Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Hellcyon Days

Now I know where I get my good looks, Mom 

Another wild week! We are still 'off' as far as catching up-- so Friday's show wasn't a "FRIDAY" show. That's my complaint.  It also won't be Valentine's Day unitil..March? What a mess. So, let's get on with it! Get some eggs and toast. 

Thanks to @SoapJenn who did the caps this week. Follow her on Twitter, she also does scoops!


Please let me save myself and wipe my tears with new scripts. Amen. 


You know, the only thing that makes us interesting is... Nelle. 


Maybe if we do it in front of a roaring fire it will be sexier? 


Girl, I'm an art assistant now-- you? Just a mob daughter so... shut it. 


Portland? Oh.. Portland? Yes, Portland. Ok, then... it's Portland! 


Yep, we're happy and boring again!! 


IMPOSTER OF THE WEEK:  WAKE UP!! Wake up!! Hello..knock, knock.. Anna? You in there? 


VOICE OF REASON OF THE WEEK:  Emma.. you are so wise. You do however, have blinders on when it comes to Peter. He's a manipulator so I'll let that slide. I really wish Spencer was back and the two of you could hang with the older kids. 


DNA OF THE WEEK: Valentin, YOU are NOT a Cassadine!! The greates thing about this whole reveal? HE ACCEPTED IT! He's not going to manipulate the results. He insisted on having lawyers there to oversee it so.. hopefully ( I say that with caution) we can believe these results. Oh this scene was just awesome. I LOVE JPS when he's like this. Valentin should have shown more of this back in the day.  


AUSSIE OF THE WEEK:  Oh my Robert! I so hope you get Peter and get him good. You're off the case now, so go after him with all you got.  It was so interesting to read the comments on Twitter about Robert and what he was saying to Peter about being hunted down by Jason. That's Robert of old days. Yep, even in the WSB, even when he was police commish. He always strattled the line. 


HELL-UCINATION of THE WEEK: OMG, be still my heart. Come on!! How great does Connie look??  Valentin didn't yell "Who the hell is my father then"?? Which I would have expected. She also didn't mention his handicaps that he had when he was born. I would think that would have made her reject him..but ??  And who's his Daddy? I'm hoping Edward Quartermaine was out sailing the Greek Isles and he and Hells had a little affair. He'd be a Quartermaine! Helena could have deflowered a very young Faison as well-- giggle. 


SCENE OF THE WEEK:  Anna and Finn on Thursday. These two nailed everything. I haven't seen Michael Easton this on point in awhile. I just loved everything---the dialog, direction and acting. So good. 


RUNNER UP: Brook Lynn and Sonny. Great dialog about her aunt and what she went through during her illness.  They just 'fit' in this scene and it felt genuine. 


PROP OF THE WEEK:  AHAHAHAA..oh Charlotte!! Not only do we find out you're a Spencer-Helena hybrid, you do this! I loves ya. Keep it up. 


FACE OF THE WEEK: I love you Ava! 



Franco agrees to paint Ava's portrait
Lucas agrees to move to Portland
Michael reminds Nelle her shares are in probait...she doesn't care
Willow is hella mad at Nelle
Peter calls the DOJ and suddenly, Robert's off the case 
JaSam? Sad and crying
Alexis and Neil can't see each other but certainly run into each other all over the place
Valentin is Helena's son, Mekkos thought he was his. 
Helena mixed Valentin and Lulu's DNA together to get Charlotte: She and Luke's grandchild. 
Valentin's father was not named. 
Nelle goes to sell her shares to Valentin
Nina and Jax have sex
Chillow have sex
Brooklyn shares her experience about her aunt with Alzheimer's with Sonny 
Finn is furious with Anna for covering for Peter
Robert is furious with Anna because he thinks she's covering for Peter
Ellie got the job in PC and she and Spin and Georgie are moving back to town
Valentin sends Martin out of town to go collect more ELQ shares 


Ok, that's a wrap!  I think the baby story is going to come out -- SOON! I know some people really want it to but dang, I'm liking the suspense.  Wait until Willow finds out her baby is dead. Ooooh LAWDY. I have next week off work and I'll be out Tuesday and possibly Wednesday. Going to Canada!  OH CANAAANDAA!! Watch the baby reveal to be then!! OY! 


  1. Yes I read the baby reveal is supposed to happen next wk. Not sure how true that is.

  2. Finally Michael Easton and James Patrick Stewart get to show their acting "chops". Bring it on! They both did some wonderful acting this week.

  3. Thanks for another great SS. Wear your parka next week and wave if you're in my neck of the woods. lol

  4. When Helena (who looked fabulous by the way) said that Charlotte had exceeded her wildest expectations, all I could think of was that she knew that she was the Demon Seed, cutting up pictures, being sneaky mean, etc. And I thought to myself, pay attention Val and watch your kid. I wan't even thinking about the fact that Helena was a figment of Val's drunken mind, lol!! I really did wonder about Val's handicaps as a child and why that wasn't brought up, too.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...