Friday, August 31, 2018

It's the Jet Lag, Baby!

So, we all know air travel isn't what it used to be-- I even remember my parents making us "dress up" for a flight! No more. People were wearin' straight up jammies!  I have to say Quantas is the best airline I've flown since the old days of British Airways. It was a treat. We even got a free drink with dinner--FOUR snacks during the 17 hour flight and breakfast! It was a shock to the system. 

That said, I started for the US at noon on August 26th...traveled a total of 30 hours and it was STILL August 26th when we landed in Toronto. (if I've said this before I'm sorry--my brain is still mush). I've had jet lag before--usually when I go to England but this is something else all together! 

I'm starting work up again next week...summer vacation is OVER and it's partly why I'm just not 'all here". Nine new therapy kids and scheduling can be a nightmare. Yesterday I actually went to the office for a half day and then came home and slept. Oh boyy...and I had NO time for GH repeats, that's for darn sure. Why ABC would do this---and choose to do it all in a row with Monday being Labor Day is beyond me. If You HAVE to show repeats because of some scheduling thing, spread them out. put one on extra around the holidays or something. Four days of repeats isn't doing the show any favors. If you're not online, you have no idea what's going on-- I've had people text and ask if the show was still going!  

My Sunday Surgery is going to be based on what I've seen that I've managed to watch since I'v been back. Could be Wacky!! 

Tillie is happy we are home and I'm happy to see her too. My new schedule looks like long Monday and Wed--and shorter Tues/Thurs/Fridays. Not sure if this is good or bad for my GH viewing. I'll be home just in time for it to start 2 days and I'll have to take Tillie out first. May be on a little delay. 

OK! That's why I didn't put a post up yesterday. I prob wouldn't get one up today other than this so, fire away! 

Our airline food on Quantas going over to Australia:

Baked Chicken and mushroom rice (so good)  Cocktail of choice (even scotch!)
dessert was raspberry tart. 

At this point in the flight all the lights went out and people couldn't even hear a peep from any kids or snoring or anything! The stewards came around with little lights on their vests to see if you were awake...if you were you got: 

Snack one:  Ice cream bars (YES!!)
Snack Two:  Warm chocolate chip cookies
Snack Three: Cheese and Crackers or Fruit 
Snack Four: BAKED MAC AND CHEESE.---which. was. AMAAAAAAAZING (Oprah voice)

Now, of the above I only got the mac and cheese. I did get an ice cream bar on the way back to the USA and it was delicious. 

The lights came on slowly and the breakfast got rolled out: 
Eggs, sausage, bacon, warm muffin
or the MOST GIANT glorious fresh fruit plate you've ever seen. (and a muffin) 

Holy Toledo!! ;) So good. So needed after our cramped "AIRBUS" ride to LA that jammed us in for five hours and you got one little soda or water. Thanks, AMERICAN AIRLINES--I'm looking at you. Wub Hub, who's 5' 9" had to switch seats with me from the middle because he was so smooshed up! 

Anyway..I am writing this at 1:48 am because....JET LAG, BABY!! I did sleep like the dead for 2 hours then woke up. PING!! 


  1. Karen, wow, great incentive to travel to Australia! I actually have relatives there who always invited us to come, but I am not one for air travel if I can avoid it . . .

    I feel LOST without GH, ITA that 4 days in a row is too much . . . I watch EVERY SINGLE day, I NEVER miss it, after I finish working and doing everything else that has to be done in a day, I sooo look forward to going to Port Charles! Oh well, will have to wait 'til Tues. . . .

  2. I believe the saying is that is takes 1 day per every hour of time zone change to get readjusted. Not sure if that is travelling east or west. I rarely, if ever fly or travel so I dont know. I just know I heard that before.

    I would just let your body run naturally. dont take any pills and sleep when you want to sleep, stay awake when you want. Used to happen to me when I worked graveyard shift. that was a major adjustment.

    The scotch sounds good. I bet that will help before bed!

  3. "At this point in the flight all the lights went out and people couldn't even hear a peep from any kids or snoring or anything! The stewards came around with little lights on their vests to see if you were awake...if you were you got:

    Snack one: Ice cream bars (YES!!)
    Snack Two: Warm chocolate chip cookies
    Snack Three: Cheese and Crackers or Fruit
    Snack Four: BAKED MAC AND CHEESE.---which. was. AMAAAAAAAZING (Oprah voice)"

    WOW!!!! Yum!!! Did you fly first class? :)

    "I started for the US at noon on August 26th...traveled a total of 30 hours and it was STILL August 26th when we landed in Toronto."

    Huh? How the heck did that happen?! :)

  4. It's too late now Karen, but for people who travel a lot, or are planning a long overseas flight, I 100% recommend the book "The Power of When" by Michael Breus. It's a sleep book, so there's a lot to it, but he has an excellent chapter on avoiding jet lag. Works for me but you have to follow his rules. Haha. I know that's not for everyone. I've had chronic insomnia my entire life and literally had to take something every night to sleep for 10+ years. I read this book and now I only take something about 2 nights a week. This book changed my life! (No, I did not get paid to promote this book, I just really love it for making my life better.)

    Also, ITA Quantas is great. I'd love to fly Virgin one day. I took a short flight (San Diego to San Fran) and it was great. Clean plane. Good snacks. Nice people. I'd love to see what they do for a long haul.

  5. I flew Virgin first class from Los Angeles to Orlando and it was FANTASTIC. There were only about 12 seats in first class and we had our own steward and bathroom (which had a vase of fresh flowers in it!). We boarded first and had drinks in hand while everyone else boarded. The cushy lounge chair-type seats went from head to toe, fully reclined, and had a massage feature. We were given ear buds and each chair had a pop up TV screen with multiple channels of TV shows, movies, music, and plane position tracking. We were given a menu from which to select our lunch options. The food was fantastic and the salt and pepper shakers were shaped like tiny airplanes. We were all given a plush pillow and blanket and I slept like the dead. When we were getting close to Orlando, the steward came around with a silver tray of warm rolled washcloths so we could freshen up before landing. Our last round of service was the steward offering us gourmet snacks from a huge basket. We were encouraged to take as many as we wanted and to take some snacks for later.

    Virgin first class was an incredible flying experience!

  6. I can't even imagine a 30 hour flight. I never flew until we went from Rochester to Ft Lauderdale for our honeymoon at age 28 and I spent the whole time praying our tin box airplane wasn't going to crash and burn the whole way. The way home wasn't much better. So glad you had a great time. I'll stay home in WNY, eat my salt rising toast, drink my pop and have a cronut on the side.

  7. Sheesh, we went nonstop from Chicago to Tokyo, and I think it was 12-13 hours. I thought that was excrutiating long. But I guess once you're on the plane, you're stuck and have to gut it out.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...