Sunday, August 12, 2018

Sunday Bactine Spray

I’m going to be interning for Karen during her vacation. Since I am not as experienced as she is with Surgery, I can only offer Bactine Spray. Does everyone remember scraping their elbow when they were kids and their mother getting out the Bactine Spray and saying “this is not going to sting at all” and then she sprayed it and it was the worst pain you ever experienced and you screamed and cried? I did. I couldnt wait until I was a parent and could do that to my kids. Do they even still make it? 

What I intend on doing is keeping the blog open and available for everyone, everyday. I live in Vegas and work everyday and do not get to watch the show until late at night (the days that I do). With the time zone difference, I cannot conceivably post a blog recapping the show and offering comments until after 10pm Eastern time. This scenario doesn't serve anyone. Agreed? This is my game plan: Every morning before work (around 9am eastern / 6am pacific) I will open a new “portal” for everyone to use. At your convenience you can jump in the Wub Tub and post your recaps and comments throughout the day. 

I am also going to activate the “Wub Tub Time Machine”. (not to be confused with the Hot Tub Time Machine) This is where I will fill the blog with a particular memory or scene from the past 41 years that I have been watching this show. For most of you, it will be something familiar that you have already seen. If not, it will be a good chance to check it out and see something new. I hope to bring back some memories of days gone by that made this show special to me and has me still watching to this day. Plus, this will give you something to talk about and comment on if it is a boring show day. 

Oh, since it is Sunday and I know Karen always does a food suggestion, I am feasting on a toasted egg bagel with cream cheese and fresh lox. I miss east coast food more than anything. Yes, we have buffets here in Vegas, but you simply cannot get a decent pizza, cheesesteak or italian sausage sandwich with peppers and onions out here. Nowhere. But I did find a NY Style deli and on weekends I like to get my egg bagel with the lox and cream cheese. Probably the only thing out here that reminds me of home (Jersey).

For better or worse, I will see all of you tomorrow. Enjoy your Sunday.


  1. Thanks for doing this for Karen. Was your name Dave? I have been watching GH for 40 years, so looking forward to your postings old and new. I am new to this blog. Really enjoy it. Have a great Sunday

  2. Dave, thanks so much for doing this. I also have been watching for 40+ years. In fact, I remember Audrey, Lucille, Jessie, Steve Hardy, Diana and Howie. Anyone else go back that far?

    You say you came from the East Coast (like me) and moved to Vegas? What kind of work do you do out there (of course this is a personal question and you don't have to answer it, just curious as I have known some folks who have moved there and find it kind of intriguing)?

    Have a great Sunday, everyone!

  3. I remember Audrey, Jessie, Steve Hardy and Diana! I started watching with the first iteration of Laura and Scotty. I was on and off again through college in the 80s and early jobs in the 90s (I don't have an opinion on Sonny/Jax/Brenda and could not care less about Jason and anyone, really. I was also not a part of the space alien or vampire days.)

  4. Thanks for filling in, Dave and I can't wait to see your Time Machine! I've been watching on and off since I was very young, at least 40 years. Probably more. GH was my aunts favorite show! I missed a few years off and on, since I became a single mom and barely had time to do anything. I do remember Steve Hardy, and I even remember Monica before she married Alan!
    I watched Robin grow up and fell a little bit in love with Robert lol.

  5. it is unfortunate that i cannot do a recap like karen does. the logistics just arent there, nor is the timing. every day while at work, i check the blog around 12:30 (3:30 eastern) and karen has already posted her recap. there is just no way i can do this by the time i get off work and watch the show. plus, when speaking with her, i told her how important it is for everyone who reads and posts daily to have a space to jump in at a reasonable time to discuss everything, not 10 pm at night.

    i think everyone will be very happy with the alternative that I came up with. it will be a lot of fun, bring back some memories and also create some new ones. and you will still have a daily space to chime in and do your daily comments. after friday's cliffhanger, i expect everyone to really have a lot to say tomorrow.

    my first day watching was when diana taylor died. a friend of mine on the school bus driving home told me I "had" to watch GH because Diana was going to die, and we could talk about it the next day. (I usually watched cartoons after school) so, i watched and i was hooked. i admit there were some lean years when i essentially tuned out, but didnt we all?

    to answer ant joan, i lived in vegas in the 90s. love this town. i went back home to nj when my parents got sick, stayed with them as a caregiver to both and then returned here. i manage a graphics department at a sign company. vegas is great. there is so much to do here. and it is a very inexpensive place to live if you know how to "work it".

  6. Thanks for filling in Dave. Always loved going to Vegas and chose to stay Downtown. Only stay on the Strip now - Downtown is seedy and decaying and go there only in the daytime.Started watching GH when they shut down the other soaps but so many actors from those are now on GH. The stories remain the same - baby switching,SORAS,the evil twin, coming back from the dead, the world's most advanced secret medical discoveries,murderers who get no jail time but no more listening on an extension line. Now they look at texts and cancel incoming calls on cellphones . Few people have offices - they talk in public in hallways, stairways and restaurants so everyone can hear & see.

  7. gambilly,

    if you ever need advice as to where to go, what to see, where the deals are, just ask. I agree with downtown. its like another world. i only do fremont street when there is a guest in town and they want to play tourist. or a good free concert. i saw pat benetar and melissa ehteridge there. have you been to the MOB Museum? its really cool and well done.

    i agree with redundant storylines. stay tuned as i am going to post some clips of scenes from yesteryear that hopefully wont make you "groan".

    also... i did defend the recent baby switching storyline recently. usually it is baby switching and one set of parents would be in the dark until years later. this had a twist. the baby wasnt necessarily "switched" per se as nelle initiated it and gave the bady away. it was more of a baby "trade" or "swap". now that is a twist you dont see every day on soaps!

  8. Dave, thanks for your response. My husband and I have gone to Vegas a few times, he LOVES it, I don't. Neither of us like to gamble, he just loved it for some reason, and wanted us to get married there (we did not). We never have seen the surrounding areas, just the main strips, but it sounds nice. He would love to live there now, he wants us to relocate out of Brooklyn, but I don't want to leave the area, at least not that far away.

  9. I'm 48 and started watching between the ages of 8-11. I used to come home after school sit cross legged in front of those big boxy TVs and watch. I am not too familiar with the disco Luke and Laura storyline but did start watching because of them. So it must have been shortly after? My mother was not a soap watcher and my gram had her stories she watched but GH was not one. Guess I channel surfed and found it that way. Haha! Still do that to this day. Some days I hate it some days I want to tune out....but here I am. Haha!!

  10. I started watching when I was about 12. My neighbor friend watched with her mother and came over one day and got me hooked. I think it was about the time with Laura and Scotty and she killed David Hamilton???? Hope my memory is correct. Maybe that was before Scotty?? One of my favorite mysteries ever on GH was Diana's murder mystery. I loved Luke and Laura, Robert and Tiffany adventures on the island. Loved the Rose and Hutch storyline. Man, I sure miss those good ol' days when GH was just so much FUN to watch. No internet, so we didn't have ANY spoilers. Not even soap magazines at the store back then. Michelle, I too would sit crossed legged on my floor with a snack every day after school and watch on my "big screen tv". Actually small screen, big tv. LOL I was about 16 for Luke and Laura's wedding. Everyone played hooky to watch that wedding. They went all out for that wedding. Must have cost a lot for those days.

  11. thanks Dave for filling in...I usually love your comments. I've been watching almost since the beginning, probably missed the first couple of years.

  12. Dave, my grandmother would spray Bactine on my scrapes while telling me, "It doesn't burn, it's just cold!"

    Lies! All of it lies!

  13. My mother used bactine. My grandmother used her aloe vera plant.

  14. lol My mom used her aloe vera plant too.

  15. Michelle, you and I are the same age and sounds like starting watching GH around the same time. Hey then there were only the 3 network channels and PBS where I lived so when I got home there wasn't much on. GH was in the midst of the Ice Princess storyline and I thought Robert Scorpio and Luke Spencer were badass - their camaraderie and banter were the coolest. Also, the Cassadines and Scotty Balwdin were villains that I loved to hate. Also, I had a huge crush on Genie Francis that I still have today! LOL!

    1. I absolutely loved Luke and Robert. ❤ Miss the good ol days of GH

  16. Your comments about how you began watching GH are all so interesting!! I started way back with the very first episode. I was a newlywed, living 3000 miles from home with my military husband, didn't have a car, or job, so I immersed myself in soaps all day. Started out watching the CBS soaps back then... Edge of Night, Search for Tomorrow, As the World Turns, etc. Then I saw an announcement during prime time that two new soaps were starting... The Doctors on NBC, and General Hospital on ABC. Got totally hooked on both. My big crush was Phil Brewer on GH. He was the 'bad' boy that we loved to hate. Soaps were so different in those days. Every few years I'd change networks and watch a different batch of stories, but never gave up on GH, stayed with that one for all these years. Always loved it the best. And even now when GH has so many problems, it is still number one. It is the only story I watch. I will be loyal regardless of how bad it may be until the end.

    1. I used to watch so many as well. My gram got me into DAYS and then in addition to that and GH I watched Y&R in the days of Danny and Cricket. Edge of Night, Port Charles...Oh and of course OLTL and sometimes I'd tune into AMC but not enough to count really. In the end though it was just GH and OLTL.

  17. That is one thing about GH viewers, we are a very LOYAL bunch!!!!!!!

  18. starting watching at Luke and Laura's wedding. Wanted to see Elizabeth Taylor. Was driving a semi at the time and would catch GH when possible. In 83 bought my first Beta vcr. Would watch 2 weeks worth when I came home. No matter how bad it gets, I keep watching.

  19. Finally watched 4 days worth of gh in 2 1/2 hrs. Was Scott drunk on Fridays episode? Enjoyed Tuesdays. Glad the sex stuff is out between Griffin and Kiki.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...