Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Balcony

The Wub Tub Time Machine

People often ask if you remember watching certain television historical events such as the last episode of MASH, Who Shot JR? or Luke and Laura's wedding...

I was a freshman in college. In between classes, I went to the student union where there was a console television. Scores of people were sitting on the floor, eyes glued to the television watching the wedding. I was there both days that it was on. Still somewhat new to the show, I didnt know all the characters but I do remember watching with a large group of strangers. 

For many, this is "the" Luke and Laura moment. The one they remember above all others. But not for me. No, this isnt the scene I most remember of the two of them. For me it is the balcony. 

Laura was presumed dead. (what Spencer isnt on this show, right? The Cassadines have kidnapped Laura, Lesley, Lulu and Lucky) Luke was just sworn in as Mayor and he is looking off the balcony to see the area where he danced with Laura on their wedding day. (nice touch, writers). He looks off in the distance and there is a blonde woman, with her back to him and naturally, he thinks it is Laura. (Spencer this time, not Templeton)

This next part of the scene is what did it for me. While reminiscing about their wedding day at the mayor's house, Laura knows that she can never return to the life of happiness she once knew. You see it in her face. If Luke, or anyone sees her, she puts her entire family in danger with the Cassadines. She looks on at the life she once had, unsure of the future, but knowing that she can't go back again. Then Luke yells for her and she is momentarily shocked. Once she does go to Luke you see the struggle within her. She played this perfectly. (As she always does)

I adore Genie. Watching this episode again, it's easy to see why. 

Part One:
Part Two:

There are times when a show brings back a character from the dead and the reasoning is implausible. (It was all a dream... a horrible, horrible dream...) But with this storyline, it was not only believable but paved the way for future storylines. This backstory the writers created led to Stefan being on the show and most importantly, the character of Nikolas. With Nikolas being Laura's son, it laid the groundwork for some really great dramatic scenes by Tony Geary and Jonathan Jackson when they found out about him. It is really great when the writers can take a storyline and then expand it into something greater and still maintain the quality.  

This is the official "portal" for Wednesday's blog. 
Jump right in and post and comment when you can today. 
Have a great Wednesday everyone! 


  1. "Laura? LAURA!" - Luke screams still send chills down the spine today. That reunion scene was done RIGHT - good stuff! Those were good times as I remember having been a little put out with the Laura Templeton storyline (although I liked her sister, Jackie (a young Demi Moore!).

  2. Guess I wasn't watching regularly at that time, thanks so much for recapping, I will go back and watch the scenes when I have the time. (I guess I really wasn't watching, as I don't even know who Laura Templeton is. I never knew there was another Laura.)

  3. I loved those days and when Demi was on was awesome!

  4. Laura Templeton and Jackie were great, but not with Luke. You could tell Demi Moore was headed for greatness and Janine Turner too. Loved Northern Exposure. Haven't seen her in eons.

    Thanks for sharing those Youtube clips. Just watched. So wonderful. Great acting, directing etc. And, Genie is just the best. The emotions are just written all over her face. Tony Geary did some great acting back then too. He hadn't acted well like that in recent years IMO. Although he and Jonathon Jackson did have some good scenes before he left.

    Those scenes are why I never believed that Luke would be a cheating philanderer that they made him out to be in more recent years.

    Think I had those shoulder pad too. LOL. She was swimming in those coats.


    I remember!! :) I was 9 years old and I remember it!!! Everytime I watch that scene of Luke calling out her name, I have shivers!!! Thanks for the video Dave!! I just skipped over everything and just heard Luke say LAURAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, and I got shivers. I have always loved that think of Laura song!

    Think of Laura.

  6. "Anon said... Those were good times as I remember having been a little put out with the Laura Templeton storyline (although I liked her sister, Jackie (a young Demi Moore!)."

    Oh I hated Jackie! She was so annoying! I did not want Luke to be with Jackie!

    "indie said... Those scenes are why I never believed that Luke would be a cheating philanderer that they made him out to be in more recent years."

    Yeah I agree. Luke would NEVER cheat on Laura! We even have video proof!! When he was with a pretty lady, who was hitting on him hard, so he called Laura and told her what is going on, so Laura gave the lady a talking to! :) So Ethan Lovett, is really Robert's son.

    "Think I had those shoulder pad too. LOL. She was swimming in those coats."

    I used to LOVE shoulder pads!!!! What the hell was I thinking?!?!?! :)

  7. I loved shoulder pads too. I have bony shoulders, so I thought that having football player shoulders was the greatest!!

  8. Oh and the look on Laura's parents faces when they saw her alive!!!! Fantastic!!! Denise Alexander's acting was AMAZING! :) And Sharon Wyatt's face! She was saying hello to everyone including Laura! ROFL!

    Tiffany: Hello Laura, Rick, Leslie. Laura?!!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Perfect! :) Man I miss those days!

  9. Sonya...

    That's why I included part 2. Those were the days indeed!

  10. My favorite Luke and Laura "moment" was actually their summer on the run to Beechers Corners

  11. I loved Beechers Corners too. So much fun.

  12. Two comments from today:

    1) Probably mentioned already: I think Margaux is Nina's daughter. (don't know how to spell that name)

    2) Isn't Margaux too young to be a District Attorney???

    1. I think there is a 14 yr age difference between the actresses but that hasn't stopped GH before. But I did notice the next scene after Curtis and Valentin talked was Margeaux, so probably so. ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ™„

  13. Carson home:

    Sonny and Michael: GAH So sad!!!! :( Poor Michael!!!!! :( Sonny talks about his experiences, but he didn't bring up baby Lila! The lighting is very harsh on Chat Duell's face. You can see all the make up on his face.

    The floating rib:

    Crew: They are talking about Margot. Curtis talks about how he should be happy and move on with his life. Hmmm Drew if you go through with your plan, you could fall in love with Margot!! Be careful!!!! It was a great scene.. They even talked about the macarena dance. :) Drew wins the line of the day.

    Drew: Please don't play the macarena at your wedding.


    Drew and Margot: On with their date! He gets to know her. Blah blah blah zzzzzzzzzz. She talks about her very first case. She knew the guy in middle school!

    Drew and Lulu: Lulu has been demoted!!! She has to do puff pieces now!!! Well well well Lulu! You can take Hiney up on his offer!!!!


    Maxie, Nina, and V.C.: Okay Maxie! We get it! You don't like V.C.!!! Stop being rude!!! It's getting tiresome. Oh the deadline for Valenina's divorce has arrived. It's been a month.. Nina still wants the divorce.

    V.C. and Maxie: V.C. gives Maxie a piece of his mind! YEAHHHH! :) He says punish me all you want, but stop using Nina to do it! Then he walks away. :)

    Margot and Hiney: Taking a picture of Margot and Drew kissing and putting it in the paper? Hmmm I thought Hiney was going to class up the paper? Hmmmmm. I'm confused.

    Maxie, Lulu, and Hiney: Earlier Lulu turned down Hiney's offer harshly, but then later came back and took the job YAY!!!! Maxie looks all jelly! Maxie do you have feelings for Hiney?

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and Brucas: Brad needs to get the binky from the car, but when he goes outside he calls Julian to freak out! Julian says he will handle it. Brad goes back inside and is instantly calm...

    Diane's office:

    Alexis and Diane: As they are talking, Julian listens in, and he keeps opening the door just a tiny bit, and when Diane opens the door she closes it and Julian opens it a tiny bit again. I can't believe Diane doesn't notice how the door is tiny open, and I can't believe Alexis doesn't notice the door opening!!!! Then when the ladies leave, Julian takes pictures of all the info!!! YAY!

    Nina and Diane: No Nina! Don't divorce V.C.!!!! Listen to Diane's advice!!! Oh crap Nina signs the divorce papers. :( I bet when V.C. finds your daughter and tells you about it, you will want to get back together with him! :)

    The hospital:

    KimLian: Julian is upset that the birth mother wants her baby back. CarlyKim gets it. She understands cus she is a mother. I understand both sides.. :( It sucks though!!!!

    Julian: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I think Julian is calling the birth mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) GO JULIAN GO JULIAN GO JULIAN! :)

    Central perk inside:

    Curtis and V.C.: OH OH OH OH OH OH OH!!!!!! V.C. wants Curtis's help to find Nina's baybay!!!!! :) Will Curtis tell Nina what V.C. wants him to do? Although maybe he shouldn't because he has to find her first!!!! I wonder why they haven't shown outside of Central Perk.. It's summer!!!


    There is a very dangerous man loose in Port Charles!

    DOC?!!?! Is that you!?!!?!?! Oh man who the hell is this guy that Doc is talking to? Creepy wide eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not looking forward to seeing him!

  14. Article about Chad Duell! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! They are so cute together!!!! :) Chadney!!!! :)

  15. "Michelle Latta said...I think there is a 14 yr age difference between the actresses but that hasn't stopped GH before"

    14 year age difference between who? :)

    1. The actresses playing Nina and the DA.

    2. There is only an 8 year age difference between the actor and actress who play Sam and Julian.

  16. Thanks for the flashbacks, David.

    sonya said...Nina and Diane: No Nina! Don't divorce V.C.!!!! Listen to Diane's advice!!! Oh crap Nina signs the divorce papers.

    *** I thought Diane said to sign them and then she'd just put them away and not file them yet. When Nina is sure she's ready she can come back and tell her to file them (or not!)

  17. "Di said.. I thought Diane said to sign them and then she'd just put them away and not file them yet. When Nina is sure she's ready she can come back and tell her to file them (or not!)"

    OH! I thought Diane ment that before she signed them, to just put them away and not file them yet. You could be right! :)

  18. Just a little bit of happy news.

  19. "Michelle Latta said...The actresses playing Nina and the DA."

    They are 14 years apart?!!?! WOW!

  20. I really have to say Margaux and Drew are boring. I loved Valentin's little chat with Maxie, that was fabulous. HA! Julian contacting the birth mom was great, too. Can't wait for today and seeing Doc. Thanks for the Chad Duell link Sonya!

  21. "Julie H said...I really have to say Margaux and Drew are boring."

    Yeah they are!!!

    "I loved Valentin's little chat with Maxie, that was fabulous."

    Yeah it was!!!

    "HA! Julian contacting the birth mom was great, too."

    Yeah I loved it, although he shouldn't have said you don't know me, but we have to meet. That is creepy! He should have just said who he was and what this is about!

    "Thanks for the Chad Duell link Sonya!"

    You're welcome! :)


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...