Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Monica and Lesley

The Wub Tub Time Machine

Years ago, the soaps had lead actresses who were front and center and carried major storylines. (for example, Susan Lucci, Erica Slezak, Robin Strasser, Jeanne Cooper to name a few). On GH, we had Monica and Lesley. For a good part of the glory days of the 80s, these two actresses simply shined in their performances. Usually they were at each other’s throats (and justifiably so). But they carried their storylines well with their leading men. (often times with several leading men at the same time, but I digress)
To my knowledge, this is the last time Leslie C. and Denise A. were in a scene together. (included in a link below). Lesley was trying to get some information in the hospital computer regarding Luke and Monica caught her.
And it was brilliant.
On several levels and for several reasons. First, this scene brings back 30+ years of nostalgia between the two of them and truly honored history. The writers did their homework and it showed. Second, the backbiting and snide remarks were just spot on between the two of them and totally in character. And, lastly, you could just tell the two actresses truly liked and respected each other off camera and there is admiration between them. (at least I get that...)
The two of them, together and separately have acted in some of the biggest and most memorable storylines on the show. I can go through wikipedia and list dozens of memorable events between the two of them. They are more than just vets and history. We dont have lead actors and actresses anymore. (Go ahead, debate and discuss this, that’s why I threw it out there...). Oh, sure, actors submit their reel in the appropriate category, but the show is more of an ensemble now. Some actors get more air time than others, but overall it does feel more like group effort. At least compared to when the cast was smaller.
When I see the two of them together, it makes me think about the line in “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?” when Bette Davis says “You mean all this time we could have been friends?”

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Have a great Wednesday everyone! 


  1. Maurice Bernard is definitely a top notch lead actor!

  2. But the article wasn’t talking about that. They were talking about actresses as in women not men.

  3. I remember this scene and it sure as hell beats the last scene with Leslie and Rick Webber. Holy crap, one of the GH couples from the glory days and when they bring him back into town their reunion was awful. Perhaps they meant it to be awkward and weird, especially since the writers had changed Rick to an evil corporate medicine shill and an abuser of girls and he really wasn't the same person we all remembered, BUT dang I really remember being disappointed about how BAD it was.
    Other reunion scenes that I remember being disappointed in? Robert and Laura! A couple of years ago he swung by her Port Charles place to warn her about something and it was the first time the characters had talked on screen since the flippin 80's (Robert was at Luke and Laura's 2nd marriage but was in the back of the crowd didn't have any lines) and it was all of like 10 minutes of trite crap...HOW DISAPPOINTING for 2 of the ALL TIME GREAT GH characters and friends from the old days.

  4. 3 characters hog GH. sonny,jason and carly. only maurice has talent. anna would be a great lead actress.

  5. i am interested in both leads, actors and actresses. do we still have them? if so, who? thank you for all your comments. :)

  6. anon-

    i totally agree with you on rick webber's return. it was awful. total let down.

  7. Sonny, Carly and Jason are leads. Sam is an "almost" lead. I think that Liz and Ava are also "almost" leads. I guess also Alexis.

  8. gh Is trying with Nina and Maxie, but no way is it the same as with the veteran actresses. GH has a habit of bffs being an actor and actress (minus lulu and Maxie) like Brad and Brit, Carly and Jason, Brad and Nelle, Felix and Sabrina, Ava and Scotty, Curtis and Hayden, Carly is a wonderful actress. I wish Alexis and Anna could develop that deep friendship that GH vet actresses used to have.

  9. Alexis and Diane Miller have great chemistry as good friends. The trouble is that Diane is never on the show enough to show the two of them. I do like Lulu and Maxie as friends.

  10. I agree with AntJoan regarding leads and almost leads. As for the men, "almost leads" are Franco, Finn and Drew.

  11. Yes lindie, Love Diane and Alexis together. Alexis was on her way to a strong storyline re: her mother but that got dropped like a hot potato.

  12. Sonny and Carly unfortunately are the leads - Jason not so much anymore. And they are pretty much responsible for the really low ratings.

  13. LSV422- I agree. Maurice Benard and Laura Wright rule the show now. Used to be Tony Geary. Laura Wright even has her boyfriend on the show, and he is not really liked (his character anyway). It is the Sonny and Carly show. Jason some too.

  14. I still can’t believe the writers killed off so many Quartermaines. Huge mistake.

  15. The new PTB do not seem to like mature woman on the show. They only want pliable young women to keep the parade of shirtless men happy, and mob molls. Gone are the days when we had female friends in active roles on the show.

    I loved the scene with Alexis and her girls today. Glad I watched since it may be years bfore we see that again.

  16. I was SOOO happy yesterday when Kiki won her case, I really was glad for that, although not for the Griffin/Kiki reveal.

  17. Leslie and Monica! YEAHHHHHHHHH! :)

    Carson home:

    Carson and Mike: Sonny is so conflicted and struggling over what to do for his father, and of course Mike is listening in. Carly wants to take Mike out for some fun fun fun! :) His choice of where to go!

    Sonny and Kristina: HEY KRISTINA! :)

    Sonny: How is Parker?

    Kristina: Parker's great.

    Really? Cus I feel a strange vibe from you and I don't believe you.

    Alexis's home: Hey Sam and Molly! Oh hey Kristina! :) When Alexis asks about Parker, Kristina smiles and acts like everything is fine, but when they hug, Kristina is not smiling.. Hmmm Okay something is definitely up! Sam even noticed.

    Ava's home:

    Ava and Kiwi: Oh really Kiwi?!?! Seriously!?!? SERIOUSLY?!!?!?!! You don't feel guilty anymore because of what Ava did at the court house?! Oh give me a break! SHUT THE HELL UP KIWI! Great scene, but damn Kiwi is getting on my last nerve!! Ava wins the line of the day! She is all alone looking in the mirror to herself.

    Ava: I see who I am Kiki! Who I've always been. Who I will always be. I am cold, I am unfeeling, and I am filled with need for vengeance! AND I WILL HAVE IT!!!!

    YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :) Great scene! Great line!!!! LOVE IT!!! BRAVO!!!!!! *Gives a standing ovation* Maura West did a fantastic job in this scene!!!! Oh and after she said that line, she starts to cry. #TEAM AVA! :)

    The hospital:

    Monica's office:

    Monica and Griffin: Griffin was suspended.. Meh just fire him and then he can get back to being a priest. :)

    BobTodd and Griffin: Yeah BobTodd you tell him!!! BobTodd said if he would punch him in the face he wouldn't be able to stop ROFL! Oh hi Kiwi. BobTodd loves you and wants to protect you. Let him!

    Kiwi and Griffin: UGH! Now she thinks he was suspended because of her. *rolls eyes* Are they going to have a lot of scenes together now that the truth is out? UGH!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant: Mike wants to go to Charlie's pub and restaurant! Hahaha!

    Friz and Carly: WOW! Carly thanked BobTodd for helping Jason get her out of that crazy town? Well wonders never cease. Aww BobTodd wants a little gifty poo ROFL!

    Liz and Carly: Liz told Carly about Cam's sticky fingers and then brought up that how Joss was with him. Carly turned it around on Liz!

    Charlie, CarlyKim, Carly, and Mike: Charlie being nosey with Mike, and CarlyKim tried to stop it. Carly knows now about the picture of Mike and his friend from the 80's!

    Juliam: CarlyKim don't like Charlie being all nosy and trying to get information. Awww but they still a couple. :)

    Carson home part 2: Oops Mike forgot where his bedroom is. Oops Mike those clothes aren't yours! They are the clothes that Joss stole!!! Now Carly has it! Love that Sonny helped him find his bedroom, by writing Mike's bedroom on a piece of paper.. :) Carly is alone now and just realized that Joss stole the clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now call Liz and apologize to her!!! :)

  18. sonya, carly apologize what a joke.

  19. Carly said thank you to Franco- and after how he treated Michael, she STILL thanked him.

    1. I loved her thank you to Franco, took alot after what he did in the past to her family.

  20. I’m drawing a blank, anyone remember who Tracy Quartermaine was close to before she left? I swear I was loving a close female friendship and so incredibly disappointed by her departure in the middle of it. Ugh! I can’t believe I don’t remember.

    1. I know she became friends with Hayden and Finn before she left I'm not sure if either of those is who you were thinking of.

  21. KT,

    I believe she was getting close to Lulu. The way I saw it with Tracy, after Edward died she softened up a bit and let a few people into her life. She even was getting close to Monica right at the end.

  22. Ok I’m thinking Hayden! That’s the relationship I’m recalling. Hayden and Tracy. Both gone. Poof! Dang it writers!!! I know JE retired, but I really enjoyed those two together

    1. Oh yeh!! Hayden, I totally forgot how close they had gotten. I enjoyed them also. Bring Hayden back.

  23. And I enjoyed Finn and Tracy’s chess games... GH writers!! We need more of this stuff. Stuff in 15 years we will miss and you tube! Or whatever takes you tube’s place! Ha!

  24. I do miss Lulu and Tracy. Lord, poor Lulu has no one now until Laura comes back. I wish she would bring Spencer back but if that were to happen it would’ve been over the summer I think:(. Please bring Nikolas back! For Ava’s sake!

  25. "witch said...sonya, carly apologize what a joke."

    Haha. Actually she thanked him. I wasn't expecting that! :) I thought she was going to be rude to him.

  26. Loved the Davis girls!!! Good Ava and Kiki scenes, too!

  27. Loved the Davis girls together. Disappointed that Liz didn't wipe that snarl off of Carly's face. They went to commercial, and POOF...Liz was gone. Loved Ava and Kiki's fight. They both had really good points. So Sonya, I'll have to disagree with you a little. :)
    I did love Ava's mirror scene and ugly cry though!

  28. "Julie H said...So Sonya, I'll have to disagree with you a little. :)'

    ROFL! Oh that's okay. :)

    "I did love Ava's mirror scene and ugly cry though!"

    Gotta love those ugly cries! :) Too bad she didn't have the old school eyeliner. :)

  29. Loved the mirror scene too but really wanted them to try some special effects. I would have loved to see her reflecting something like Lucifer's devil face. hahahahaha

  30. "Di said...Loved the mirror scene too but really wanted them to try some special effects. I would have loved to see her reflecting something like Lucifer's devil face. hahahahaha"

    Hahahaha. That would have been hysterical! :) Behind her or on her face? :)

  31. Her reflection in the mirror. lol Since her inner devil was revealing itself. lol So I guess on her face.


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