Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Well, Faison's hair looks RESPLENDENT today--or maybe it's due to humidity like we are suffering from at the moment. Good Gravy--I'm swimming in it.

So...I'll try to answer some of the ?? from the comments. I do think they'll go into the abuse story with Ryan/Kevin or mention it because Kevin said he had been working with abuse victims and made some breakthroughs...(One of which is Franco).
Speaking of Franco, I CAN ONLY HOPE that Ryan has a session with Franco and--well, it could be hilarious.

Today's show: Faison/Anna flashbacks-- Nathan gets Shot-- yada yada. 

Here are some old timey "Faces of the Week" to laugh at !! :) Remember these?? 


  1. "or maybe it's due to humidity like we are suffering from at the moment. Good Gravy--I'm swimming in it."

    ROFL! Me too!!! I'm melting!!!!

    "Here are some old timey "Faces of the Week" to laugh at !! :) Remember these??"

    Michael's angry serious face!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

  2. Haha Sonny's face!! Would love a sess between Franco and "Kevin".

  3. Welcome back, I missed your articles!💕

  4. Also I am agreeing with you, I thought Hulu's problem why there faces was not clearx


    A real nurse's ball on GH. 1995.

  6. THANK YOU....I missed doing this--sometimes LOL. Dave did such a great job I think I can just take a break when I want!!

  7. Thank you for returning from down under. I'd be hard pressed to come back. Can you or someone please remind me who Lucas Jones' parents are. Bobbie and Tony? and or Julian. Is she not his bio mom? I just can't remember. Thanks.

  8. Zazu, as far as I know the parents are Cheryl Stansberry (Tiffany Donnelly's sister) and Julian. However, there was also a story opening to have him be Robert Scorpio's son too. Right now it stands as Julian as his dad though.

  9. Yes, Cheryl and Julian. Adopted by Bobbie and Tony

  10. I enjoyed yesterday's repeat, I had forgotten how great Maxie was in those scenes when Nathan was shot. Thanks to all of you who responded yesterday about Claudette, I honestly couldn't remember mostly because I disliked her and her story. LOL! I'm also glad I'm not the only one looking forward to the Kevin/Ryan story. :)

    It's a cool, humidity free day here in Michigan Karen, it's coming your way!

    1. When they first brought Cassandra on, she blackmailed Valentine with a picture of Claudia holding a newspaper. I like Bree Williamson, but I don't ever want Claudia back!


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...