Monday, August 27, 2018


HELLO!! I'm back!! I want to thank Dave SO MUCH  for all his work!! I have only skimmed his posts but will read them in earnest within the next day or two. Even I can't wait to look at the Wub Tub Time Machines!! WOOT!!

I had the best time Down Under!! What a great country... very eco-friendly and clean. People are happy-- and we went in the winter meaning it was "only" in the 70s and 80s with NO humidity!  WOW!!  I was in heaven.  Beautiful beaches and clear clear water. Good food and I was with family for a week so that was extra special 

I will catch up on GH when the re-runs air Wed-Friday this week (it's not on Monday/Labor Day) as much as I can. I may have to FF the Margo scenes and Peter scenes.  (LOL) 

I have a bazillion loads of laundry to do and of course, catching up on sleep. 

Kudos again to Dave--- made my vacation more stress free by keeping this blog going. 


  1. WELCOME BACK KAREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    "I may have to FF the Margo scenes and Peter scenes. (LOL)"

    UGH! Margot!!! She has that damn flash drive and she won't tell Drew!!! She keeps bringing up his memories UGH! They had 1 date.. Well according to her, 2 dates on the same day! STUPID! Although Drew found the flashdrive!!! :) Hiney, well he's not that bad.. Maxie looks all jelly cus Lulu is going to work for him. V.C. and Hiney had another tiff.

  2. Karen, welcome back, great pic!

    I still can't believe that Hiney faced no charges after trying to become a fugitive because of all the charges he was supposed to face! Makes no sense!

    Does anyone think that Margaux will actually tell Drew the truth about the flash drive? I think she will not, and that they will drag this on FOREVER. Then, after Drew and Margaux are all seriously in love, the truth will come out. And she will feel terrible, and say that she is sorry she did this and is now a changed person and REALLY LOVES Drew, and he will be angry at her at first, and then forgive her and they will be together. Well, that is how ALL of these stories go, so, writers, PLEASE prove me wrong and write something else!!

  3. Welcome back! Sounds like paradise! Im so jealous! Australia & Israel are my dream vacas! Now I really can't wait! Dave & Sonya did an amazing job but we also missed the Queen! Hope you enjoy catching up & look forward to your future blogs! Have a blessed day Karen!

  4. P.S. You came home just in time for a good ole fashioned New England heat wave! Lol!

  5. Welcome back! Dave did a great job. Sounds like you had a fantastic time. Happy belated birthday to you. Let's hope they plan a lollapalooza cliff hanger for tomorrow's show. Probably not.

  6. "gracegirl said...Dave & Sonya did an amazing job but we also missed the Queen!"

    All hail the Queen!!!! :)

  7. Welcome back. You look like you had a great time!

  8. It was a lot of fun, but now I am soooo retired! It was a lot of work. I dont envy Karen having to do this every day. But it is a labor of love. Especially when you get it right and all the wonderful wubbers are commenting and talking to each other and sharing. That makes it all worthwhile!

    To think, all I wanted to do is keep the blog open for daily comments....

    It seems a lot happened the past 2 weeks. Karen has a lot to catch up on. This will be a fun Sunday Surgery this week for sure!

  9. "delcodave said.. To think, all I wanted to do is keep the blog open for daily comments...."

    HAHAHAHAHA! The blog had a life of it's own! :)

  10. Welcome back! So glad you had a great time. Much thanks to Dave for an excellent job. And as always, our Sonya gives us the scoop everyday, which I really appreciate when there are parts I have to fast forward, LOL.

  11. "LindaV says And as always, our Sonya gives us the scoop everyday, which I really appreciate when there are parts I have to fast forward, LOL."

    You're welcome! :) And there are a lot some days! ROFL!

  12. The "Queen of Soaps Returns" - Welcome Home!! Not much has changed since you've been gone. Aunt Stella is still a bitter old hag, Peter is still obnoxious, Griffin is till his sanctimonious self,Lulu will soon work for Peter (pretty sure of that),there will be a trans fluid story line coming,looks like Mike will soon be in a Home before long - same old - same old.I miss Nelle and Dr "O" already - I love a good villain.

  13. Carson home: GAH! This was so sad!!! Poor Mike is so confused. I am glad Carly was there for him. Sonny is struggling so badly. :( Glad Jason was there to talk to Mike privately.

    Margot's hotel room:

    Margot and Drew: Damn this is so boring!!!! Oh look it's Drew's flashdrive oh wait no it's not!!! It's Margot's flashdrive of childhood picture fun! More kissing! UGH!

    The park:

    Griffin and Ava: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! MAKE IT STOP!!!!!! Griffin stop judging Ava! And I can't believe you brought up how Avery calls Carly mommy!!!! HOW DARE YOU?!!?!?! Go to hell and drop dead!!!!!

    Central perk inside:

    Sam and Krissy: Great scene!!! Oh Krissy! So your mom was right that you would make a mistake.. So what? You had to make your own mistakes in order to learn from it and grow!!! :) Now it looks like you learned from this.. AWESOME! You are not happy with Parker and you want to come home? GREAT! :) Yes sometimes love is not enough. Oh you want to go and pack to move back to Port Chuckles! GREAT!!! Love that Sam is going with you for moral support!!!! :) Sam is right. You should love yourself before being in a relationship! :)

    The hospital:

    Counseling session:

    Stella, Jurtis, and Miranda: MIRANDA BAILEY FROM GRAY'S!!!! :) I heard the actress was coming.. Oh wait she doesn't play Miranda. She's a counselor!!! Great scene!!!! :) Oh Stella, Jordan is right. it's been 20 years. It's time to heal from past wounds. Glad Stella changed her mind and is going to another session! :)

  14. It was so strange for me that Miranda Bailey is Dr. Massey! I worked in a clinic for years where our chief psychiatrist was Dr. Masse. I think he spelled it that way, but it is pronounced the same. I have not heard that name anywhere else, it is not a common one, apparently.

  15. Dave was so great but you were missed. Glad to have you back.

  16. I really had no interest in the group counseling, but the actress who plays Stella did an outstanding job. Nice to see Miranda there! Margaux and Drew do make a sort of cute couple but hate that she is withholding his memories. Mike's storyline getting a little too depressing. You have't missed much Karen!

    1. I felt so bad for Mike! The actor is KILLING it in this storyline. Can't stand Margeaux! She's so wrong to keep Drews memories from him! Loved seeing "Bailey" on GH. Can't wait for Greys to come back!

  17. Welcome back Karen! Dave was a great fill-in while you were gone!

    Ooooh Stella was getting on my nerves, but the actress was great. Margoo (someone spelled it like that and that's what I'm using from now on! LOL!) is gonna be in deep doo-doo, and I don't like her at all. And poor Mike, I really felt for him.

    Is it just me, or is Krissie forever having the same crisis over and over?

    And Sonya said: "Griffin and Ava: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! MAKE IT STOP!!!!!! Griffin stop judging Ava! And I can't believe you brought up how Avery calls Carly mommy!!!! HOW DARE YOU?!!?!?! Go to hell and drop dead!!!!!"
    Which I TOTALLY AGREE WITH! He's an sanctimonious twerp.

  18. Welcome back Karen. You left your blog in good hands. Dave kept us well entertained.

  19. "Julie H says Which I TOTALLY AGREE WITH! He's an sanctimonious twerp."

    Yes he is!!!!! He is too much!!!


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...