Friday, February 28, 2020



Willow gets home. Chase says he has wine and take out. Willow just wants hugs. They talk about Wiley. She thinks she's too sad to see him. 

Alexis sees Lucas at GH says she's surprised he's back already. He said he feels normal there and GH gave him his job back when he decided not to go to Portland. He asks her to be his divorce lawyer. She says of course. 

Molly says no to TJ.. again. Damn I want that cake! TJ tells her marriage is important to him She still says no. A LOT of dialog here about Molly not wanting vows and how married people don't really stay together. YOU MUST WATCH IT. She gives TJ back the ring. He goes to take a walk. Molly texts Alexis. Alexis is sad she turned him down and realizes it's because of her choices. 

Michael and Sasha. He's just EXHAUSTED after taking care of Wiley all day :eyeroll: He and Sasha talk about him being a dad and he knows she doesn't want to be an insta-mom. She says lets take it day by day. She goes upstairs. Willow comes over to talk to Michael. He tells her it's important she stay in Wiley's life. She's no so sure. 

Franco comes downstairs..Liz shows him the phone and says Cam's been kidnapped. Franco: Did you call the cops?? Liz: Jason says don't... Franco "well Jason has a certain set of skills...but if you want to I'll back you up. LOL Liz calls. Jordan shows up. Asks questions and realizes Taggert left on his own to go do the saving.


Taggert is surrounded at the warehouse. HOLY..things just happen fast. He's surrounded, the guys tell him they aren't letting the kids go.. Curtis bursts in ...gunshots all over. I think Cam ran out?? Then Curtis grabs Trina and keeps her behind the boxes. It was really chaotic and good and I can't type fast enough
Cam runs away and falls and a guy comes up and points a gun to his head. Guy got shot by Jason. from behind. Cam is yelling at Jason to get in there, Jason says they need a plan

Trina is behind the boxes... the goon says they'll never get out of there alive. Taggert goes from behind to shoot at them... they shoot at him HIT HIM IN THE GUT!! Trina is dragged out yelling "DAD" by Curtis.


ok, so they are outside and Jason and Curtis tell the kids to lock themselves in the car and the'll go get Taggert. Trina and Cam go (Trina throws up lol...totally realistic). Taggert is down on the floor bleeding and goonie is going to shoot him and Curtis shoots the gun out of his hand!! Jason and Curtis have guns on them. They have a shootout.
IN the car, Trina is freaking..she says it's their fault. They were stupid. She's panicking..RUNS OUT OF THE CAR!! NO! NO! UGH

The GOONS RUN OUT OF THE WAREHOUSE!!!!! Damn it..and Trina's out there ! Cameron grabs her, won't let her go. They get back in the car. She says "I saw my Dad get shot"!! He holds her. GAH!! 

Back in the warehouse, Taggert asks if his daughter is safe and Curtis says yes. Taggert passes out. 

Trina is saying "He's waking up" so I think Taggert doesn't die?? 

NOTE: TJ is out and around Port Charles, he'd better not die??!! I mean>?? 


  1. Man oh man. I'm a wreck. I also ended the show worrying about TJ. The goons ran off but he must also be on their radar and if they want to get out of the shit with their boss for messing up the Taggart hit, they may take or kill TJ. (One of the few innocents on this show.)

    I was also so mad at Trina when she got out of the car. What did she think they could do? go in and scream the guys to death. I was so worried that she was going to get herself or Cam killed. What a relief when he got her back to the car.

    And I know the commish is mad that Liz called Jason, but what did she do. She was getting Chase to look up known associates of the mob boss. Like their names would help find the kids. She should have at least have him trace the phones. I know the kids' phones were gone but Taggart and Jason still had theirs. Useless! As usual.

    I hate that's it's Friday and we have to wait 3 more days. *sigh*....I need chocolate.

    1. "Di says, I was also so mad at Trina when she got out of the car. What did she think they could do? go in and scream the guys to death. I was so worried that she was going to get herself or Cam killed. What a relief when he got her back to the car."

      ROFL! Scream the guys to death! Hahahha. Well she was scared and panicked!!! She didn't want to just sit there and do nothing.

      "I hate that's it's Friday and we have to wait 3 more days. *sigh*....I need chocolate."

      I KNOW UGH! GH has been so good!!!! Mmmm chocolate. :)

  2. Man I was gonna be ticked....I thought Taggert died.

  3. The warehouse shooting: WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! So much fast shooting!!!! How the heck can you keep up?!!?!? Great scene!!! GO CAM RUN!! RUN LIKE THE WIND! Oh but don't forget about Trina!!! Oops! Oh well just get help!!! The actress playing Trina, is a fantastic actress! Her screams were authentic!!! OH CRAP OH CRAP! TAGGART WAS SHOT! IS HE DEAD?!!?!?! OH CRAP!!!!!!

    Jason and Cam: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Panicky Cam! Poor Cam! Superhero Jason to calm Cam down!! Superhero Jason just flew down and shot that baddie!!

    The car:

    Trina and Cam: Trina wins the line of the day.

    Trina: It's bullet proof right? We were so stupid. We are the dumbest hostages ever!

    ROFL! Oh oh she throws up. Yes I agree very realistic. OH NO! Don't get out Trina!!!! I can understand why! She panicked. She is scared! She don't want to lose her father. Oh man! I have been fighting for them to not be a couple!!! But after today, I am giving in. CamRina!!!

    Chillow's home:

    Chillow: Poor Willow!!! :( She needs to have a pregnancy surprise!!! :)

    The hospital:

    Alexis and Lucas: LUCAS!!!!!! Where have you been!?!?! I knew Brucas's marriage would be over. :(

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Molly and TJ: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I couldn't wait until their chat was over. It was breaking my heart! I am glad TJ walked away for some walking and thinking. Been together 8 years huh? They have been together since she was 15. So, she is 22 almost 23 now? He must be like 28? He believes in marriage and she doesn't, so I don't see how they can be together anymore. They want 2 completely different things, and are not compatible.

    Molly and Alexis: Alexis is feeling all the guilt feels. Their conversation just answered all my questions! :) Like for example, you always believed in marriage and wanted everyone to get married. Molly: I grew up.

    Q Home:

    Sasha and Michael: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Friz home:

    Friz: Oh yes superhero Jason told you not to call the police, and you have to obey him right? Oh good she called the police.. Whew. :)

    Friz and Jordan: Time to take some action Jordan!!!!! Maybe call the Tribbles. They have a gun.

    "Karen says, PREVIEWS: Trina is saying "He's waking up" so I think Taggert doesn't die??"

    Whew. :)

    "NOTE: TJ is out and around Port Charles, he'd better not die??!! I mean>??"

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :( Are they killing him off? Or what if he gets shot and Molly freaks out, and realizes she has been dumb, and says yes to his proposal?!

    1. Willow doesn't need a pregnancy surprise. One baby is not going to replace the loss of another. 😓 Especially this early! It's still fresh...she needs to heal.

    2. ‘Michelle P says Willow doesn't need a pregnancy surprise. One baby is not going to replace the loss of another. 😓 Especially this early! It's still fresh...she needs to heal.’

      I know, but I just want her happy! 😭 My heart is breaking for her.. :(

  4. I loved that Jason & Curtis were backing up Taggert. Was a fun & ironic twist to have 2 guys who don't like him risking their lives to save him. And seeming worried about him too!

  5. I know Curtis is a PI and all but have we seen him using a gun before? He should be a cop, but then he'd be no good like the others at PCPD. Lol

  6. What a show! Those kids were great.
    Molly wasn't even kind and/or loving in her proposal rejection. I still think she should do a complete reverse and become a total bridezilla.
    Jordan's call to Chase was weird. Out of synch with the scene.
    I too was so relieved to see preview of Trina saying "he's waking up".


Uncut Filler

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