Friday, August 10, 2018


One last post!! 
These are the things I want to have happen 

First idea; Faison's Brain/Memories in Ryan Second Idea: David Hayward doing all this/Genisis is attached Third Idea: New DA Chick is daughter of the man Sonny killed. Fourth Idea: Curtis' ex is daughter of Simone and Tom Hardy


OMG Franco is texting everyone...he says to Ava: JK (just kidding) then 911 to Alexis to stop the trial!! THEN to Scotty..who sneezes LOUD to stall. The judge sees him and says What are you doing? "Live tweeting" LOL!! Then, he gets thrown out.  THEN he pulls the fire alarm!! LOL... security hauls him off. 

Griffin is going to have to LIE before GOD and the court.  BUT he doesn't Ava figures it out tho. She gives Kiki a weird look and snotty comments. Then she tells Scotty to ask the question in a different way because she knows that Griffin can't lie! (is scotty drunk)?? 

Oscar and Drew. zzzzzzzz. Oscar talks about Joss and asks who Kim is (she left when he came in). Oscar goes to meet Joss at Kelly's. 

NuNuCam with Joss. He's SO out of the Disney Box. He looks like Old Cam tho. OMG he shoplifted ear buds!! Nice. He's like "Take it easy" Joss has no bruises from her fight??!! HUH?  So, anyway, Oscar comes in later. Then Chase walks in and sees the ear buds and asks if they are Camerons. He says YES-- and then Chase pulls out a photo from the surveillance camera.  CAM IS BUSSSTED!! (Oprah Voice)  He goes to the PCPD 

SO, the DA is showing Jason ALL his old files. He could care less. She lets him go (of course she does).  She says she'll "Get him"!! 

Carly and Sonny are talking about Mike falling. Sonny says he's not ready to do that. Carly says he looks tired. LOL-- he is like 'I AM TIRED"! 

He talks to Mike later about a 'new place" and Mike is like "you're trying to get rid of me" and looks stricken. Mike wants to stay home.

Kevin comes to the house to talk to Carly. or should I say "KEVIN"-- he says he's sorry but wants Carly back in therapy. Carly says she saw "him" at Ferncliff. He gets all antsy

At the PCPD: Franco is there because of the fire alarm... Cam walks in with Chase LOL 


GOOD SHOW and I'm going to be gone for 16 dang days!! OY!! 


  1. You will be missed, Karen. Bon Voyage.

  2. Missed it! 😓 Dad was watching a western.

  3. Franco cracks me up. I barely remember not liking him. RH is so good. I liked the other NuCam. Oh well.

    Karen, have an amazing trip!!!

  4. why was nucam already replaced? they look the same age. I love roger

  5. Have a great trip Karen! Good show today-loved the big reveals but I still think Franco is a wacko. Ava was sly as a cat but she will explode. New DA seems to be a good actress.

  6. Karen, have a wonderful trip, we will miss you!!

  7. The court house: The scenes cracked me up! From BobTodd realizing that he accidentally texted Ava, to Scotty having a sneezing fit, to BobTodd pressing the fire alarm!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHA! TOO MUCH HAHAHAHAHHAAHA! BoTodd wins the lines of the day!

    BobTodd: JK!!!! (When he texted Ava telling her he was just kidding) I'm independent. Yeah that was weIrd right? Stupid auto correct.


    Ava and Griffin: Get him Ava!!!! GET HIM! DESTROY HIM!!!

    Griffin: I love you.

    BAH! No you don't you cheating jerk!!!

    Ava and Kiwi: Oh great! Ava thinks back about all the times she seen Kiwi and Griffin together, that now she is wondering when did this affair start!!!!

    Crazy town:

    "Doc" and worker: Okay what the hell?!!?! Doc is acting strange and they show a body of a man! is it Doc? Is that you Doc? :( I had tears coming. I felt like crying!!!

    Carson home:

    Sonny and Mike: GAH! So sad. :( Yeah I think once Mike forgets who Sonny is for good, then I think it's a good idea to take him to one of the homes Sonny!!

    Carly and "Doc" Doc you are acting strange!!!!! Unless you are Ryan!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DOC RYAN?!!?!?!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Margot and Drew: Blah blah blah. Is Margot getting close to Drew so that she can get close to Jason, so that she can get close to Sonny and take him down? But then she won't be able to take him down because she would have fallin in the wuv with him. Oh hi Oscar! Are you going to get upset with Margot and your father cus you think they are dating? And you want your mommy and daddy dating?


    Cam and Joss: Wait what?!!!?! Cam stole? Why would Cam steal anything?!!?!?!?! Joss you can tell Oscar anything. You don't need to keep how you feel from him.

    Cam and Chase: Oh oh Cam buuuuuuuuuuuuusted!!!

    Police station:

    Jason and Margot: Uh huh.. See? She wants to take Sonny down!!!!!


    Cameron and Liz: Oh oh!!!!!

    Crazy town part 2:

    Doc and Ryan:

    Hello brother.

    DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! GAH! I started to cry!!! Doc is that you all tied up? Are you okay?!!?! Ryan what did you do!!?!?! Wait. Who is who?!!?! Can't wait for Monday!!!!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Have a great trip Karen! :)

    "witch said...why was nucam already replaced?"

    That is what I want to know!!!

  10. I was fine with NuCam and also would like to know why he was replaced. However, I have to say that I think that NuNuCam looks A LOT like Elizabeth, I think it is good casting.

  11. "Michelle Latta said...But oldnuCam looked like Zander haha!! LOL!!"

    Haha. Agree!!!! He did!! :)

  12. LSV---

    The new DA IS a good actress. She was paired with billy miller on Y&R for years. I'm sure they are going to try to pair them on GH to see if lightning strikes twice. Although they did that with Stefan and Catherine once. (Patch and Kayla)

  13. they also paired maxie and matt (belle and shawn)from days. and one of my favorite pairs cameron and alexis(julia and mason)from santa barbara.

  14. "witch said...they also paired maxie and matt (belle and shawn)from days."

    I never saw them on days, but when they were on GH together I didn't feel any chemistry with them and they were so boring. But then when Maxie was recast temporarily with Jen Lilly, then she and Matt had tons of chemistry! Yowza! :)

  15. I love jen lilly she is back on days

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. "witch said...I love jen lilly she is back on days"

    Yeah someone on here said she is! :) I love her too!


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...