Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Flyin' Blind People!

I'm just jumping in!! I haven't seen the show since August 10th. Haven't had time to catch up but I thought what the hey, I'll just-- DO IT!!

I am NOT liking these new cameras... looks weird on my TV. Probably on the new fancy pants one they it's just great. It's very--like..delayed a tiny bit and VERY bright. 

So, 3 blondes in the park, discussing 25th anniversary of RYAN Chamberlain murders! What a co-wink-ee-dink, no? 
BLONDES ARE: Felicia, Maxie and Lulu.  Felicia is having Texas flashbacks. Poor Flea. There is a ton of info in the flashbacks. Too much to spill--so watch them. Kristina Wagner is still so stunning.  She's shaken by the anniversary. I would be too. 

Ryan/Kevin is shown in the mental hospital. I'm sticking with that's Kevin in the straight jacket because if it's Ryan--what's the big whoop?  He's saying he's Kevin.  Gordon the nurse, leaves his straight jacket a little loose.  Ok, so a guy shows up in a suit...who we think is Kevin--and the guy on the bed says: Hi KEVIN. 
So..is it Ryan tied up or Kevin?
Good Gravy--right now I do. not. care.  Kevin says to Ryan (guy on the bed) "I found you alive and could have turned you in but I still think you can be saved". 

So, they are going to switch them now, right? Ryan's straight jacket is loose and Kevin walked in and... it's going to be Fluke all over again. 
They show the 'death' of Ryan and the fun house explosion.  Kevin thinks he can 'cure' Ryan now-- with cognitive therapy?
Um..that's never worked on serial killers before so...um.. and Kevin hasn't told Felicia he's alive!! ugh... 

Carly and Jason having a nice breakfast together? Oh, wait, there's Sonny. LOL. (Carly and Jason are SOOOOOOOO Jarly).  Sonny is going to visit long term care facilities. Carly is going with him.  BUT! Oscar shows up to do a video of the school dance (the one where they were trapped in the freezer?? Umm..ok) and Jason agrees to stay with him while CarSon leaves. Neither he or Oscar looked pleased. 
Oscar tries to talk about Joss and her being all pissy towards him. Jason gives advice. 
Then says he can ride on his motorcycle and Oscar just about jumps for joy "Don't tell my mother" LOL 

Julian is helping Brad with the Baby Drama Mama... Not sure what he did to threaten the mom?  Alexis is with Lucas and Michael is lurking because of course he is.  
Julian and Brad talk, Brad panics and wants to run with the baby.  They are interrupted by Alexis and Lucas. Lucas knows something's up. 

Kim tells Michael she's heard from Nelle. Nelle wanted her to say it was her hormones that made her do what she did. Kim said no. 

Nina and Curtis are cute and interrupted by Valentin. Who wants to talk to her about Donna Mills but Nina is NOT havin' it.  Oh, Curtis and Valentin are working together? Okay then. Later, Nina gets a phone call that her mother is dead! DONNA MILLS IS DEAD? Then Val hugs her and he gives a creepy grin. 

Sonny sees a care facility. He's conflicted about putting Mike in one even though they are good. Maurice does a great job talking about wanting time with his dad. Sniff. 

END: Ryan knocks out Kevin and takes his place.  Could see THAT comin'!! 

OMG!!!!!! OH..Oscar has a seizure right when he's leaving with Jason??!! WHAT?? WOW... that shocked me.

Tomorrow  Obrect is on-- and Faison????? Whaaaaaaaaa? Remember that GH is on Repeat Wed- Friday and then on Labor Day. 

But I saw Faison's wild hair. ;) Repeats with Dr. O and Faison..yep


  1. Karen welcome back!! Seems like a lot happened today, can't wait to watch!!

  2. What???? A seizure??? I have them, should be interesting.

  3. The seizure thing is weird. Guess they will give him some kind of medical story line now. ZZZZZZZZZ

  4. Do you guys remember the great depth they gave the Kevin/Ryan stories on both GH and on Port Charles before they switched to a supernatural theme? At one point Kevin had a psychotic break and stalked Felicia like Ryan did. It was because of the "Ryan part of his brain." Eventually Kevin was cured and this led to them finding Kevin's father alive. He called Kevin "Monk" as a nickname. This was when Kevin and Lucy and Mac and Felicia were a thing.
    They eventually revealed that Kevin and Ryan's mother was an unstable blonde woman who abused Ryan. Only Ryan, never Kevin. And that was where Ryan's instability stemmed from. I am hoping they don't just ignore all of that.

  5. As someone who does family therapy, I liked the therapy session with Curtis. The Grey's Anatomy actress did a good job, and I thought that the dialogue and dynamics among the three participants was very well done, and realistic.

  6. your recap was HYSTERICAL since you haven't been watching - when I think you cannot be MORE entertaining you ARE!

    Seizure ---------- hmmmmmm ------ blood work..........hmmmm - is it really Drew's son??????

    I truly thought Kevin was locked up - not Ryan - at LEAST Laura married Kevin!

    Where the heck is Charlotte??????

    1. Oh yeh...you may be on to somwthing Barbara. I couldn't figure out the weirdness between Oscar and Jason then der....I remembered Jason is his Uncle LOL!! Yeh I thought he was also, well he is now for sure. haha!!

  7. The hospital:

    Oscar and CarlyKim: Hmmm a year anniversary for Josscar... CarlyKim is so excited hahahahaha! How funny. When she first got to Port Chuckles, she couldn't care less about JossCar and didn't think they would even last long. A year later, she is so excited about JossCar's 1 year anniversary! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    CarlyKim and Michael: What the?!?!!?! CarlyKim don't believe a word Nelle says!!!! Nelle blames pregnancy hormones hahahahahahaha! Seriously though CarlyKim. Don't listen to her!!!! Listen to Michael and believe him! Bereavement classes? Yes that's a great idea!!!!

    Bereavement class:

    *Michael walks up to the room, then changes his mind and turns around*

    Awwwwwwwwwwwww! :(

    Carson home:

    CarSaSon: Carly is eating?!!?!? Is it breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?!!??! I DON'T KNOW! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

    Oscar and Jason: Jason gave great advice to Oscar! Yes Jason you are right. Joss and Carly are alike! :) WHAT THE HELL?!!?!?! Why is Oscar having seizures?!!??!?!!? Maybe he has epilepsy? Hmmmm.. Poor Oscar! Oh oh. Now we have to watch CarlyKim freak out and stop people from being near Oscar!!!! I can see it now.

    CarlyKim: WHAT?!?!! MY SON HAD A SEIZURE?!!?!?! No Drew! Stay away from my son!!!! Everyone stay away from my son!!!! He should be in a bubble! Nobody should touch him except me!!!!

    The park:

    Flea, Maxie, Baby James, and Lulu: Baby James sleeps with his arms over his head? Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! I wanna see that! :) Great scene today with the three women!!! I could feel Felicia's fear! She was so panicky!!! Love that they showed the flashbacks!!!! I remember back then!!! Wow 25 years!!!! That flashback that they showed with Mac grabbing Ryan, GO MAC GET HIM! HAHAHAHA!


    Judge's office: Is it the judges office? I don't know. Yeah I agree with Julian! Don't go talking to the "birth" mother Brad!!! You might make things worse. I wonder if Julian threatened her.. Whoa! The lady is coming?!!?! We get to meet her?!?!! Oh rats she didn't show up.. Hmmm wonder if what Julian told her worked. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    V.C. and Curtis: No Curtis! Not a good idea to tell Nina about her daughter. V.C. is right!!!! Wait until you find the daughter. Oh look Nina looks suspicious hahaha.

    ValeNina: WHAT IN THE SAM HELL?!?!!?!?!? Madaline is dead?!!?!?!?!?!?!?! :0

    Padded cell:

    Bug eyed Gordon and Ryan: Man bug eyed Gordon is creepy!! At that point I wasn't sure if he was Doc or Ryan! Bug eyed Gordon loosened up the straight jacket! Is it a good idea or not? I DON'T KNOW!!! GAH!

    Ryan and Doc: OH! So the one who is in the padded cell is Ryan!!!!! Oh and it's morning.. So Carly was having breakfast. :) Doc how long did you know Ryan was alive?!!?!?!! Why didn't you tell Felicia?!?!?!! Oh great!!! Ryan escaped!!!! DAMN IT DOC! I AM SO MAD AT YOU RIGHT NOW!!!! Now Ryan is going to go after Felicia!!! You should have told her the truth!!! It's too late to talk to Felicia now!!!! Ryan probably is going to put that straight jacket on you!!! No wonder Doc has been acting strange lately! Because he found out Ryan is alive and put him in a padded cell!!!! Ryan wins the line of the day.

    Ryan: Gee Gordon I know that the rules say that the jacket only comes off after meal time. But do they also say to cut off my circulation during reentry?


  8. "Karen says I am NOT liking these new cameras... looks weird on my TV. Probably on the new fancy pants one they it's just great. It's very--like..delayed a tiny bit and VERY bright."

    Hmmm. I have seen something strange with the scene with Michael and Sonny. Michael's face! I saw a lot of makeup on his face. So maybe it's because of the new cameras.

    "Tomorrow (Or next Tuesday) Obrect is on-- and Faison????? Whaaaaaaaaa? Remember that GH is on Repeat Wed- Friday and then on Labor Day."

    You know what?! For repeats for Wed, Thurs, Friday, and Monday, should be episodes with Ryan and Felicia!!!!! And Ryan and Audrey! And Ryan with anybody! That would be a perfect opportunity to show new people who watch GH all about Ryan!!!! And just remind people who watched it back then, what happened!!!

    "But I saw Faison's wild hair."


  9. "Russ Crespolini said.. They eventually revealed that Kevin and Ryan's mother was an unstable blonde woman who abused Ryan. Only Ryan, never Kevin."

    Well now they are saying that Doc was abused too!!!!

  10. Oops forgot one thing. The park with Carson. They found 2 places for Mike. So sad. :( Glad Carly is there for Sonny.

  11. Barbara - Yes! I'm so glad it was Kevin who married Laura, and who visited her in France. That would have been all kinds of yuck if it had been Ryan.

    Sonya - I agree about the Ryan episodes. Maybe there's a reason they can't show the full ones for the next week?

    I was surprised we didn't at least get a better cliffhanger.

  12. "Paul773 said...Sonya - I agree about the Ryan episodes. Maybe there's a reason they can't show the full ones for the next week?"

    Maybe they would have to pay people who aren't on GH anymore? I don't know.

  13. Felicia tries to escape from Ryan - August 1992 pt1


    Felicia tries to escape from Ryan - August 1992 pt2


  14. wow Karen. it's like you never left. :)

  15. No GH for a week. We will be watching the Australian series "Wentworth" at lunch instead. Old GH shows would be nice but are cost prohibitive. This is the cheap way of filling 4 days of airtime. Karen, you will have time to catch up on the show but it is moving at a snails pace anyway.

  16. GH aires yes and today. We are only missing wed thurs fri and monday (and mon is only because it's a holiday). So we'll still have 4 days next wk.

  17. "delcodave said...wow Karen. it's like you never left. :)"

    ROFL! I know! She has a gift. :)

  18. Wow you just jumped right in with both feet! Lol! At least today gave us who was who in the kevin/ryan story which you are so right is totally a Fluke rewrite and so has no entertainment value for me except for bringing some veteran and beloved characters to the screen. And the same with the baby switch especially with Julian jumping in and getting in touch with the birth mom and possibly threatning her.I am though interested in finding out who Ninas daughter is and now what's going on with Oscar has caught my attn. And if Max Gail doesn't get at the very least a nomination for an Emmy then people must be deaf & blind! JMO! Lol! But,all in all, it's not so bad! I wonder if Valentin had Ninas mom killed so she wouldn't tell Nina before he had the chance to find her daughter and take all the credit to win her back? Does that make sense? Still waiting to see Laura! Have a blessed night!

  19. I don’t think Nina’s Mom is dead. I think he bought her freedom to disappear in exchange for Nina’s daughter’s info. Wild guess on my part on this, but Valentin wouldn’t kill Nina’s mother.

  20. Gambilly33 - Wentworth is amazing!

    Gracegirl - waiting for Laura as well. I heard she starts taping on 9-10, so it'll probably be a while :-/

  21. I don't see Valentin killing Nina's mother either. He is not a good guy, but not a baddy like Helena was so afraid of LOL

    Not interested in a Ryan/Fluke reboot, but if it gets my Genie back that is all I care about.

    Max Gail is doing an EXCELLENT job. I loved the old Mike, but don't think he could have pulled this story line off as well as Max IMO

  22. Wow. Thanks for the clip of Ryan. I think I had a similar headband, jeans and sweater as Felicia. LOL

  23. Watch the clip of Felicia and Ryan. It's great

  24. I wonder if Jon Lindstrom can still pull off creepy?

  25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxb2WBbDATQ

    HUGE 80's hair. LOL.

  26. Lady of my Heart (and Frisco's mullett)

  27. "lindie said...Wow. Thanks for the clip of Ryan."

    You're welcome! :) Oh and the month wasn't August.. It was October.

    "I think I had a similar headband, jeans and sweater as Felicia. LOL"


    "lindie said... I wonder if Jon Lindstrom can still pull off creepy?"

    We shall soon see. :)

  28. I loved the flashbacks and so glad to see Felicia. That is the beauty of having original cast members. They looked so young!

  29. I might be in the minority (LOL!) but I'm looking forward to the Ryan/Kevin story and adding Laura, Lucy, Felicia and Mac to the mix. I just loved the flashbacks and it was one of my favorite stories back in the day.

    Didn't see the Oscar thing coming at all and I'm interested how that will play out. You're right Sonya, Carly/Kim is going to lose her mind over this and put him in a bubble!

    I can't tell if Valentin knocked of Madeline or not. I kind of liked Donna Mills and if Nina ever finds out...ooohh my, that will be ugly. And would he even risk it? I guess we'll see. Did he kill Claudette, or just make her "disappear"? I honestly cant remember. HA!

  30. Did we ever know what really happened to Claudette?

  31. Claudette just disappeared as far as I can recall. I think Madeline isn't dead - Valentin probably figured out a way to get her to freedom so she would reveal Nina's kid's whereabouts.
    I like the Kevin/Ryan storyline, too! It incorporates GH history and flashbacks - win win for me.

  32. The GH writers BETTER fill the Kevin/Ryan story with Felicia, Mac, Anna, Robert and Lucy! Oh, and, of course, Laura! Even bring back Frisco LOL!

  33. "Julie H said...I might be in the minority (LOL!) but I'm looking forward to the Ryan/Kevin story and adding Laura, Lucy, Felicia and Mac to the mix. I just loved the flashbacks and it was one of my favorite stories back in the day."

    I am looking forward to it too!!! :) Yeah back then was one of the great stories!!! :)

    "Didn't see the Oscar thing coming at all"

    Me neither!!!!

    "You're right Sonya, Carly/Kim is going to lose her mind over this and put him in a bubble!"

    ROFL! He could be called bubble boy! (Seinfeld reference)

  34. sonya said...
    "Russ Crespolini said.. They eventually revealed that Kevin and Ryan's mother was an unstable blonde woman who abused Ryan. Only Ryan, never Kevin."

    Well now they are saying that Doc was abused too!!!!

    *** That could be because some lazy writers didn't research it.

    And was anyone one else thinkinging "Thank God he hadn't gone on that motorcyle yet" when Oscar had that seizure?

  35. "Di says That could be because some lazy writers didn't research it."


  36. HOLY MOLY I can't read all these comments fast enough!! So many Questions.
    YES they did address the abuse, at least yesterday Kevin talked about it.

  37. "kdmask said...HOLY MOLY I can't read all these comments fast enough!!"

    ROFL! Sorry. :)

  38. Sonya, I remember specifically she was horrifically verbally abusive to both. But Ryan was like brought into a bathtub with her at some point. She sexually abused Ryan...but I might be wrong. She did abuse Kevin once thinking he was Ryan. Kevin told their father and their father...for some reason...LEFT with Kevin and left Ryan with their mother.

    Ryan eventually killed her and that is where his obsession with blondes came from.

  39. Thanks, Russ. I'd forgotten that. That brought it back.

  40. Di there was some really good shit on Port Charles with all that. Kevin being tortured by visions of Ryan...

    But now Port Charles never happened, right? Is that they thing? Like Kelly Monaco was never his daughter ever...

  41. "Russ Crespolini said..Sonya, I remember specifically she was horrifically verbally abusive to both. But Ryan was like brought into a bathtub with her at some point. She sexually abused Ryan...but I might be wrong. She did abuse Kevin once thinking he was Ryan. Kevin told their father and their father...for some reason...LEFT with Kevin and left Ryan with their mother."

    WOW! That sounds so familiar!!!

    Oh no another surgery for Emme Rylan!! :(


  42. Russ, I never watched Port Charles so I just got confused when they started bringing that stuff into General Hospital.

  43. Di, I loved Port Charles. I still miss it. Even when it went crazy they were innovating and trying different things.
    I pretty much was obsessed with the entire ABC lineup from 1995-2005. When I graduated college I even worked for Soaps in Depth magazine for a time. Now I’m just a casual viewer.

    1. I loved PC too. Cool that you worked for SID.

  44. It was...not as cool as I thought it was going to be. Hahahaha. I wrote a couple bylined things. Did some OLTL set visits and peed next to Corbin Bersen at the Emmys and critiqued a buffet spread with Kin Shriner once.

    But man I thought PC was just great. And when they started weaving some of it back into GH I got so excited. I also really, really miss Todd Manning. His introduction to GH was so great.

    1. Haha!! Corbin. He played Carlys dad on GH... if I'm correct? Yeh PC was so great, I miss it. Todd Manning, very missed.

  45. You ARE! He played her biological father and some sort of prosecutor. I didn't talk to him because I was doing the whole guy-at-the-urinal thing. Kin and I had a lengthy exchange about which finger foods looked suspect...

    I saw Roger Howarth at this particular after party, was absolutely FORBIDDEN to speak to him by management because he was notoriously gunshy with the press at that time. I would have probably been too intimidated because I was such a huge fan.

    Beyond watching AMC with my grandmother on sick days I never knew much about soaps. And then one day I got home from school early...this was high school and saw this guy with a goatee and long hair and a scar on his face get shot in the back and shoved over a cliff in Ireland.

    I was stunned. Violence. Irish terrorists. The mystery of the men of 21! It was Roger Howarth's LAST DAY in his first stint as Todd Manning and I was hooked. He returned a year later and I was spoiler free and I was floored. That bled into me watching GH and the reintroduction of the Cassadine's and I was hooked for good. But Howarth as Todd Manning was always my favorite...although I preferred him with Tea as opposed to Blair.

    I found this place from Port Charles Online/SoapZone and have been a reader for many years. I rarely say anything though, but I love visiting and reading.


    1. Oh man I loved Soapzone! I liked Todd with Blair and Tea with Victor.

  46. Here is the thing. I can LIVE with Todd and Blair and Tea and Victor. But Howarth and Lozano just ripped the screen apart when they were together. Their scenes when OLTL did the live broadcast were incredible. And on GH when they were in the interrogation room and she was talking about the baby switch...they just elevated each other's game so much.

  47. Kevin told Franco during one of their sessions that Ryan "wasn't the only one who suffered" not sure if this refers to him impersonating Ryan to discover the abuse or if they are rewriting history again.
    The flash backs were great. I wish the writers would do this more often, especially with veteran actors. Of course Ryan escaped, but at least it hasn't been him all along. If they have him kill Laura I will lose my s___!
    The Oscar seizure thing is really strange. Maybe it will be revealed that Drew is not his father after all, or he has a brain tumor, or he has multiple personality disorder from his overbearing mommy.
    Julian needs to figure out the baby switch already. He should be smarter than to believe that a homeless woman would just give her baby away and take a dead one in return. And no reports of dead babies? A giant coincidence that Michael's baby died the same day?? are you freaking stupid man!!!!


Uncut Filler

  Marshall's party: People are freaking out. Portia is yelling at Ric. "Thank you for unleashing a monster" says Portia. Curti...