Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Super Sonny Pose!!

Lucy walks in on Felix and Amy dishing about her. Amy says she's hogging the spotlight. 

Laura's back after a month. She and Kevin get a candy bar.  Laura tells him she thinks the clue has to do with Luke.  They go to the Campus Disco. Lucy runs into them, thinks they are dating. 

JaSam are in GH..He remembers Alan's death. HE calls Monica Mom 2x. He goes to Carly and says he remembers. She's happy.

Jake ran to Franco's. Liz goes there. They fight. She takes Jake away. 

SUPER SONNY knows JUST what Alexis is thinking!! SUPER SONNY also knows there's something burning in the fireplace!!
Alexis stands there looking sick. 
Sonny goes BALLISTIC. Smashes the house. Smashes Julian's legs with the poker. YEP. THEN,  he helps Alexis up, whispers into her ear "you made your choice...you are nothing to me". He said to expect that she's got a target on her back. 
THIS make NO SENSE. Why would Sonny care so much that Julian killed Carlos? Sonny HATED CARLOS for killing Duke!! Hated him! All of a sudden he's Super Sonny who never killed anyone in cold blood ?
Yeah, he did..an innocent man. His name was AJ. 

Today's show sucked in the Sonny/Alexis/Julian department.  Yep. 

"We had a bond, you broke that...you are a stranger to me--you are officially fair game" Don't threaten my wife Sonny: I already did

Julian tells Alexis that he's protecting Alexis.  She tells him she'll burn his shirt with Carlos' blood on it. He goes upstairs. She sits on the couch and rocks. Looks at the fire. and then She...
doesn't burn it. Puts it in the bag and saves it. Thank GOD for that small favor.


  1. GH needs to just get rid of Sonny. Yeah I said it.

  2. WOW!! Sonny has TOTALLY overstepped, smashing up Alexis house like a mad man!! God I HATE this character! I however LOVED the Monica and Jason scene, when Sam came back I told her to go away! LOL! I actually teared up with Jason's scene with Monica. LUCY! ♡♡ Cute baby at Tracy's door, Sabbys baby. :)

  3. "Fair Game"? Miscavige Institute for the Criminally Insane?

    I really have to wonder what MS thinks about all these references to her cult.

  4. Oh Karen! I love the picture! SUPERMAN SONNY! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

    The hospital:

    Jason and Sam: Awwww Jason remembers his father!!!! :(

    Jason and Monica:

    Actually, everything is fine mom.

    MOM!!!!! :'( That made me cry! The whole scene made me cry too! :( So he DOES remember the Q's!! Wait does he actually remember the Q's before he was Jason Morgan?!

    Doc and Laura:

    *Doc abuses the candy machine*

    Doc: COME ON!!!!!! Serenity now!

    Candy Machine: Hey! I thought you loved me! :(

    Oh great Doc! Now you made the candy machine cry!!!! Great scene between Doc and Laura! Heartbreak hotel could be the disco!?!?!! Are they going to really show it?!!?!?!!? Oh they showed it in the previews! YAY!

    Lucy: Hi Doc.

    Awwwww. :( She still loves her Doc. :(

    Felix and Amy: Hahahaha. Well she isn't wrong! :)

    Carson home:

    Carly and Jason:

    Carly: Jason is that you!!?!

    Oh I got chills after she asked that!! Great scene!!!!!!

    Shrunken head Michael and Jason: Another great scene!!!! And Carly hugging Sam from behind?! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! :0

    BobTodd's home: Huh?! How the heck did Jake get to BobTodd's house?! Is his place close to the hospital?! And how did Jake know where BobTodd lives?!!?! Geez Liz!!!! Will you let BobTodd help Jake and stop giving him a hard time?!!?

    BobTodd: You are too much of a wuss to stand up to your baby daddy, and think for yourself.

    YEAH! YOU TELL HER BOBTODD! :) And BobTodd wins the lines of the day.

    BobTodd It takes a weirdo to know a weirdo. Your kid is a little bit of a weirdo. It's not like he had a leave it to beaver lifestyle. With the revolving door father figures.

    *Liz slaps BobTodd*

    BobTodd: That came out wrong.

    ROFL! Well, he was just trying to make a point!!!! Come on Liz!!!! Let him work with Jake!!!

    Q home: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Why did Sabrina leave the baby at the Q doorstep? Is she on the run? Does she want Michael to take care of him?! But why?!!?! Does she know that Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos is dead? Why didn't she leave a note?!!?!

    Baby Caaaaaaaaaaaaarbrina: Uh I think I need to be changed.

    Tracy: For the time being he is mine. And I'm calling him Edward.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) Oh hi Michael! Yes this is the Caaaaaaaaaaaaarbina baby!!!!! :)

    Julexis's home:

    *Sonny grabs the fireplace poker*

    WOW WOW WOW!!!! Great scene!!!!! Yeah Sonny! Take Julian down!! WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT! I'm not sure why Sonny is upset with Julian for killing Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos, but hey go ahead Sonny hit him again with that poker. :)

    Alexis: PLEASE NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No no Alexis!!! He should keep going!!! Don't defend Julian! Not after what he did!!! I want my Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos revenge!!! ROFL!

    Sonny: Whatever friendship we had is gone. You killed it. You're nothing to me anymore. You don't have to worry about it because I have nothing to do with her anymore. Unless she crosses me. We had a bond. You broke that bond. You're a stranger to me. You are officially fair game.

    WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Don't say that!!! Oh my heart was breaking when he said that! No more Sexis?!!?!! :'( No Sonny don't!!!!:( Turn on Julian but not Alexis!!!!! :'(

    Alexis: I'll do it! I'll burn it.

    I was thinking is she really going to burn it or keep it?

    *Alexis near the fireplace*

    No Alexis don't burn the bloody shirt!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    *Alexis hides the bloody shirt*

    Whew. :)

  5. Sonny and Carly both need to go. Don't care where, they just need to go. If Jason goes back to being St Jason he and Sam can go with them.

  6. Michelle Latta said...
    WOW!! Sonny has TOTALLY overstepped, smashing up Alexis house like a mad man!! God I HATE this character!


  7. I'll tell you what was AWESOME - Franco pointing out what a bed-hopper Elizabeth is! I'm so glad that I came back to GH!

  8. Sigh. Where is the love in the afternoon? When Carlos was arrested and Alexis was beginning to see Julian's true colors, I was REALLY thinking (and hoping) they were going to go a Nora/Marty Seybrook/Todd Manning trial direction. (Karen and OLTL viewers will know what I mean.) How gripping would it have been for Alexis to essentially throw the case against Carlos so he'd go free and Julian would be implicated? That would break up Julexis just fine and maintain Alexis's integrity 100%.

    It's really too bad these writers rely so much on ultra-violence instead of gripping emotional drama, especially considering the caliber of actors/actresses on GH. TOP QUALITY! Let them ACT, not beat up/shoot at each other.

  9. Michelle Latta said...
    when Sam came back I told her to go away!

    Me too! She said I'll give you a minute and less than a minute later she came back to interrupt them and lead Jason off to the IMPORTANT people in his life...Carly and Sonny. *barf*

    Sonya said...MOM!!!!! :'( That made me cry! The whole scene made me cry too!

    Me too! *sniff*

    I loved the Kevin and Laura scene too. Why can't we have more of them and less of Carly and Sonny who we see several times a day.

    Maybe Sabby left the baby with Michael because it's really his. hehe And isn't he adorable? Such a happy bubbly baby.

    And I wonder what's going to happen when Jason remembers Franco? You really think he'll want him near his son, Sonya?

    I also want to see him remember Liz and what Sam did to her and Jake. Fair is fair!

    And Sonny at Alexis' place was beyond terrible. He keeps talking about how bad Julian is. Can he remember shooting his own son in cold blood? Oh, I forgot, that didn't count because he didn't know it was his son and he was sorry. It would have been fine if he'd shot some random policeman. That whole scene made me hate Sonny even more. WHY are they emphasizing this violence and throwing it in our face every day! ( And NO, writers, hating the character doesn't mean we think the actor is doing a great job! It means we're sick of the violence and the santifying of a vicious mobster!!!)

    sonya said...No Alexis don't burn the bloody shirt!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    I was also yelling at the tv. Thank God she didn't cross that line. She needs to throw Julian out and get her life back.

    1. I agree with everything you said. He needs to go and see Liz, she is the mother of his other son and darn it she deserves to know. If he remembers Alan dying, etc then he darn well better remember what Sam did to Liz kid. Sabbys baby is so cute, maybe she left it at the Qs cause she knew he'd be safe, between the help and having dated Michael. I would love if Michael were the daddy though. :) I wonder what Alexis is going to do with that shirt and hey Sonny when you're in trouble again and Diane your lawyer isn't available don't be calling on Alexis to help you!

  10. Wow, ITA with everyone who spoke against Sonny. When he walk in 'Their' house, I was hollowing "Get out of "MY" house'. Both Alexis and Julian made me so angry. Where was the Big Mob Boss to defend his Wife and Home. They had every right to find that Gun and SHOT Sonny at that moment. I HATE SONNY and CARLY.

  11. "SaveOurSuds said...#masculinitysofragile"


    "Rae said...I'll tell you what was AWESOME - Franco pointing out what a bed-hopper Elizabeth is! I'm so glad that I came back to GH!"

    Oh yeah!!!! That was really awesome!!! So she slaps him, gee she can stick up for herself with BobTodd, but not with Bully Jason?!!?!! BAH!

    "Di says Me too! *sniff*"

    :( Will he remember when he was a teenager?

    "Why can't we have more of them and less of Carly and Sonny who we see several times a day."

    I don't mind seeing Carly and Sonny, just as long as there is balance!!!!

    "Maybe Sabby left the baby with Michael because it's really his. hehe"

    Hahahaha maybe. :)Well the poor baby lost his daddy. :( So maybe Michael can be this baby's daddy! WHAT IS CAAAAAAAAAAAAARBINA'S BABY'S NAME?!!?!

    "And isn't he adorable? Such a happy bubbly baby."

    Hehehe yeah!!!! So much hair! Such a happy baby! :)

    "Thank God she didn't cross that line. She needs to throw Julian out and get her life back."

    Yeah I am so glad she didn't cross that line too!! Julexis's marriage has imploded. :( So yeah she should divorce him and get on with her life.


    Eduardo! lol

  13. Yep - Sonny is an ASS! I don't like Paul or Julian either, but why does Sonny think he has the right to interrogate them, let alone smash up Alexis and Julian's house? I hope Alexis turns on Julian - that was a lame hiding place to put the bloody shirt.

    Right, so the building where the campus disco hasn't been rented since the early 80s? HA! I was thrilled to see Laura, and will be fun to see her and Kevin tomorrow. (Then we probably won't see her again until October. If I had just read what Karen wrote, I would have thought Lucy ran into them at the disco, and not the hospital ;-)

    Franco is SUCH a jerk, calling out Liz on her parenting IN FRONT OF JAKE.

  14. "Di said...Eduardo! lol"

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Really GOOD one! :) Yeah that's true for now.. :) We can call him Eduaaaaaaaaaaaaaardo until we find out from Sabrina what his name is. :) It would be hysterical, if that is what she named her son!!!! :)

  15. OMG!,,,, Tracy is wearing white before Memorial Day 💩🍉🇺🇸

  16. I cannot stand this mob stuff anymore. It has to go. I want all the mobsters gone too. I hated the mob in the 70s and onwards. It is not entertaining. They are not nice people. I don't want to know about their imaginary lives.

  17. Sure hope the writers explain why Sabrina would just abandon her child in that fashion...just awful!

    1. Maybe after she(?) rang the bell she ran and hid and stayed long enough to make sure he was taken in? My guess...

  18. So Sonny shows his true colors again, eh? I don't care what a good actor or nice guy that Maurice is...SONNY IS PURE EVIL. Some of us still remember his illegal exploitation of a young Karen Wexler. Sonny is a low-down piece of garbage and a poor excuse for a father, husband, and human being. Please, writers KILL HIM OFF PERMANENTLY! I would SO tune back in to watch him die Game of Thrones style and would love every minute of it.

    And yes, more Laura, Kevin, and Lucy PLEASE. Give them something decent to act with, writers! PLEASE


  19. "Michelle Latta said...hey Sonny when you're in trouble again and Diane your lawyer isn't available don't be calling on Alexis to help you!"

    Nah he won't. Alexis is basically dead to him. :(

  20. what was the point of jason loosing his memories. its right back to the same old crap. it would make more sense if he remembers jason quartermaine.

  21. Di and sonya, I thought too that it would be funny if the baby really was named Eduardo. Then that might be a sign he was really Michael's. I read it was the actors' idea to make the baby Carlos's, which was a mistake on Teresa Castillo's part. You want to tie your character to a legacy family, not a mobster with no other ties to the show.

  22. "Panda said.. Di and sonya, I thought too that it would be funny if the baby really was named Eduardo. Then that might be a sign he was really Michael's."

    Now we just have to wait until Sabrina shows up and tells us what the baby's name is and if he is Michael's.

    "I read it was the actors' idea to make the baby Carlos's,"

    Really?!!?!?!!? Interesting. She probably didn't think he was going to get killed off.

    "which was a mistake on Teresa Castillo's part. You want to tie your character to a legacy family, not a mobster with no other ties to the show."

    Well, the only mistake in my opinion is killing off Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos! They should have toned him down and changed him after he had a baby.

  23. I read it was the actors' idea to make the baby Carlos's, which was a mistake on Teresa Castillo's part. You want to tie your character to a legacy family, not a mobster with no other ties to the show.

    Apparently Teresa Castillo and JVP played it like Carbrina had sex, and told Frank Valentini this. Even if it was her idea Frank Valentini and Jelly should have told her no, because her character doesn't have any strong connections to canvas.

  24. Remember when Sabrina was Avery's nanny and lived in the Q mansion? She and Tracy were quite close and confidantes. I'm not surprised she'd leave the baby with Tracy.

  25. Sonny is a mobster! Sonny would care that Julian killed Carlos because Julian was behind everything. Julian never really left the game. He has lied repeatedly and he IS cold. Sadly , the writers continue to make women do pathetic , humiliating things to keep their man. They did it with Liz and now they are doing it with Alexis. I have never liked Alexis since she bolted from her wedding to Ned. I think that for a lawyer and a single Mom, they have portrayed her as a flake and an idiot. Molly is smarter than her. She can do so much better than Julian! I have tuned out for 3 wks , to come back in and see terrible story.

  26. I would SO tune back in to watch him die Game of Thrones style and would love every minute of it.

    I don't watch GOT but have heard about some of the gory deaths. I say Sonny/Carly/Sam/Jason needs to meet Dany's dragons


Uncut Filler

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