.  He says all he wanted to do was help Leo and Brook is using the kid to keep him from the ELQ table. She suspends him from practicing until the investigation is over. 

Esme barges into the PCPD yelling about Spencer being handcuffed and staying in jail. "YOU'RE A CASSADINE"!! She tried to call Scotty's 800 number LOL but he laughed and hung up on her. She can't access her "Trust Fund" (I call BS on that). Chase wants to question her. He asks where she was the night of the Wyndemere party, did she know about the car fire "I heard about it she says"

Ava to Nina: Um, what about MIKE?? HUH? HUH? She calls Nixon Falls WHOVILLE ahahahaa. Says she knows Sonny was "Mike" and does Carly know that they fell for each other. Nina says they never 'GOT IT ON" in Nixon Falls. LMAO. Ava so wants to get Nina and Sonny together. ahahah She says how happy Mike was and how miserable Sonny is "He's married to CAAARLY" ahahhahaa. 

Sonny and Jason. Sonny asks what was going on when he walked in on them on their wedding night. Jason says well, we left the reception early-- and WAS our wedding night. Sonny's like: Carly always did love you. Jason : we are best friends. Sonny asks what would have happened if he hadn't walked in. Jason admits they would have slept together. Sonny growls. They go over Jarly's history. "That door was closed when you and Carly got married" says Jason. "And now it's opened" says Sonny.  Sonny asks about them being in a real marriage. Jason said they decided that they didn't just want to be in a business arrangement their whole lives. But it doesn't matter because Sonny's alive now. 

Carly barges in on Trina and Joss' talk and asks what Joss said to Nina. She tells them Spencer is all over social media getting arrested. Says Ava did it. Then Cam comes in with SONNY'S COWBOY HAT ON!! ahahahah Carly's like @@ . She takes it off him. Trina and he go to the jail to see Spencer. Joss stays to talk to Carly and tell her she went off on Nina in Kelly's. 


Britt texts Jason for help...Jason leaves Sonny's and goes to see her

Sonny comes home and Carly greets him with "Howdy Stranger"

Nina looks at her photos of she and Smike and puts them between her files

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Watch


Olivia and Carly. Olivia is surprised Carly isn't raising Crimson's rent since their lease is up. Leo is in the office too. He gives Carly all the expired creamers LOL. Yep. That's real life. He tells Carly her desk is a mess. Then asks for the egg on her desk (it's like a glass egg)... she says sure. Olivia is taking him to the pediatrician. 

Sonny and Nina in HER office. He tells her she wont' be happy staying in PC. She says I'm staying. He says we need ground rules. 1. Stay away from my Family 2. we should not cross paths and I can change the rules whenever I want. Nina doesn't back down... and give him the watch. Oh she won't move when he leaves and they have to touch shoulders. THERE IS SUCH CHEM THERE! He starts talking about his throwing the watch. Nina says maybe Lenny had a hand in getting it back. Sonny tears up a bit!! EEK! He says he can't forgive Nina yet...but he's not ruling it out. YOU MUST WATCH THESE SCENES on Hulu or YouTube if you can't live. I can't explain them but part of what Nina says gets Sonny to think back to Jarly's wedding night and seeing them when he opens the door!!! 

Britt and Brook Lyn. Brook wants to talk to Britt about Austin and Leo. Brook lets it drop that Austin mentioned TO HER that Leo might be on the spectrum which is a no-no. Britt figures out she told her on purpose to get Austin in trouble. Britt says that Brook can make a complaint to the board. Then she says "If Austin thinks Leo is on the spectrum he probably is"...walks away. Brook turns and OMG OLIVIA IS THERE!! EEK!! 

Jason and Austin. Austin says the Qs should share but then again Jason isn't "really a Q". They are at the gym btw. Austin is cracking jokes. Sounds like Todd. Says Jason's honeymoon must have been crowded. Jason doesn't laugh. Lots of Jimmy Lee Holt talk. 

Ava and Scotty... he pulled the divorce papers and they are still married. Scotty tells Ava about Nina knowing Sonny was alive. THEN she finds out that his name was Mike there. She figures out that NINA was Mike's girlfriend! LOL She runs out of the bar.

Scotty talks to Britt. Tells her to call Jason for help in finding Dr. O. Britt says NO WAY ..he tells her if her mom matters she will ask him. He finally convinces her to think about it. 

Ava goes to Carly!! Not Nina! She wants Avery back. THEN she starts talking about Nina knowing..oh will she spill about "Mike"!!? She totally mind games Carly!! Tells her "Well, Sonny had a whole life in Nixon Falls, just like you had one here"!! Ohhhhh!! She leaves ..Carly calls Jason because she can't find Sonny. 


Ava goes to see NINA!!

JASON AND SONNY IN SONNY'S OFFICE!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Sonny mentions Jason and Carly!! TOMORROW He asks him what they would have done if he hadn't come in!! 

Austin has to go to Britt's office to talk 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Good Day to Nap

 Alexis and Shawn ...just going over the entire Spencer story. Will he tell Alexis about his suspicions with Nikolas? Oh yes, he does. She is not happy about that but can see how Nikolas could be involved. 

Brando and Sasha. Her baby is good. They are going to tour the delivery room. Gladys shows up. UGH She's upset no one called her about Sonny being alive. She wants Brando to work for Sonny. Brando is like: Bug off. This is so boring. 

Ava and Nikolas. He wonders where Spencer is. Ava says he just missed him.  She hedges telling him she had him arrested. She finallytells Nikolas that Spencer will need a lawyer.  Nik can't believe Ava had him arrested. Then he kinda can. She tells him it's tough love and Spencer has to recognize that actions have consequences. 

Nina and Phyllis. Phyllis gives Nina a photo of she and "Mike".  Phyllis says that Mike was very real. They both saw him. Oh and Phyllis found Mike's smashed watch. Thought it was in the river. Oh, Riverwalk. 

Jason and Carly. Carly's trying to sabotage Crimson to hurt Nina. Jason's like don't do it. Carly screams and yells. She hopes Millow doesn't forgive Nina. She also says they have to sit Sonny down and tell him how they felt on their wedding day. She must want Sonny to know because if they don't tell he never will. She also isn't sure the Sonny that came back is "her" Sonny. Carly decides not to do anything about Crimson. 

Jax and Sonny. Same old same old. Jax says Sonny should forgive Nina because she gave him her heart. :eyeroll: He tells him about the Sauce connection. Sonny is going to give Jax a CASE OF SAUCE to thank him for finding him. LOL Geezua. They talk more about Nina..Nixon Falls, Yada. 


Phyllis tells Sonny to be kind to Nina

Shawn is going to investigate Nikolas with regards to Hayden's shooting.

Gladys horns in on Brando and Sasha's baby tour moment

Monday, October 11, 2021


 Carly wants to be "honest" with Britt about Jason. Says everything she said about Jason was a lie. She just wanted Britt to let go of him. She says that she and Jason were actually happy but Sonny came home. And that's the way it is. She says things should go back to the way they were. Britt says she's not going back to Jason.  She knows now that Jason will always put Carly first no matter what. 

Brando visits Sonny. Tells him he's going to be a father. Sonny says Brando can have a warehouse job. Brando says no-- he's out of the business. Sonny wants to know if Sasha is pressuring him. He says not really. He just wants to have his garage up and running. Have a simple life. Sonny says he can appreciate that. I think Sonny likes Brando's idea of a 'simple life' like he had in Nixon Falls. 

Sasha (I think with a fake belly?) is in seeing Nina. Sasha understand Nina and about screwing up. She did it to Ava after all. Nina says she's kind to be understanding. Nina says how much she loved Nixon Falls and how happy Sonny was there. 

Spencer at Wyndemere. Trina tells him to treat Ava better. They talk alone. She says his apology was weak. She says he scared her so much at the Gallery and never thought about anyone but himself. He says Trina is awesome. She stood up to him. Trina won't believe he's sorry. She leaves. Ava comes back in and tells Spencer it's good to be face to face with her 'enemy'. Ava LAYS into Spencer. He breaks and tells her he still hates her. She's like THERE IT IS...and then says if he tries anything ever again there will be hell to pay like he's never seen before. GREAT SCENE. 

Cam, Joss..Esme. She's "crying" saying Spencer has lost so much. She says they have no home. Joss doesn't care. Esme leaves. Touches Cam's shoulder.... flutters her eyelashes. Joss is like GOOD GRIEF!! Cam's clueless! LOL Joss tells him Esme is after Nik's money. Cameron says Esme has money. She asks how he knows. Joss says she thinks Esme is manipulating Spencer. 

Esme gets a phone call. She's interning at Spa Jail where Ryan is. I guess we might see a connection there? 

Alexis and Nikolas talk about Spencer. She can't believe he was the stalker but finally says she was wrong and Nikolas was right. It's probably Nikolas' fault anyway. She reminds him that he faked his death for 3 years. Then he said that he threw Spencer out of Wyndemere. Alexis says how stupid that is. She says it's time to parent him. "GROW UP" she says. 
Then Shawn comes in and looks weird at Nikolas. 

Jax and Shawn talk about the stupid Hayden investigation. Blah blah.. talk about Nikolas acting shady. Jax tells him that Nikolas scared Hayden into leaving town. Shawn leaves. 


OH Ava called the police on Spencer!! She's having him arrested for stalking her and breaking and entering yada yada LOL 

Sonny goes to the bar to talk to Jax

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Greece Is The Word


You know the song... and every time they said Greece this week, I heard it in my head!! We spent a lot of time there and so did half the cast.  There was a lot of exposition this week. Quite a bit of just going over past plots. It was a good time to catch up on what you may have missed. 

Get out your Ouzo and Feta and... ooopah! 

Friday, October 8, 2021

BOX of Flannel

 SO I think Wednesday's show was not aired because of the shoot out on it--and there was that shooting in Texas. Which I give ABC credit for. In many areas, there were local news conferences about the incident and having GH on with guns blazing wouldn't be the best bet. I'm not 100% sure but, I do think that's the reason. 

YESTERDAY!! Welp, we all thought it but it was confirmed!! Helena and Mr. Sheffield (Aka Victor) had zex and made Valentin!! WHOOT!! LOL... it's perfect. I can not WAIT until Nikolas and Spencer find out!! 


Trina and Portia they meet once weekly for breakfast. Aww. Portia tells her it's not her fault that Spencer got in trouble. They talk some more. Then Trina feels like she has to go to talk to Ava. 

Cam is working the counter at Kelly's. He and Joss talk about the whole Spencer thing. He thinks that Esme is more innocent than Spencer and Joss is like: NO.  They go back and forth. Then Nina walks in. Joss lays into her.  "You stole Sonny's life" . Nina says she's sorry. Then Joss gives Nina back her journal she got for graduation. First, she goes though all the pages she wrote about Sonny's funeral and the pain she went through. She never wants to see Nina ever again. Oh good scene! 

Esme and Spencer.."Slumming" it at The Metro. He's mad she called Uncle Sonny who could have killed his dad. I hope Esme is using Norplant since they are sleeping together. OH! His credit card was denied --ahahahhaa. He's cut off from Bank and Credit cards. Doesn't Esme have any money of her own?? 

Ava and Nikolas jammies on the parapet. Nikolas tells her they'll never be apart again. He has a track on Spence's credit card and found out he's at the Metro. He doesn't want to talk about him though. Ava tells Spencer that basically, Spencer learned his 'tricks' from growing up with him as a father LOL! Trina comes in and Ava thanks her for saving her marriage. 

Carly and Sonny and PHYLLIS COMES IN!!  YEAH@@ !! Sonny introduces her to Carly as a special person to "MIKE" and himself! Sonny is smiling like Mike used to!! Phyllis brought his stuff from his room at the Tan-O. Carly opens the box. There are cards, his black cowboy hat, flannel shirts and a Nixon Falls book. Phyllis and Sonny hold hands about Lenny's death. Carly looks left out. She leaves to give them time together. They re-introduce themselves. Hug. Phyllis drinks coffee, loves it. Says she left out photos of he and Nina from the box. She also came to PC because she was sure Sonny needed someone to talk to about everything awww. 

Britt and Nina talk about Dr. O. Nina tells Britt about Anna and Robert. Nina leaves. Later, Spencer walks over. He asks if he can have room and board with her in exchange for cooking and business advice? LOL She's like I LIVE AT THE METRO. He says You live in a hotel and your chief of staff??? She asks why he can't live at Wyndemere. He says he got kicked out. She tells him how stupid he's been. Carly comes over and tells him he can't stay at the Metro and he needs to learn how to stand on his own 2 feet. 


Phyllis is going to go find Nina

Carly and Britt are going to "talk"

Spencer walks into Wyndemere and sees Trina 

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Are They ON or OFF?

 I'm at the hair salon today!! BOO on me but that's the only appointment she had! Here is something for you to ponder. Today's show will be yesterday's show that was supposed to air. Let me know if I should watch!! 

I see Robert Scorpio FINALLY returned to GH. What about so many other characters seemingly left in the dust? We know that Felix and Amy get trotted out around Nurses' Ball Week. What about some others?

Aunt Stella: Last I knew she was back to GH, had a mini-stroke on the show, forgot she didn't mail the divorce papers and........annnnnnnnnnnnnndddddd? What. She wasn't even there to say goodbye to Jordan. Weird. She also had that DNA storyline --remember that??! 

Kristina Davis? Um..okay so she was on for a day, did a great job and got the manager's job at Charlie's. Then..? Knock, knock . HELLO!! She's your only bi character AND from a legacy family. 

Molly Davis--ditto. She pops up here and there. TJ seems to be on a bit more but with Jordan gone, who knows. You'd think that a 'domestic partnership' between two late 20 somethings with demanding careers would be worth their own story? 

Greg and Jackie Chase-- Um, where are they? When Son No 2 was in the hospital they were there on and off (mostly off) and then never seen again. Not even really mentioned either!! POOF!! 

Martin Gray. Just when I was loving his character he goes off with Laura to "hide" from Cyrus. I know Genie is on vacation but could you at least show him on the phone? Maybe throwing in with Scotty and Austin? Anything?? 

Mac Scorpio-- No idea. He's now got Jordan's job. Will this mean he's on the show more? :shurg: I sure hope so. We know Felicia is rarely on but not being on with all the baby stuff happening? Weird. 

Phyllis: Ok, believe it or not, it's only been ONE day since Sonny came back to town according to soap-time. BUT.. not a mention of Phyllis who is having to deal with her entire life gone. I wonder if she will end up coming to PC or not. 

Taggert:  Welp. We know he had a stand-in at least 2 times before. I'm not sure about RA health but you'd think that maybe the same replacement was needed to say goodbye to Jordan and to bond more with Trina? If what Portia told Jordan is true and he's NOT her father, um, we need some reason to care. 

Spinelli: He was there for the wedding yes, but Jason has called him several times to help with situations and--? 

All the kids under a certain age. Yes, it's COVID time. But the glaring missing of Jake at the wedding was a biggie. No children present but he doesn't even talk to him about it? The actress playing little Charlotte was in a bad bike accident and broke both arms (ouch) so I get that. Could have a temp fill in to show her getting bonded to little Bailey. Would help in the time of having to 'let her go'. 

Lucas Jones. Um.. where did you go? I know some of us heard Austin say he was taking Lucas' job because he was 'moving'. Moving where? To another position at GH? Mercy? Across the country?? 

On a side note, it wouldn't be a bad time for Lucky to show back up. Lulu and Lucky, huge legacy characters are just gone. Liz could be getting into angst with him again. 

Speaking of, we know Hayden is 'gone' but she's mentioned all the time and-- ? Is she coming back? 

Sasha --HUGELY pregnant the last time we saw her and couldn't make it to the wedding because she's on bedrest.  Maybe the baby should have been born before she left? When will she be back?? Why not have her have the baby then take the break?  You know Brando and Gladys will be MIA until she's back. Which is OKAY by me. 

And YES I complain about GH's giant cast. I just don't understand bringing on characters like Greg and Jackie then having them evaporate. Nope. Don't get it. Plus, there are plenty of others that could go-go. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

YOU Weren't Seeing Things!


Yes, That was a rerun today!! Did you do a double-take?? LOL...Seeing Cyrus, Franco and Julian Jerome just walking around? GH Tweeted that the show would be a rerun today due to a news conference but I didn't see one at 2pm/est so not sure what's happening. 

There was a lot of shaky cam on today's show. Didn't like it. 

OK! Well, tomorrow I have a hair appointment so..I'll get a filler in for you.

OH! Alex was on this show too. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

At Least Robert is on


Valentin is in Drew's cell.  Val tells Drew they are on Crete. Drew tells Valentin that Victor is behind this. Also says Dr O is alive. Valentin tells Drew about Scout; she's a tomboy, likes to climb trees yada yada. The guard comes in and takes Valentin out. 

Anna goes to see Chloe...Robert says "How did you beat me here"!! Yeah Robert! She asks why he's there. He's like Um, MAXIE'S BABY..someone has to find her!! It's about time!! He's not happy Anna is working with Valentin. They go in to talk to Chloe. 

Peter and Victor. Snooze, whatever. Vic wants the mind mapping stuff to 'trigger' Drew that Faison had. 

Dante is in with Dallas and Sam is outside the door with her lock-pick. She comes in. They want Dallas to help them. She tells them she did fake a plane crash for Shiloh. Tells them how. They leave the room. Sam says Drew has been alive this whole time. 

Portia goes to the Savoy to see Curtis. She's looking FINE! They just drink wine and talk. zzzzzzz

SERIOUSLY, if you haven't seen GH in a bit and want a narrative on the whole Drew/Peter/Valentin/ Baby Louise/ Naomi killing... watch today because that's about it. 


Sam misses a phone call from Anna.

Chloe tries to tell Anna and Robert where she was coming from when she got in a car accident

Drew gets "activated by Peter when he shows him a tarot card HAHAHA. OMG Okay. 

Monday, October 4, 2021

Fake ID

 LOTS happening!

Dante and Sam are in Monaco. Good to see them dressed up. They are looking for Dallas to find out where Drew might be. She throws a drink in his face to try to attract Dallas' attention. OH! Dallas is a gorgeous lady that's head of the casino they are at. 

Esme wants to celebrate at the Savoy but ...fake ID. She gets kicked out. Curtis talks to Nina and understands why she did what she did. Friend loyalty right there. She leaves for Kelly's. Curtis tells Nina all about Jordan, breaking up and her kidney adventure in Albany. 

Joss tells Millow about Nina knowing about Sonny. Willow is kinda nice about it and thinks it's because of Nelle and Nina wanting to get back at Carly. They keep talking. Then Esme walks in and starts talking to Joss. Millow leaves. Cam and Trina come out to confront Esme. They tell her her plan failed and they set her up. 

Carly and Sonny. She wants to know why he didn't tell her about Nina knowing. He says it didn't think it was important. AHAHAHA. Okayyyyyyy... She tells Sonny she confronted Nina at the Qs and was going to kill her but Jason stepped in. OH!! He's not going to like him tracking her!! LOL Oh he says thank you! Carly flashes back to her wedding day. ..BLOOP! Then she and Sonny hug. 

Nik and Spencer: Ava walks in. Spencer tells her everything. She loses it because he used her daughter.  He still protects Esme saying the car fire was his idea, she only executed it. Ava thinks Spencer is only sorry because he got caught. Spencer tries to explain he was just doing what he thought was right like his father did pretending he was dead and 'it's kinda a family tradition' but Nikolas LOSES it and tosses him out of the house!! WOW, he picks AVA again!! After Spencer leaves Nik says that Spencer is dead to him. Ava says NEVER say that!! EVER. They are relieved that the stalker isn't real. 

Millow go to the Savoy to confront Nina. They yell a bit then Curtis sticks up for her. 

Carson makes ze WUB

Dante goes upstairs to Dallas' room

Trina tells Spencer she doesn't hate him

Ava and Nikolas throw the divorce papers into the fire

GOOD SHOW, exhausting to type up lol 

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Fallout



After being such a *itch last week..  I think I'm in a different place now!! It was actually quite a ride. SO much happening at once and the dialog? Off the charts. I feel like I was on a rollercoaster.  That's the point of a soap, right?? 

The "day" after the wedding lasted Mon-Friday by the way. Yes. Five days. LOL Soap time, what you going to do! 

Friday, October 1, 2021



Sonny threatens Nik. Nikolas says they were going to leave with Avery months ago but Ava wouldn't. Sonny said Esme told him about the plane tickets. Nik says there are no plane tickets! The goons move in on Nikolas.

Cam and Trina show Spencer a pic of Esme talking to Sonny. They burst in as Sonny is going to have Nik beaten up and say they are sorry!! They tell about the plan to trap Spencer. OMG. SPENCER SAYS IT WAS HIM that did all the stalking stuff!!! He admits to it all but the car fire. He Says Esme did it but he told her to (lie). Sonny yells about him scaring and using Avery. He says he'll talk to him later. Leaves. Nik is just staring at Spencer. Then Nikolas unleashes. Yells at him..big time. Then AVA WALKS IN!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Carly is still yelling at Jax. I hope he tells her about the Mike-Nina wub. Oh of course he doesn't. Joss walks in. They minimize Jax's part in not telling. Then he does tell the truth that he had a hunch and Carly thinks that if he would have said it sooner, she and Jason wouldn't have married. Anyway, everything is smoothed over some. Aw, Joss did her laundry there not the dorms just like a real college kid! 

Scotty and Austin. Their case is coming up. He thinks it's a good chance they will win but with the Qs you never know. Austin says he thinks they'll be fair. Scott laughs. 

Ned calls legal. Says to pull all the stops out. Brook lyn comes out to talk to him. He says Leo saw Austin and she's like "who CARES WHAT AUSTIN SAYS"?? Ned tells her about the specialist and that Austin thinks Leo is on the autism spectrum.  Brook Lyn won't believe it even tho Ned tells her some signs he sees. She thinks Austin is trying to split the family. She leaves to go to Kelly's. Ned tries to talk to Leo who just sits and plays. 

Ava tells Ryan she can go anywhere in the world but he's stuck in that chair forever. She says she's glad he's alive and like he is---the pinches his ear hard!! Oh, she goes to leave and ESME walks in!! She's like: WHAT are you doing here ? Esme says to study psychology and she wants to volunteer there because there are so many "interesting cases". Ava tells her to stay away from Ryan Chamberlain. 

Maxie tells Nina that she told Carly because she felt pressure from Maxie. Nina is like "that's ok, she'll find out whenever". Maxie said she didn't tell the romance part. Nina said that's up to Sonny to tell her. Maxie thinks Sonny has some Mike left in him and is protecting Nina from Carly's wrath.  Austin walks up..Nina leaves. 

Scotty tells Nina he wishes Sonny stayed in Nixon Falls and did she fall for him too?? LOL 

Esme says to Ryan "Sorry I'm late, Ava wouldn't leave"

Sonny comes home to Carly by the fire... Carly mentions: NINA!

Ned tries to talk to Leo about going back to bed...Leo just says no and hums. 

A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...