Sunday, February 2, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Rain Check

Stone-Cold Pastrami on Rye 

Oh boy.. having time off from the show, then  3 episodes to watch and feeling like I'm out of it wasn't a great way to start this Surgery!

Let's  dive in.  We're in a mob shoot out so order some Italian or Scilian food and have a sea

Big thanks to @SoapJenn for the screen cappies this week! I actually did a few myself! For the first time!! 

It's against NYS law (and especially in NYC)  for a felon to possess a handgun. Or any gun. 


We got some bullets flying! Not only in 2 locations in PC but also in Brooklyn!! Who can keep up!!?  The most confusing thing is the episode that was interrupted on Jan 21st was one that had a flashback of the whole thing meaning some people didn't get the timeline. Couple that with the fact we left off with Spencer who was not to be seen again and ...confoosion!  Just know this: multiple gun fights resulted in St. Jaysus saving the waitress with his apparent "registered" handgun. :eyeroll: Um, that's a stretch. You'd also think since Sonny was saying "there's been incidents in this place" about the bar he might have had bodyguards with the road-trip gang? Meanwhile back on the Warfront..I mean Waterfront...

NEW GUY OF THE WEEK: The newest cast member??? BRANDO..saver of Carly... "Dead" son of Gladys.  Is he a good? Bad? I'm just saying that Gladys sent Sonny out of town to look at that stufy for Mike. She knew where he was and when. So... hmmm. 


Geesh. Ok, so.. on Friday it was like she didn't exist


Not that he doesn't deserve it but everyone was bitching at Prince Nik. He gets slapped by Liz for the Hayden folly, Kevin lays into him and so does Hammy Finn. Geesh, can't a Cassadine live in peace and do his dirtiest anymore?


I'm not a fan as it's exactly like Hayden's and it's that 'big curl tossy beachy look" ... I liked Becky's hair the way it was. There. I'm old. LOL


AVA FUN OF THE WEEK:  Well, having her casually talking to Valentin after he literally threw her off the parapet was a bit off-putting but she got her zingers in! First about redecorating Wyndemere and then about him being a 'pretend Cassadine". Extra points for draping herself all over Nikolas. 


PROPS OF THE WEEK: Oh those coffee bags. Thank God for the protection! 

CREEPER OF THE WEEK: Ok, so Mike gave me the absolute creeps with his waitress flirting. Sorry but.. eesh.  AND Sonny says to Jason "The chance of an incident here is high...there can't be an incident here, this has to work"... SO WHY the HELL you bring him there!!? 

Just get Taggert running the show? Ok? Thanks


:  Oh. My...Charlotte is going to be that demon seed I've always wanted. Keep cutting up them mags, girlie!! 

Sasha thinks Willow should take Wiley from Brad and so does Joss
Valentin got his charges reduced to just about nothing
The mayor is shot and yet...didn't seem like it 
Gladys Corbin's son Brando is alive and 'saved' Carly 
Shots ring out in Brooklyn, St. Jaysus saves the day
Jax and Nina kissed over a cheese plate 
Sasha is shaken and realizes Michael's lifestyle is scary
Nina's face says "yes" but her voice says "no" to Valentine's begging 
Liz slaps Nikolas when she finds out his part in Hayden's leaving PC
Carly and Nelle going at each other's throats 
Mike isn't going into the treatment program
Valentin acted all shady after the shooting

NEWS:  Word is Constance Towers is coming back for a short time. Flashbacks? 

So new cast member... Jeff Kober will play Cyrus Renault as Sonny's rival. He's a well known actor who was on The Walking Dead, Knott's Landing and Son's of Anarchy.  Me? I was hoping the person behind this was someone we knew like an Alkazar or a Roscoe.. or?? Plus, Brando's looking shady and I think Dustin is also acting weird.  Kober is a great actor however so let's give it a go. 

Dustin is an undercover DEA agent or FBI or something OR mobbie. Same with Brando
Sasha will die (she's Michael's GF after all) and no one will know who but Char did it on accident...or was it? 
So.. not sure if it was because it was all the interruptions but watching the 3 shows left me feeling just ...incomplete. I'm hoping when we jump in Monday all is well. Am I up for a new Turfy-Mob war where one side of the mobbie is 'good' (Sonny) and the other evil? Well, I'm glad Taggert is back but that's it. Period. 


  1. "Stone-Cold Pastrami on Rye"

    Hahaha. No no wrong picture you put up! His face was deeper in anger/diarrhea!

    "NEW HAIR OF THE WEEK: I'm not a fan as it's exactly like Hayden's and it's that 'big curl tossy beachy look" ... I liked Becky's hair the way it was. There. I'm old. LOL"

    ROFL! I liked her hair the way it was too.

    "PIP-SQUEEK OF THE WEEK: Just get Taggert running the show? Ok? Thanks"

    YES PLEASE!!!!

    "WHAT IS GIVING ME LIFE OF THE WEEK: Oh. My...Charlotte is going to be that demon seed I've always wanted. Keep cutting up them mags, girlie!!"

    YES!!!! Along with Nelle! :)

    Dustin is an undercover DEA agent or FBI or something OR mobbie. Same with Brando"

    No no not a mobster.. DEA agent or FBI that's fine. :)

    "Sasha will die (she's Michael's GF after all) and no one will know who but Char did it on accident...or was it?"

    Yes time for Sasha to die! Hahaha, If Char was involved, it won't be an accident. :)

    "Am I up for a new Turfy-Mob war where one side of the mobbie is 'good' (Sonny) and the other evil? Well, I'm glad Taggert is back but that's it. Period."

    Well, I'm okay with the mob stuff, just as long as everything is a balance. No Mobbie are good!!!

  2. Jeff Kober is great! He was on NCIS LA last year, and I loved him on China Beach. As much as GH mob stories are so predictable I'll be watching!

    Tired of Nik being smacked around, but I'm loving him with Ava.

    Thanks for the surgery!

    1. I'm just glad the new rival isn't an actor from another soap and can have only one name and his own identity.

  3. I loved Liz's haircut! And the new guy, Cyrus, looks like another Col. Sanders!

    1. If you look him up when he was younger, I bet you recognize him. He's been in a ton of things

    2. I remember him from The Walking Dead-good actor it it would have been more dramatic to have a former rival return.

  4. THere had BETTER be flashbacks explaining WHY this ex-con wants Sonny's territory - otherwise it just makes no sense.
    I don't thinK Gladys knew Brando was alive and yes i think he has been undercover all this time.
    still think Nina will be preggers and it'll be Val's but she will say Jax.....
    SO OBVIOUS Taggart wants Jordan - thus a triangle begins and I like it!!!
    shows were choppy - for sure - did Nickolas stay in France? Call his grandmother to talk? what about Neil - where is he?????

  5. I agree about Mike with the waitress and I had mentioned before that he is like a panting dog around women. Very creepy. Can’t wait to see Helena come back and hopefully set the heirs straight.

    1. Inappropriate sexual behavior is one of the thinsg that can happen when someone has Alzheimer's or dementia. It can be one of the most challenging behaviors to handle because it often makes caregivers feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, or frightened.

    2. Agree with Di. My father went through this towards the end. He reverted back to a teenager. He even started talking fluent Italian to the nurses, something he didnt say or use during his adult life and only used as a teenager around the house with grandparents.

    3. Thanks for sharing because I was starting to think it was getting creepy too. This disease is so complex and in light of your new info I have renewed faith in how incredible Max Gail is doing with this SL!

  6. Thanks for another great surgery and congrats on your first screen caps.

    I hate the hair style Liz has now. To me it doesn't look wind blown, it looks like she fell asleep and a toddler cut her hair. I get that it needs less touching uo during takes but it's definitely not flattering to anyone. Had we gone to high school like that we would have been laughed out the door.

    I think maybe Brando might be undercover but he could also have been meeting Gladys there to size the place up to rob it. Who knows.

    I hope Dustin isn't a cop. He's a great teacher. But I definitely not want him being a baddie. I know they tried to turn the show into a gangster flic the last decade but I don't think anyone wants it going back to full blown mob wars and killing innocents with impunity. I do believe, as I've said before, that the way he's acting he's either been in the military or a cop or first responder as he always runs towards danger to save someone.

  7. Thanks for another great SS Karen.

    I hope we see Laura next week. No one seems to care that she was shot IMO. Don't leave her hanging like Lucas

  8. hope this mob war kills off a lot of useless characters.sam,snarly,jason,sonny,peter,sasha,michael,willow and valentine. probably more can't think

    1. I'd settle for Sam, Peter and Nelle.

    2. You know it won't, but we all can dream....

  9. Sounds like even if its only 3 days, based on a couple of the articles, that its NOT flashbacks but sounds like Helena lives again...I hope its true, she needs to have scenes with Ava, punish Nicholas, and put Valentin in his place.

  10. I am glad that Helena will be back. Constance Towers is 86 years young now.

  11. The preemptions happened at the worst possible time for GH. The 3 shootings were confusing enough. I think I saw the first of the three shows, or parts of it, multiple times as the internet was wonky. Glad to be caught up finally.
    I love Ava's glitter eye shadow. Noticed it when she was with Spencer. She's still wearing it.

  12. So will the hearings interrupt GH again today, now that we are all caught up?

    1. It does look that way. Assuming the networks air it.

  13. ABC is saying they will air it starting at 11. Hope it ends before 3 . . . The Senate has voted not to call witnesses . . . WHY are they dragging this out?

    1. They showed all the closing statements today.


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...