Thursday, May 5, 2016

Throwback Thursday

Anyone remember Lante Cupcakes? JMB's sis in law opened up an LA Bakery and she and Dom 'invented' some yummy goodness. I even had the pleasure of eating
 one at a fan event with Dom in Toronto!

I'm here to say, not watching GH today..just not in the mood. Sorry-- :) 


  1. Now here the super-couple, wish Julie was still here!!!
    They had chemistry......

  2. Sonya please tell me what Dr O says when she and Finn are in the patients room. I understood most but as much as I rewound and listened again I couldn't get it. Also, that Aaron kid, I don't trust him. Today was blah....

  3. I miss the version of Dante and Lulu with Julie as Lulu not the crappy version we have right now

  4. Sonny's office:

    Aaron and Badger the Badger:

    *Aaron rubs under Badger's chin"

    Badger: Oh that feels so gooooood! Wait don't stop!

    Sonny and Krissy: Awwwww such a sweet scene! See Krissy? You can tell your dad the truth!

    Sonny and Aaron: Okay Aaron gushing over Sonny wayyyyyyy too much is making me very suspicious! Is he a spy? A cop?

    Julexis's home: Come on Alexis!!! You can read people! Can't you see Julian and his big hair are evading?!!?!?! So basically,

    Alexis: Say it again!

    Julian: I love you!

    Alexis: Say it again!

    Julian: I love you!

    Alexis: Again!

    Julian: I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you!

    Alexis: Oh! That makes me so horny! Let's go upstairs!

    The bedroom: Hmmmm the look on Alexis's face! Is she not convinced that Julian didn't do it?! Was this goodbye sex?

    Caaaaaaaaarlos's jail cell:

    Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos and Arnold Schwarzenegger: Hmmmm. That bus crash, will it be Julian who hired Arnold to do it, or will it be Sonny who hired someone to do it. I wonder.

    Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos and Sonny: Oh come on Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos! Sonny is full of hot air! Don't be so scared of him! Even if he tries to shoot you, he will miss! He sucks at shooting!

    The hospital:

    Patience's room: Hmmm a hypochondriac.. Interesting. He seems like a nice guy. And of course Carly is watching!!! :)

    Carly's thought bubble: Oh Finn is such a great guy! So warm and sweet! *sigh*

    The hallway:

    Carly and Finchy: Finchy wins the lines of the day!

    Finchy: Huh? Who what? - I don't understand or follow a word that is coming out of your mouth. - Of course Carly wouldn't wait around. Why would she do that?


    Finchy and Dr. O: Made of win!!!! :)

    Records room: I'm not sure if I really like Dr. O working in the records room. Oh she denied Carly! On second thought I like Dr. O working in the records room! :)

    Hallway: Yes Carly! Run run run! Sneak into the records room! Hahahahaha!

    Records room part 2: LOVE IT! :)

    Patience room: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! The patient is dead?!!?!!?!! :0 Well this is intriguing. What the hell happened?!!?!!?

    Chandler Mansion: Preacher Griffy strikes again! :)

  5. "Michelle Latta said...Sonya please tell me what Dr O says when she and Finn are in the patients room. I understood most but as much as I rewound and listened again I couldn't get it."

    She said I was hoping you would tell me. According to Mr. Elises chart you with only moments ago, now he's dead.

  6. Thanks Sonya! She is hard to understand sometimes. Maybe he wasn't a hypochondriac Dr O, so take that! I'd like to see her prove Finn did something since he was with Carly....

  7. "Michelle Latta said...Thanks Sonya! She is hard to understand sometimes."

    You're welcome! :) Yeah it is hard to understand her sometimes, especially when she speaks German! :)

    "Maybe he wasn't a hypochondriac Dr O, so take that! I'd like to see her prove Finn did something since he was with Carly...."

    Yeah Dr. O! Take THAT! :) Finny has to see the results of the test!!

  8. It is May right? Ratings month?

  9. I guess that means that someone we have grown to care about will die. That and the Nurses' Ball, I guess, will be May.

  10. Old Lante were so adorable. Still miss Julie.

  11. "LSV422 said...Old Lante were so adorable. Still miss Julie."

    Yeah I miss Julie as Lulu too! :(

  12. Oh I love that picture! Julie is sooooo good for Lulu!! I just can't love Dante & Lulu without her... NuLulu (forgot her name!) doesn't have good chemistry with him...

    Ah well...

  13. I agree with you ladies about Julie as Lulu. I miss the version of Dante and Lulu with Julie. I have never seen the chemistry with Dom and Emme either.



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