Tuesday, August 14, 2018

I'm Caroline

The Wub Tub Time Machine

Recasts have always been hit or miss, whether it be on a soap, sitcom or a drama. GH has had its share of recasts, (Lucky, Nikolas, AJ, Frisco for a split second...). One of the most notable has been the character of Carly. Four actresses have played the role. Laura Wright, the current Carly has truly made this character her own. When Carly came to town, she was a vindictive, vengeful girl out for revenge against her mother (Bobbie). Now she is a strong woman and though she has her flaws, she has become a force to be reckoned with. Two of the actresses who played Carly returned to GH in different roles. And although I do enjoy what LW has brought to the role, I will never forget watching live - with no spoilers - the day that Carly squared off with Bobbie and fessed up to her lies and deceit. Sarah nailed the vulnerability in this scene, almost apologizing for all the hate she gave to Bobbie through her voice and mannerisms. And once she realized she wasn't going to get her way, she got defensive again. And Sarah was just perfection throughout. You never knew with Carly if she was manipulating you or if she was genuine. But it was Jackie Z who brought her A game to the table and owned it. She stayed somewhat reserved and “steely” and maintained composure in a scene where Bobbie could have otherwise really laid into Carly and gave her hell. The entire time Bobbie thought that this was just another one of Carly’s stunts until Virginia Benson confirmed it, and then you saw the terror on Bobbie’s face when she realized that Carly really was her daughter after all. This is one of GH’s most memorable scenes. Powerful writing in this scene as well as the acting. Its also a testament to the characters that were created that they are still on the show today and that they grew and evolved into a loving mother/daughter relationship.

PS. There are several links to the scenes. I'm listing the first two. You can just keep watching on Youtube to see everything. I ended up watching about 12 videos from this scene. 

part 1

part 2

This is the official "portal" for Tuesday's blog. 
Jump right in and post and comment when you can today. 
Have a great Tuesday everyone! 


  1. That was good soap writing. Jackie Zeman did an excellent job as did Sarah Brown.

  2. Have only watched a few minutes of the first link posted, but was struck by a line that Bobbie said. "Hold him (Michael) Carly. Once you do you will never want to let him go". How prophetic that line was!!! The whole Nelle/Michael story line was based on Carly's inability to let Michael go.....

    Thanks for the "time machine" links, Dave. Glad you are having a good time, Karen!!

  3. I have liked all the Carly's, even the quick 3rd one who had huge hands that could have smacked Sonny and Jason silly. The best IMO, is SJB and you those scenes with Bobbie are classic.
    Also, props to Jackie Z, who when given a real chance to shine like in the clips you posted OR the heart transplant story REALLY can blow the audience away. Like Kin Shiner's Scotty, Jackie Z has had to walk the tightrope of her character over the years from villian to anti-heroine to underdog to heroine.

  4. It would be nice to have a recap of today's show

  5. SE,

    Sonya should be posting her daily recap soon. Since i am on the west coast, I dont get to see the show until after work and by that time it is already 9 or 10pm on the east coast. It would be unrealistic to post a recap at 10pm.

    Karen wanted to keep the blog open so that all of you can continue to post on a daily basis and communicate and talk about the show with each other, so that is what I am doing, opening a blog every day for all of you. And so that it isnt an empty page, I am throwing in a little nostalgia and clips.

    If Sonya doesnt do her recap (I trust she will, she is very good about that) I will post something tonight after I watch the show.

    Thanks so much for udnerstanding!

  6. Sarah will always be Carly. Laura is good but nowhere nearly as good as SB

  7. anna for sure had work done to her face

  8. I loved all the Carly's except the 3rd one! UGH! I stopped watching GH at that time, until I found out we were getting another recast.

    Kidnapped room:

    Anna, Finchy, and the two bad men. Cassandra? Hmmm well, she is okay.. I rather have her, than Pinocchio nose! Anna! Finchy can't forget he is a doctor! I can't believe you would want him to!!! WHAT THE HELL! SHUT UP!

    Finchy: Are you sure this isn't some sort of PMX operation?

    At first I thought he said PMS! ROFL! But then I just reheard it again.. Boy those bad guys keep going in and out! Stop doing that!!!

    Q home:

    Michael and Carly: Awwww. :( Michael is in so much pain. :(

    Michael, Carly, and Monica: OH MY! Monica apologized to Carly!!! And Carly accepted!!! AWESOME!!! :)

    Ava's home:

    Ava and BobTodd: Geez BobTodd! When did you become so self righteous and judgemental?!!?!?! SHUT UP! Ava is right! I mean if Liz did the same thing to you, you would want revenge!

    The courthouse: Scotty wins the line of the day!

    Dr. Scum: I want you to prove that I am innocent.

    Scotty: No can do. Well listen Benche, I'm not obligated to believe you. And quite frankly, I don't.


    The hospital:

    Friz: Geez Liz! I mean Kiwi is BobTodd's daughter!!! I don't care if he isn't her biological father. He is her father. He wants her protected!!!!

    Griffin and Liz: Oh Griffin shut up and stop whining. I don't want to hear it.

    Liz: I am in no position to judge.

    Oh go ahead Liz. It's fine.. Be judgy. It's okay. I am fine with it. :)

    Ava and Griffin: Oh don't you dare judge her Griffin! SHUT UP!!!! Gee no tears from you? No I'm so sorry profusely? Ava don't let him know you are going to do something! SHHHHHH! Just do it!!!!


    V.C. and Robert: Love when Robert breaks in hahahahaahha. Lots of talk about Anna, and Cassandra..

    1. I wasn't a fan of the 2nd and 3rd Carly, something about Tamara's just irked me but I like her as Kim

  9. "delcodave said...Karen wanted to keep the blog open so that all of you can continue to post on a daily basis and communicate and talk about the show with each other, so that is what I am doing, opening a blog every day for all of you. And so that it isnt an empty page, I am throwing in a little nostalgia and clips."

    You are doing a great job Dave!!! I saw your name as a contributor! Congrats!!! :) Wonder when that happened..

  10. Thanks for keeping the blog going Dave! Awesome job. Also, for those of us who can’t wait for Sonya’s recap, soaps she knows posts recap at 1pm Pacific time....Sonya, thank you so much. I laughed out loud at your recap regarding Ava and Griffin. I’m right there with you!

  11. Love your time machine !
    1st time post - long time daily reader

  12. "KT4GH said....Sonya, thank you so much."

    You're welcome! :)

    "I laughed out loud at your recap regarding Ava and Griffin. I’m right there with you!"

    ROFL! *high fives you* :)

    "David Day said..1st time post - long time daily reader"

    OH! Well glad you posted! :) How long have you been reading? Welcome to the blog! :) (Even though you have been here a long time, but I didn't know that.) :) Oh love your name! :)

  13. Ummmmmmm, didn’t Ava sleep with Kiki’s boyfriend (Morgan), seems like she forgot. Since we’re diving into the past, anyone else notice that Carly actually had a purse today? The women in PC never carry a bag. And the only time we ever saw a bathroom was when Sonny’s old penthouse got shot up and Brenda was in the shower. Just saying

    1. The coming attractions tomorrow show Ava and Kiki arguing so hopefully she brings up Ava sleeping with Morgan.

  14. I like the stroll down memory lane too Dave! Thanks for taking the time! And I always enjoy you're reviews too Sonya but just can't get on board with cheering for Ava. Not saying Kiki & Griffin should get a free pass but I was cheering Franco on when he was laying it out for Ava! And he was being kind! I used to think that maybe Ava should be able to see Avery more but not anymore! But of course Averys boyfriends would be waay to old for Ava by the time she starts dating! But knowing Ava, hmmm but maybe not!

  15. Oh and loved Alexis's closing argument and the way Scotty handled it too. I was thinking maybe he was thinking of his own daughter. Was priceless when he told Bensch he didn't have to believe and he didn't!!

  16. "gracegirl said... And I always enjoy you're reviews too Sonya but just can't get on board with cheering for Ava.'

    ROFL! I wouldn't be cheering Ava on either, but Griffin is being all judgy, self righteous, and looking down her nose at her, that it's pissing me off! Even when he talked to her in the hospital yesterday, he was acting that way. Oh please Griffin get off your high horse.

    "Not saying Kiki & Griffin should get a free pass but I was cheering Franco on when he was laying it out for Ava!"

    BobTodd was acting judgy, self righeous, and looking down his nose at her too!! Kiwi, BobTodd, and Griffin have no right judging her, when they have done horrible things themselves. Liz is the only one who wasn't judging and even told BobTodd not to judge.

    1. Ava sleot with Morgan, Kiki's ex. She seems to have forgotten that.

  17. "Michelle Latta said... Ava sleot with Morgan, Kiki's ex. She seems to have forgotten that."

    Well sure, Karma and all that, but does that mean Ava can't be hurt that she was cheated on? :)

  18. Liz was saying no judgement when she was talking to Griffin but Im sure she meant all around for everyone. I saw the scene with Franco as someone talking to another person he truly cares about just reminding her she's done her own share so maybe step back and and not be too harsh on other people who are human too. Especially your daughter. That's why I said he was being kind. As for Griffin and even the whole SL with him & Ava has gotten on my last nerve! Both ways,him trying to change her and her trying to change for no other reason than to pls.everyone else except herself. None of this ever ends well. She saw all that when she was having the dream where everyone was judging her and then again at the nurses ball. I do feel for Ava (a little bit). Lol! Have a blessed day!

  19. Alexis was great in her closing arguments and made quite an impressive case. Nancy was on point in that scene, and she had me convinced. Scottie was awesome telling Bensch off and I laughed out loud. Bensch is already up to something, as he was on his phone the entire time after the verdict. Is he having trouble finding a new lawyer? I DON'T want him finding out about Ava and Franco's little plot with Scott.

    It was nice that Monica apologized to Carly, but seriously maybe Carly could apologize too, for some of the crap she's pulled. And poor Michael almost had me teary-eyed. Final thought...Cassandra? Blech. :(

    1. Blecher is right. Love the actress hate the character.

  20. "Julie H said...It was nice that Monica apologized to Carly, but seriously maybe Carly could apologize too"

    I thought Carly was going to apologize too!!!! I was waiting for it!

  21. I loved SJB's Carly, even though I have always hated the character. LW is the next best (couldn't stand TB's Carly), but she is too loud and teeth baring. Thank you Dave for some great memories! You are doing a great job filling in! That white tank top Carly is wearing is really unflattering. I am no Franco fan but his chat with Ava was really well done. Finn and Anna make such a pretty couple.

  22. I think Finn said BMX. Like the bikes.


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...